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How "the rights and interests in the intellectual property rights of the scientists and technicians should be protected and the entity achieving the service-related technological results should remunerate, under law, those achieving the service-related technological results and those making outstanding contribution to the transfer of the technological results" are important issues encountered in China in its efforts to improve its innovation capacity and build up a new nation. The current legal system in connection with the ownership of the right in, reward for, and remuneration to, service-related technological results in China are embodied in a variety of laws and administrative regulations, such as the Law on Progress of Science and Technology promulgated in 1993, the Law on Transfer of Science and Technology Achievements promulgated in 1996, the Patent Law amended in 2000, and the Contract Law promulgated in 1999. Following is an exploration of the main issues relating to the current legal system of service-related technological results in China, and recommendations made to improve it.  相似文献   

On 27 October 2001, the Standing Committee of the People‘s Congress reviewed and passed the Amendment to the Copyright Law of the People‘s Republic of China. In Article 10 of the amended Copyright Law as of 2001 has been incorporated a new subject matter under the copyright protection: the right of communication through information network, that is, the right to make a work available to the public by wire or by wireless means, so that people may have access to the work from a place and at a time individu...  相似文献   

To deal with the new situation and address the new issues encountered by the Public Security Authorities, the People's Procuratorates and the People's Courts in recent years in handling criminal cases arising from intellectual property infringement, punish criminal activities of intellectual property infringement under the laws, and safeguard the order of the socialist market economy, these Opinions have been formulated as follows under the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, and the relevant judicial interpretation on the basis of the practice of investigation, prosecution and trial.  相似文献   

The National Basic Research Program (dubbed as the " 9 73 Program" is China's on-going national keystone basic research program, which was approved by the Chinese government in June 1997 and is organized and implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The strategic objectives of the Program are to strengthen the original innovations and to address the important scientific issues concerning the national economic and social development at a deeper level and in a wider scope, so as to improve China's capabilities of independent innovations and to provide scientific support for the future development of the country. The followings are some of the" 9 73 projects" initiated in 2006 under the coordination of CAS scientists.  相似文献   

Wildlife resources are important strategic bioresources in China. This paper analyzes the current threats to China’s wildlife, outlines achievements made by Chinese conservation biologists, and presents suggestions for future developments in this field. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) plays an important role in the conservation of wildlife and provides significant intellectual support for conservation research and sustainable development.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at introducting Dahlgren’s system of classification of the angiosperms.  Phenetic and phylogenetic classifications are discussed.  The basic principles and methods used by Dahlgren are explained.  Dahlgren’s opinions on some important problems,  such as the origin of angiosperms,  the flowers of primitive angiosperms,  the relation between the dicotyledons and monocotyledons,  the origin of the monocotyledons,  the treatment of the “Amentiferae” and of the orders of the “Sympetalae”,  are all expressed.  A brief comparison between Dahlgren’s system and three other current systems,  viz. those of Takhtajan,  Cronquist and Thorne is also given.  相似文献   

<正>Floristic and vegetation studies in Lao PDR(Lao People’s Democratic Republic)are important for understanding the plant geography of the Indochina peninsula.However,such studies have been rather rare.Based on entries in the checklist of the vascular plants of Laos,a team led by ZHU Hua from the  相似文献   

<正>In recent years,with the rapid development of interdisciplinary studies such as molecular biology,genomics and systems biology,and with the breakthroughs in genome sequencing and other technologies,molecular marker-assisted selection and transgenic technology gradually became two important means of plant/animal breeding.Despite of the achievements,however,there are a number of problems in molecular breeding that need to be addressed immediately.As the major agronomic and economic traits of plants or animals are usually very complex and controlled by multiple genes,the modifi cation of a single or several functional genes is inadequate for the overall improvement of the target’s complex traits.Thus efficient,targeted and  相似文献   

High level oil temperature is one of the most important factories reasons for hydraulic system to breakdown.In order to improve ability of heat-radiation and control oil temperature within proper scope,new type oil tanks are required which are made up by plate-fin units.The analysis indicates that the new type oil tanks have a good natural ability of heat-radiation.To further enhance ability of heat-radiation,it should be fixed a fan in the bottom of the oil tanks,which can strengthen the ability of heat-radiation.With monitoring equipment,monitoring system can monitor the parameters of oil tanks in real time,and control the oil temperature within proper scope.Simulation experiments tell us some significant data.  相似文献   

<正>Bio-specimen centers, including herbaria and zoological museums, are the most integrated places for the storage of specimens, which are real samples and the most important vouchers for taxonomic and biodiversity studies. The information carried by the  相似文献   

刘婧 《情报科学》2004,22(1):123-128
本文通过中文期刊全文数据库(CNKI数据库)与中文科技期刊数据库(VIP数据库)检索到有关洛特卡定律与普赖斯定律的相关文献,并对此进行了多方面的整理与分析,对国内近15年来文献作者分布规律的研究状况进行了总结与说明。  相似文献   

胡小君 《科学学研究》2003,21(6):647-651
本研究从加菲尔德和普赖斯的思想出发,以《WebofScience》为数据源,通过学科评估得出的大量数据及计算机的分析处理,对文献的被引高峰及被引态势作了分析和验证,探讨了Web形态下的"累积被引曲线"和"被引频次分布曲线";与此同时,从研究得到的科学指征推出适合实际应用的"文献影响系数"及其初步算法。  相似文献   

唐全民 《科教文汇》2014,(25):36-37
作为法学本科阶段一门实践性较强的专业基础课,仲裁法学对应用型人才的培养具有重要作用。为此,本文结合本校仲裁法学教学现状,分析了该课程在教学实践中存在的问题,并从教学目标、内容、方式及考核评价机制等方面提出改进措施。通过实施体验式教学模式,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

龙正凤 《科教文汇》2013,(35):21-22,25
刑法学课程是作为我校思想政治教育专业的必修课程来开设的,非专业性、有限的课时数与刑法学教学内容的庞杂性、刑法学通识教育目标与司法制度要求之间的冲突以及我校新升本的地方院校的校情所决定的传统授课模式和教学目标转型阶段的教学现状,决定了我校的刑法学教学必须进行相应的调整和改革,以提升刑法学的教学效果和教学水平。  相似文献   

摩尔定律的思想潜力和极限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集成电路是电子信息产业的核心,在其发展过程中,摩尔定律起到了预言和导向的作用,所以,摩尔定律的思想潜力和应用极限不仅关系到信息产业的前景,也关系到目前人类技术思想的前沿趋向和社会经济形态的进化与转型。本文结合科学方法论关于在两极中保持张力的准则,分别阐述并预测了摩尔定律在电脑、语言辨识、光纤设备和光器件中的应用以及促使摩尔定律达到极限的几个技术思想方面的问题。  相似文献   

魏桂兰 《科教文汇》2012,(1):196-197
最高人民法院出台的《婚姻法解释(三)》于2011年8月13日起施行,它的条款涉及离婚诉讼房产分割、无民事行为能力人能否作为原告提起离婚诉讼、生育权纠纷、离婚诉讼损害赔偿等问题,是对《婚姻法》的有效补充。这一司法解释的出台为司法实践提供了新的标准。  相似文献   

高斌 《现代情报》2012,32(2):85-90
本文利用LISA Plus与Lit&Info Science收集1975-2002年间,OPAC文献6 309篇,进行书目计量学的分析,并且用布莱德福定律和布莱德福-齐夫定律的图解来加以分析说明。  相似文献   

劳动合同法开始实施以后,政府和企业双方的博弈加剧。企业的抵制规避,政府的监管不力,都使法律的实施效果大打折扣。从如何使企业自觉遵守《劳动合同法》及尽量降低政府监督检查的成本2个层面建立博弈模型,以期《劳动合同法》能够得到预期的执行效果。  相似文献   

近年来,标准必要专利权人滥用禁令救济的现象引起了社会各界的广泛关注。这种滥用有的已经构成了垄断,必须进行反垄断法规制。我国应该在借鉴美国、德国及欧盟经验的基础上,以合理限度为原则,确立标准必要专利权人禁令救济滥用的标准,在现有反垄断法体系下,完善《关于滥用知识产权的反垄断指南》(征求意见稿),设立专门的知识产权反垄断执法机构,从而对标准必要专利权禁令救济滥用行为进行有效的规制约束。  相似文献   

陈政 《科教文汇》2013,(23):24-27
商法在我国社会主义市场经济法律体系中的基本法地位决定了商法学课程在法学本科专业课程体系中的十六门专业核心主干课程之一的地位。商法学课程的科学合理设置对于该门课程的教学效果意义重大。商法学课程包含的内容比较庞大,主要包括商法总论、公司法、票据法、证券法、保险法及破产法等内容,因此可以采用必修课加选修课的课程设置方式来进行统筹安排,同时应突出公司法的核心地位。  相似文献   

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