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多年来,国内外学者对分层教学法争论不休。支持者认为其因材施教,量体裁衣;反对者认为其会加剧教育不公,影响学生心理发展,不利于提升学生成绩。通过回顾国内外相关研究,结合教育心理学和资本理论等相关原理,探讨分层教学法对不同学生的影响。分析发现分层教学法能够在一定程度上促进成绩优异学生的学业进步,但是对成绩较差的学生没有显著帮助,不能有效提高所有学生的成绩,还会对部分学生的心理状态及人际交往产生负面影响。  相似文献   

Based on data collected from middle school students in a U.S. school (N = 159) and a Chinese school (N = 183), this study compared Internet use in school and at home between American students and Chinese students, explored what affected students’ use of the Internet, and examined how students’ Internet use related to their learning. Results reveal that (a) significant differences in online activities between American students and Chinese students were found in school, but not at home. Further analysis suggests that different pedagogical practices in these two cultural contexts led to the different uses of the Internet in school between American students and Chinese students. (b) There were significant school/home differences in Internet use for American students, but not much school/home difference was found for Chinese students. (c) There were salient similarities between American students and Chinese students in terms of the most popular activities they engaged in online. (d) Internet use in teaching and learning in school had some influence on students’ interest in learning specific subjects.  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2012,38(11):670-680

Observation training of home dental practice is easily influenced by the site and time, and differences in learning content are likely to occur among students. The aim of the present study is to prototype virtual reality (VR) teaching material for home dental practice to provide dental students with the chance to observe patients receiving home dental care. The VR teaching material was created before the study, using a patient’s home as the medical treatment scene, and practical training was then conducted using this VR teaching material with dental students. To examine its educational effectiveness, 101 dental students, who attended practical training between June 2018 and January 2019, responded to survey questions before and after watching the VR teaching material. They took a comparative examination, based on the questionnaire results, using text mining and hierarchical cluster analysis. Two variables were tested: changes in self-confidence regarding knowledge of home dental practice (knowledge confidence) and changes in self-confidence regarding treatment assistance (assistance confidence). There was a significant increase in student’s knowledge confidence and assistance confidence scores (p < .001). Moreover, hierarchical cluster analysis indicated a change in the cluster before and after they watched the VR teaching material. Given that VR teaching material makes it possible to conduct home observation training for a variety of reasons, such as lack of available facilities or patient reservation issues, the findings indicate that VR teaching material can supplement dental students’ training in home dental practice.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of interaction between home and international students using qualitative data from 100 home students at two ‘teaching intensive’ universities in the southwest of England. Stephan and Stephan's Integrated Threat Theory is used to analyse the data, finding evidence for all four types of threat that they predict when outgroups interact. It is found that home students perceive threats to their academic success and group identity from the presence of international students on the campus and in the classroom. These are linked to anxieties around ‘mindful’ forms of interaction and a taboo around the discussion of difference, leading to a ‘passive xenophobia’ for the majority. The paper concludes that Integrated Threat Theory is a useful tool in critiquing the ‘internationalisation at home’ agenda, making suggestions for policies and practices that may alleviate perceived threats, thereby improving the quality and outcomes of intercultural interaction.  相似文献   

为防止一场大规模新冠肺炎疫情蔓延,教育部做出延期开学的决定,并要求各地教育部门和学校认真做好延期开学期间"停课不停学"工作。本研究基于对培智学校学生在疫情期间的情绪行为与学习特点的分析,对居家教学提出了如下对策:以问题为导向,做好情绪管理,消除抗拒行为;结合居家资源,制定切实可行的教学活动实施方案;尊重学生及家长差异,合理做好居家学习管理工作,并对下一步教学工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

伴随着我国高中新课程改革的实施,社会呼唤具备参与意识和参与能力的现代公民。反思传统教育,恰恰在培养学生的参与精神和参与能力方面相当薄弱,这也是高中政治教学效率不高的重要原因。高中政治课堂要实施参与教学,其主要策略有:建立和谐的师生关系;创设良好的教学情境;教学内容生活化;教学方法多样化;倡导发展性教学评价。  相似文献   

讨论式教学法在国内外都相当盛行,在教学法体系中占有重要地位。利用讨论式教学法组织教学,教师作为"导演",对学生的思维加以引导和启发,学生在教师指导下进行有意识的思维探究活动。学生的学习始终处于"问题—思考—探—解答"的积极状态。这样的教学方法无疑体现"教师为主导,学生为主体"这一教学思想。就讨论式教学法的作用、基本条件、程序和在英语语法教学中的具体应用等方面作了系统的论述。  相似文献   

结合国内外高校公共物理课程教学改革的研究现状及学生的能力素质,本文提出了适合学生发展和课程教学的大学物理课程教学改革措施及运行机制,通过改革措施,提高学生对学习公共物理重要性的认识及学习公共物理的兴趣,更好地培养学生自主学习和独立思考的能力,提高理工科各专业学生的科学素养和分析、解决问题的能力,建立科学的世界观,培养学生的探索精神和创新意识。  相似文献   

王丽芬 《成才之路》2020,(5):120-121
阅读在地理教学中尤为重要,是学生获取知识、提升地理素养的重要途径。教师在地理教学中,要注重学生阅读能力培养,以提高地理教学效率和教学质量,提升学生学科素养。文章结合地理教学实践,从图文结合进行阅读、学生自主阅读和教师引导并重、指导学生课外阅读、家校联系等方面,对地理教学阅读策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

当前,国内外教育专家已开始把数值模拟仿真技术应用于土木工程专业相关课程的教学改革实践中。实践证明,数值模拟仿真是进行试验教学改革的有效途径。基于高职土建类《建筑结构》课程的试验教学存在的受试验条件和招生规模的限制、制约学生动手和思维创造能力等问题,将数值模拟仿真试验技术引入到《建筑结构》课程中的试验教学改革的方法,通过钢筋混凝土梁正截面和斜截面破坏的仿真案例实践分析,验证了提高教学质量的有效途径,有助于培养学生的实践能力和创新意识。  相似文献   

英语语法课是外语教学中的重要课程.但如何正确看待语法教学的地位以及如何上好语法课一直是英语教学界争论的问题之一.在我国外语教学史上,曾有过分强调语法教学也有忽视语法教学的时期,这两种倾向都对外语教学造成了不良影响.在非母语教学环境条件下,语法教学是不可缺少的.外语教师应该不断更新教学理念,根据学生的年龄和语言水平,在语法教学中采用多种教学途径与教学方法.  相似文献   

洋思中学"先学后教"的课堂教学模式中,"后教",是指在课堂上,在"先学"的基础上,在教师积极而有效的科学引导下,学生之间进行的合作实践、探究、学习。"后教"的主体是每一个学生,是学生集体的互教、互研、互学。教师在"后教"中起科学"导教"作用。"后教"体现了中外优秀的教学思想,体现了新课程改革的要求。  相似文献   

International studies, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), have shown that, in most participating countries, students who do not typically speak the test language at home reach lower levels of reading comprehension than students using the test language at home (Stanat & Christensen, 2006). Results from PISA indicate that Germany is among the countries with the most pronounced differences in reading comprehension between immigrant students and students from native families. The present article summarizes these findings and shows that the reading achievement gap persists even when the socioeconomic and educational background of students?? families are controlled. Furthermore, although controlling for background factors reduces the effect of the language spoken at home on reading, it continues to be substantial. Using these findings as a starting point, the article addresses the question of what should be done to close this gap. It summarizes research findings indicating that oral proficiency presents an important determinant of reading comprehension in a second language. This suggests that effective general approaches to second-language teaching are needed to promote reading literacy in a L2. The article closes with a discussion of the available evidence on the effectiveness of such approaches and outlines the need for further research.  相似文献   

因材施教的个性化学习方式是教育的终极追求。此次新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,促使在线教学迅速成为当前教育的焦点。现有的在线教学模式在教学资源分享、基本教学活动满足方面形成了较好的基础,但相对于传统面授也存在教学效率不够高、学生个性化学习不能很好地满足等问题。文章对疫情期间高职学生在线教学的现状进行分析,剖析自适应学习的特点,并以机电专业核心课程为例,阐述了自适应学习的模型和流程应用,为在线教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

混合现实(MR)作为虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)的高级发展阶段,以沉浸式、跨时空、强交互等特点在教育教学中得到广泛应用。但对国内外文献分析发现,学界对混合现实技术的教学应用效果仍有分歧,对学生学习绩效的影响研究存在较大差异。为探究混合现实技术对学生学习绩效的影响,研究采用元分析方法,对2010-2020年间国内外33项混合现实技术支持下的实验与准实验研究进行量化分析,其总样本量为1460,重点从学段、学科、实验周期和学习场所等调节变量进行深入探析。研究结果表明:混合现实技术对学生学习绩效具有积极的正向提升作用;同时,其应用效果受到学段、学科、实验周期和学习场所等调节变量的影响。依据元分析结论,研究对未来混合现实技术在教育教学中的应用提出了推进学段贯通式MR教学,加快MR与学科融合发展,整合碎片化MR教学资源等建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,随着语法在外语教学中的作用再次引起重视,国内外进行了大量语法教学研究。主要针对高职高专英语专业语法教学进行探讨,从教师,学生,教学内容,教学方法等方面分析了语法教学现状,并就如何改进语法教学提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

时事政治是当前国内外发生的热点,引人注目,且有重大意义的新闻。时事政治作为政治教学内容的补充,与思想政治教学结合,全面反映了当前国内外政治形势。时事政治作为一个新鲜的时政热点,其对推动学生积极主动学习政治有着一定的影响,对政治教学有着一定的影响。文章基于时事政治的必要性,提出当前我国高中政治教学中时事政治教学存在的问题,同时,阐述如何将时事政治融入高中政治教学。  相似文献   

本文通过对国内远程教育在线教学辅导实施过程的回顾,对在线教学辅导的优劣势、教师角色定位等内容进行了分析,提出构建远程教育在线教学辅导模式等设计思路,重点分析了"兴趣激发"、"时间优化"两个控制因子的作用机理。开创性地提出了构建在线教学辅导模式的研究思路,从整体高度提升远程教育在线教学辅导能力与交互效率,为学生支持服务质量的全面提升提供了保障。  相似文献   

PBL(Problem-Based Learning)即基于问题的学习,是以学生为中心,围绕问题或项目展开学习活动的一种教学方法。与传统教学方法相比,PBL有利于学生学习资源的获取,有助于培养学生创新精神和创新能力。基于相关文献的研究,本文简述了PBL及其理论基础,详细介绍了PBL在国内外的研究现状及其学习过程,重点分析了网络环境下PBL的设计及其应用,为今后更好地实践PBL做进一步的完善和更深入的研究。  相似文献   

学习风格研究的现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国内外有关学习风格相关研究现状的基础上,文章对学习风格的内涵、构成要素、分类及其测量工具等方面进行了梳理并提出了几点看法,以期为广大教师分析和鉴别学生的学习风格差异,开展因材施教、制定有利于学生健康发展的教学对策提供参考。  相似文献   

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