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n-grams have been used widely and successfully for approximate string matching in many areas. s-grams have been introduced recently as an n-gram based matching technique, where di-grams are formed of both adjacent and non-adjacent characters. s-grams have proved successful in approximate string matching across language boundaries in Information Retrieval (IR). s-grams however lack precise definitions. Also their similarity comparison lacks precise definition. In this paper, we give precise definitions for both. Our definitions are developed in a bottom-up manner, only assuming character strings and elementary mathematical concepts. Extending established practices, we provide novel definitions of s-gram profiles and the L1 distance metric for them. This is a stronger string proximity measure than the popular Jaccard similarity measure because Jaccard is insensitive to the counts of each n-gram in the strings to be compared. However, due to the popularity of Jaccard in IR experiments, we define the reduction of s-gram profiles to binary profiles in order to precisely define the (extended) Jaccard similarity function for s-grams. We also show that n-gram similarity/distance computations are special cases of our generalized definitions.  相似文献   

The paper describes the OntoNotes, a multilingual (English, Chinese and Arabic) corpus with large-scale semantic annotations, including predicate-argument structure, word senses, ontology linking, and coreference. The underlying semantic model of OntoNotes involves word senses that are grouped into so-called sense pools, i.e., sets of near-synonymous senses of words. Such information is useful for many applications, including query expansion for information retrieval (IR) systems, (near-)duplicate detection for text summarization systems, and alternative word selection for writing support systems. Although a sense pool provides a set of near-synonymous senses of words, there is still no knowledge about whether two words in a pool are interchangeable in practical use. Therefore, this paper devises an unsupervised algorithm that incorporates Google n-grams and a statistical test to determine whether a word in a pool can be substituted by other words in the same pool. The n-gram features are used to measure the degree of context mismatch for a substitution. The statistical test is then applied to determine whether the substitution is adequate based on the degree of mismatch. The proposed method is compared with a supervised method, namely Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Experimental results show that the proposed unsupervised method can achieve comparable performance with the supervised method.  相似文献   

Signature files and inverted files are well-known index structures. In this paper we undertake a direct comparison of the two for searching for partially-specified queries in a large lexicon stored in main memory. Using n-grams to index lexicon terms, a bit-sliced signature file can be compressed to a smaller size than an inverted file if each n-gram sets only one bit in the term signature. With a signature width less than half the number of unique n-grams in the lexicon, the signature file method is about as fast as the inverted file method, and significantly smaller. Greater flexibility in memory usage and faster index generation time make signature files appropriate for searching large lexicons or other collections in an environment where memory is at a premium.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates various stemming and indexing strategies for the Czech language. Based on Czech test-collection, we have designed and evaluated two stemming approaches, a light and a more aggressive one. We have compared them with a no stemming scheme as well as a language-independent approach (n-gram). To evaluate the suggested solutions we used various IR models, including Okapi, Divergence from Randomness (DFR), a statistical language model (LM) as well as the classical tf idf vector-space approach. We found that the Divergence from Randomness paradigm tend to propose better retrieval effectiveness than the Okapi, LM or tf idf models, the performance differences were however statistically significant only with the last two IR approaches. Ignoring the stemming reduces generally the MAP by more than 40%, and these differences are always significant. Finally, if our more aggressive stemmer tends to show the best performance, the differences in performance with a light stemmer are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

We propose in this paper an architecture for near-duplicate video detection based on: (i) index and query signature based structures integrating temporal and perceptual visual features and (ii) a matching framework computing the logical inference between index and query documents. As far as indexing is concerned, instead of concatenating low-level visual features in high-dimensional spaces which results in curse of dimensionality and redundancy issues, we adopt a perceptual symbolic representation based on color and texture concepts. For matching, we propose to instantiate a retrieval model based on logical inference through the coupling of an N-gram sliding window process and theoretically-sound lattice-based structures. The techniques we cover are robust and insensitive to general video editing and/or degradation, making it ideal for re-broadcasted video search. Experiments are carried out on large quantities of video data collected from the TRECVID 02, 03 and 04 collections and real-world video broadcasts recorded from two German TV stations. An empirical comparison over two state-of-the-art dynamic programming techniques is encouraging and demonstrates the advantage and feasibility of our method.  相似文献   

Webpages are mainly distinguished by their topic (e.g., politics, sports etc.) and genre (e.g., blogs, homepages, e-shops, etc.). Automatic detection of webpage genre could considerably enhance the ability of modern search engines to focus on the requirements of the user’s information need. In this paper, we present an approach to webpage genre detection based on a fully-automated extraction of the feature set that represents the style of webpages. The features we propose (character n-grams of variable length and HTML tags) are language-independent and easily-extracted while they can be adapted to the properties of the still evolving web genres and the noisy environment of the web. Experiments based on two publicly-available corpora show that the performance of the proposed approach is superior in comparison to previously reported results. It is also shown that character n-grams are better features than words when the dimensionality increases while the binary representation is more effective than the term-frequency representation for both feature types. Moreover, we perform a series of cross-check experiments (e.g., training using a genre palette and testing using a different genre palette as well as using the features extracted from one corpus to discriminate the genres of the other corpus) to illustrate the robustness of our approach and its ability to capture the general stylistic properties of genre categories even when the feature set is not optimized for the given corpus.  相似文献   

In contrast with their monolingual counterparts, little attention has been paid to the effects that misspelled queries have on the performance of Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) systems. The present work makes a first attempt to fill this gap by extending our previous work on monolingual retrieval in order to study the impact that the progressive addition of misspellings to input queries has, this time, on the output of CLIR systems. Two approaches for dealing with this problem are analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the use of automatic spelling correction techniques for which, in turn, we consider two algorithms: the first one for the correction of isolated words and the second one for a correction based on the linguistic context of the misspelled word. The second approach to be studied is the use of character n-grams both as index terms and translation units, seeking to take advantage of their inherent robustness and language-independence. All these approaches have been tested on a from-Spanish-to-English CLIR system, that is, Spanish queries on English documents. Real, user-generated spelling errors have been used under a methodology that allows us to study the effectiveness of the different approaches to be tested and their behavior when confronted with different error rates. The results obtained show the great sensitiveness of classic word-based approaches to misspelled queries, although spelling correction techniques can mitigate such negative effects. On the other hand, the use of character n-grams provides great robustness against misspellings.  相似文献   

The widespread availability of the Internet and the variety of Internet-based applications have resulted in a significant increase in the amount of web pages. Determining the behaviors of search engine users has become a critical step in enhancing search engine performance. Search engine user behaviors can be determined by content-based or content-ignorant algorithms. Although many content-ignorant studies have been performed to automatically identify new topics, previous results have demonstrated that spelling errors can cause significant errors in topic shift estimates. In this study, we focused on minimizing the number of wrong estimates that were based on spelling errors. We developed a new hybrid algorithm combining character n-gram and neural network methodologies, and compared the experimental results with results from previous studies. For the FAST and Excite datasets, the proposed algorithm improved topic shift estimates by 6.987% and 2.639%, respectively. Moreover, we analyzed the performance of the character n-gram method in different aspects including the comparison with Levenshtein edit-distance method. The experimental results demonstrated that the character n-gram method outperformed to the Levensthein edit distance method in terms of topic identification.  相似文献   

Many traditional works on off-line Thai handwritten character recognition used a set of local features including circles, concavity, endpoints and lines to recognize hand-printed characters. However, in natural handwriting, these local features are often missing due to rough or quick writing, resulting in dramatic reduction of recognition accuracy. Instead of using such local features, this paper presents a method called multi-directional island-based projection to extract global features from handwritten characters. As the recognition model, two statistical approaches, namely interpolated n-gram model (n-gram) and hidden Markov model (HMM), are proposed. The experimental results indicate that the proposed scheme achieves high accuracy in the recognition of naturally-written Thai characters with numerous variations, compared to some common previous feature extraction techniques. Another experiment with English characters also displays quite promising results.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the underlying IR problems encountered when dealing with the complex morphology and compound constructions found in the Hungarian language. It describes evaluations carried out on two general stemming strategies for this language, and also demonstrates that a light stemming approach could be quite effective. Based on searches done on the CLEF test collection, we find that a more aggressive suffix-stripping approach may produce better MAP. When compared to an IR scheme without stemming or one based on only a light stemmer, we find the differences to be statistically significant. When compared with probabilistic, vector-space and language models, we find that the Okapi model results in the best retrieval effectiveness. The resulting MAP is found to be about 35% better than the classical tf idf approach, particularly for very short requests. Finally, we demonstrate that applying an automatic decompounding procedure for both queries and documents significantly improves IR performance (+10%), compared to word-based indexing strategies.  相似文献   

We will explore various ways to apply query structuring in cross-language information retrieval. In the first test, English queries were translated into Finnish using an electronic dictionary, and were run in a Finnish newspaper database of 55,000 articles. Queries were structured by combining the Finnish translation equivalents of the same English query key using the syn-operator of the InQuery retrieval system. Structured queries performed markedly better than unstructured queries. Second, the effects of compound-based structuring using a proximity operator for the translation equivalents of query language compound components were tested. The method was not useful in syn-based queries but resulted in decrease in retrieval effectiveness. Proper names are often non-identical spelling variants in different languages. This allows n-gram based translation of names not included in a dictionary. In the third test, a query structuring method where the Boolean and-operator was used to assign more weight to keys translated through n-gram matching gave good results.  相似文献   

Language modeling (LM), providing a principled mechanism to associate quantitative scores to sequences of words or tokens, has long been an interesting yet challenging problem in the field of speech and language processing. The n-gram model is still the predominant method, while a number of disparate LM methods, exploring either lexical co-occurrence or topic cues, have been developed to complement the n-gram model with some success. In this paper, we explore a novel language modeling framework built on top of the notion of relevance for speech recognition, where the relationship between a search history and the word being predicted is discovered through different granularities of semantic context for relevance modeling. Empirical experiments on a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task seem to demonstrate that the various language models deduced from our framework are very comparable to existing language models both in terms of perplexity and recognition error rate reductions.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple algorithm is used for selection of a set of codeable substrings that occur at the front or rear of the words in a textual data base. Since the words are assumed to be non-repeating, the technique is useful for data compression of dictionaries. The time complexity of the algorithm is governed by the associated sorting algorithm and hence is 0 (n log n). It has been applied to three sample data bases, consisting of words selected from street names, authors names, or general written English text. The results show that the substrings at the rear of the words, yield better compression than those at the front. By application of results of an earlier study in compression coding, efficient encoding and decoding procedures are presented for use in on-line transmission of data.  相似文献   

The use of non-English Web search engines has been prevalent. Given the popularity of Chinese Web searching and the unique characteristics of Chinese language, it is imperative to conduct studies with focuses on the analysis of Chinese Web search queries. In this paper, we report our research on the character usage of Chinese search logs from a Web search engine in Hong Kong. By examining the distribution of search query terms, we found that users tended to use more diversified terms and that the usage of characters in search queries was quite different from the character usage of general online information in Chinese. After studying the Zipf distribution of n-grams with different values of n, we found that the curve of unigram is the most curved one of all while the bigram curve follows the Zipf distribution best, and that the curves of n-grams with larger n (n = 3–6) had similar structures with β-values in the range of 0.66–0.86. The distribution of combined n-grams was also studied. All the analyses are performed on the data both before and after the removal of function terms and incomplete terms and similar findings are revealed. We believe the findings from this study have provided some insights into further research in non-English Web searching and will assist in the design of more effective Chinese Web search engines.  相似文献   

An information retrieval performance measure that is interpreted as the percent of perfect performance (PPP) can be used to study the effects of the inclusion of specific document features or feature classes or techniques in an information retrieval system. Using this, one can measure the relative quality of a new ranking algorithm, the result of incorporating specific types of metadata or folksonomies from natural language, or determine what happens when one makes modifications to terms, such as stemming or adding part-of-speech tags. For example, knowledge that removing stopwords in a specific system improves the performance 5% of the way from the level of random performance to the best possible result is relatively easy to interpret and to use in decision making; using this percent based measure also allows us to simply compute and interpret that there remains 95% of the possible performance to be obtained using other methods. The PPP measure as used here is based on the average search length, a measure of the ordering quality of a set of data, and may be used when evaluating all the documents or just the first N documents in an ordered list of documents. Because the ASL may be computed empirically or may be estimated analytically, the PPP measure may also be computed empirically or performance may be estimated analytically. Different levels of upper bound performance are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the mixed H and passive control problem for a class of nonlinear switched systems based on a hybrid control strategy. To solve this problem, firstly, using the Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model to approximate every nonlinear subsystem, the nonlinear switched systems are modeled as the switched T–S fuzzy systems. Secondly, the hybrid controllers are used to stabilize the switched T–S fuzzy systems. The hybrid controllers consist of dynamic output-feedback controllers for every subsystem and state updating controllers at the switching instant. Thirdly, a new performance index is proposed for switched systems. This new performance index can be viewed as the mixed weighted H and passivity performance. Based on this new performance index, the weighted H control problem and the passive control problem for switched T–S fuzzy systems via the hybrid control strategy are solved in a unified framework. Together the multiple Lyapunov functions (MLFs) approach with the average dwell time (ADT) technique, new design conditions for the hybrid controllers are obtained. Under these conditions, the closed-loop switched T–S fuzzy systems are globally uniformly asymptotically stable with a prescribed mixed H and passivity performance index. Moreover, the desired hybrid controllers can be constructed by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, the effectiveness of the obtained results is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

Today, due to a vast amount of textual data, automated extractive text summarization is one of the most common and practical techniques for organizing information. Extractive summarization selects the most appropriate sentences from the text and provide a representative summary. The sentences, as individual textual units, usually are too short for major text processing techniques to provide appropriate performance. Hence, it seems vital to bridge the gap between short text units and conventional text processing methods.In this study, we propose a semantic method for implementing an extractive multi-document summarizer system by using a combination of statistical, machine learning based, and graph-based methods. It is a language-independent and unsupervised system. The proposed framework learns the semantic representation of words from a set of given documents via word2vec method. It expands each sentence through an innovative method with the most informative and the least redundant words related to the main topic of sentence. Sentence expansion implicitly performs word sense disambiguation and tunes the conceptual densities towards the central topic of each sentence. Then, it estimates the importance of sentences by using the graph representation of the documents. To identify the most important topics of the documents, we propose an inventive clustering approach. It autonomously determines the number of clusters and their initial centroids, and clusters sentences accordingly. The system selects the best sentences from appropriate clusters for the final summary with respect to information salience, minimum redundancy, and adequate coverage.A set of extensive experiments on DUC2002 and DUC2006 datasets was conducted for investigating the proposed scheme. Experimental results showed that the proposed sentence expansion algorithm and clustering approach could considerably enhance the performance of the summarization system. Also, comparative experiments demonstrated that the proposed framework outperforms most of the state-of-the-art summarizer systems and can impressively assist the task of extractive text summarization.  相似文献   

Many existing systems for analyzing and summarizing customer reviews about products or service are based on a number of prominent review aspects. Conventionally, the prominent review aspects of a product type are determined manually. This costly approach cannot scale to large and cross-domain services such as Amazon.com, Taobao.com or Yelp.com where there are a large number of product types and new products emerge almost everyday. In this paper, we propose a novel method empowered by knowledge sources such as Probase and WordNet, for extracting the most prominent aspects of a given product type from textual reviews. The proposed method, ExtRA (Extraction of Prominent Review Aspects), (i) extracts the aspect candidates from text reviews based on a data-driven approach, (ii) builds an aspect graph utilizing the Probase to narrow the aspect space, (iii) separates the space into reasonable aspect clusters by employing a set ofproposed algorithms and finally (iv) generates K most prominent aspect terms or phrases which do not overlap semantically automatically without supervision from those aspect clusters. ExtRA extracts high-quality prominent aspects as well as aspect clusters with little semantic overlap by exploring knowledge sources. ExtRA can extract not only words but also phrases as prominent aspects. Furthermore, it is general-purpose and can be applied to almost any type of product and service. Extensive experiments show that ExtRA is effective and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on a dataset consisting of different product types.  相似文献   

Research into unsupervised ways of stemming has resulted, in the past few years, in the development of methods that are reliable and perform well. Our approach further shifts the boundaries of the state of the art by providing more accurate stemming results. The idea of the approach consists in building a stemmer in two stages. In the first stage, a stemming algorithm based upon clustering, which exploits the lexical and semantic information of words, is used to prepare large-scale training data for the second-stage algorithm. The second-stage algorithm uses a maximum entropy classifier. The stemming-specific features help the classifier decide when and how to stem a particular word.  相似文献   

Traditionally, recommender systems for the web deal with applications that have two dimensions, users and items. Based on access data that relate these dimensions, a recommendation model can be built and used to identify a set of N items that will be of interest to a certain user. In this paper we propose a multidimensional approach, called DaVI (Dimensions as Virtual Items), that consists in inserting contextual and background information as new user–item pairs. The main advantage of this approach is that it can be applied in combination with several existing two-dimensional recommendation algorithms. To evaluate its effectiveness, we used the DaVI approach with two different top-N recommender algorithms, Item-based Collaborative Filtering and Association Rules based, and ran an extensive set of experiments in three different real world data sets. In addition, we have also compared our approach to the previously introduced combined reduction and weight post-filtering approaches. The empirical results strongly indicate that our approach enables the application of existing two-dimensional recommendation algorithms in multidimensional data, exploiting the useful information of these data to improve the predictive ability of top-N recommender systems.  相似文献   

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