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本文通过大量的实证数据,分析了公众对于生物技术应用的风险认知特点,探讨了公众对该技术的支持模式和支持条件,并尝试提出了科学技术风险管理的四种模式。研究指出,"效用知觉"、"道德接受"与"对法规的信任"是预测公众支持生物技术应用的重要变量,而"风险认知"对接纳生物技术应用的影响取决于公众对效用和法规信任的评价。  相似文献   

为了掌握当代大学生的道德状况,以西安工业大学本科生为调查对象,对道德态度、道德行为、道德状况的影响因素、诚信、道德评价等方面进行了问卷调查,结果显示,西安工业大学大学生的道德态度和诚信在总体上良好,但是存在着道德态度和道德行为背离的现象。我们需要加强大学生思想道德教育和引导,同时,积极从文化等外部渠道来影响和提升大学生的思想道德。  相似文献   

生物技术的案例对于了解英国的公众理解科学运动具有重要的意义。相关调查和分析表明,在英国,公众所掌握的生物技术知识与其对生物技术所持的态度之间没有简单的关联。公众知识与态度之间的复杂关系,与政府和科学共同体所提供的信息的可靠性有关。疯牛病事件,突出反映了公众与政府和科学共同体之间的相互不信任感。而要实现信任,就需要在社会语境的框架下分析公众的观点,并加强公众与科学共同体之间的对话。  相似文献   

生物技术是应用生物学知识,开发利用生物潜能,获得新产品和新服务的技术。目前,随着人类文明的进程及各项科学技术的发展,生物技术虽然在医学、制药、食品和农牧业开拓了一个美好的前景,但同时带来的有关人类安全性及一系列社会问题(如道德、法律及伦理等)也是不容忽视的,如何保证它走向正轨并服务于人类才是公众及政府应该关注的重点。要确保生物技术为人类造福而不是损害人类。  相似文献   

通过对946名居民的调查,研究社会公众对技术伦理风险情感态度的状况及影响因素。数据分析结论表明,公众对技术伦理风险总体态度较积极,在对技术伦理风险的控制方面公众持有较主动的态度。克隆技术和转基因技术的伦理风险已成为公众态度最为消极的技术伦理风险。通过分析克隆技术与转基因技术伦理风险的影响因素,发现在克隆技术伦理风险方面,性别、职业和收入因素影响最大,在转基因技术伦理风险方面,收入、学历和职业因素影响最大。在对公众情感状况和影响因素分析的基础上,我们提出,深入开展科技伦理普及教育,建立健全科技伦理风险问责机制,建立健全相关行业法律法规及行业规范,促进相关政府职能转移的对策。  相似文献   

印度公众对转基因作物政策制定的影响和参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众对转基因作物的意识对国家生物技术政策具有重要影响。从转基因作物在印度的种植情况、印度公众对转基因作物的态度、印度政府采取的措施等方面,对印度公众对转基因作物的理解,相关政策制定的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

彭艺  于传骏 《科协论坛》2005,20(9):29-31
公众科学素质不仅影响国家的综合竞争力,而且影响国民对科学技术的态度和对科学技术事业发展的支持程度.以及科学世界观和价值观的形成。它引起了世界各国尤其是发达国家和学术界人士的关注.他们不仅提出各种促进本国公众科学素质提高的行动计划和措施,而且还定期进行测量和调查,以便及时了解公众科学素质水平的变化规律和影响因素.有针对性地制定切实可行的政策和措施。  相似文献   

本文利用3489份国内网民的有效调查问卷,构建Binary Logistic模型对数据进行分析,结果发现:我国公众应对气候变化行动意愿主要受到性别和年龄、对气候变化的关注程度、对气候变化引起粮食危机、环境污染以及影响人类健康的相信程度、对国际应对气候变化行动和《京都议定书》的了解程度以及对国内应对气候变化行动努力程度的态度因素的影响。最后给出了促进公众行动意愿的政策建议。  相似文献   

博士毕业生对学术不端行为的态度及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究根据社会调查数据,集中分析了博士毕业生对学术不端行为的态度及其影响因素,结果发现有相当一部分博士生对学术不端行为持宽容态度。影响博士生态度的因素有:个人的学术能力和对学术的兴趣与其对学术不端行为的宽容程度有负相关,而有过科研经历的人却更可能宽容学术不端行为。如果博士生周围师友的学术不端行为越频繁,则其对学术不端行为的宽容态度越强,而上过学校组织的科研道德课程者更不可能宽容不端行为。在此基础上,研究提出了严厉惩治学术不端行为、完善学术筛选和人员流动机制、改革现行科研管理评价体制和设立科研道德专门课程等建议。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和生物技术的进步,对造纸工业的发展产生了很大的影响,一些生物技术的应用,使造纸工业实现了能源的节省,同时也减少了对环境的污染,体现出了生物技术在造纸工业中的巨大发展潜力。生物酶技术是目前应用在造纸工业中的重要技术,对造纸工业的制浆以及纸浆的漂白和废水处理等方面都发挥了重要的作用,因此,本文针对生物酶技术在造纸工业中的应用,进行了一定的探讨和分析。  相似文献   

陈岚 《现代情报》2011,31(6):59-61
结合我国电子政务公共服务目标和内容,提出了基于公众视角的地方政府电子政务公共服务评价指标体系,并以此形成调查问卷进行数据搜集,同时将AHP法与模糊综合评价法相结合对地方政府电子政务公共服务水平进行实证分析。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of metaphors in creating public representations of biotechnology in the United Kingdom's leading quality press. Metaphors referring to biotechnology and its applications have been analyzed in press articles covering the period 1973-1996. The paper describes how metaphors can be used to popularize complex technical information while at the same time providing a highly charged message about the technology itself. The analysis draws conclusions about the content and general direction of the debate on biotechnology during the past three decades.  相似文献   

Whether biotechnology is one or several developments is not clear. Once distinctions are required, the question is: Which one prevails? When the good, the bad, and the ugly settle, where do they fall? Evaluation implies distinction, and representation drives attitude. The controversies over biotechnology are fertile ground on which to study these issues. The imports of genetically modified (GM) soya into Europe in 1996-97 and the cloning of Dolly the sheep from adult cells in 1997 changed the symbolic environment for genetic engineering. The ensuing public controversies came to focus mainly on field trials of GM crops and food labeling. This paper will explore the relationship between quality press coverage and public perception, in particular the cultivation of the contrast between "desirable" biomedical (RED) and "undesirable" agri-food (GREEN) biotechnology in Britain. The argument draws on a systematic analysis of the British press coverage of biotechnology from 1973 to 1999 and analysis of public perceptions in 1996 and 1999. The paper concludes that the debate over GM crops and food ingredients fostered the RED-GREEN contrast among the newspaper-reading public, thereby shielding RED biotechnology from public controversy, and ushered in a realignment of the regulatory framework in 2000.  相似文献   

This study explores the initial public offering (IPO) and financing of biotechnology start-ups in Japan. Using a unique data set, we find that biotechnology start-ups initially backed by venture capital (VC) firms and those originating from universities are more likely to go public within a shorter period. Moreover, we find that neither staged financing nor syndication by VC firms is associated with higher IPO value relative to investment. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the timing of IPOs does not depend on equity market conditions in the biotechnology industry, whereas IPO value tends to depend on equity market conditions. We discuss the factors that explain these findings, which contradict findings in previous studies of VC investments.  相似文献   

追寻知识产权公共政策的理性精神,借鉴主要发达国家知识产权政策演变中的理性设计,剖析我国生物技术知识产权共享的理性诉求,探讨我国生物技术知识产权的公共政策选择,将对提高生物技术研发投入效率和知识产权运营管理水平带来新的启发。  相似文献   

In Switzerland, there have been intensive public debates about biotechnology because of the specific Swiss political system of direct democracy that led, in 1992 and 1998, to two national referenda on biotechnology regulation. As a result, the Swiss population is well informed but skeptical about this technology. These findings contrast with the deficit model of public understanding of science, which predicts a positive correlation between knowledge of, and support for, a specific technology. What role did the media play in the development of public opinion? This question is discussed because of a content analysis (time series) of national newspapers. In addition, representative surveys and focus groups yield insights into the public perception of biotechnology and the influence of mass communication for opinion formation.  相似文献   

A long stream of academic literature has established that public funding towards research and development matters for economic growth because it relates to increases in innovation, productivity and the like. The impact of public funding on the creation of new firms has received less attention in this literature despite theoretical constructs that support such association. In the present paper we study whether indeed there is a relationship between public research funds and local firm births in the context of the U.S. biotechnology industry. In doing so, we introduce a number of changes that strengthen the robustness of our findings when compared with existing literature. These changes include a direct measure of research expenditures and a considerably lengthier longitudinal dataset which allows us to capture a structural relationship and not a chance event. We empirically demonstrate that increases in the level of research funding from the National Institutes of Health towards biotechnology associate with increases in the number of biotechnology firm births at the Metropolitan Statistical Area level. Further, we reveal that public funds towards established firms associate with local firm births considerably more strongly when compared with funds towards universities and research institutes/hospitals. We conclude the paper with academic and policy implications of the present work that highlight the complexity of factors that underlie the creation of local firms in high technology industries.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of public perception of modern biotechnology in the Netherlands. Contrary to expectations, data from the 1999 Eurobarometer on biotechnology indicate that the position of the Dutch public in general is rather ambiguous, which is in contrast to many of its neighboring countries. The issue is described in terms of differences between the Netherlands and other European countries on political-economic, social-cultural, or media coverage indicators. On many indicators, the Dutch population differs from that of other European countries, and the Dutch opinion-leading media present a rather balanced perspective on modern biotechnology.  相似文献   

Arguments regarding the relationship between media discourse and public opinion have raged for decades, if not centuries. COmparing media coverage of biotechnology between 1992 and 2001 in two national newspapers with national survey data collected in early 2003, an argument is made that a general one-dimensional media effect is not occurring within the US public regarding media discourse. Given the multivalent characteristics of the media and the interpretive filters used by audiences - including ignoring information - even strong slants by the presumed opinion-leading press (the New York Times and the Washington Post) do not predict public opinion on a nascent issue such as biotechnology. While some observations show these mirrors to be ephemeral.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research in advanced countries on public perceptions of and attitudes to modern biotechnology, limited effort has been geared towards developing a structural model of public attitudes to modern biotechnology. The purpose of this paper is to identify the relevant factors influencing public attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) soybean, and to analyze the relationship between all the attitudinal factors. A survey was carried out on 1,017 respondents from various stakeholder groups in the Klang Valley region. Results of the survey have confirmed that attitudes towards complex issues such as biotechnology should be seen as a multifaceted process. The most important factors predicting support for GM soybean are the specific application-linked perceptions about the benefits, acceptance of risk and moral concern while risk and familiarity are significant predictors of benefit and risk acceptance. Attitudes towards GM soybean are also predicted by several general classes of attitude.  相似文献   

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