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Chinas popular science workmust has a face-lift in the in-ternational community withthe advent of the new century, asthe former Chinese Vice Premier LiLanqing said that popular sciencemust be regarded by the governmentas an indispensable part in the na-tional or regional blueprint for so-cial development.Mr. Li made these remarks atthe National Conference on Popu-larization of Science held in Beijingfrom December 18 to 19, 2002.Popular science is still an uphill andlong-time task for the …  相似文献   

To adapt the patent system in China to the needs of the developments of the national and international situations, the State Intellectual Property Qffice (SIPQ) has decided to launch the preparatory work on the revision of the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations for the third time. To this end, the Office has prepared the Guide to the Research Project on the Revision of the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations for the Third Time.  相似文献   

The case briefings are based on the 100 intellectual property cases pubilshed by the Supreme People's Court of China on November 17,2008,selected from thousands of IPR cases tried by the Chinese courts at all levels in the past 30 years since the country opened up to the outside world.  相似文献   

The CAS will continue to pro-mote the development of anoceanological research basein South China, said CAS Vice-Presi-dent Chen Yiyu during an inspec-tion tour of the CAS GuangzhouInstitute of Geochemistry(GIG).CAS decided to establish the re-search base as a major strategic ini-tiative in 2001, with the objectiveof encouraging scientists from boththe CAS South China Sea Instituteof Oceanology and GIG to carry outcutting-edge studies on marginal seasin the light of demands of geol…  相似文献   

The South China BotanicalGarden (SCBG) should bedeveloped into a first-classbotanical garden in Asia as the firststep, and then, after developmentover a period of time, rank amongthe leading ones in the world, urgesCAS President Lu Yongxiang on hisrecent inspection trip to SCBG,which is under large-scalereconstruction.The renovation project officiallykicked off in late 2002, when CAS,and the governments of GuangdongProvince and Guangzhou Municipal-ity signed an agreement to jointlyco…  相似文献   

The 2010 annual conference of CAS opened on January 25 in Beijing. The three-day meeting reviewed the work of CAS over the past year and made arrangements for its tasks in the year ahead, with a focus on planning for the 12th fiveyear period (2011-2015) and the initiation of Innovation 2020 on a trial basis.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, Chinahas experienced a dramaticturn in its petroleumproduction. Today, our country isfacing the same challenge it met 50years ago. Therefore, we have torenew our once high vigor to seekmore petroleum deposits in order tomeet the needs of national develop-ment in the new century.Before the founding of thePeoples Republic of China in 1949,China was looked on as a countrywith few petroleum reserves. Sincethen, oil explorers painstakinglycombed the plains, wilderness ando…  相似文献   

As a research professor at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Miguel Esteban is the first non-Chinese scientist to chair a major scientific research program in China. Born and educated in Spain and the UK, he worked in Madrid and London as a scholar and physician before joining GIBH in January 2008. Just two years after his arrival, in 2010, Professor Esteban was named by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology as the chief scientist of a five-year major research program on stem cell study with a grant up to 28 million yuan (about 4.4 million US dollars). The following is a brief interview between BCAS reporter XIN Ling and the Professor about his work and life in China.  相似文献   

As a research professor at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Miguel Esteban is the first non-Chinese scientist to chair a major scientific research...  相似文献   

<正>Capable of self-renewal and differentiation,stem cells have a great potential to be used in the study and treatment of human diseases,tissue and organ construction,reproduction and many other f ields.1.Current status and trends of stem cell research in the world The tremendous application potential of stem cells has stimulated the enthusiasm of worldwide researchers.By August 2013,SCI had included 240,000 papers regarding stem cells,focusing on their acquisition and construction,regulation mechanism and applications,etc.(1)Acquisition technologies of stem cells Stable sources of stem cells and the establishment of stem cell lines are the basis of stem cell research.In addition to discovering and purifying adult stem cells in different tissues,scientists have been looking for a method to acquire embryonic stem cells(ESC).However,ethical issues make it diff icult to get suff icient ESC for scientif ic research and clinical  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, when the international com...  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED) in 1992, when the international community reached a consensus on sustainable development. On the one hand, some progress has been made in advancing sustainable development worldwide and in achieving the  相似文献   

As a developing country,China has always attachedgreat importance to South-South cooperation, especially whenit comes to scientific research.Beginning in 1987, following a1985 meeting between DengXiaoping, late Chinese leader, andAbdus Salam, founding president ofthe Third World Academy of Sci-ences (TWAS), the Chinese govern-ment has financed the CAS South-South Cooperation Fund. The Fund,which has an annual budget of 2 mil-lion Yuan (about US$ 250,000), isused to support the local…  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that honeybees adjust their foraging behavior in the presence of plant alkaloids in response to the availability of alternative forage.However,little is known about how it performs in a species other than Apis.mellifera.Dr.TAN Ken of the CAS Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and colleagues conducted a study to investigate how a honeybee colony regulates the accumulation of toxic honey.They analyzed the behaviors  相似文献   

Landing on the Moon has been a dream of the Chi- nese nation for thousands of years. In addition to providing an important support to the long- term, sustainable development of human society, lunar exploration will be a novel opportunity for China’s scie…  相似文献   

Since the latter half of 2004, China‘s top leaders have given higher priority to the issue of national capacity building for S&amp;T innovation, Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterates that stress should be placed on the upgrading of innovation capacity when making overall plans for S&amp;T development, and the task should remain the key link in promoting economic structural readjustment and raising national competitiveness. This strategic transition from imitation to innovation is also found in the National Long- &amp; Medium-term Plan for S&amp;T Development, which is being formulated under the leadership of Premier Wen Jiabao. The author explains the reason behind such a transition and the major administrative measures to be adopted for its implementation.  相似文献   

Sanya Satellite Data Receiving Station hosted by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was inaugurated and formally put into operation on the afternoon of May 24, enabling China to directly obtain land observing satellite data about the South China Sea.  相似文献   

董涛 《科学学研究》2009,27(3):321-327
 近年来,我国掀起了轰轰烈烈的鼓励自主知识产权创造活动,中央和地方政府从产业政策、财税以及资金等各个方面积极扶持,鼓励企业创造更多具有竞争能力的知识产权。但是,一些现象,如“大片泛滥”、“汉芯事件”、“垃圾专利”、驰名商标认定的混乱等的出现,需要我们对目前的激励知识产权创造的政策措施进行深入的反思。本文以电影业的状况为引,对这些问题进行了探讨,为我国政策制定者提供参考。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionThe development of modern agriculture andrural economy and the endeavor to increase theincome of farmers have become an importanttask in Chinas effort to build a well-off societyin an all-round way. The initiation in China ofagricultural S&T parks based on S&T innova-tions provides a new organizational form andoperational platform for coping with problemsrelated to agriculture, the countryside and thefarmers.Agricultural S&T parks (ASTPs) constitutethe bases for demonstrat…  相似文献   

There are nearly 24,000 validated marine species in China, accounting for one sixth of the world total, which makes the country a key area for studies of marine biodiversity in the world, says Dr. Ian Poiner, chair of the International Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life (CoML), the largestever global marine biology research project.  相似文献   

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