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The enormous increase in the number of students at Dutch universities in the sixties and seventies made it impossible for professors to deal with the many different questions students confronted them with. New professionals, student counsellors/psychologists and student advisers entered the universities. Three levels of counselling can be distinguished:
1)  counselling by professors (for problems linked with the course of study);
2)  counselling by student advisers in the faculty or department (for problems concerning study planning);
3)  counselling by student counsellors/psychologists (for other — e.g., personal problems).

Israeli students are relatively older than most Western students and usually more mature. Nevertheless, not a few of them are troubled with problems like home-separation, occupational guidance, acculturation, loneliness, self-image, marital conflicts, transition from university, etc. Therefore, by using individual and group counselling, as well as crisis interventions and various workshops, Student Counselling Centers have a major role in advancing students' wellness.  相似文献   

This article presents general information about the history, relevant laws and legislation, present status and anticipated future development in Turkish Universities, as well as the student counselling services within these institutions. Special emphasis is placed upon the perceived understanding of counselling as commonly accepted by the society, students and counsellors. While discussing the present status of Turkish University Counselling Centers, the proposed models, research findings and problems of the centers are documented. As a more specific example, the Middle East Technical University Counselling Center is described with a discussion of some of the drawbacks and recommended changes for the advancement of the center. Finally, suggestions for a culturally relevant model in terms of the nature, components and organisational structure of the system are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates past trends in cost management in university education as a way of finding solutions to the continued financial constraints facing Nigerian universities. Taking the University of Benin as a case study, this article shows that between the 1988‐1989 and the 1992‐1993 academic years, this university was grossly underfunded, despite increasing recurrent expenditure, consistent rapid growth in student enrollments, and inadequate academic staff. As of the 1992‐1993 academic year, the federal government was providing 94.5 percent of the total financial revenue of the university. The balance of 5.5 percent was raised from internal sources by the university. Since one fundamental problem of educational cost management in this university appears to be the inadequacy of funding, the study advocates the adoption of cost-recovery policies by introducing user fees and student loan schemes to soften the impact of these fees.  相似文献   

The 1993 Law on Higher Education started the modernization of higher education. The most important aim of this development is to gradually elevate the number of participants in higher education to the 30% level that is typical in developed democratic countries, and to increase openness, flexibility and accessibility. Changes in higher education have necessitated a paradigmatic change in higher education counselling as well: the earlier mental hygienefocussed practice has been expanded to independent career orientation and competent career building through comprehensive information services and individual and group counselling aimed at coping strategies improvement. A new trend also is the increasing volume of peer counselling activity and the training of higher education counsellors.  相似文献   

The aim of this report is to describe the development of the student counselling system at German universities. The first chapter gives a short review of the situation in the first decades after the war. The second chapter describes the setting up of working models for student counselling systems which served as a basis for the development of counselling centres in the seventies on a larger scale. Chapter III reports on the student counselling service at Bonn University as an example for a unit integrating information, orientation and person-centred counselling facilities as well as psychological counselling, and in Chapter IV Rott gives an overview of the situation of psychological counselling in Germany.  相似文献   

An investigation is reported which tests the applicability of two American instruments designed to assess tertiary students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness with 158 Nigerian undergraduates. The scales were found to have generally high internal consistency reliability coefficients, most of the items were seen to be appropriate, and every item was considered of importance by at least some of the students. In addition, all but the Workload/Difficulty items clearly differentiated between good and poor lecturers. Factor analysis found a strong main factor of teaching effectiveness plus a minor factor referring to course workload and difficulty. Further analysis generally supported the convergent and discriminant validity of those scales hypothesized to measure similar or dissimilar components of effective teaching. However, this analysis supported the factor analytic results as more overlap between aspects of teaching skill and enthusiasm was found than has been evident in Western studies. Thus there must be doubt about the cross-cultural validity of a multidimensional model of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study compared the concerns that prompted clinets to seek counselling at a South African and a North American campus. A further assessment of first-year student client concerns was done in order to establish the extent of the use of the counselling service in relation to the expressed needs of the first-year student population. Altogether 580 clients were surveyed and depression, family problems and anxiety/stress were listed as concerns by more clients than other personal concerns on both campuses.  相似文献   

This paper presents a progress of the efforts by a department in a Nigerian University to introduce group counselling into near-by secondary schools. First, it reviews the traditional concept of guidance and counselling in Nigeria and compares this with the western concept, with emphasis on providing guidance/counselling to one individual at a time. The paper then discusses at length the group counselling programme that is used in various schools, mentioning findings on problems that adolescents are faced with. In a section devoted to evaluation, it was shown that Nigerian schools do need guidance counsellors. The last section discusses counselling techniques. Here is emphasised that, as counselling goes into Nigerian schools, there is a need to devise culturally viable techniques of handling issues and problems that are culturally peculiar to Africans.University of Ilorin  相似文献   

This paper describes the present state of student counselling services in British universities. An account is offered of the economic and political context in which counsellors operate. The relationship between financial cut-backs and sharply increased levels of stress among both students and staff is explored. Information is provided about the historical development of counselling services and details are provided about the workloads of counsellors and take-up rates by various categories of students. Alternative models of the counsellor's role are outlined. The overall picture which emerges from this analysis is of student counsellors faced with the challenge of responding to a situation which has many of the hallmarks of crisis.  相似文献   

Since the first development of counselling services in Australian universities in 1953, the tertiary system, and counselling services within them, have undergone a forty-year period of growth and change, and now all universities have counselling services which typically focus on short-term counselling interventions and are characterised by high levels of professionalism. Two case studies provide a picture of the situation in Australian universities. One case is that of an older and larger institution recently formed as a multi-campus university by amalgamations and with its main campus in the inner city of Australia's second-largest city. The contrasting case is of a newer, suburban university in one of the smaller capital cities. The challenges facing university counselling services in the future include the continuing pressure for greater accountability, the increasing demands of a multi-cultural clientele, the temptation to take on a wider range of tasks than can be sustained, and its obverse, the risk of over-specialisation.  相似文献   

通过制定大学章程落实高校办学自主权,不仅要正确行使好学术权力,还要尊重学生的参与权。从参与主体看,高校学生参与权既是一种个体性权利,也是一种群体的权利;从权利内容看,学生参与权包括学术性事务与非学术性事务;从权利的层级看,学生参与权是通过宪法和普通法规定的各种权利。大学章程制定过程中要处理好高校自主管理权与学生参与权之间的冲突。高校要认真对待学生参与权,通过章程明确学生参与权的范围,拓展学生参与的渠道,促进高校教育改革和民主管理的健康发展。  相似文献   

One of the more pervasive and important innovations of adult education practice in the seventies can be seen in full blossom in the educational guidance and information centre, a service which specializes in counselling adults about learning opportunities. While most visible in the United States with some 300 centres, similar organizations now exist in many other countries; one European centre in fact predates the seventies and may have pioneered the concept. In 1978 and 1979, the author visited various communities in North America and Europe in search of models for counselling adults about new careers, education options and life goals. This paper describes four centres and discusses how they exemplify aspects of a variety of models for organizing counselling services.Paper presented at Ninth International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 1980.  相似文献   


This article considers whether the methodology used for research determines the viewpoint of the researcher, or whether the researcher's view of the world determines the methodology. The purpose of the article is to consider some of the questions arising from the author's endeavour to conceptualise a methodological framework for a doctoral analysis of the Australian Commonwealth Literacy Policy Literacy for All: The Challenge for Australian Schools (DEETYA 1998).  相似文献   

A large sample of international students attending an Australian metropolitan university provided data concerning use of university health and counselling services—their perceived need for help, resultant help-seeking, satisfaction with help given, explanations for not seeking help when in need, and variables that predicted help-seeking. Using as criterion the individual’s perceived need for help, we found students were under-utilizing both health and counselling services. Those who did seek help evaluated their experiences positively. The gap between need and action is a concern. Students explained failure to act in terms of insufficient seriousness of problems, lack of information about services and, to a lesser extent, doubts and discomfort about the services. Contrary to views commonly expressed in the literature, student perceptions and responses showed few differences based on cultural background. Within-person variables played a stronger role than culture in accounting for students’ help-seeking decisions.  相似文献   

面对大学生犯罪现象的增多,如何预防和减少他们犯罪动机,是教师的重要责任和工作。通过分析大学生心理因素,制定解决对策,意图从根本上防止大学生犯罪的产生。  相似文献   

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