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Abizarre bird-like dinosaur recently discovered by paleontologists with the CAS Institute of .Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(IVPP) has rekindled interest in the origin and early evolution of birds. This newly described species, which slightly preceded Archaeopteryx in geological time (around 150-145 million years ago), surprises its discoverers with an unexpected combination of characteristics from different clades of theropod dinosaurs and some primitive birds. Most strikingly, italso sported two pairs of long primitive feathers on the tail.  相似文献   

<正>The reproductive systems of living archosaurs,crocodilians and birds are very diferent;the derived features present in birds are inferred to have evolved within the derived archosaur group,Dinosauria,which includes Aves(the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx+living birds)as a member of the derived theropod clade,Maniraptora.Compared to Aves,crocodilians have two ovaries,prolonged folliculogenesis(maturation  相似文献   

<正>The reproductive systems of living archosaurs,crocodilians and birds are very diferent;the derived features present in birds are inferred to have evolved within the derived archosaur group,Dinosauria,which includes Aves(the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx+living birds)as a member of the derived theropod clade,Maniraptora.Compared to Aves,crocodilians have two ovaries,prolonged folliculogenesis(maturation  相似文献   

<正>Zhongornis refers to a‘middle’or‘intermediate’bird because its tail was claimed to be transitional between primitive birds with a long bony tail(such as Archaeopteryx and Jeholornis)and those with a short tail ending in a fused tip called the pygostyle(such as Confuciusornis)[1].his inding is signiicant,as it appeared to ill a‘gap’at a critical stage  相似文献   

A group of paleontologists from China, the United States and Canada have made new progress in tracking down the process of the evolution of smallsized dinosaurs and the origin of birds through intensive analysis of the fossils of a newly found dinosaur,Sinovenator, a close relative of birds. In a letter published in the Feb.14 issue of Nature, dinosaur expert Dr. Xu Xing at CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) and his coworkers reveal some interesting phenomena in the process of the evolution of dinosaurs towards birds.  相似文献   

A group of Chinese and American dinosaur experts has recently found the most basal known neoceratopsians, a major branch of horned dinosaur, from China's northeastern province of Liaoning, thus revealing some inter esting scenario of this attractive lineage' s misty early evolution.  相似文献   

<正>In the first decade of the 21st century, a larger number of important new dinosaur specimens have come from China than from any other country. The Institute  相似文献   

The novel discovery of a longnecked marine reptile fossil in southwest China‘s Guizhou Province sheds new light on the evolution, diversity and hunting strategies of protorosaurid that lived before the dinosaur, about 230 million years ago.  相似文献   

Teaming up with local scholars, CAS paleontologists recently discovered a giant bird-like dinosaur from Erlian,one of the world-famous graveyards of"terrible lizards" in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

<正>Dinosaur eggs are a special type of vertebrate fossils. Despite their varied shapes, all dinosaur eggs are composed of eggshells, though the thickness of the shell may also vary. Dinosaur eggshells consist primarily of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate). By studying  相似文献   

正A multinational team of researchers has announced a first for the world of paleontology:a dinosaur preserved sitting atop a nest of its own eggs that include fossilized babies inside.The scientific paper describing the discovery was recently published in the journal Science Bulletin.The primary authors are Dr.BI Shundong,professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and XU Xing,  相似文献   

正Bindi Lee Porth,37,was at Cable Beach,a popular tourist destination in the Western Australian town of Broome.Broome is known for a 130-million-yearold set of dinosaur footprints which were found along its coastline.But fossilised footprints like this were not previously known to exist in the main tourist area of Cable Beach.  相似文献   

<正>A new Jurassic non-avian theropod dinosaur from 163 million-year-old fossil deposits in northeastern China provides new information regarding the incredible richness of evolutionary experimentation that characterized the origin of flight in the Dinosauria. Published in Nature, Drs. WANG Min, Jingmai K. O'Connor, XU Xing, and ZHOU Zhonghe of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing describe and analyze the well-preserved skeleton of a new species  相似文献   

The novel discovery of a long-necked marine reptile fossilin southwest ChinasGuizhou Province sheds new light onthe evolution, diversity and huntingstrategies of protorosaurid that livedbefore the dinosaur, about 230 mil-lion years ago.As reported in Sept. 24 issue ofScience, studies by a CAS researcherand his US colleagues suggest thatthe Triassic marine reptile, whosebody measured less than one meterin length, hunted for fish and squidin shallow seawater, using a rela-tively stiff, 1.7-m…  相似文献   

Teaming up with local scholars, CAS paleontologists recently discovered a giant bird-like dinosaur from Erlian,  相似文献   

<正>The dynamic landscape for the quest for energy will continue as long as the human race exists and needs energy to grow and develop its economy.The demand for energy will continue to remain at the forefront of the U.S.economy even as China emerges as the world’s largest economy and consumer of energy.In 2008,the  相似文献   

<正>The research on Meso-Cenozoic fishes is mainly focused on the origin and early evolution of major fish groups, the biodiversities and the environmental evolvement, as well as the zoogeographic patterns and  相似文献   

Anational strategy for the HIV vaccine research and development (R&D) should be formulated as soon as possible so as to ensure a sound progress in this field, urges a report by the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASAD), the top national advisory body in science and technology. Entitled "A Proposal on China's Strategy of the HIV Vaccine Research and Development,"the report has recently been submitted to the State Council, the country's cabinet.  相似文献   

王瑾 《科教文汇》2007,(5X):173-174
Via a study of The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan's first effort, this essay discusses the cultural conflicts and compatibiliry between the East and the West as manifested by the conflicts and compatibility between two generations of Chinese Americans in the novel. The paper argues that different living environments, different cultural heritages of the East and the West as well as different values are the main causes of the mother-daughter conflicts in the novel. The paper concludes that these causes could also be regarded as the root of the cultural conflicts between the East and the West in general. More importantly, after a series of efforts, the two generations are in harmony, which stands for the cultural compatibility between the East and the West.  相似文献   

On 22 March 2001, P.T. Permona, an applicant from Indonesia, filed an application for registration of the trademark "Rolex" on goods cigarettes in class 34 of the International Classification (hereinafter referred to as the trademark in question as shown in Fig. 1). Upon examination, the Trademark Office held that the trademark in question was similar to No. 566503 trademark (hereinafter referred to as the reference trademark as shown in Fig. 2) in respect of which the Rolex Promotions S. A. had filed international registration on  相似文献   

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