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师生互动中的权力关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从教育社会学的视角来看,权力关系塑造着师生互动.在学科/权力的知识条件下,教育从理念到知识均为权力窘践的结果;通过"规范化"、"可视性"、"奖励与惩罚",权力实践运作于学校的日常生活世界中;教育与教师的权力背后是国家权力、文化权力与市场权力的综合实践.  相似文献   

实行权力监督和权力制约,关系到党和国际的前途和命运,是社会主义革命和建设成败的关键,也是坚持和改善党的领导的根本所在是党领导和支持人民当家做主,建议社会主义民主政治的需要,也是法治的精髓和腐倡廉的有效途径。  相似文献   

腐败给国家和社会带来了极大的危害和伤痛,不但损害了党在人民心中形象,导致人民群众的信任度有所下降,更损害了人民的根本利益.监督和纠正腐败行为是单纯依靠道德所不能实现的,马克思唯物主义观尤其揭示,批判的武器不能代替武器的批判,物质力量只能依靠物质力量去摧毁.既然权力是一种具有强烈扩张性和排他性的物质力量,那么,对权力的制约和监督就不能祈望精神或道德的力量,而必须依靠与之相对应的同样具有强制性的物质力量."以权制权',成为防止腐败的最好选择.  相似文献   

从改善师幼互动到促进幼儿多向互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(下称《纲要》)要求教师“关注幼儿在活动中的表现与反应。敏感地察觉他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师幼互动”。要达到这个目标,必须经历从着力改善师幼互动到积极促进幼儿多向互动的过程。  相似文献   

宪法是规范权力、控制权力、限制权力的最高文件,权力活动违反了宪法规范或宪法精神构成违宪行为,通过对违宪行为的违宪审查来追究运用权力的机关或人的违宪责任,是建设社会主义法治的应有之义,也是树立宪法权威、以宪法规范引导社会生活的保证。  相似文献   

杨小彦 《学习之友》2012,(11):21-21
有一次参加某省摄影家协会举办的一个研讨会,讨论推出本省文艺名家的做法。省文联组织部来了一位干部,耐心介绍其中的意义,语重心长地说:今天,我们已经有钱投资文化了,也就是说,我们可以开一场文化盛宴了。我一听就哑然。把文化比喻为盛宴,开始觉得突兀,细想才发觉准确无比。  相似文献   

在新时期的治道变革过程中,公安机关的工作也在从传统方式向现代方式发生转变,具体来说就是从以硬权力为主导向以软权力为主导的转变。  相似文献   

在教学交往中,传统教学模式对于“权力”的解读存在一定的误区和盲点。“对等交往”——权力的修辞互动这种新的教学理念是解读教学交往的核心。作为一种特定语境下修辞活动的教学交往,有自身的修辞要素和特征:在一定的修辞情景下,教学双方——教者和受者进行修辞互动,平等地享受教学交往之间的对等权力,从而促成了教学话语的生成。掌握了权力的修辞互动也就掌握了教学交往的灵魂。  相似文献   

从绝对主权到实效主权:对国家主权原则的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绝地主权是在16-17世纪欧洲特殊环境下形成的一个概念,在其产生之初,曾对反对神权,确立以民族国家为中心的国际社会产生了积极的影响。但后来也一度支持了欧洲的殖民扩张。二战后,主权平等原则成为国际关系的基本原则,其内涵也开始向经济和文化领域拓展。20世纪90年代以来,经济全球化浪潮给主权理论造成了巨大的冲击和挑战。绝对主权理论也受到越来越多的质疑。在新的国际政治经济形势下,重新审视主权原则,树立实效主权观念,成为急需解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

知识是改造世界的巨大力量。但知识是既有的,不等于创新。创新不仅是催生知识的不竭动力,而且是决定国家命运的重要力量。  相似文献   

In his article “Principled Practical Knowledge: Not a Bridge but a Ladder,” Carl Bereiter (2014) argues that theoretical knowledge is too shallow to support the generation of innovative learning activities. He makes a case for principled practical knowledge (PPK)—“principled know-how and know-why”—to fulfill this practical generative role. We argue and illustrate in this commentary that PPK as portrayed by Bereiter does not offer much practical guidance for 2 potential users: professional designers and teachers. For professional designers PPK should be further specified in order to fulfill its generative role. But even this enriched form of PPK still does not suffice to address the challenging issues of practicality teachers face. We explain the magnitude and dimensions that underlie practicality in the everyday work of teachers and suggest how recent work on fast and frugal heuristics can contribute to helping teachers to make instructional innovations practical.  相似文献   

Academic Self-Handicapping: What We Know, What More There is to Learn   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Some students put off studying until the last minute, fool around the night before a test, and otherwise reduce effort so that if their subsequent performance is low, these circumstances will be seen as the cause rather than lack of ability. These strategies are called self-handicapping because they often undermine performance. In this paper, we begin with a definition of academic self-handicapping. Next, we review our research in which we used achievement goal theory as a framework for examining academic handicapping among elementary and middle school students. We discuss the implications of the recent conceptualization of approach and avoidance components of performance goals for handicapping. We conclude with a consideration of some potentially fruitful future directions for research on academic self-handicapping, focusing particularly on individual differences in handicapping, contextual influences, and the methods used to study handicapping.  相似文献   

This article examines the online discourse that took place in representative threads from two classes, seeking to document indicators that students did or did not engage in co‐construction of knowledge. Stahl's (2006 Stahl, G. 2006. Group cognition: Computer support for building collaborative knowledge, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  [Google Scholar]) social theory of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is used along with discourse analysis methods to examine these course dialogues. Findings show the class that had a peer‐like, consistent facilitative instructor and discussion anchored around questions and shared artifacts was more likely to engage in discussion leading to the negotiation of knowledge and understanding. This class relied on social acknowledgements, questions, and shared exploration of perspectives and theories throughout their discussion. These elements and strategies appear to be important components that make up for lower levels of tacit understanding in online environments, thus enabling learners to interact in social learning processes. The other class, which lacked a facilitative instructor, did not have the same results. Although interaction levels were equal and students carried topical motifs such as the phrase “faster, better, cheaper” from message to message, students in this other class did not engage deeply or develop new understanding of the course material through the discussion.  相似文献   

教育行政权是国家管理教育事务的日常性权利,是国家教育主权之一,在学校教育中它包括学校设置权、教师聘任权、招生权、学业评定权、课程设置权和教材编写权。其中学校设置权是核心权利,不可让渡,其余是非核心权利,可以适时适度地让渡。但其让渡应经得起民族心理、法律制度、让渡层次、文化保护和利益划分的价值审视,以防教育的异化和价值的迷失。  相似文献   

Competing perspectives and debates about the meaning of health promotion and the best ways to evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives that focus on enhancing wellness pervade the literature. Given the emergence of health promotion, the impetus for outcomes-based practice in psychology, and the push for evidence-based care in the health system (Thorogood & Coombes, 2000), demonstrations of value and effectiveness are fundamental to the sustainability of mental health promotion activities. Psychology (and counseling as a sub-set field) needs to place itself as a profession vital to the sustainability of wellness initiatives. This paper proposes that psychologists’ awareness and understanding of six key concepts from health promotion evaluation are essential for advancing psychology as a profession and enhancing applied practice for wellness initiatives. The key concepts include: formative, process and outcome evaluations, the qualitative/quantitative debate, the ecological nature, the participatory approach, the focus on community and the underlying philosophies of empowerment and utilization. The use of key concepts from health promotion evaluation strategies support psychologists to a) deal with issues of major public health importance and b) collaborate with other disciplines for the benefit of the public (Sartorius, 1999). Finally, this paper makes recommendations to secure psychology’s place as a vital contributor to future research directions in health promotion, in part because of adherence to the scientist-practitioner model.Whilst Psychology is the generic term used here to represent the broad field, counseling as a sub-set in the discipline is particularly relevant for the ideas and issues discussed. Rather than adding the sub-set qualifier each time the broad field is referred to, the reader in this context is encouraged to hold this perspective of the place of counseling in regard to psychology as they work through the materials presented.  相似文献   

《Teaching Statistics》1979,1(2):51-52

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