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教学反思表现为职业选择倾向、反思意识、反思行为三个维度。教育实习中的职前教师在教学反思上存在职业选择多元化、教学反思意识不明显、教学反思行为不高、反思形式和内容较传统等问题。为此,师范院校应当规范教育实习体系,为职前教师教学反思提供平台;加强指导教师的培训,提高职前教师教学反思的指导水平;创设教学反思的氛围,增强职前教师教学反思的自觉性;完善课程体系,培养职前教师的教学反思技能和技巧等,以此增强职前教师的教学反思能力。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和文本分析,可以深入了解农村中学英语教师反思性实践现状。研究发现:教师通过反思在一定程度上提高了专业发展意识与能力,但缺乏互动交流的发展环境;教师的反思性实践总体上呈现技术性特征,对反思的理解主要停留在改良教法的技术层面。这对教师培训与发展具有一定启示:只有在健康、生态的反思文化环境中,长期开展基于教师个人课堂教学实践的互动性反思活动,才有可能使教师通过反思建构个人对教育教学的理解,成为自主的反思性实践者。  相似文献   

教师职前专业发展以师范教育阶段的专业学习和实践为主。大学本位的师范教育具备较强的理论优势,而其专业实践以及在实践中对学生研究意识和能力的培养却相对薄弱。应充分利用顶岗支教实习的契机,加强对师范生专业素质的培养。师范生在实习中要践行专业理论,提高实践技能,反思教学实践,积累科研素材,实习同伴间要合作互助,在指导教师专业引领下,实现职前专业发展。  相似文献   

国际中文教师应具备反思意识,并将反思贯穿于国际中文教育与专业发展的全过程。文章借助于刺激回忆报告,从反思内容、层次、过程三个维度研究职前国际中文教师的教学反思情况。研究发现:职前国际中文教师的教学反思在内容上较为关注教学问题,正面反思较少;视角集中在教师和教学上,涉及学生和其他教学方面的反思不多;在层次上都是技术性和实践性反思,批判性反思缺乏;在过程中有主动反思意识,但对反思问题的分析程度较浅。文章针对职前国际中文教师的教学反思特点,结合反思中出现的教学问题,分别从教师教育者和学位点两个层面提出建议,以此提升职前国际中文教师的教学反思能力,优化教师教育课程。  相似文献   

张毅敏 《教师》2013,(23):120-122
教学反思是教师不断学习的核心动力之一,是教师专业素养结构的重要组成部分。教育实习是师范生教学实践知识生成的关键期,他们在这一时期的反思行动将为今后的专业发展奠定重要的基础。为此,笔者对一组师范生在教育实习过程中的教学反思情况进行了调查,总结分析了职前教师教学反思的特点以及影响因素,并对职前教师的专业培养方式提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

职前外语教师的反思性实践研究文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章借鉴国外反思性实践理论和研究的成果,讨论反思性实践对职前外语教师专业发展的重要意义,通过对国内、外职前外语教师教育中对反思性实践展开的各种定性实证研究的讨论,揭示了反思在职前外语教师专业发展中的重要作用,作者提出了如何为我国职前外语教师创造有利的专业发展环境,促进其在反思中理解教学、在学习教学中发展反思能力的建议。  相似文献   

教育实习指导对于提高职前教师教学能力与综合素养具有关键作用。对当代西方不同理论取向教育实习指导进行考察,将助益教师教育者从学理层面理解教育实习指导,增强教师教育者对于自身指导实践的反思,提升职前教师的教育实习质量。研究发现,当代西方教育实习指导实践主要呈现出四种理论取向:聚焦教学技能、强调规范与效用的实证主义理论取向;关注意义生成、重视人际互动与个人成长的现象学理论取向;注重批判与反思、倡导行动与改变的批判理论取向;凸显整体关联、多维互动的生态系统理论取向。当代西方教育实习指导理论取向的探究,为建构实习指导关系、丰富实习指导内容、改善实习指导环境等方面提供了启示。  相似文献   

教育实习是职前教师教育不可或缺的重要组成部分。植根于社会文化理论的动态评价理论强调在评价过程中参与各方的互动和干预,把评价与教师培养有机地融合起来。这能有效地培养"准教师"的反思意识和探索意识,并且促使他们在教学实践中进行行动研究,从而实现培养他们研究意识的目的,为职前教师入职后成为称职教师,以至成为专家型教师的过渡打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查了不同来源对中学数学教师的教师知识发展的重要程度。研究结果显示:自身教学经验与反思、和同事的日常交流是最为重要的职后的教师知识来源,而入职后的学历教育是最不重要的教师知识来源。在职前的各种教师知识来源中,教育见习实习、微格教学是职前比较重要的教师知识来源,而数学专业课、教育类课程是最不重要和次重要的教师知识来源。根据这些结果,我们提出了在教师教育中促进教师知识发展的建议。  相似文献   

当前国际中文教育遭遇挑战,需要国际中文教师具备全球素养。基于经济合作与发展组织(OECD)全球素养框架,构建了四个维度七个能力素养的国际中文教师全球素养框架。设计问卷进行调查,发现职前国际中文教师整体水平不高、个体差异大、各能力素养发展不均衡,跨文化交际能力最佳但理解全球问题能力和国际问题意识最弱;职前国际中文教师的课程学习方式、境外实习实践、掌握的外语数量对全球素养有显著的影响。为培养具备中国特色、具备全球素养的国际中文教师,应从人格、认知和能力层面系统化培养职前国际中文教师,基于交叉融合理念设置模块化课程,拓展职前国际中文教师的国际视野并加强多元文化教学实践;增强第二外语教学,鼓励和支持职前国际中文教师到境外实习。  相似文献   

Curricular and pedagogical reforms are complex inter-linked processes such that curricular reform can only be enacted through teachers teaching differently. This article reports the perspective of emergent Malaysian primary teachers who were expected to implement a Government reform that promoted active learning. The 120 student teachers were members of a single cohort completing a new B.Ed. degree programme in Primary Mathematics designed by teacher educators from Malaysia and the UK. They were taught to use a tripartite pedagogical framework involving action or active learning, supported in practice through reflection and modelling. Drawing on findings from surveys carried out with the student teachers at the end of their first and final placements this article examines evidence for the premise that the student teachers were teaching differently; illustrates how they reported using active learning strategies; and identifies factors that enabled and constrained pedagogic change in the primary classroom. The students’ accounts of using action, reflection and modelling are critiqued in order to learn about changing learning and teaching practice and to contribute to understanding teacher education and early teacher development. The students’ reports suggest diversity of understanding that emphasises the need to challenge assumptions when working internationally and within national and local cultures.  相似文献   

Since Schön’s influential work on reflective practice, reflection has been prioritised in teacher education programmes internationally. The research described in this paper examined the development of postgraduate student teachers’ reflective processes in their first school placement. Twenty-five students were asked to write an account of their evolution in an area of their teaching, and how they were supported to evaluate lessons and reflect on their practice. Subsequently, a sample was interviewed to explore themes arising from the essays. In describing their development of a reflective perspective, the students identified useful feedback from three main sources: mentors, peers and pupils. Although the research took place within a Scottish context, the different roles that feedback played in the development of reflection should be of interest to teacher educators and student teachers internationally, as it could be argued that beginning teachers in every country face similar issues relating to reflection.  相似文献   

Recently, many insights have been gained into the design of powerful learning environments. Teacher training must take account of this knowledge when educating the teachers of the future. This study investigates possible approaches within teacher training which could encourage student teachers towards learning-focused teaching activities. The main question is whether students from institutions where these activities were taught in a more inductive way pay more attention to these aspects during teaching practice than those from other institutions. This inductive approach is concretized by the following: (a) modelling of these teaching activities by the teacher trainers; (b) coaching the teaching practice experiences and giving hints; (c) taking the students’ learning experiences as starting points for reflection. Three existing teacher-training institutions were chosen to provide different and ecologically valid settings in a feasible way. Comparisons of the institutional approaches with the approaches during teaching practice confirm the importance of an inductive approach in which different practice experiences, systematically aimed at making the students restructure their conceptual frameworks of learning and instruction, are used for reflection.  相似文献   

In teacher education programmes, written portfolios or text-based self-evaluations are generally used to document the development of student teachers’ competence. However, such approaches do no justice to the complex nature of teaching as they tend to lead to evidence in which teacher competencies are disconnected and removed from the actual teaching practice. In one postgraduate teacher education programme, video narratives were evaluated as a valid way to assess student teachers’ teaching competencies, promoting connections amongst different competencies, situating these in practice and showing their development over time. Data were gathered from self-reports of both teacher educators and student teachers as well as student teachers’ completed video narratives. Most student teachers succeeded in meeting the set criteria for the video narrative assignment with connected video clips and text frames. However, student teachers also came up with only a few video episodes and loosely connected clips, reflections and other sources. Although most of the students during the programme did explicitly reflect upon their personal development towards becoming a teacher, almost none of them explicitly connected these ideas to their long-term development. We conclude that video narratives show potential to be used as a valid assessment of student teachers’ teaching competence. Yet, structured guidance as well as ill-structured assignments are needed in framing assessment of student teachers in teacher preparation: the former to clarify the aims, format and criteria and the latter to enable student teachers to reflect on their teaching in a personally, meaningful way.  相似文献   

Teachers’ confidence in their ability to perform the actions that lead to student learning is one of the few individual characteristics that predicts teacher practice and student outcomes. Teachers and especially student teachers need strong efficacy beliefs in order to continue teaching during in‐service education. The current study explores the factors that precede student teachers’ beliefs of teaching efficacy and determine their conviction that they can influence instructional strategies, classroom management, and students’ engagement. In the study 198 fourth‐year students from two primary education departments in Greece completed a Teacher Efficacy Sources Inventory and a Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale. It was found that self‐perceptions of teaching competence, personal characteristics, and motivation for teaching were contributory factors to teaching efficacy. The search for this type of information from student teachers is based on the assumption that feedback from students comprises a substantive factor in relation to the evaluation and improvement of teacher training programmes.  相似文献   

Within US teacher preparation programs, critical pedagogy and a desire for social change can lead teacher educators to prioritize transformation of prospective teachers’ beliefs through self-reflection. In pursuit of effective critical pedagogies, teacher educators also need to examine their own practices and beliefs. This self-study, a manifestation of teaching as inquiry, reframes evaluations of teaching away from what students do toward what teachers do. Here I undertake a reflexive examination of my own recursive practice as a teacher educator in children’s literature. Drawing upon a complex notion of teaching and learning, I argue that student learning outcomes are unpredictable, and as a result, successful teacher education should model self-inquiry as a vital part of teaching. Findings show that teaching choices (and omissions) in response to students’ responses led to unintended outcomes that undermined my motivations. I conclude that teacher educators’ self-inquiry and reflection in broader social contexts offers access to critical ways of thinking that underlie their work toward developing similar capacities among their prospective teacher students.  相似文献   

论教师、学生、学校因素对高校课堂有效教学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校课堂有效教学是高校课堂教学最大程度地达到预期教学效果。调查研究证实,它受到教师自身、学生、学校等三个因素的影响。教师的影响通过教师的教学理念、教学责任感、教学投入、教学知识、教学效能感以及学习、实践、反思和研究教学实现;学生的影响通过学生对课堂有效教学配合、鼓励和投入实现;学校的影响通过学校对课堂有效教学重视、鼓励、支持以及学校其他教师对课堂有效教学鼓励、支持与帮助实现。  相似文献   

This article explores how reflective practice may be facilitated among pre-service teachers preparing to teach in culturally diverse classrooms. The significance of the mentor teacher’s ability to reveal her/himself as a reflective practitioner in order to promote student reflection is well documented. The article specifically addresses one teacher educator’s approach to offering mentor support with a focus on reflective practices related to cultural diversity. She explores how her ethnographic doctoral study on the classroom participation of adult South Sudanese students in different Australian learning environments has informed her own practice as a teacher, and ways in which her teaching philosophy and values were influenced by the sustained reflection needed to complete the study. By making explicit an aspect of her reflective practice, she aims to add to the growing body of literature on how to engage pre-service teachers meaningfully in reflection on their own classroom practice, especially in relation to teaching to diversity.  相似文献   

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