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哈尔滨工业大学:重新修订兼职博导规定哈尔滨工业大学近日对聘任校外、境外兼职博士生导师的规定进行了重新修订,对博导的年龄、聘期、招生等方面进行了改革。根据新修订的规定,校外兼职博士生导师除院士外,年龄一般不超过57岁;聘任期限为5年,如果两年内未招收到博士生,则合同自行失效;校外兼职博导在其聘期前三年招生,  相似文献   

思想力“原点”在许多国人的传统意识里,教授博导似乎是一个特殊的层次,一个带着光环的新的级别。很多人怀着崇敬的心情仰视、关注着教授博导,同时寄予他们很高的学术期待。教授博导,似乎等同于学术精品的天然生产者、学生学术潜质的开发者、学科发展的领航者……过多、过高的理想期待已经演变成教授博导们难以承受之重。他们大多被要求同时满足教学、科研、行政职务、社会兼职(甚至成为会议的装饰)等多重角色的需求。事实上,对其定位的多元化等同于对其定位的模糊化,教授博导在多元的角色扮演中也会分身乏术、苦不堪言。教授博导应该是怎样的人,应发挥怎样的作用,新时期下,值得人们注意。  相似文献   

皮显刚 《时代教育》2015,(2):228-229
教师有偿社会兼职行为作为一种社会现象,受到了社会的普遍关注。很多专家学者积极进行研究,都想寻求一个解决此现象的可行之策。如宋时春、杨旭、霍松月、孙琴等学者都发表了相关言论,意图规范教师有偿家教等有偿社会兼职行为。如何解决教师有偿兼职的问题,是摆在我们教育管理者面前的一个大课题,值得专家学者、管理部门去研究。  相似文献   

大学生过度兼职现象越来越严重,有些已经影响到了正常的学业。本文通过分析一个过度兼职的个案帮扶,总结出辅导员对过度兼职学生应采取的措施。  相似文献   

高校教师兼职情况的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校教师兼职是较为普遍的现象。这些教师兼职是出于什么原因 ?他们兼职的方式如何 ?兼职对教师本人的专业发展和本职工作有无影响 ?他们是怎样看待兼职的 ?本文对此进行了研究 ,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

广州地区高校教师兼职是较为普遍的现象,教师兼职是出于什么原因,对兼职的看法如何,对学校兼职管理又持什么态度,对于这些问题本文进行了问卷调查与分析,并对研究结果进行讨论。  相似文献   

关于高校附属医院医生兼职问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医生兼职行为是当前医院一个普遍的现象,如何对医生兼职进行规范化管理,不仅是医院内部管理的问题,而且还涉及到医生职责的定位,以及医院与社会的关系处理等问题。该文通过对医生兼职的现实意义、存在弊端这两方面的分析,提出规范化管理的思路。  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的大学生利用在校时间寻找兼职工作,其中校园代理作为一种兼职的形式,受到了学生和企业的青睐。但与此同时,部分"校园代理"亦存在着怠工现象,企业也存在着频繁更换校园代理和偏爱学生干部的现象。文章将通过扩展一个简化的夏皮罗—斯蒂格利茨的"偷懒模型"来对此现象进行解释,并提出减少此类现象发生的建议。  相似文献   

当前,大学生兼职是一个非常普遍的现象。据调查,50%以上的大学生或多或少地都做过兼职。对大学生做兼职的利弊,学校、家庭、社会,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。本期我们就这个问题听听华南师范大学的同学们怎么说。  相似文献   

对当今大学生兼职现象的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,当今大学生兼职现象日益普遍,关于大学生兼职是好是坏也众说纷纭。大学生兼职有它的有利因素同时也存在着不稳定的因素,大学生兼职应该引起社会和高校的高度重视。  相似文献   

The supervisor–doctoral student interpersonal relationship is important for the success of a PhD-project. Therefore, information about doctoral students’ perceptions of their relationship with their supervisor can be useful for providing detailed feedback to supervisors aiming at improving the quality of their supervision. This paper describes the development of the questionnaire on supervisor–doctoral student interaction (QSDI). This questionnaire aims at gathering information about doctoral students’ perceptions of the interpersonal style of their supervisor. The QSDI appeared to be a reliable and valid instrument. It can be used in research on the relationship between supervisor and doctoral student and can provide supervisors with feedback on their interpersonal style towards a particular student.  相似文献   

Building on existing studies that ask doctoral supervisors how they understand their role, and what has influenced this understanding, this article explores invitations that are issued to supervisors to reflect in certain ways about the role of supervisor. The article calls into question the ways in which supervisors are invited to think about and represent supervision, by professional development courses, handbooks on supervision, and the questions that researchers pose about supervision. This discussion is situated in autoethnographic analysis of a valuable moment in the author's academic career for reflecting on these factors: the author is positioned directly between the role of doctoral supervisee and the role of doctoral supervisor. Through autoethnographic engagement with doctoral supervision literature, the article argues that professional development for supervisors would benefit from more critical analysis of the invitations which are issued to supervisors to reflect on the transition from supervisee to supervisor.  相似文献   

导师是博士生培养的关键。在与高等教育发达国家比较视野下,从博士生体验和评价视角探析当前我国博士生导师对博士生指导现状及相对水平,可为优化研究生导师指导行为提供支持。经选取Nature调查中代表性发达国家对比发现,我国博士生对导师总体满意,但对导师指导分项满意度还有较大提升空间。具体到导师指导行为上,我国博士生对出版发表、合作机会、资金支持的满意度略高于或接近于发达国家,但在导师学术指导频次,给予心理支持和职业发展指导方面与发达国家存在一定差距,尤其是对导师给予其学术指导,提供参加学术会议、会议报告机会等培养支持满意度处于对比8国的较低水平。基于数据分析和讨论,建议导师遴选应加强对导师指导能力和指导质量的考察,高校对导师的岗位要求和岗位评价等应细化导师指导行为,多渠道为博士生开展同行学术交流创造条件。  相似文献   

While the experiences of international doctoral students, especially those from Asian countries, have been well researched, fewer studies have explored the experiences of African students in Southern countries like Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. This article reports on doctoral writing and student and supervisor perspectives on English languages in a small study of supervisors and African students in New Zealand. It challenges deficit constructions of African students and illustrates how the growing internationalisation of higher education is adding to the complexities of doctoral writing, raising questions as to how students and supervisors recognise and navigate differences in Englishes and doctoral writing. It makes a number of recommendations about how supervisors might work effectively with African and other doctoral students.  相似文献   

Around the world, changing funding policies have pushed for university departments to find increased external project-based funding. While this trend is widely acknowledged, mixed views exist about implications for faculty members’ academic practices. Regarding doctoral education, researchers have raised concern that external funding will push doctoral supervisors to be more directive in their supervision of doctoral students’ research projects. However, the empirical evidence supporting such concern is limited. The aim of the current study was, first, to develop and validate a scale allowing us to measure the degree of supervisor direction. Second, the aim was to examine the hypothesis that directive supervision is more likely to occur when the doctoral student’s research project is supported by external funding secured by the supervisor. A total of 1690 doctoral students at a research-intensive Danish university participated in the study. Three scales, including a directive supervision scale, were developed and validated by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Our hypothesis could be confirmed for the health sciences, but not the natural sciences. Results from the humanities and social sciences were ambiguous.  相似文献   

不少学者认为,我国的博士教育是在借鉴欧美模式基础上发展起来的,但与欧美模式相比,是“形似而神不似”。为探究个中原因,利用比较教育的方法,对中国博士教育模式进行深入剖析,结果发现:迅猛的规模扩张、相对短促的修业年限、师承一人的导师指导方式、以考试成绩作取舍的考录制度、与科研脱节的课程学习、缺乏创新的学位论文写作等都与欧美模式有着明显的区别,而形成这些差异的根源在于:我国博士生教育的培养理念偏离了博士教育的宗旨——培养顶尖创新人才。  相似文献   

Much research into doctoral student-supervisor relations focuses on developing positive interactions. For many students, however, the research experience can be troubled by breakdowns in communication and even the loss of the supervisor(s), turning the student into a doctoral ‘orphan’ and impacting on their academic identity and ability and confidence in producing a sound doctoral-level contribution to knowledge. Our work with a range of UK- and internationally-based doctoral students looks specifically at reasons for supervisor loss and/or absence and the students' experience of being doctoral ‘orphans’ in terms of identity, confidence and progress. In focusing on those who achieve successful completion, it suggests the need for institutional and community support and highlights the development of effective strategies leading to ownership, empowerment and emotional resilience.  相似文献   

Stress during doctoral study is common; however, its presence is of concern to students as it has a deleterious impact on well-being and performance, and to the university which has a duty of care to students and the desire to promote a supportive research environment. This article reports on the qualitative findings from an online survey that sought to identify students’ experiences related to stress during the early-stage doctoral study. All newly enrolled PhD students at the University of Otago (New Zealand) received invitations to participate and respond to two questions related to stress during the early-stage doctoral study. In total, 152 survey responses were acquired from 352 first-year PhD students (response rate 43.2%). Nine main areas of concern were identified from an inductive thematic analysis of participants’ responses. Key stressors were time pressure, uncertainty about doctoral processes, sense of belonging in scholarly communities, and financial pressures. Some findings are contrary to previous research with novel perceptions on the student–supervisor relationship, different financial issues, and transition stresses contrary to previous research; this may reflect the changed academic landscape of doctoral studies. Findings provide insight into potential support strategies to better support early-stage PhD students.  相似文献   

实证分析表明,博士教育可以为个体职务晋升和学术生产带来较大的比较优势;相对全日制博士而言,非全日制博士无论在职务晋升还是学术生产方面都具有明显的劣势;博士生导师的学术影响力对博士学位获得者的职务晋升和学术生产一般并不具有显著性影响。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing popularity of doctoral education, many students do not complete their studies, and very little information is available about them. Understanding why some students consider that they do not want to, or cannot, continue with their studies is essential to reduce dropout rates and to improve the overall quality of doctoral programmes. This study focuses on the motives students give for considering dropping out of their doctoral degree. Participants were 724 social sciences doctoral students from 56 Spanish universities, who responded to a questionnaire containing doctoral degree conditions questions and an open-ended question on motives for dropping out. Results showed that a third of the sample, mainly the youngest, female and part time students, stated that they had intended to drop out. The most frequent motives for considering dropping out were difficulties in achieving a balance between work, personal life and doctoral studies and problems with socialization. Overall, results offer a complex picture that has implications for the design of doctoral programmes, such as the conditions and demands of part-time doctoral studies or the implementation of educational proposals that facilitate students’ academic and personal integration into the scientific community in order to prevent the development of a culture of institutional neglect.  相似文献   

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