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本文以阅读测试卷和认知策略及元认知策略问卷对高职学生分别进行英语阅读能力水平测试和认知策略及元认知策略使用情况调查。根据阅读测试结果将受试对象分成三组:阅读能力强、阅读能力中等和阅读能力差,并进行相关统计分析。分析结果表明高职学生认知策略和元认知策略使用上总体水平不高;认知策略和元认知策略使用与阅读能力之间存在弱相关,阅读能力直接影响了认知策略和元认知策略的使用。阅读能力强的受试学生在认知策略和元认知策略使用上好于阅读能力中等和阅读能力差的学生,阅读能力中等的受试学生好于阅读能力差的学生。这表明在以后的课堂阅读教学中要注重认知策略和元认知策略的训练并且要考虑到阅读能力对训练的影响。  相似文献   

对旅游高校学生英语学习进行描述性统计和定性分析,结果表明:(1)绝大部分学生学习态度积极,动机明确}(2)较高层次的学生元认知策略使用频率属于中等,基本能运用元认知策略计划、监控、管理和评价自己的英语学习;(3)经过一个学期元认知策略的训练,学生课余英语学习的时间、手段、方式和资料等自主学习能力得到加强,自主学习能力得到进一步提高。  相似文献   

“教什么,就学什么.”这不是信息技术课教学的初衰,我们的目的是让学生通过学习,具有应用信息技术解决实际问题的思维、能力和习惯.本文针对当前小学教学现状通过探究课堂,提出四个策略:让学生积极动手自主学习;改变思维,让学生带着思想自主学习;重组教材,让学生带着任务自主学习;多样评价,让学生在不断地评价中自主学习,积极营造小学信息技术自主式课堂,让学生从自主式课堂走向影响一生的自主式学习.  相似文献   

"教什么,就学什么。"这不是信息技术课教学的初衷,我们的目的是让学生通过学习,具有应用信息技术解决实际问题的思维、能力和习惯。本文针对当前小学教学现状通过探究课堂,提出四个策略:让学生积极动手自主学习;改变思维,让学生带着思想自主学习;重组教材,让学生带着任务自主学习;多样评价,让学生在不断地评价中自主学习,积极营造小学信息技术自主式课堂,让学生从自主式课堂走向影响一生的自主式学习。  相似文献   

本研究以动机调控策略和自主学习能力的相关理论为依据,采用问卷和访谈相结合的方式,以四川省峨边中学高一某班学生为研究对象,研究动机调控策略应用于高一学生英语自主学习能力方面所产生的影响。研究结果表明:动机调控策略与自主学习能力呈正相关,高一学生动机调控策略使用越频繁、恰当,英语自主学习能力越强。根据研究结果,作者对高一英语教学提出了一些建议,通过师生共同努力,可使高一学生有效调控学习动机,以促进英语自主学习能力的发展,从而提高英语学科核心素养。  相似文献   

课堂环境是学生在校学习和生活的主要场所,是学生成长的重要微观生态环境,是教学活动不可或缺的重要因素.学生数学课堂环境感知的结构包括教师支持、促进尊重、促进互动、同学支持和学习竞争5个维度,各个维度之间既相关又相互独立,能较好地解释学生数学课堂环境感知的结构:八年级学生对教师的支持和鼓励交流、同学问竞争的感知方面好于九年级;女生对教师提倡相互尊重、鼓励相互交流和同学帮助的感知方面好于男生.  相似文献   

近年来,两岸三地的课程改革均将自主学习作为一项重要目标,试图培养和巩固学生的自主学习动机与策略。西方学者的许多研究表明,倡导学生中心的课堂环境有助于促进学生自主学习能力的发展,而偏重教师中心的课堂环境则不利于学生的自主学习。本研究基于香港中小学生对课堂环境观感和自主学习动机与策略的两项调查,发现教师中心的课堂环境对香港学生的自主学习同样具有促进作用,并依此分析了华人文化情境中课堂环境及学生自主学习的特征。  相似文献   

本文从学生感知的视角探讨高职英语语音教学有效课堂环境构建,具体囊括三个维度九个因子:基于学生对教学技能与教学活动感知的课堂学习行为构建,包括合理的高职英语语音任务取向,积极的高职英语语音活动参与,多样化的高职英语语音合作学习;基于学生对人际关系感知的课堂人际支持构建,包括学生融洽度较高,少隔阂无对立,教师支持力度大,不抛弃不放弃,学生平等氛围好,从偏爱到博爱;基于学生对教学情境感知的课堂情境支持构建,即课堂管理、活动创新、多媒体技术。高职学生作为课堂学习的主体,通过他们来感知课堂环境具有多种优势,更能提高教学质量。  相似文献   

混合教学中在线学习行为影响着学生的学习绩效。文章对在线学习行为进行了分类,并运用因子分析、回归分析等学习分析技术,对混合教学案例在线学习表征数据进行定量分析,构建学生在线学习行为与学习绩效相关模型。通过关系数据分析可知:学生的在线学习行为正向促进其网络学习自主效能感、自主学习能力和知识建构水平的提升,正向影响学习绩效的提高。基于此,文章提出了四点提高在线学习绩效的策略,包括注重在线学习环境、强调目标—任务—技术匹配的线上活动设计、注重教师参与指导、改革学习评价内容。  相似文献   

在线学习技术是否与时俱进地满足了学生的多元高阶需求,对于大学生能否持续参加在线学习至关重要。基于技术接受和任务技术匹配的整合性分析框架,利用全国258所本科高校100 801名大学生的学情调查数据,系统考察任务技术匹配对大学生在线学习持续使用意愿的影响效应及作用机制。研究发现,任务技术匹配处于中等偏上的水平,并仍有提升空间;在诸多因素中,任务技术匹配的影响效应最大,是不可忽视的关键变量;任务技术匹配通过感知有用性、感知易用性及使用态度的中介作用,显著正向影响持续使用意愿。研究建议,为促进大学生对在线学习的持续参与,应进一步完善在线学习技术支持,把握大学生任务需求,优化平台建设,强化技术培训,改进在线教学质量。  相似文献   

The coupling of the traditional classroom instruction and a virtual learning environment (VLE) in an engineering course is critical to stimulating the learning process and to encouraging students to develop competencies outside of the classroom. This can be achieved through planned activities and the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), resources designed to complement students’ autonomous learning needs. A quantitative analysis of students’ academic performance using final course grades was performed for a fundamentals of electronics course and we examine students’ perception of their autonomy using surveys. The students’ progress and attitudes were monitored over four consecutive semesters. The first began with the design of the intervention and the following three consisted in the implementation. The strategy was focused on the development of course competencies through autonomous learning with ICT tools presented in the VLE. Findings indicate that the students who did the activities in the VLE showed an increase in performance scores in comparison with students who did not do them. The strategy used in this study, which enhanced perceived autonomy, was associated with a positive effect on their learning process. This research shows that a technology-enhanced course supported by ICT activities can both improve academic performance and foster autonomy in students.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of students’ and teachers’ perceptions of their classroom learning environment in Bhutanese eighth-grade mathematics classes. Research suggests that positive perceptions of the learning environment can have a positive influence on students’ learning outcomes, interest and engagement in classroom activities. The study was conducted in 2013, using the survey samples of 608 students and 98 teachers from 22 lower- and middle-secondary schools in western Bhutan. Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the classroom environment were measured using the Mathematics Classroom Learning Environment Survey (MCLES). Students and teachers mostly perceived their classroom environments favourably on the MCLES scales irrespective of gender, school level and school location. The study is significant for understanding and evaluating the implementation of new mathematics curriculum in Bhutanese schools because it could guide the development of strategies for more-productive mathematics classroom learning. It is also significant from the perspective of Bhutan’s national goal of Gross National Happiness because perceptions and happiness always go hand-in-hand.  相似文献   

开办英语第二课堂是培养学生自主学习能力的有效途径。依据认知发现说、人本主义教学思想和建构主义学习观,高职院校在英语第二课堂中,有必要对学生进行学习策略的培训和指导;注意合理配置教学资源;选择合适的教学材料并注重活动效果评价,以培养学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   

This study of middle-school students in California focused on the effectiveness of using innovative teaching strategies for enhancing the classroom environment, students’ attitudes and conceptual development. A sample of 661 students from 22 classrooms in four inner city schools completed modified forms of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) questionnaire and Test of Mathematics Related Attitudes (TOMRA). Data analyses supported the factor structure, internal consistency reliability, discriminant validity and the ability to distinguish between different classes for these questionnaires when used with middle-school mathematics students in California. The effectiveness of the innovative instructional strategy was evaluated in terms of classroom environment and attitudes to mathematics for the whole sample, as well as for mathematics achievement for a subgroup of 101 students. A comparison of an experimental group which experienced the innovative strategy with a control group supported the efficacy of the innovative teaching methods in terms of learning environment, attitudes and mathematics concept development. Also associations were found between perceptions of classroom learning environment and students’ attitudes to mathematics and conceptual development.  相似文献   

随着我国大学英语教学改革的不断深入,合作学习模式作为当代教学理论的主流及全新策略,对激发学生学习兴趣,培养自主学习能力,提高合作与竞争意识具有重要意义。本文结合笔者实际工作经验,对大学英语课堂合作学习的有效策略进行具体分析。  相似文献   

自主学习作为一种主动性、探索性的学习状态,它已然成为社会发展的必然趋势。目前,高校课堂教学中大学生自主学习缺失,究其原因主要是大学生学习能动性较弱、教师教学理念陈旧、学习目的功利化、教师责任意识淡化等。这就需要对其进行重构:帮助大学生形成自主学习意识;激发大学生的内在动机;培养大学生的学习策略;发挥高校教师的辅助作用;营造个人自由的学习环境。  相似文献   

In order to provide a refreshing alternative to the majority of research reports, which malign science education and highlight its major problems and shortcomings, a series of case studies of exemplary practice was initiated to provide a focus on the successful and positive facets of schooling. The major data-collection approach was qualitative and involved 13 researchers in hundreds of hours of intensive classroom observation involving 20 exemplary teachers and a comparison group of nonexemplary teachers. A distinctive feature of the methodology was that the qualitative information was complemented by quantitative information obtained from the administration of questionnaires assessing student perceptions of classroom psychosocial environment. The major trends were that exemplary science teachers (1) used management strategies that facilitated sustained student engagement, (2) used strategies designed to increase student understanding of science, (3) utilized strategies that encouraged students to participate in learning activities, and (4) maintained a favorable classroom learning environment.  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of the application of speech-to-text recognition (STR) technology on enhancing learning and concentration in a calm state of mind, hereafter referred to as meditation (An intentional and self-regulated focusing of attention in order to relax and calm the mind), was investigated. This effectiveness was further explored with regard to foreign language ability and gender. Finally, students’ perceptions towards STR-texts were surveyed. 60 non-native English speaking undergraduates participated in this study. All students were randomly assigned into either a control or an experimental group, with 30 students in each group. Two lectures, both in English but at different levels of difficulty, were given in a classroom environment. Students in the control group received a lecture containing only a video of the instructor and slides; students in the experimental group received the video of the instructor and slides as well as STR-texts of the lecture. The following main findings were obtained: First, STR-texts had a positive effect on the learning performance, attention and meditation of students. In addition, most students had positive perceptions regarding the usefulness of STR-texts for learning. This is because students in the experimental group received instructional content in both verbal (i.e., speech) and visual (i.e., STR-texts) forms, which made the content more comprehensible and easier to process. Second, during lectures with STR, high ability and female students had higher levels of attention and meditation in most cases compared to their counterparts. This finding can be explained by the difference in learning motivation and in the use of learning strategies. That is, high ability and female students are more interested in learning and display greater use of various learning strategies. Based on these results, it is suggested that educators and researchers integrate STR-texts during lectures in English in order to enhance learning and to increase the level of attention and meditation of non-native English speaking students.  相似文献   

正面的合作学习观认为合作学习能够增加学生语言互动的机会,培养学生的合作自主学习能力和策略,但合作学习要取得实效,需要正确对待学生语言输出中的错误,促进语言向准确、流利和具有一定的复杂程度的综合体发展.错误的合作学习现担心学生在合作学习中不具备互相改错的能力而导致学习的低效率.  相似文献   

本文以中国地质大学(武汉)学习"资源遥感实验"课程的学生为研究对象,通过调查分析学生学习目的和自主学习情况,发现学习目的明确的学生,自主学习能力较强;学习目的不明确的学生,自主学习能力较差。在此基础上,有针对性地提出培养对策。  相似文献   

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