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The Partner Group does research on cosmic magnetic fields using radio astronomy methods. Magnetic fields are found in every astronomical object: the Earth, the Sun, planets, stars, pulsars, the Milky Way, nearby galaxies and in distant radio galaxies. The role of the magnetic fields in the cosmic universe has not been well investigated, mainly because of the difficulties of their observation. The Partner Group has executed several successful observational projects using the 100m radio telescope in Effelsberg, the Very Large Array in the USA and the Australia Telescope National Facilities to collect polarization data tracing the magnetic fields in the Milky Way. The group further plans to install a 6cm receiver system in a 25m radio telescope in Urumqi next summer to make polarization observations that give an unambiguous picture of magnetic field structures emerging from the disk of the Milky Way.  相似文献   

Dark matter (DM) is a form of matter necessary to account for gravitational effects observed in very large scale structures such as anomalies in the rotation of galaxies and the gravitational lensing of light by galaxy clusters that cannot be accounted for by the quantity of observed matter (Bertone et al. 2005). In the standard cosmology model, dark matter, dark energy and normal matter constitute about 23%, 72% and 5% of the energy density of the universe,  相似文献   

Five decades ago, the discovery of the X-ray sky opened a new window on the dynamic aspect of our universe, and has since greatly enhanced our understanding of mysterious objects like neutron stars and black holes. China launched its first X-ray telescope in June2017 to map X-ray sources in the Milky Way Galaxy. With a second mission now under development, which will look deeper at extragalactic transients, and a third one waiting for selection, Chinese scientists are striving for a great leap forward from a late comer to world leader in X-ray astronomy.  相似文献   

How has the universe been formed and evolved? What about the Milky Way consisting of hundreds of billions of stars? These questions have kept people wondering in the history of human civilization.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) studies are to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of the chemical abundances in the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. This process is closely related to two important parameters in galaxy evolution: the initial mass function (IMF) and the star formation rate (SFR). It is also related to the primordial abundances, the nucleosynthesis and gas flows,  相似文献   

Gamma photon by gamma photon, throughout almost seven years of perfect operation the European satellite COS-B has produced what amounts to a high-energy chart of the sky: this gives a totally new view of the Milky Way, our Galaxy. COS-B discovered new stars, extraordinarily intense sources of gamma radiation, most of which are invisible at other wavelengths. Are they young pulsars, the remains of supernovae, or evidence of black holes?  相似文献   

Binary population synthesis (BPS), an approach to evolving millions of stars (including binaries) simultaneously, plays a crucial role in our understanding of stellar physics, the structure and evolution of galaxies, and cosmology. We proposed and developed a BPS approach, and used it to investigate the formation of many peculiar stars such as hot subdwarf stars, progenitors of type la supernovae, barium stars, CH stars, planetary nebulae, double white dwarfs, blue stragglers, contact binaries, etc. We also established an evolution population synthesis (EPS) model, the Yunnan Model, which takes into account binary interactions for the first time. We applied our model for the origin of hot subdwarf stars in the study of elliptical galaxies and explained their far-UV radiation.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Our understanding of the universe has been greatly advanced over the last two decades and a standard cosmology paradigm is now well established.Standard cosmology is based upon the cosmological principle that our universe is statistically homogeneous and isotropic. It is also based upon general relativity with a non-zero cosmological constant.In such a framework,our universe is composed of about 4%ordinary matter(baryonic matter),  相似文献   

基于杨小虎的博士论文《宇宙大尺度结构的统计研究》中第4部分内容整理缩写而成。讨论如何利用星系-星系的弱引力透镜观测来获得星系光度-暗物质晕质量之间的关系;并介绍建立的条件光度函数模型,在这个模型中我们预言了给定质量的暗物质晕中所能形成的不同光度的星系的概率。这些结果给出了讨论星系形成理论中各种物理过程的判据。基于这个模型还预言了一些宇宙中光的分布行为:如宇宙中超过一半的光是来自质量小于1012太阳质量的暗物质晕中。  相似文献   

With eyes, mankind look at the world. With telescopes, we look into the universe. Radio telescopes are special eyes of mankind with special vision. In particular, large radio telescopes are super eyes built by radio astronomers aiming tbr a clear vision of the distant universe.  相似文献   

A gamma-ray burst(GRB) is an extremely luminous flash of gamma rays that occurs as the result of an explosion,and is thought to be associated with the formation of a black hole.Most GRBs are billions of light years away from Earth,implying that the explosions are both extremely energetic(a typical burst releases as  相似文献   

The first galaxies evolved only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. But why do they have such a great variety of shapes and structures? How did the universe evolve as a whole? Two German-Chinese Partner Groups at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching are using observations and simulations to investigate how the early universe evolved: LI Cheng and Guinevere Kauffmann, as well as GAO Liang and Simon White.  相似文献   

The Partner Group does research in cosmology, focussing on the quantitative modeling of the structure and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, the pattern of galaxies and of larger structures. The usual approach in this field is the dark matter paradigm, i.e. the assumption that the basic structures are laid out in a matter component of particles which interact only gravitationally. Numerical simulations of large scale and high resolution are used to follow the evolution of condensations of dark matter particles during cosmological evolution. Analytic models and detailed statistical investigations of astronomical data sets supplement the numerical work.  相似文献   

1957年,前苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造地球卫星,标志着人类进入空间时代。空间时代的到来使人类有能力突破大气层的干扰与屏障,以全新的角度探索和研究宇宙空间。近60年来,通过空间科学探测与研究,人类关于宇宙的教科书不断被改写,重大科学发现与突破不断涌现,彻底改变了人类对宇宙和自然的认识;同时,通过空间科学卫星计划,带动了航天技术和相关技术的革命性进展,开辟了多项新的技术与产业领域,激励和鼓舞了数代年轻人追寻科技梦想。空间科学被公认为是"财富的发电机"、"创新的驱动器"和"新理论新知识的源泉",是各科技强国竞相发展、寻求革命性突破的领域,对国家发展具有重要的战略作用。  相似文献   

The expanding universe is described in terms of the known forces of classical physics. It is shown that great clouds of stars are non-conservative systems and that radiation reaction forces play a part in guiding stellar motions. The forces are of importance in unsymmetrical stars and evidence is collected to show that perhaps all stars are possessed of deep seated thermal asymmetries. The forces continually act to increase the mean velocity of the stars and the galaxy is calculated to expand at a rate which closely approximates the observed rate of expansion. From a relation connecting the mean velocity of the stars and their age, it is deduced from the observed motions that the age of the galaxy is about 1010 years. The deduced rate of expansion of the galaxy agrees well with the observational data and is identical in form and numerical constant with Hubble's relation connecting the velocity of recession and distances of nebulæ.Because of the relative size and spacing of the extra galactic nebulæ and the short time scale it is supposed that the nebulae were formed by fission from a parent-super nebula and this resulted in thermal asymmetries which brought the newly considered forces into action.The resulting expansion was produced by slow evolutionary radiation processes which bear no direct relation to the properties of space or atomic constants.The calculations suggest that in describing the motions of typical stars over long periods of time, radiation reaction forces are as important as the classical gravitational forces.  相似文献   

"空间科学战略性先导科技专项"于2011年1月由中科院立项,致力于在最具优势和最具重大科学发现潜力的科学热点领域,通过自主和国际合作科学卫星计划,实现科学上的重大创新突破,带动相关高技术的跨越式发展,发挥空间科学在国家发展中的重要战略作用。文章介绍了该专项的背景、实施目标、研究内容、进展及未来展望。  相似文献   

0就是其大无外、其小无内的无极之境,归0是天地万物有序运化的自然表现,是人类认识自然、改造自然必须遵循的法则,是促成身心健康、人物亲和、人天合一的正确途径。  相似文献   

可持续发展理论内涵的三元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自1987年联合国世界环境与发展委员会向全世界公布划时代的报告《我们共同的未来》后,可持续发展的定义、理念和行动已遍及世界各国和地区,成为指导发展的战略首选。在作者长期的研究中,可持续发展的理论内涵被提取出三个本质元素,即发展的"动力"、发展的"质量"、发展的"公平",只有上述三大本质元素的宏观表达,包容在可持续发展进程的不同水平和不同阶段并获得最佳映射时,存在的"发展内涵"就具有了统一可比的基础,对于发展的追求才具备了可观控的和可测度的共同标准。所谓可持续发展的战略目标和能力建设在本质上的逻辑自洽,其目标函数最终就是为了追逐上述三大元素的交集最大化。可持续发展的动力(DS)、质量(QS)、公平(ES)的交集最大化,应当是实现可持续战略目标与推进可持续能力建设的最高要求,即可持续发展SD最终必须服从MaxSD={(DS,QS,ES)|φ1(DS)max,φ2(QS)max,φ3(ES)max}式中,φ1、φ2、φ3是三元素DS、QS、ES的函数表达式。  相似文献   

麦金认为,意识产生问题源于我们的空间概念未能反映空间的真正本质。真正的空间包含有大爆炸之前就存在的非空间结构,它是意识与空间之间的桥梁,但由于人类认知的局限性,这种结构是我们认识不到的。麦金的理论作为一种自然主义二元论,代表着当代心灵哲学中自然主义与二元论相融合的新走向,它对大爆炸理论所作的新颖解释也具有重要的本体论意义,但它并未消解意识产生之谜,而只是将意识之谜还原成了宇宙之谜,同时,它也未能摆脱心身二元论与心身交感论的矛盾。  相似文献   

道家生命生态思想建构在“尊道贵德”整体平衡观基础之上,是以探究事物本质的、内在的、平等的和整体性的宇宙环境为内容,重视以培植合于“道”(规律)的德性生命生态观为目标。在宇宙秩序建构过程中,道家的整体平衡观有着个体有意识和社会群体潜意识,而维系着一定的生命生态秩序。且在处理人与自然关系上,道家追求人的德性完善、世界万物偕进而趋于完美之境为目标。在此,道家智慧曾与那种强调孤立的、自我封闭的发展路径大相径庭,会对当代共生性存在的、全球化的生态原则建构提供一定的智力支持。  相似文献   

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