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任东梅 《海外英语》2015,(6):36-40,55
In college EFL learning, teachers have commonly attracted significant attention to improve 5 skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating instead of pronouncing when students are taught EFL in the classroom. As a matter of fact,most students have serious trouble in pronunciation before entering college due to their enjoying involving in reading comprehension for English silently in their spare time. Teachers in college trust their students who have the ability to pronounce precisely any English so that they ignore seriously to enhance their basic value of the perfect and standard speech sounds. Teachers believe the acceptable pronunciation is the best way to learn foreign language. It gives a comprehensive opinion on phonetics during the process of learning EFL in college in order to potentially impede that teachers in college recognize its basic and important position so that they can help their students improve the ability of pronouncing to practice 5 advanced skills.  相似文献   

The traditional teaching approach has long been concerned with imparting knowledge,and many college teachers still opt for this method in their practice In English class teachers choose to emphasize ma the language points,ignoring that English language mainly functions as a tool of communication.On the other hand,for students the purpose of learning English is to pass the examination.This traditional approach fails to cultivate students’ communicative ability in English.In recent years,however,the general shift from a knowledge-based education to an ability-oriented one makes it an imperative to reform the traditional teaching methods.As a new kind of teaching theory and teaching activity,task-based approach(TBA) has been introduced and applieded by English teachers in China,especially those engaged in English teaching in higher vocational colleges.  相似文献   

Based on the requirements of college English curriculum,college students should have natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation in their oral English.Students’ability to communicate successfully has become an ultimate goal for schools.Therefore,to make some requirements on English teachers’correction strategies toward students’oral errors in the procedure of teaching becomes necessary.Through researching,analyzing the listed examples and making an investigation,the author finds out that there are some problems in English teachers’attitudes and treatment toward college students’oral errors.The author hopes that her analyses and findings could help the teachers to conduct a more appropriate correction strategies which may be helpful for the teachers to manage their classrooms effectively,thus to eliminate the frustrating feelings of the students and to facilitate an efficient interaction between the teachers and the students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of psychological and social factors to the prediction of adjustment to college. A total of 250 first year students from colleges of education in Kwara State, Nigeria, completed measures of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, stress, social support and adjustment. Regression analyses revealed that all the independent variables predicted adjustments. Social support interacted with stress to predict adjustment. Implications for the counselors, parents and college authorities in enhancing students' adjustment to college were discussed. Further, the findings implicated the need for college authorities to integrate activities designed to improve students' adjustment into college co-curricular activities meant for youth development.  相似文献   

贾真 《海外英语》2011,(13):71-72
Schema theory is a very important theory in L2 acquisition and plays a very crucial role in English teaching.Today,many college students feel confused in college English learning.One of the main reasons is that they lack cultural background knowledge.This article gives a brief introduction of cultural schema theory and it mainly studies how to apply cultural schema theory into college English teaching to improve college students’ English skills and levels.  相似文献   

刘军  牛慧 《海外英语》2012,(16):112-115
In the present competitive society, English becomes more and more important, and how to master English becomes one popular topic for everyone. English is a communicative tool, however, traditional teaching method used in English teaching is not very suitable, and the traditional teaching is very boring and inefficient. The traditional teaching does not give students a real world situation to practice their English speaking and it does not cultivate their learning interests. This phenomenon continued in the students English learning for many years, and students can not use the English to communicate in their daily life. This phenomenon appears in oral English teaching in college schools as well, In order to solve the problems, the paper firstly describes the problem of English spoken teaching in college schools in Chi na. And then it analyzes the performance of problem and the cause of problems. The aim is that we find the problem and deficiency of Eng lish spoken teaching in college schools and use Role play as an effective way to solve these problems. Moreover, how to uses the role play specifically in the spoken English teaching, So that the role play can help teacher change traditional teaching method, enhance students’ oral communication ability, cultivate the students’learning interests and improve spoken English teaching in colleges.  相似文献   

宋丽 《海外英语》2020,(7):268-270
Task-based language teaching approach firmly believes that study should be students' interest, emphasizes"learning bydoing", enables students to acquire language in the process of completing tasks, which solves the problem of laying too much stress on language knowledge and grammar knowledge while ignoring students' emotional attitudes and comprehensive ability to use lan - guage in English teaching. The English Curriculum Standards for primary schools require that the task of English teaching is to arouse students'study interest, and enable students to master certain English knowledge, and form certain language application ability for them. This paper makes a brief study on the use of Task-based Language method in oral English teaching for children, and the instruments referred to include the features, application of task-based approach, the importance of children's spoken Eng- lish, and the reflections from students and teacher.  相似文献   

李慧  林雅 《海外英语》2012,(21):4-5
With the fast development of teaching reform of college English,teachers and students have done a lot to seek for ef fective approaches.Progress has been made,which has greatly enhanced English language teaching.This paper focuses on the im provement of motivation in college English for college students.  相似文献   

At present,in the English teaching of college,students’ reading and writing skills can be passed,but conversational and interpersonal skills are very poor.This article aims to propose a solution to the analysis of this phenomenon,for the purpose of the improvement of China’s college students’ English.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the history interests between American and Chinese college students. Research studies have consistently shown that American students have very limited knowledge on their country's history. American college students usually do better than K-12 students, but their scores are still low. To address the issue, it is important to understand their history interest. By conducting a cross-nation comparison between American and Chinese college students, the authors found that American students had lower history interest than their Chinese cotmterparts, but the difference only existed on their positive feeling toward history. Suggestions have been made on how to increase American students' involvement in the history subject.  相似文献   

对返乡大学生进行技能培训是提高返乡大学生创业能力,进而提高返乡大学生创业绩效的必行之举。然而,返乡大学生地处农村,与高校等培训单位联系较少,严重影响了返乡大学生技能培训工作的顺利开展。只有建立起完善的校地联动机制,才能在高校和岗位上对大学生进行综合性技能培训,才能使其在乡村创业期间随时接受培训,从而切实提高返乡大学生的创业技能。  相似文献   

创业已成为大学生实现就业的一种有效途径,然而大学生创业的成功率很低,主要原因是缺乏经营管理能力.本文通过对大学生创业的现状介绍,提出将ERP沙盘模拟与大学生创业进行契合,运用ERP沙盘模拟塑造大学生创业思维,培养大学生创业能力,探讨了ERP沙盘模拟对大学生创业的重要性.  相似文献   

Latino students represent the fastest-growing population in the state of California, the United States, and the California Community College (CCC) system. Unfortunately, compared to other ethnic groups, Latino community college students continue to lag academically. Given the importance of counseling services and the scarce research related to community college students and community college counseling services, this study explored how 26 first-generation, low-income, Latino community college students perceived, negotiated, and developed a relationship with their community college counselor. Using a qualitative grounded theory research design, participants’ counseling experiences were captured through face-to-face semistructured in-depth interviews, and a theoretical model was developed. This study extended the literature on the importance of community college counseling services in assisting and motivating students to reach transfer and graduation and emphasized students’ positive and negative counseling experiences. The research findings suggest a need to improve community college counseling services. Thus, based on the research findings and other published research, this study proposes a set of the following: (a) guidelines for applying cultura (culture) to community college counseling that can assist relationship building between students and counselors; (b) questions that can be included in students’ evaluation of counselors; (c) counselor interview questions that may elicit behavioral response and assess cultural competence; and (d) community college students’ preferred counselor characteristics that may be used by hiring committees.  相似文献   

Preparing high school students to skillfully and successfully navigate the pathway to college is a growing concern among researchers and policymakers. This issue has raised important questions about what urban school districts can do to build capacity among their high schools to guide students and families toward successful college transitions. This analysis examines how district-level policies impacted the capacity of two urban high schools to establish and maintain college counseling strategies that effectively prepare students to manage the transition to college. Drawing upon concepts from institutional theory, the analysis illustrates how pressures from urban policy environments can threaten the viability of a college counseling strategy that has strong positive implications for urban high school students.  相似文献   

章莉 《林区教学》2020,(4):52-55
大学生胜任力是大学生就业的重要条件,也是适应某个职业或者胜任职位的综合素质能力。大学生的就业能力,与大学生的个体条件、综合知识水平、管理能力、道德水准等密切相关。影响大学生就业的因素,是大学生的就业竞争力。用人单位人才需求、高校人才培养、大学生自我个性发展之间的衔接问题,通过胜任力理论可以有效解决。当前,在培养大学生就业竞争力中仍存在一系列问题,基于胜任力理论,对大学生就业竞争力进行深度分析,并提出提升大学生就业竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

厘清大学生群体网络集体行为意向的驱动机理能够为信息时代大学生行为引导与思想政治教育提供理论依据。文章基于扩展的技术接受模型,以在校大学生为调查对象,利用问卷调查与结构方程模型研究当代大学生网络集体行为意向的形成机理。研究发现:道德义务、身份认同、集体情绪、信息感知均能够直接或者间接影响大学生网络集体行为意向,其中道德义务可以通过身份认同、集体情绪两条途径,影响大学生网络集体行为意向。研究结果进一步探索了网络集体行为演变机制,能够为政府、高等学校合理预判舆情、应对大学生网络治理风险提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

文章对当代大学生的消费观进行了调查与分析,认为多数学生还是量入为出的,但是“学生贵族“与贫困生形成两个几乎不相往来的群体,学生中存在着攀比心理,形成高消费的心理误区,往往造成少数学生心理失衡,甚至酿成悲剧.诱发大学生高消费的因素是多方面的.应坚持不懈地进行中华民族优秀道德传统及国情教育,所有媒体一律禁止诱导高消费的宣传,全社会特别是大学校园中大力宣传勤俭节约的优秀品质.尤为重要的是,通过社会实践活动让学生接触生活在困境中的社会群体,以增强他们的忧患意识.  相似文献   

传统的心理健康教育与咨询方式无法达到使广大学生受益、被多数学生接受的目的,而成功心理教育以生动、体验式的教学方式更易被大学生接受。成功心理学的教育目的是使大学生实现自我接纳、自我探索与自我完善,这一教学目标能较好地从根本上解决大学生的心理问题。为了验证大学生成功心理教育的效果与可实施性,对某高校的1 023名大学生进行了32个课时的教学实践。结果表明:成功心理教育能够显著提高大学生的心理健康水平,这为成功心理教育的发展提供了理论和数据支持。  相似文献   

大学生就业能力的提升已成为当今中国一系列就业问题中一道特殊的难题。研究当代大学生就业能力问题可以帮助大学生认清客观状况,形成理性的择业就业心态,对于促进大学生就业并提高就业质量至关重要。通过对大学生就业所处的环境进行分析,研究大学生就业存在的问题,从国家、社会、学校和大学生个人多方面提出提高大学生就业能力的对策。  相似文献   

大学生公寓的使用主体是大学生,大学生们有着独特的心理、生理特征和生活行为模式。通过对当代大学生心理的分析,从整体上把握大学生的需求,为大学生公寓室内空间设计提供参考,以便完善大学生公寓室内空间的设计。  相似文献   

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