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In various studies, metastasis associated with colon cancer 1 (MACC1) has been frequently reported to be abnormally highly expressed in human lung cancer, colon cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Our study focuses on the association of MACC1 expression with gastric cancer (GC). During our experiment, the MACC1 expression was tested in 105 GC samples using an immunohistochemical (IHC) method. The clinical characteristics and prognosis of these patients were summarized. During analysis, MACC1 distribution in GC samples with distant metastasis was higher than that in normal samples and in tumors with no dissemination. Subsequently, a lower 5-year survival rate had a strong correlation with high MACC1 expression. As a consequence, the present results suggest that MACC1 is more frequently expressed in a poor prognosis phenotype of GC and acts as a promising prognostic prediction parameter for GC.  相似文献   

Surgical management of gastric stump cancer: a report of 37 cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective: To observe the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric stump cancer (GSC) and evaluate the benefits of radical surgery of GSC. Methods: The clinicopathological characteristics and postoperative survival time of 37 GSC patients who underwent surgery were investigated retrospectively. The survival time was compared according to the type of surgical pTMN stage. Survival curves were traced by using Kaplan-Meier methods. Results: Most GSC (32/37) was detected in patients who had received Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction after partial gastrectomy for benign gastric disease. The lesser curvature side and the suture line of anastomosis were the most frequent sites where GSC occurred (27/37). Differentiated adenocarcinoma was the dominant histopathological type (24/37). The postoperative 5-year survival rate of early stage GSC patients (n=9) was significantly higher than advanced stage GSC (n=12) (55.6% vs 16.5%, xL2=1 1.48, P<0.01). Five-year survival rate of 21 GSC patients with radical resection were 75% (3/4) for stage Ⅰ, 60% (3/5) for stage Ⅱ, 14.2% (1/7) for stage Ⅲ, and 0% (0/5) for stage Ⅳ respectively.The median survival time of 21 GSC patients who underwent radical resection was longer than those undergoing palliative operation (43.0m vs 13.0m, xL2=36.31, P<0.01), the median survival time of stage Ⅳ patients with radical resection was 23.8months. Conclusions: Without remote metastasis, radical resection for GSC is possible, and is an effective way to improve the prognosis of GSC. Even in stage Ⅳ GSC, radical resection can still prolong the survival time. It is necessary for the patients with benign gastric diseases who received partial gastrectomy to carry out the endoscopy follow-up, especially in patients with Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction procedure at 15-20 years.  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation has raised widespread attention in tumorigenesis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the changes of global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation from normal to tumor tissues in colorectal cancer (CRC) and their association with the prognosis. The levels of genomic 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) and 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in cancerous tissues were significantly lower than those in corresponding adjacent normal tissues. The genomic levels of 5mC were significantly positively correlated with 5hmC in normal and cancerous tissues (all P<0.05). The ratio of 5mC in cancerous tissues to matched normal tissues (C/N-5mC) was also significantly positively correlated with the ratio of 5hmC in cancerous tissues to matched normal tissues (C/N-5hmC) (P=0.01). The 5mC levels and C/N-5mC ratios decreased with age (all P<0.05). Higher 5mC and 5hmC levels were found in rectal than in colon tissues (all P<0.05). High levels of 5mC in cancerous tissues and high C/N-5hmC ratios were each associated with lymph node metastasis (all P<0.05). Survival analysis indicated that the C/N-5mC ratio (P=0.04) is an independent protective factor for overall survival. The data showed that patients with a combination of high C/N-5hmC and low C/N-5mC ratios tended to have a worse prognosis (P<0.01). Our findings showed that the C/N-5mC ratio may be an independent prognostic factor for CRC outcome. Patients with both a high C/N-5hmC ratio and a low C/N-5mC ratio exhibited the worst survival, suggesting that 5mC and 5hmC can be used as critical markers in tumorigenesis and prognosis estimation.  相似文献   

[目的]分析大肠癌的临床和病理学特征.[方法]收集220例大肠癌患者的临床病理资料并进行回顾性分析.[结果]大肠癌发病率有随年龄增长而递增趋势,血便是大肠癌最常见的临床表现,以直肠检出率最高,病理类型以溃疡型和高分化腺癌最多,绝大多数患者发现时就已经是中晚期.[结论]大肠癌是临床上常见的恶性肿瘤,必须加强对大肠癌早期临床症状的宣传和对高危人群的普查,从而提高生存率.  相似文献   

MicroRNA在乳腺癌发展过程中的作用机制及临床应用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概搜集已报道的在乳腺癌发生发展过程中有重要作用的microRNA信息,结合相关肿瘤模型的实验数据,评估microRNA在乳腺癌诊断和治疗方面的应用前景。以“癌基因”和“癌抑制基因”为分类依据,全面地总结归纳乳腺癌相关microRNA的功能和作用机制,进一步从临床诊断标记物和治疗靶点的层面分析microRNA的潜在临床应用价值。表1和2总结了microRNA参与乳腺癌发展过程的具体事件及其调控的靶基因。同时,本文还深入探讨microRNA作为临床诊断标记物及治疗靶点的可行性,揭示已有研究的不足之处,为今后的相关工作方向提供一些建议。  相似文献   

[目的]新的大肠癌相关性抗原EID3的基因克隆及其诊断价值研究.[方法]利用大肠癌病人体内血清中所含的对肿瘤抗原产生的特异性抗体筛选睾丸组织cDNA噬菌体表达文库和大肠癌组织cDNA噬菌体表达文库(SEREX),并用RT-PCR技术研究EID3 mRNA在正常组织和大肠癌传代细胞表达.[结果]睾丸组织cDNA噬菌体表达文库筛选得到了可以诱导大肠癌病人抗体免疫应答的新抗原EID3基因(Gen-bank NM_001008394.1).它们定位于染色体19q13.2,EID3含1个外显子.通过RT-PCR分析发现,EID3基因在43例大肠癌传代细胞株中,39例阳性,阳性率为90.7%.在正常组织中,除睾丸组织外不表达或有极低水平转录.[结论]EID3 mRNA表达检测用于诊断大肠癌,可能具有高特异性和高敏感性的特点.EID3蛋白被首次发现在大肠癌病人中能够诱导机体的抗体免疫应答,为一个新的大肠癌相关性抗原分子.其功能可能与抑制细胞的恶性增殖相关,并可进一步研究其用于治疗和诊断大肠癌的可行性.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor binding-protein-7 (IGFBP7) was obtained from our previous colonic adenocarcinoma (CRC) and normal mucosa suppression subtraction hybridization (SSH) cDNA libraries. By RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, we found that IGFBP7 was overexpressed in CRC tissue compared to normal tissue. However, our in vitro experiments performed in 10 CRC cell lines showed that IGFBP7 expressed only in SW480 and Caco2 cell lines, which implied an underlying reversible regulatory mechanism. Using methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and bisulfite sodium PCR (BSP), we found that its expression was associated with DNA hypomethylation of exonl. This was further supported by the in vitro study which showed restored IGFBP7 expression after demethylation agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment. Correlation analysis between IGFBP7 expression and prognosis indicated that overexpression of IGFBP7 in CRC tissue correlated with favourable survival. Investigation of the functional role of IGFBP7 through transfection studies showed that IGFBP7 protein could inhibit growth rate, decrease colony formation activity, and induce apoptosis in RKO and SW620 cells, suggesting it a potential tumor suppressor protein in colorectal carcinogenesis. In conclusion, our study clearly demonstrated that IGFBP7 plays a potential tumor suppressor role against colorectal carcinogenesis and its expression is associated with DNA hypomethylation of exon 1.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between a student’s mental wellbeing and their financial circumstances. In England, successive governments have adopted a strategy of shifting the cost of university from the state to the individual as a means of increasing participation in higher education. In recent years, some have attributed the significant rise in the number of students accessing university mental health services to this increased financial pressure. Drawing data from a large-scale questionnaire completed by undergraduate students at a London-based Russell Group institution (N = 1171), this article explores the interaction between financial factors such as part-time work, debt, bursary receipt and parental contribution, and a student’s score on a validated scale of mental wellbeing. Taking this further, it explores the relationship between a student’s wellbeing score and the extent to which they feel that their financial situation has impacted their university experience. Two main research questions will be addressed: which financial circumstances are associated with high and low mental wellbeing in students, and what role does a student’s perception of their financial circumstances play in relation to their wellbeing? The impact of demographic factors will also be explored. This article finds that, compared to students in the top 20% for wellbeing (Q5), students in the bottom 20% for wellbeing (Q1) were more likely to be in receipt of a bursary, less likely to receive parental financial support and less likely to be debt-free. Most notably, there was a clear relationship found between a student’s mental wellbeing and their financial wellbeing.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate molecular alterations associating with prostate carcinoma progression and potentially provide information toward more accurate prognosis/diagnosis. Methods: A set of laser captured microdissected (LCM) specimens from 300 prostate cancer (PCa) patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP) were defined. Ten patients representing "aggressive" PCa, and 10 representing "non-aggressive" PCa were selected based on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence,Gleason score, pathological stage and tumor cell differentiation, with matched patient age and race between the two groups.Normal and neoplastic prostate epithelial cells were collected with LCM from frozen tissue slides obtained from the RP specimens.The expressions of a panel of genes, including NPY, PTEN, AR,AMACR, DD3, and GSTP1, were measured by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan), and correlation was analyzed with clinicopathological features. Results: The expressions of AMACR and DD3 were consistently up-regulated in cancer cells compared to benign prostate epithelial cells in all PCa patients, whereas GSTP1 expression was down regulated in each patient. NPY, PTEN and AR exhibited a striking difference in their expression patterns between aggressive and non-aggressive PCas (P=0.0203, 0.0284, and 0.0378, respectively, Wilcoxon rank sum test). The lower expression of NPY showed association with "aggressive" PCas based on a larger PCa patient cohort analysis (P=0.0037,univariate generalized linear model (GLM) analysis). Conclusion: Despite widely noted heterogeneous nature of PCa, gene expression alterations of AMACR, DD3, and GSTP1 in LCM-derived PCa epithelial cells suggest for common underlying mechanisms in the initiation of PCa. Lower NPY expression level is significantly associated with more aggressive clinical behavior of PCa; PTEN and AR may have potential in defining PCa with aggressive clinical behavior. Studies along these lines have potential to define PCa-associated gene expression alterations and likely co-regulation of genes/pathways critical in the biology of PCa onset/progression.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨乳腺癌细胞基质金属蛋白酶-2的表达及其与侵袭、转移的关系.[方法]免疫组织化学方法检测60例乳腺癌患者癌组织中MMP-2表达.[结果]MMP-2的表达在乳腺癌细胞明显高于正常乳腺细胞(P<0.01);淋巴结转移组明显高于非淋巴结转移组(P<0.01);在中、低分化组明显高于高分化组(P.<0.01).但与组织学类型无关(P<0.05).[结果]乳腺癌的MMP-2的表达与其侵袭、转移可能相关.  相似文献   

According to the classification presented by Lehmann BD (2016), triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a heterogeneous group of malignant tumors with four specific subtypes: basal-like (subtype 1 and subtype 2), mesenchymal, and luminal androgen receptor (LAR) subtypes. The basal-like subtypes of carcinomas predominate in this group, accounting for up to 80% of all cases. Despite the significantly lower proportions of mesenchymal and LAR variants in the group of breast carcinomas with a TNBC profile, such tumors are characterized by aggressive biological behavior. To this end, the LAR subtype is of particular interest, since the literature on such tumors presents different and even contradictory data concerning the disease course and prognosis. This review is devoted to the analysis of the relevant literature, reflecting the main results of studies on the molecular properties and clinical features of the disease course of LAR-type TNBC carcinomas.  相似文献   

中国现代修辞学的主流倾向,如果概括地来说,就是求新务变的倾向。除了这种倾向外,或者说在这种倾向的基础上,还有一种回归传统的倾向。中国现代修辞学大体上可以分为两个方面,即保守的方面和开新的方面。一方面是保守传统,或者借用新的方法和眼光回归传统;另一方面是努力出走,剥离中国传统而引进外来思想,以迫使中国修辞学走上一条科学化之路。这种划分也不是绝对的,保守的方面旧中有新,开新的方面新中也有旧,往往同时并存,但整个说来,求新的方面要更占主流一些。  相似文献   

Objective: To conduct a randomized comparative trial of pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity profile treatment with 1200 mg/m^2 gemcitabine using standard 30-min infusion or fixed dose rate (FDR) infusion [10 mg/(m^2-min)] on days 1 and 8 plus carboplatin AUC (area under curve) 5 on day 1 in Chinese non-small-cell cancer patients. Twelve patients were enrolled in this study. Methods: Plasma gemcitabine concentrations were measured by ion-pair reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Antitumoral activity and toxicity of gemcitabine was assessed according to World Health Organization criteria. Results: The obtained mean parameters, such as T1/2 (elimination half time), AUC, and CL (clearance), were consistent with those reported in literature. Qualified response rate in our study was 33.3% for standard arm and 50% for FDR ann. Additional 50% and 33.3% patients contracted stable disease (SD) in standard arm and FDR arm, respectively. The predominant toxicity was hematologic, and patients in the standard infusion ann experienced consistently more hematologic toxicity, Conclusion: Pharmacokinetic and clinical data in this trial support the continued evaluation of the FDR infusion strategy with gemcitabine.  相似文献   

The initiators caspase-9(CASP9) and caspase-10(CASP10) are two key controllers of apoptosis and play important roles in carcinogenesis.This study aims to explore the association between CASPs gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer(CRC) susceptibility in a population-based study.A two-stage designed population-based case-control study was carried out,including a testing set with 300 cases and 296 controls and a validation set with 206 cases and 845 controls.A total of eight tag selected single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) in CASP9 and CASP10 were chosen based on HapMap and the National Center of Biotechnology Information(NCBI) datasets and genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) assay.Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to evaluate the association of SNPs with CRC risk.In the first stage,from eight tag SNPs,three polymorphisms rs4646077(odds ratio(OR) AA+AG:0.654,95% confidence interval(CI):0.406-1.055;P=0.082),rs4233532(OR CC:1.667,95% CI:0.967-2.876;OR CT:1.435,95% CI:0.998-2.063;P=0.077),and rs2881930(OR CC:0.263,95% CI:0.095-0.728,P=0.036) showed possible association with CRC risk.However,none of the three SNPs,rs4646077(OR AA+AG:1.233,95% CI:0.903-1.683),rs4233532(OR CC:0.892,95% CI:0.640-1.243;OR CT:1.134,95% CI:0.897-1.433),and rs2881930(OR CC:1.096,95% CI:0.620-1.938;OR CT:1.009,95% CI:0.801-1.271),remained significant with CRC risk in the validation set,even after stratification for different tumor locations(colon or rectum).In addition,never tea drinking was associated with a significantly increased risk of CRC in testing set together with validation set(OR:1.755,95% CI:1.319-2.334).Our results found that polymorphisms of CASP9 and CASP10 genes may not contribute to CRC risk in Chinese population and thereby the large-scale case-control studies might be in consideration.In addition,tea drinking was a protective factor for CRC.  相似文献   

The social desirability of characteristics associated with creativity and cultural stereotypes was examined across Polish and Chinese cultures. Polish responses were compared with those from an earlier Chinese study (n = 451). First, we carried out an initial study among 116 Polish students to determine what traits are parts of the national stereotype. Then we sought answers from another set of Poles (n = 610) as to what traits were, first, creative and, secondly, desirable. To analyze the responses we first ranked the traits that both Polish and Chinese students found desirable and then compared the desirable traits across cultures with traits known to be trademarks of creativity. As expected, we found differences between the two samples arising from underlying social origins in that: (a) Poles desired more creative traits and more western traits, whereas Chinese desired more Confucianism based traits and less creative traits; and (b) both Poles and Chinese found creativity traits are desirable albeit Poles found them more desirable than Chinese. An interesting side note is that Poles, unlike Chinese, do not take a positive view of their cultural traits.  相似文献   



This study was designed to evaluate the association between skin autofluorescence (AF), an indicator of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), and foot ulcers in subjects with diabetes.  相似文献   

The global outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) led to the suspension of most treatments with assisted reproductive technique (ART). However, with the recent successful control of the pandemic in China, there is an urgent public need to resume full reproductive care. To determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic had any adverse effects on female fertility and the pregnancy outcomes of women undergoing ART, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted using the electronic Chinese and English databases. Dichotomous outcomes were summarized as prevalence, and odds ratios (ORs) and continuous outcomes as standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95% confidence interval (CI). The risk of bias and subgroup analyses were assessed using Stata/SE 15.1 and R 4.1.2. The results showed that compared with women treated by ART in the pre-COVID-19 time frame, women undergoing ART after the COVID-19 pandemic exhibited no significant difference in the clinical pregnancy rate (OR 1.07, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.19; I 2=0.0%), miscarriage rate (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.14; I 2=38.4%), embryo cryopreservation rate (OR 2.90, 95% CI 0.17 to 48.13; I 2=85.4%), and oocyte cryopreservation rate (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.03 to 3.65; I 2=81.6%). This review provided additional evidence for gynecologists to guide the management of women undergoing ART treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic timeframe.  相似文献   



To evaluate the predictive values of gene expressions of ribonucleotide reductase M1 (RRM1) and breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1) in peripheral blood from Chinese patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with gemcitabine plus platinum.  相似文献   

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