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This ethnographic study examines the educational experiences of 10 women who are both social service recipients and higher education students. Study participants view higher education in a variety of ways that include both instrumental and transformational purposes. By situating participants’ experiences in the larger economic and social context of welfare reform and shrinking employment opportunities, this paper provides a critical analysis of their assumptions concerning higher education.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an evaluation of a national continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers in England. Data showed that the localised implementation, opportunities for interactive learning, and ‘collective participation’ were positive factors. Research participants reported difficulties, however, in ‘cascading’ knowledge to colleagues and in sustaining and developing their learning. It is argued that these limitations were rooted in an inconsistent theory of learning that underpinned the programme and a failure to conceptualise teachers as ‘lead learners’ in schools. Wider implications for the design of teachers’ professional development are considered.  相似文献   


Nearly two decades have passed since the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement was launched. Its success in Brazil can be illustrated with the establishment of a UNESCO Chair in Open Education in 2014, in one of the country’s most prestigious universities. Crucially, OER were included in the 2014–2024 National Education Plan, a key piece of national educational legislation, as a category of educational technologies framed as tools. Assuming metaphors such as this play a key role in the ways we think, speak and act, this article presents a critical perspective on OER in Brazil. Examining the implications of the main metaphors used to construe OER in local media and academic sources, the text argues that these metaphors reflect hegemonic discourses on educational technology, concealing the non-neutrality of technological artefacts, obscuring issues concerning curriculum and pedagogy, and overlooking actual local needs. The article discusses issues concerning local OER advocacy, positioned in respect to specificities of a context where education, albeit a constitutionally established right, may be poised to undergo radical changes in the near future.  相似文献   

孙君飞  王倩 《高中生》2011,(4):52-53
谁会对青春有更多的感悟呢?青春正好的人似乎还没有一日三省吾身的必要,那些过了青春、回首峥嵘岁月的人才会有切肤之痛吧。少年奔跑如风,将春天过成夏天。即使有高墙阻挡,他们似乎也能穿墙而过,被时光宠得令国王羞愧,令富翁自惭。对于他们来说,青春里有小碰壁、小伤口,却没有死胡  相似文献   

Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers Edited by Joseph Epstein New York: Basic Books, 1981, 265 pages, $14.95. Reviewed by Michael P. Zuckert.  相似文献   

International students not only face the normal adjustment problems of young adulthood but also the adjustment to a different culture. A random sample of 100 colleges and universities was contacted. International students enrolled at the institutions completed a questionnaire designed to assess the counselling preferences of international students. Results are discussed in terms of desirable counsellor characteristics and implications for counsellor training. Suggestions are made for facilitating counselling with international students.  相似文献   

从哲学的角度,联系党的历史、现状和肩负的历史使命,阐明我们党坚持与时俱进、开拓创新的重要性。从我国改革开放和现代化建设所面临的困难和压力,以及苏联、东欧剧变的启示等方面分析“三个代表”重要思想产生的必然性。  相似文献   

从“名师出高徒”看博士生培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对未来世界科技和综合国力的激烈竞争,加强精英人才培养的重要性日益凸现.本文从"名师出高徒"角度,系统探究了博士生导师与博士生之间的内在联系,揭示了名师所以能出高徒的教育学特征,并据此提出了在我国博士生教育中如何加强精英人才培养的若干意见.  相似文献   

毛泽东思想是马列主义与中国革命实践相结合的严物,是中国人民的宝贵精神财富,其内容博大精深.这里试从毛泽东关于党的建设、统一战线、经济思想、哲学思想等几个方面对毛泽东思想作出扼要叙述,以纪念毛泽东诞辰100周年.  相似文献   

不知道小朋友注意到没有,当你们与美国人交谈的时候,他们用得较多的口头语就是great。Great最常用的意思是"太好了",相当于very good。Great在美国英语中比较流行,但是在英国,人们比较习惯说very good。  相似文献   

Underachievement and failure to complete school have long-term negative consequences for students. Aspirations regarding completion of secondary school that predict achievement outcomes are related to factors amenable to intervention. This study investigates relationships between academic achievement and self-reported educational aspirations, motivation, affiliation with peers and teachers, and attributions. Survey participants were 5369 Year 10 and Year 11 students at 19 nationally representative secondary schools in New Zealand, and available achievement records were sourced for 2439 Year 11 students. Survey data were factor analyzed followed by further examination of relationships across demographic factors, self-reported aspirations, motivational factors (Doing My Best and Doing Just Enough), attributions, and interpersonal affiliations (Teacher and Peer). For Year 11 students, relationships between different factors and subsequent achievement were also analyzed. Students who indicated no aspiration to complete a school qualification were indistinguishable from those with low or moderate aspirations, and the analyses supported only two divergent groups comprising students with either low or high aspirations to complete qualifications. Aspirations were significantly related to different patterns of motivation, affiliation, and attributions predictive of academic achievement. Students of different ethnicity and gender also fell unequally across the two groups. These results suggest that promoting low or even moderate expectations and aspirations for student achievement may actually reinforce lower academic achievement. Instead, teachers and schools should communicate high expectations to prevent school failure and effective interventions to enhance student outcomes.  相似文献   

楚文化的研究需要进一步开拓空间,应该将楚文化在漫长的历史时期与辽阔的空间领域创造出来的辉煌业绩做整体研究,这就需要一种“大楚文化”的视野。  相似文献   

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