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王蕾 《文教资料》2006,(21):133
日语和英语在语言表达上有诸多的不同,这与其社会背景及文化有着深刻的联系。日语的暧昧、含蓄及暗示性与英语的直截了当和明示性构成了明显的差异。因此在语言学习中,不仅要掌握其表面的语言现象,还要对其形成的原因等做深层的分析,才能深入、全面地掌握一门语言。  相似文献   

不以英语为母语的外国学习者在学习英语的过程中经常会遇到英式英语和美式英语有差异的地方,并因此而困惑不解,妨碍了其外语学习的顺利进行。有鉴于此,本文对英美语言的差异及其产生的背景作了简要的对比和分析,以期帮助外语学习者对英美语言的差异及其成因有一个基本的认识。  相似文献   

谭英  刘志成 《考试周刊》2012,(14):151-153
学生的家庭背景,尤其是家庭社会经济背景与其学业成绩有相当大的影响。长期以来,学者们在分析学生的家庭社会经济背景对学业成绩的影响都主要以基础教育阶段的学生为研究对象。作者以高等教育阶段的学生为对象研究此问题。研究证实父母的文化程度和家庭经济条件对学生的学业成绩有较显著的影响,而父母的职业性质对学生的学业成绩无影响,并在分析家庭社会经济背景对学业成绩形成影响的原因的基础上,对高校学生学业成绩的提高提出了建议。  相似文献   

章从语言、拼音、词汇以及语法等方面说明英、美语言之异同以及产生的原因,以便帮助英语学习更好地掌握这门语言。  相似文献   

语言学习已成为一项提升技能的热门活动,而英语学习和教学所受到的重视也越来越多。但在英语教育中对文化及社会背景的指导学习却并未得到正确认识,使许多学生在学习过程中只能依靠生涩记忆而无法理解语言背后深层次的文化内涵,这样既感受不到语言学习的乐趣,更会导致语言学习的错误甚至障碍。为培养良好的语言交流能力和多背景交际能力,必须强化在英语教学中对学生进行文化及社会背景的讲授。  相似文献   

自中世纪以来,英国在财产继承上长期实行长子继承制,这种继承制历经几个世纪在英国社会最终确立。这一继承制度的确立和推广,确保大地产长盛不衰,并在英国社会转型之际,释放出资本主义生产的有利条件,推动了英国社会经济变革的进程。同时,受这种继承制度的影响,英国社会形成了限制王权的二元政治结构,并在此基础上,实现了英国政治制度的变革。  相似文献   

文章从语言、拼音、词汇以及语法等方面说明英、美语言之异同以及产生的原因 ,以便帮助英语学习者更好地掌握这门语言  相似文献   

一、绪言 本文旨在探讨台湾技职教育发展及其社会经济背景。首先1951~2004年间,台湾技职教育学校体系与课程系统的重要变革。其次.汇集台湾的产业结构、劳动力结构、国民年所得、国民储蓄率、国民生活水平(含食品消费比率、洗衣机普及率、计算机普及率)等统计数据。经过审慎比对、交互分析。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、课堂观察及半结构化访谈采集数据,采用定量与定性相结合的分析方法探索了内容依托实验课程英语专业英国社会与文化对英语专业学生的语言知识、语言技能方面产生的影响。研究发现,该课程对学生的英语知识学习、英语技能提高产生了积极影响,但影响程度大小有别。此外,研究还发现在该课程的教学过程中也存在一些问题,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

YUAN Yuan 《海外英语》2014,(7):273-276
This study discusses English as an international language and English teaching in China. Concerning this subject, the paper elaborates the following seven aspects: the concept and features of English as an international language, emergence of new varieties of Englishes, emergence of new varieties of Englishes, the impact of economic globalization on the scope of the English language, the controversy of English standardization and localization, English localization in China and the revelation of English globalization to English teaching.  相似文献   

The rapid and wide spread of English has given rise to its lingua franca status, which in turn, changes the nature of English and English teaching at the tertiary level. This paper, based on a survey, discusses some of the problems with the current English curriculum used in Chinese universities and proceeds to offer some suggestions for a more appropriate university English curriculum in China in the context of English as an international language.  相似文献   

The English Proficiency Level (EPL) of 205 first year business students from 16 Asian countries was assessed on arrival in Australia using the Australian Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ASLPR). Academic grades were recorded for their first, second and third semesters. Statistical analysis of the students' records shows that educational background is the major determinant of success in business courses, with no statistically significant effect coming from EPL. In practice, English proficiency is used as a major selection criterion in its application to the entry of full fee paying international students; on the basis of the evidence presented here, there is no need for a stringent EPL criterion to be applied, which is an important finding for those involved in the selection of international students who wish to study in Australian institutions. An important policy impinging on academic achievement is that students who fail their first semester are allowed to continue their studies; the policy leads to an estimated 39% of students allowed such grace going on to obtain a pass for the course; EPL bears no relationship to academic achievement for students in this category, the major determinant being their educational background. Thus, it is important that stringent conditions are applied to potential international students' educational background, but that they are not disadvantaged by their English language ability.  相似文献   

英语国际语的教学框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从教师视角研究英语国际语的教学框架,以应对当前全世界非英语国家英语教学所面临的挑战,对我国基础教育英语教学具有重要意义。该框架包括英语国际语体系、教学内容与预期教学结果。笔者全面阐述了在全球化背景下如何界定与区分教学内容与教学预期结果,为大纲的设计者与教材编写者提供了一个尝试性方案及其理据。  相似文献   

在当今对外汉语教育事业发展的黄金时期,我们更应该看到对外汉语教学存在的问题,这样才会有助于更好的发展和完善。本文探讨了在英语背景下的对外汉语教学在文化冲击、语言文化教学方面的主要问题,以期为教学提供参考。  相似文献   

众所周知,语言植根于一定的文化之中,只有把语言学习和文化认知有机结合起来,才能使学生走出传统学习误区。西方文化主要有两大来源:《圣经》和希腊、罗马神话故事。这两大来源对西方国家的社会生活、文化艺术和风俗习惯有着深远的影响。如果能将这两大来源的相关文化知识融入教学过程中,那教与学都将达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

模糊语言是语言本身具有的特点之一,并广泛应用于人们的言语交际中。国际商务交际是一种特殊的言语交际,因此模糊语言大量存在其中。商务交际作为特殊的言语交际,其中的模糊语言也理所当然地具有独特的语用功能。文章在介绍了模糊语言的前提下,通过详细的举例,着重探讨了模糊语言在国际商务英语中的语用功能。  相似文献   

While social media is widely used by youth around the world, research is only beginning to document how transnational students employ these technologies. This study investigated how English-learning adolescents in the United States use social media to engage in social, academic, and identity work. Data were collected during a four-day social media unit in a high school English as a Second Language class of mostly recently arrived East African youth. Data sources included Facebook posts, video recordings of class interactions, student presentations, and interviews. These data were analyzed through post-structuralist identity frames (e.g., Norton, 2010) and the social semiotic construct of modality (van Leeuwen, 2005). Analyses indicated that through the process of building social presence (SP), learners asserted identities, which were affirmed by classmates, and legitimated their contributions. This legitimation resulted in rich, interactive learning experiences in the group. This finding has implications for using social media in classes with transnational newcomers.  相似文献   

由于独特的地理位置和殖民文化特色,新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语和毛利语(毛利语是新西兰当地土著毛利居民的语言)有着千丝万缕的联系,在语音、词汇、习语等方面都具有鲜明的特色。新西兰英语有着浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点,是英语语言中的一个重要的区域变体。本文主要论述新西兰英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。  相似文献   

The widespread use of English is viewed as a unique phenomenon of our times. Today, English, as an international lan?guage and with different varieties around the world, is also termed“World Englishes”...  相似文献   

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