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数字化井场的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化井场的建立是为了生产指挥人员在后方就能够直观地了解现场具体生产情况,分析判断,做出合理决策,指导现场进行下一步生产作业。本文介绍了数字化井场的研究背景和总体思路,从现场数据的获取、现场数据的共享、数据的远程传输以及数据的处理和应用等方面,详细探讨了数字化井场的实现方法和应用途径。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记把科学发展观成功地贯彻运用于军事领域,创造性地提出了信息化条件下军事训练的一系列新思想、新观点和新论断,为我军积极推进机械化条件下军事训练向信息化条件下军事训练的战略转变明确了基本要求、指明了根本方向。  相似文献   

基于云模型的煤矿资源型城市生态风险评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据PSR理论,并结合煤矿资源型城市特有的生态影响因素,从生态环境的压力、状态和响应这3个角度建立相应指标体系;提出云模型评价方法,并给出整体评价流程;以煤矿资源型城市徐州为例,应用该方法进行风险评价实证分析.结果 表明,徐州市综合生态风险已由最初的"高风险"过渡至"低风险"水平,大致经历高风险-较高风险-较低风险-低风险的变化过程,整体呈现出良好的发展态势.  相似文献   

中国汽车零部件产业的钻石模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零部件产业的竞争优势关系到一国整个汽车工业的发展水平。本文运用波特的钻石模型框架,对我国汽车零部件产业竞争优势的主要影响因素进行了分析,在此基础上给出提高我国汽车零部件产业竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are promising quantum sensors because of their long spin coherence time under ambient conditions. However, their spin resonances are relatively insensitive to non-magnetic parameters such as temperature. A magnetic-nanoparticle-nanodiamond hybrid thermometer, where the temperature change is converted to the magnetic field variation near the Curie temperature, were demonstrated to have enhanced temperature sensitivity () (Wang N, Liu G-Q and Leong W-H et al. Phys Rev X 2018; 8: 011042), but the sensitivity was limited by the large spectral broadening of ensemble spins in nanodiamonds. To overcome this limitation, here we show an improved design of a hybrid nanothermometer using a single NV center in a diamond nanopillar coupled with a single magnetic nanoparticle of copper-nickel alloy, and demonstrate a temperature sensitivity of . This hybrid design enables detection of 2 mK temperature changes with temporal resolution of 5 ms. The ultra-sensitive nanothermometer offers a new tool to investigate thermal processes in nanoscale systems.  相似文献   

反井钻机因其成孔质量高,施工速度快,已在各种暗立井、竖井、煤矿的反井、井下煤仓、溜煤眼、溜矸井、通风孔等工程中得到广泛应用。结合柳州市1013人防竖井工程,介绍了反井钻工艺原理、施工方法、钻掘精度控制、在不良地质层钻进技术及常见问题解决方法。  相似文献   

文章对不同生产方式铁粉的粒度进行分析对比,制作空白胎体进行机械性能对比,制作样片进行室内锯切性能对比。结果显示空白胎体中电解Fe粉显示脆性,微米铁粉和羰基铁粉显示韧性;电解铁粉的烧结硬度比微米铁粉和羰基铁粉高;做成锯片锯切混凝土对比,锋利度的排序是:Basf羰基Fe粉>国产羰基Fe粉>国产微米Fe粉>电解Fe粉;寿命排序为:国产微米Fe粉>国产羰基Fe粉>Basf羰基Fe粉>电解铁粉。  相似文献   

构建平衡性企业培训评估钻石模型初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
员工培训工作已成为企业发展的战略性要求,在企业人力资源管理中占据着十分重要的地位。但是,如果培训评估工作不甚完善就会影响企业的培训工作。认为对于培训评估应当结合企业自身的实际情况进行平衡性评估分析,从不同的侧面全面衡量培训所带来的各方面变化,并在现有研究理论基础上首次从平衡分析的角度构建了培训评估钻石模型,希望对企业的培训评估工作提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new multiuser communication model in which a source with broadcast capabilities wants to transmit two different messages to two different destinations in the case that no direct links between the source and its destinations. In this channel model, two parallel half-duplex relays are used to extend the transmission. For this communication model, an outer bound to the achievable capacity is initially derived. Then, two distinctive transmission schemes are characterized such that the source can transmit to the two destinations. In each scheme, the transmission is split into two phases. Specifically, in the first phase, the source can broadcast different messages to the two relays. Then, in the second phase, the two relays can forward the source’s signals into their destinations. Based on the transmission on each scheme, the achievable rate region is characterized. Further, we derive the optimal duration of each phase. The theoretical analyses are followed by many numerical examples that compare between the different transmission techniques and also show the points at which the capacity is achieved.  相似文献   

Geometry and topology are fundamental concepts, which underlie a wide range of fascinating physical phenomena such as topological states of matter and topological defects. In quantum mechanics, the geometry of quantum states is fully captured by the quantum geometric tensor. Using a qubit formed by an NV center in diamond, we perform the first experimental measurement of the complete quantum geometric tensor. Our approach builds on a strong connection between coherent Rabi oscillations upon parametric modulations and the quantum geometry of the underlying states. We then apply our method to a system of two interacting qubits, by exploiting the coupling between the NV center spin and a neighboring 13C nuclear spin. Our results establish coherent dynamical responses as a versatile probe for quantum geometry, and they pave the way for the detection of novel topological phenomena in solid state.  相似文献   

应用分子动力学模拟的方法,研究了纳米金刚石颗粒的导热系数对温度和颗粒尺寸的依存关系。为了得到较为准确的模拟结果,采用了平衡态分子动力学模拟的方法。计算了较长时间的热流自相关函数,并得到了导热系数的收敛结果。结果表明,纳米金刚石颗粒由于尺寸的影响,导热系数低于体材料金刚石的导热系数;随温度的升高,导热系数出现一个峰值,该峰值点的温度小于体材料金刚石出现峰值点的温度;随颗粒尺寸的增大,导热系数增加,我们预测导热系数将在一定的颗粒尺寸时收敛于体材料金刚石的导热系数。  相似文献   

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