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采用西门子可编程序控制器S7-300,通过PROFIBUS现场总线与多台变频器之间进行通讯,实现对腈纶装置水洗牵伸联合机的调速和自动控制。通过替换原有的继电器控制系统、直流调速系统,提高了系统的自动化水平、可靠性和抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

胡海波 《情报杂志》2021,40(3):153-161
[目的/意义]针对当前“碎片化”的政府治理容易带来政府公共服务能力不高,无法有效回应公共治理有效性和提升治理效能等问题,整体性政府数据治理提供了一种新的治理模式。[方法/过程]通过文献研究和规范分析的方法,首先解析了政府数据治理的三维概念维度,指出现有政府数据治理中的“制度与数据”冲突及数据困境问题;以整体性治理和政府数据治理的理论契合为基础,提出整体性政府数据治理观点及其四大理论逻辑;从政府与社会互动的视角论证了整体性政府数据治理在公共治理领域的应用实践。[结果/结论]整体性政府数据治理在精准匹配治理供需关系、降低决策者能力要求、提升公共治理效能、重构“政府-社会”关系等方面回应了公共治理有效性问题,并指出了需要进一步深入研究和讨论的问题。  相似文献   

论电子政府建设对中国政府改革的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
张德平 《中国软科学》2002,(4):66-70,85
法治政府、责任政府的相继提出适应了信息化时代中国政府职能和权限的改革与变动,是以后者作出的适时合理定位。而“电子政府”的创建与推动,则为中国政府权能的转变提供了坚实的物质设备与技术路径支持。这为政府职能、政府运行方式的变革与改进,为政府能力的提高提供了新的可能性空间,是中国现阶段政府改革的又一新取向。是时,电子政府提供了真实、公开的政府信息环境,促进了公民大规模和高规模和高强度的政治参与,使公民的参与水平产生质和量的改变,对中国民主政治的发展也将产生重大和深远的影响。  相似文献   

抗战时期的中英庚款董事会实施科学协助制度,充分利用政府、高校以及科研机构等各种资源,组织教育委员会、资助科学工作委员会以及学科分组委员会作为核心机构,围绕个人目标、组织目标和最终目标制定详细的计划,通过过程管理,强调对科学协助的全面掌握和对关键点的监督,以及上下之间的双向沟通和有效的激励机制,使其带有明显现代科学管理的概念和特质。主动管理的方式和运行机制对现代科研资助体制的改革仍然有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨柳 《科技管理研究》2005,25(11):239-243
本文基于资源观中关于资源可能成为竞争优势和持续竞争优势来源之一的论述,利用超模博弈模型,分析在战略要素市场上两个参与者的竞争情报行为。企业选择具有潜在竞争优势的资源时,往往根据该资源对于自己和竞争对手的未来价值预期作判断,对新资源未来价值判断误差越小的企业,越有可能掌握到具有竞争优势潜力的资源。企业的竞争情报对于准确预测资源的潜在优势十分重要。同时,竞争对手间的竞争情报行为彼此相互影响。  相似文献   

Technology has penetrated the social fabric of security practices so deeply that it is often used without much reflection on its role, significance and implications. This naturalisation of technology makes it difficult for practitioners to develop their own vision of technology. They may become subject to the coercive power of technology, and appropriate the narrow technological paradigm embodied in their tools. This, in turn, makes it difficult for technology developers to understand practitioner needs and to assess the transformative potential of technology. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the role of technology in intelligence. The focus is on the technological capabilities supporting an analysis of sociocultural processes related to so‐called ‘new threats’. The two main problems in intelligence nowadays are deciding what data are relevant and how they should be analysed. The major issue is not the collection of information, but turning information into knowledge and action. Accordingly, the practitioner thinking about technological tools can be usefully informed by the concept of technology as a mediator between areas of knowledge production and consumption. This concept highlights technology’s ability to affect intelligence analysts’ understanding of threats, identification of data sources and information gaps, and their interaction with colleagues and consumers of intelligence products.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple profitability-based decision model to show how synergistic gains generated by the joint adoption of complementary innovations may influence the firm's adoption decision. For this purpose a weighted index of intra-firm diffusion is built to investigate empirically the drivers of the intensity of joint use of a set of complementary innovations. The findings indicate that establishment size, ownership structure and product market concentration are important determinants of the intensity of use. Interestingly, the factors that affect the extent of use of technological innovations do also affect that of clusters of management practices. However, they can explain only part of the heterogeneity of the benefits from joint use.  相似文献   

政府在创业投资发展中的作用:国际经验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
作为一种新型创新创业融资机制,创业投资并不是简单的承载提供资金的职能,它还在创新项目孵化、创新成果转化、市场开拓、企业管理等方面发挥着重要作用。从宏观角度看,创业投资在技术创新、高新技术产业发展和传统产业升级改造,以及经济增长等方面具有积极作用。这些突出功能成为政府支持创业投资的主要理论基础。尽管各个国家的市场基础、制度条件和文化背景等存在很大差异,但是,由于创业投资在激励创新创业、高新技术产业发展等方面的特殊功能,各国均大力支持创业投资发  相似文献   

抗战时期,中英庚款董事会实施科学协助制度,使中国科学的研究得以继续进行,并作为之后抗战建国的基础,得到时人的赞许。在其管理工作中,充分利用政府、高校以及科研机构等各种资源,组织教育委员会、资助科学工作委员会以及学科分组委员会作为核心机构,围绕个人目标、组织目标和最终目标制定详细的计划,通过过程管理,强调对科学协助的全面掌握和对关键点的监督,以及上下之间的双向沟通和有效的激励机制,使其带有明显现代科学管理的概念和特质。主动管理的方式和运行机制对现代科研资助体制的改革仍然有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从情报学角度,分析了目前政府信息公开在信息资源配置、公众信息需求调研、信息共享等方面存在的问题,对信息生态位在政府信息公开中应用的可行性进行了探讨。通过对政府信息公开主体信息生态位的宽度、适宜度、重叠度的相关概念及测度模型研究,论述了运用信息生态位相关理论解决我国政府信息公开部分问题的可操作性。  相似文献   

In the past, efforts of less developed countries (LDCs) to promote utilization of government research have concentrated on narrowing the communication gap between research laboratories and industry. On the whole these attempts seem to have failed. This paper examines the extent of utilization of government civil research by industry and the steps undertaken by the government to increase research utilization in India. It shows that the proportion of research utilization in India is indeed very low; in our sample 85 percent of the licensed processes were not put into production.In our view government policy needs to take into account the fact that small and large firms have different reasons for their failure to use government research. In the past, small firms have shown considerable interest in government research but failed because they lacked technical resources. To enable these firms to use government research successfully, it is essential that increased development activities are undertaken by government agencies. Interestingly, as our study shows, the expenditure by government agencies on development activities has been considerably reduced.On the other hand, to interest the large firms in using government research, where little demand exists at present, it is essential that government policy should not only discourage the import of technology but, more importantly, encourage changes in the socio-economic structure which is mainly responsible for demand in the LDCs for products that can only be manufactured by the use of sophisticated, and often imported, technology. In the absence of such changes the activities of government research laboratories will become even more isolated from production.  相似文献   

行业主导设计能够带来市场格局的巨大变迁以及技术主导企业的优势地位.为技术主导企业带来巨大收益.本文利用A-U扩展模型分析主导设计演进过程,在此基础上通过实例分析各国政府在多行业主导设计形成过程中的作用,说明在不同演进阶段政府的行为能够促进行业主导设计的形成,并以我国电信产业为例,说明了政府在移动通信主导设计从3G标准向4G标准演进过程中的角色和地位.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,物流现代化的要求越来越迫切。然而现阶段国内物流的运作却因资源分散、一体化程度低等原因而面临着效率低下、成本高昂的局面。加快我国物流资源整合进程,促进物流现代化已经成为当务之急。本文以交易费用经济学为依据,从理论上分析了在推进物流资源整合过程中政府应该起到的作用。  相似文献   

Although AI-enabled customer relationship management (CRM) systems have gained momentum in healthcare to enhance performance, there is a striking dearth of knowledge on how such capabilities are formed and affect service innovation. The study adopted a mixed-method approach to investigate the underlying phenomena. This research infused resource-based theory, dynamic capability theory, and theory of productivity paradox to investigate how healthcare in India acquires AI-enabled CRM capabilities and enhances service innovation. We identified the facets of AI-enabled CRM capabilities using a case study and developed a framework for AI-enabled CRM capability and service innovation. This study noticed that customer service flexibility (CSF) is a missing link in this relationship. The findings of the quantitative study employing PLS-SEM reveal the linear relationships between AI-enabled CRM capability, CSF, and service innovation. This study explains the formation of AI-enabled CRM capabilities to fill the research gap and direct innovative performance in healthcare, which is an immediate need to sustain in a volatile environment. This study provides theoretical implications to enhance the research stream and practical implications for decision-makers.  相似文献   

Ethics and Information Technology - Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly inputting into various human resource management (HRM) functions, such as sourcing job applicants and selecting...  相似文献   

ISO9000现象对政府行政管理过程的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章通过介绍当前形势下政府行政管理面临的发展趋势和ISO9000质量管理与质量保证标准的基本情况,阐述了ISO9000现象对政府行政管理过程的启示,特别是政府部门实施质量管理的必要性、可行性及该标准对规范政府部门行政管理的意义等;结合ISO9000的过程方法分析了政府行政管理过程,提出实施质量管理、推行ISO9000族标准的策略。  相似文献   

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