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作者根据主要采自广东的壳斗科5属约93种木材标本进行了观察并试就 其宏观结构写出了分属的检索表。  从木材解剖的角度看来,作者认为:将(  )亚 属(Subgenus Cyclobalanlopsis(Oerst.)Schneid.)和石栎亚属(Subgenus Pasania (Miq.)A.Camus)分别从栎属(Quercus L.)和柯属(Lithocarpus Bl.)分出独立成属是没有充分理由的。  相似文献   

Contact interface properties are important in determining the performances of devices that are based on atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials, especially for those with short channels. Understanding the contact interface is therefore important to design better devices. Herein, we use scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations to reveal the electronic structures within the metallic (1T)-semiconducting (2H) MoTe2 coplanar phase boundary across a wide spectral range and correlate its properties to atomic structures. We find that the 2H-MoTe2 excitonic peaks cross the phase boundary into the 1T phase within a range of approximately 150 nm. The 1T-MoTe2 crystal field can penetrate the boundary and extend into the 2H phase by approximately two unit-cells. The plasmonic oscillations exhibit strong angle dependence, that is a red-shift of π+σ (approximately 0.3–1.2 eV) occurs within 4 nm at 1T/2H-MoTe2 boundaries with large tilt angles, but there is no shift at zero-tilted boundaries. These atomic-scale measurements reveal the structure–property relationships of the 1T/2H-MoTe2 boundary, providing useful information for phase boundary engineering and device development based on 2D materials.  相似文献   

马尾树科的形态及分类系统位置的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The present paper is devoted to a study of the basic morphological and anatomical characteristics of the endemic family Rhoipteleaceae from China.  The fundamental pattern of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the Rhoipteleaceae is similar to those of the Juglandaceae in wood anatomy, resinous peltate scales, apetaly, bicarpellate pistils, one-seeded fruits and exalbuminous seeds.  Whereas Rhoipteleaceae has stipules; perfect flowers with superior 2-loculed ovaries, anatropous ovules and two integuments; vessel elements of the secondary xylem with the scalariform perforation, and 2–8 (18) pores on the oblique plate being observable; vascular rays heterocellular and tricolporate pollen.  The above characteristics–at least most of them, agree pretty well with those depicted by Manning in his “Pre-Juglandaceae”.  It is quite possible that the Juglandaceae is derived from  “Pre-Juglandaceae”by  way  of the Rhoipteleaceae, as the morphological and anatomical features as indicated above tend to show that the Rhoipteleaceae is more primitive than Juglandaceae.      The Rhoipteleaceae was previously considered  as related  to  the Betulaceae or Ulmaceae, a view, which the present study does not prove to be acceptable. Both Takh- tajan (1969) and Cronquist (1968) pointed out that the Juglandales, Urticales, Myrica- les, Fagales are all direct derivatives from the Hamamelidales.  However, since the Rhoipteleaceae is simillar to the Betulaceae in wood anatomy and pollen, it seems that there too could have certain relationships between the Rhoipteleaceae and the Betula-ceae in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

李桢业 《科研管理》2008,29(6):10-16
摘要:文章基于台州缝制设备产业集群的企业间协作创新案例,对拥有特殊协作关系(由拥有"乡缘"或"亲缘"关系的企业所组成的特殊生产协作体系)的企业之间创新阻碍机制进行了深入的理论分析和探讨。研究结果表明:特殊协作关系同外部机会是对立的。特殊协作关系往往导致企业创新激励不足(或过小努力),而创新激励不足又导致企业间协作产品过早出现老化现象,这种现象通过生产协作链的传递作用而牵连至其它相关企业,最终引发整个缝纫机产业集群的技术退化。  相似文献   

The present work identifies a high incidence of oral cancer in south Karnataka. The primary reason for this could be due to extensive addiction to tobacco alone or tobacco and alcohol in most of these patients. The next in intensity was cancer of the breast and cervix among the cancer patients surveyed in south Karnataka. Majority of these patients had no specific addiction and the exact reason for this high incidence remains unclear. Only a small percentage of patients exhibited other types of organ related cancer. It has been reported that the incidence percentage of diabetes mellitus and cancer in India, parallel each other. However, we observed a low incidence of diabetes mellitus patients also having cancer in south Karnataka. Though the exact reason for this remains unclear an attempt has been made here to explain this phenomenon, hypothetically using information in literature, which suggests a suppression of cellular regenerative activity by sugar and sugar phosphates. Cellular regenerative activity is well known to be a prerequisite for cancer.  相似文献   

There has been indicated the importance of a knowledge of the chemical and capillary structures of insulating materials if electrical energy losses in them are to be explained.It has been demonstrated that there are available, first, methods by which the structures of their simpler molecules may be determined, second, methods by which the sizes and shapes of their aggregates may be approximated, and third, methods by which it may be expected that something may be learned concerning the size, form and arrangement of their capillaries. In certain cases these methods have been given in some detail, while in others they have only been mentioned. Their nature and the importance of their solution make them deserving of every attention the chemist and physicist can devote to them.  相似文献   

白豆杉属(Pseudotaxus Cheng)是我国裸子植物特有属之一,它的胚胎发育十分类似于红豆   杉属。白豆杉受精卵经4次有丝分裂,形成16个游离核的原胚,紧接着形成细胞壁。简单多   胚普遍存在,但没有裂生多胚。在后期胚胎发育中,根原始细胞主要向上分化形成原形成层和   胚皮层,向下提供根冠较少。因此,根冠组织弱小,而次生胚柄系统则十分发达。成熟胚具2   枚子叶,下胚轴中没有髓部,也没有任何分泌分子。     通过白豆杉胚胎发育的研究,作者认为白豆杉属在红豆杉科中的排列位置是:红豆杉属、   白豆杉属、澳洲红豆杉属、穗花杉属和榧树属。其中红豆杉属和白豆杉属比较原始,而榧树属   则比较进化。同时作者认为:从胚胎学资料看,将红豆杉科从松柏目中分离出来,单独成立红  豆杉目,这种观点得不到支持。  相似文献   

赵元元  周立  韦军 《大众科技》2012,(1):80-81,53
广西高峰矿业有限责任公司是一家国有股份制企业,为接续生产,深部探矿、开拓势在必行。因此解决深部开拓通风问题。是企业生产的重要保障,为此结合矿山原通风系统,就深部盲井开拓,尤其是独头作业面通风进行综合研究,以解决矿山延续生产。  相似文献   

<正>A collaborative research agreement was signed between the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth(RADI),Chinese Academy of Sciences and the European Commission Joint Research Centre(JRC)at the EU Council headquarters in Brussels on June 29,2015 in a bid to boost bilateral cooperation in Earth Observation and Digital Earth.According to the agreement,the two parties will join hands to address global challenges such as sustainable  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the residual ionization in a closed vessel of steel one inch thick, shielded by a two inch casing of lead, over a range of pressure from atmospheric to one thousand pounds per sq. inch, at Pike's Peak (alt. 14,000 ft.), Colorado Springs (alt. 6,ooo ft.), and New Haven (alt. 6,000 ft.). The ionization-pressure curves presents features of interest in relation to the interpretation of the processes associated with ionization in the vessel. However, in the present investigation they are used simply to obtain average relative value of the ionization due to the cosmic rays at the three altitudes concerned. A method of correcting the observations for absorption by the iron sphere, the lead case, and the walls of the buildings, has been developed. It is found that the data for the three stations can be correlated by the assumption of a pair of frequencies in the original cosmic radiation; and, as a matter of fact, an infinite number of such pairs are possible. They are represented in graphical form in Fig. 7 If we permit the assumption of three different frequencies in the cosmic radiation, it is possible in general to assign two of the frequencies, and determine an infinite number of possibilities as regards the third, distributed over a definite range. The possibilities inherent in the assumption of three frequencies are contained in tabular form in Table XVII. Of course, the inclusion of observations from more than three altitudes would serve to fix more definitely the possibility as regards the analysis. However, the result of the analysis for the three stations concerned is possibly of interest for comparison with other data, and as an indication of the kind of information which it is possible to extract from observations of this kind. It is probable that the very large range of possibilities inherent in a solution with three coefficients of absorption will be rather surprising to anyone who considers a situation of this kind for the first time.In addition to those whose assistance has already been acknowledged, I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor J. W. Broxon, who visited me while on Pike's Peak, and assisted in setting up the apparatus; and my thanks are due to Mr. C. A. Kotterman, and particularly to Mr. Andrew Longacre, and Mr. W. E. Ramsey for assistance in the reduction of the observations, and in the computational work.  相似文献   

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