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大学生作为高校智慧教室的使用主体,其对智慧教室的应用体验和使用意向是智慧教室建设不断改进的主要依据。基于技术接受模型(TAM),文章在智慧教室感知易用性、感知有用性和使用意向三个内部变量的基础上,通过引入组织氛围、交互行为和自我效能感三个外部变量,构建了大学生智慧教室使用意向模型。通过问卷对S大学智慧教室中的学生进行调查,在检验信、效度的基础上,利用Amos进行假设验证。研究结果表明:内部变量感知易用性和感知有用性均对使用意向有显著正向影响,感知有用性受到感知易用性的正向影响;外部变量组织氛围对感知有用性有正向显著影响,交互行为对感知易用性有正向显著影响,自我效能感对感知易用性和感知有用性均有正向显著影响;而三个外部变量均未对使用意向产生显著直接影响。  相似文献   

沈威华 《现代英语》2022,(3):119-122
文章对商丘学院英语专业本科生的班级环境与自我效能感关系进行了问卷调查.研究发现:不同社会背景的学生所感知到的班级环境和英语自我效能感在性别、年级、生源地和家庭收入上均存在着明显差异,学生感知到的班级环境对英语自我效能感有一定影响,其中,班级环境中的任务取向、学习与自我效能感中的行为能力判断呈显著负相关;班级环境中的平等...  相似文献   

探究高中生课堂环境感知与学业自我效能感的关系,有助于高中教师通过改善课堂环境增强学生学业自我效能感,从而实现减负增效的目标。对海南H中学和青海S中学465名高中生进行调查,结果发现当前高中课堂在探究方面存在不足,高中生课堂环境感知及其各维度与学业自我效能感各维度呈现显著正相关关系,其中,学生凝聚力、探究、任务取向能够显著影响学习能力自我效能感,探究和任务取向能显著影响学习行为自我效能感。由此可见,探究和任务取向是影响高中生学业自我效能感的重要因素。这提示学校应当大力推进学习共同体课堂变革,增强高中学生学业自我效能感;聚焦任务导向,强化合作探究式学习。  相似文献   

文章在信息系统的期望确认模型基础上加入感知易用性及学习自我效能感两个变量,构建了SPOC混合教学模式下学生持续学习意愿影响因素模型,并通过结构方程对模型进行了检验,研究结果表明:满意度和学习自我效能感显著影响了持续学习意愿,感知易用性和感知有用性对持续学习意愿产生了显著影响;期望确认显著影响了满意度,感知有用性对于满意度的影响并不显著;学生的感知易用性和学习后的期望确认程度显著影响了其对于感知有用性的判知;感知易用性、期望确认和学习自我效能感三者之间两两相关。在对研究结果进行分析的基础上,作者从提升期望确认程度、学习自我效能感和感知易用性三个方面提出了提高学生持续学习意愿的建议。  相似文献   

交际恐惧、自我效能感和英语专业学生口语实践的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对120名商务英语专业学生在“亚”英语交际环境下的交际恐惧、自我效能感对学生口语能力的影响的研究,结果表明:外语焦虑中的交际恐惧与口语成就呈显著负相关,与自我效能感呈显著负相关,自我效能感与外语口语成就呈显著正相关;在越真实的交际环境中,学生的外语焦虑越低,自我效能感增强。  相似文献   

为了解城乡接合部小学生感知教师支持、学业自我效能感与学习投入的基本情况及其关系,对593名城乡接合部小学生进行问卷调查。结果显示:城乡接合部小学生感知教师支持、学业自我效能感与学习投入均处于中等偏上水平;城乡接合部小学中来自城市的学生与来自农村/外来务工的学生感知到的教师支持及其学业自我效能感不存在显著差异,但在学习投入上存在显著差异,尤其是在学习投入的奉献因子上存在显著差异;学生感知到的教师支持对其学业自我效能感与学习投入均具有显著的正向预测作用;学业自我效能感在感知教师支持影响学习投入的过程中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

为了将沉浸式虚拟现实技术应用于学校科学课教学,并探究其对小学生自我效能和集体效能的影响效果,文章开展了准实验研究,采用问卷调查法和访谈法对学习者的自我效能和集体效能进行测量。文章的研究对象为安徽省合肥市某小学的184名四年级学生,实验组开展沉浸式虚拟教学,控制组采用传统教学。研究结果表明,两组学生的自我效能和集体效能均存在显著性差异;与传统教学环境相比,沉浸式虚拟环境能够显著增强学生的自我效能和集体效能。文章所进行的实证研究,可为沉浸式技术应用于学校科学课的实践教学提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究智慧教室环境下大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略之间的关系,文章以华中地区H大学在智慧教室环境下学习的本科生为研究对象,通过"智慧教室环境偏好量表"和"大学生学习策略量表",调查了大学生在智慧教室环境下的学习环境主要偏好、学习策略整体水平以及两者之间的关系,结果发现:大学生对智慧教室环境持积极认可的态度,智慧教室环境下大学生的学习策略处于中等水平,大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略显著正相关。此结论表明,改善大学生对智慧教室环境的偏好对于提高其学习策略水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章通过对初三学生自我效能感与数学学业成绩之间的关系进行研究,得出了如下研究结果:1.初中生数学学习自我效能感在性别上差异不显著;2.初中生数学学习自我效能感与数学学业成绩之间显著正相关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高职学生自我接纳与一般自我效能感的关系。方法:采用自我接纳量表(SAQ)和一般自我效能感量表(GSES)对甘肃省某高职学院61名学生进行施策,并用SPSS16.0软件包统计处理与分析。结果:高职学生自我接纳与一般自我效能感显著相关。结论:高职生自我接纳评分对其一般自我效能感具有显著地正向预测作用。  相似文献   

The constructivist smart classroom learning environment is quickly emerging as an alternative classroom model that integrates active learning with advanced technology to improve learners’ socialization and achievement. This research examines pre-service teachers’ (n?=?462) preferences toward this learning environment, as well as the predictive association between connectedness and other critical learning environment features. All pre-service teachers had at least one semester of actual experience as participants learning in this environment. The data was collected through a questionnaire, and a series of linear regressions were conducted to examine the hypothesized relationships. Connectedness was positive and significantly associated with all smart classroom features examined: inquiry learning, student negotiation, reflective thinking, functional design, multiple sources, usefulness, and ease of use. Pre-service teachers who preferred constructivist smart classroom learning environments tended to be those in their first year of post-secondary education, as well as those with higher levels of technology self-efficacy. Gender was not observed to significantly influence preferences. The findings show connectedness to be a central and critical feature that can be used to cultivate more appropriate environments from the participants’ perspective.  相似文献   


Behavior management in the classroom is well known for being a challenge and a source of stress for preservice and experienced teachers alike. This means it may not only impact teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, but teachers’ efficacy perceived by their students too, engendering effects on the social learning environment and vice-versa. This article aims at taking a step towards a better understanding of which aspects of the social learning environment preservice teachers and their students take into account when positioning themselves on behavior management efficacy. It then goes onto exploring how students’ perception of teacher efficacy in behavior management varies across classes and how it interacts with the social learning environment through a two-level model analysis. Results showed that the social learning environment’s dimensions are associated with the perception of teacher efficacy by students. On one hand, students perceive that efficacy in behavior management is linked to the social learning environment and therefore expect that an efficient teacher in this area will be able to create a healthy relationship with appropriate rules and class organization. On the other, when it comes to preservice teachers, findings seem to show the importance of the training program and how it supports self-efficacy beliefs throughout first teaching experiences as results go in the direction of confirming that these beliefs stabilize fairly early on, because unlike the students, the preservice teachers seem to take other aspects than the learning environment into account while evaluating their self-efficacy regarding behavior management. Finally, this research adds yet another element to the observation that effective behavior management within the classroom requires a positive relationship between teachers and their students. In addition, the way rules and organization are taken into account by students demonstrates the need for a proactive approach in which teachers’ expectations are clear.


In this article, we focus on connections between and among teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, classroom management practices, and the cradle to prison pipeline. Drawing from Bandura’s (1986) theorization of self-efficacy, we discuss how teachers’ beliefs shape their classroom management practices and how these beliefs and practices can be essential sites to understanding and decreasing disparate outcomes in disciplinary referral patterns among practicing teachers. We emphasize the importance of building teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and sense of efficacy to inform their classroom management practices/decisions. In particular, we focus on three sites of learning that, we argue, are essential to building teachers’ sense of efficacy in the classroom: learning about and building powerful and sustainable relationships with students; learning about and developing an understanding of outside of school contexts that students experience; and recognizing and appropriately responding to traumatic experiences of students.  相似文献   

In this study, the following questions were addressed in an undergraduate non-major biology course using a large lecture format: Is there a relationship between students?? perceptions of their learning environment and course performance, and what roles do motivation and attitudes play in mediating that relationship? The purpose of this study was to test a path model describing the mediating effects of motivation and attitudes on learning environments and course performance. The study considered contemporary understanding of teaching and learning, as well as motivation and attitudes, in suggesting a direction for future reform efforts and to guide post-secondary science education instructors and leaders in the design of learning environments for undergraduate non-major biology courses. Among the classroom learning environment variables assessed in this study, personal relevance was the major contributor to predicting attitudes, motivation and course performance. Although the classroom learning environment had a very weak direct effect on course performance, there was a moderate total effect on self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation. The classroom learning environment also had a moderate total effect on attitudes toward biology. Attitudes toward biology had a moderate direct effect on self-efficacy. While attitudes toward biology was significantly correlated with course performance, the direct effect was extremely weak and was dropped from the model. However, attitudes toward biology had a moderate indirect effect on course performance due to the mediating effects of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a strong direct effect on course performance and therefore seemed to be particularly important. The model tested in this study explained 33?% of the variance in course performance, 56?% of the variance in self-efficacy, 24?% of the variance in attitudes toward biology, and 18?% of the variance in intrinsic goal orientation. To improve course performance, instructors should focus on building self-efficacy among their students and ensure that students find the course personally relevant.  相似文献   

纸笔数字书写是指对手持工具进行自然书写产生的轨迹或图形等视觉符号进行数字化处理的过程,具有保留传统纸笔书写行为、采集完整书写数据、实现远程共享书写空间等优势。纸笔数字书写技术是对传统纸笔书写的信息技术赋能,它与传统课堂教学的融合能为当前信息化教学“屏幕过度依赖”带来的健康和教学问题提供新的解决方案,因而也可能成为一种新型的智慧课堂教学形态。为了证实纸笔数字书写技术的教学应用潜力,以“腾讯企鹅智笔课堂”为例开展的实证调查表明:学生使用点阵笔的整体满意度较高,女生满意度水平普遍高于男生;技术自我效能感、互动学习活动、技术使用态度和感知有用性是影响学生使用点阵笔满意度的主要因素,其中技术自我效能感和互动学习活动的影响程度最大;技术接受模型中的感知易用性对学生使用点阵笔的满意度影响并不显著,因此还需要在教学实践中不断摸索以纸笔数字书写技术为支持的最佳教学策略。  相似文献   

朱雁 《全球教育展望》2021,50(1):104-116
教学的有效性是教育研究的一个核心议题,而相关的课堂教学研究大多基于间接性的课堂数据,使得教师效应长期处于“黑箱”状态.本研究利用OECD发布的全球教学洞察(GTI)视频研究对教师和学生的课堂行为进行的教学视频观测而生成的实证数据,聚焦中国上海的初中数学课堂,探析特定的教师课堂教学实践对其学生的学习兴趣、自我效能和成绩的...  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的发展,如何提升学生的学习投入度成为了当前研究者重点关注的话题。文章运用视频分析法,对智慧教室中不同学科课程视频的学生课堂学习投入度进行编码分析,探究在不同教学环节、技术功能、教学组织形式等教学活动类型相关要素的影响下学生主动学习投入、被动学习投入、互动学习投入和非投入行为的分布特点,发现:在文章所涉课堂案例中,智慧教室中学生的课堂学习投入度情况良好,技术的使用能够促进学生的主动学习投入。基于此,文章针对智慧教室中如何更好地提升学生的学习投入度这一问题提出了相关建议,以期为课堂教学实践及相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated major course changes in 11 sections of a stand-alone educational technology course redesigned around 21st century skill sets as opposed to technical skill development. Conducted in the fall of 2007 and spring 2008 with a random sample of 100 pre-service teachers, independent and paired sample t tests and correlational analyses were used to examine differences in students’ computer attitude, self-efficacy, and computer skills before and after instruction. Results of the study suggest that, even in a more rigorous course, pre-service teachers became less anxious about computers, their belief in the value of using technology to enhance teaching and learning as well as their self-efficacy toward integrating technology in the classroom significantly improved, and they became more advanced in their technical skills and knowledge of how to apply these skills in the classroom.  相似文献   

王蕊 《数字教育》2021,(1):56-59
信息技术的日新月异、大数据智能时代的到来、智慧课堂的运用,极大地改变着学生的学习环境,为语文阅读教学的高效开展提供了契机.本文从学生课内外阅读现状出发,探究在智慧学习环境下高中语文群文阅读的方法路径,试图从阅读内容、阅读渠道、阅读评价三方面突破课内外阅读之间的屏障,拓展学生阅读视野,培养学生群文阅读的比较、辨识、分析能...  相似文献   

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