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Ocean is the largest carbon reservoir on Earth. By taking up about one-third of all human carbon emissions, it has effectively reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide and eased global climate change. Scientists have studied extensively on the mechanisms of C02 absorption in the ocean, or the so-called "carbon pumps", from physical to chemical and biological pumps. Microbes, traditionally regarded as organic matter decomposers, had been long neglected until a few years ago Prof. JIAO Nianzhi from Xiamen University proposed the concept "microbial carbon pump (MCP)" illustrating that these tiny marine inhabitants are also producers of refractory dissolved organic carbon, a persistent form of matter which can be stored in the ocean for thousands of years and thus constitute an ideal carbon pool. Today, the MCP concept has been widely accepted as a promising sequestration strategy, and Prof. JIAO is working hand in hand with scientists from all over the world under the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 134 to better understand how to use these magic creatures for preserving carbon in the deep blue.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants(POPs)are invisible killers to our environment and health.Among the fighters against those toxic chemicals,there is Prof.JIANG Guibin from the CAS Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences.As director of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,this  相似文献   

Prof.Geliy Alexandrovich Zherebtsov is a distinguished scientist in geospace physics and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). As director of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) of RAS’ Siberian Branch between 1984 and 2011, he joined hands with Prof. WU Ji, a leading space scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to set up a unique joint research center and vigorously pushed forward the collaboration between their institutes. Thanks to his untiring efforts, the center later expanded to include nearly all space weather research institutions in Russia. Under his leadership, Russian scientists have been actively involved in a CAS-initiated international project for global-scale monitoring of space weather.  相似文献   

<正>In the middle of May,2017,Professor Ar thur B.McDonald,director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory(SNO)in Canada and Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2015,visited the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).After a brief visit to the laboratories for particle physics at IHEP,he shared his opinions on the future of neutrino physics,neutr ino exper iments,and other large scienti f ic faci l ities in China and worldwide.  相似文献   

<正>At the time when Chinese scientists are hailing the successful launch of the DAMPE,a satellite to detect possible dark matter particles in space,and meanwhile expecting the launch of further space missions,we have the honor to invite Prof.Roger-Maurice Bonnet,former Science Director of ESA(the European Space Agency)to glve comments and advice on project management in the field of space science.  相似文献   

"The ICDC meeting was first convened in Switzerland in 1981 with 40 attendees. This time it has more than 500 participants from all over the world. It speaks for both how interesting the scientific questions are and how much good science we can do" -- Prof. ZENG Ning  相似文献   

Prof. Raymond C. Stevens is a world-leading scientist in the structural study of G protein-coupled receptors and related drug design. For more than two decades he has worked at Harvard, University of Califorivia, Berkeley and the Scripps Research Institute and partnered with  相似文献   

As one of the domestic pioneers and internationally renowned experts on global change science, Prof. FU Congbin has been strongly involved in the study of climate variability and dynamics since the early 1980s. His research ranges from air-sea interaction to the aridity trend of northern China and the monsoon-driven ecosystems in East Asia.  相似文献   

On Jan 23 rd , 2013, Prof. Dr. Herbert J ckle, Vice- President of the Max Planck Society (MPG) and a world- renowned expert in molecular developmental biology, was honoured with the CAS Award for International Scientific Cooperation of 2012 due to his devotion to the cooperation between CAS and MPG. He shared the Award together with Prof. C. N. R. Rao from India and Prof. G. A. Zherebtsov from Russia. Prof. J ckle has endeavoured to integrate a Max Planck model of management with the scientific research system of CAS in his catalytic efforts to establish and operate the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB) in Shanghai. In an interview with BCAS reporter SONG Jianlan, he is invited to recall his experiences in cooperation with CAS and share with us his thoughts. Early involvement: Munich of September 2004 saw Prof. J ckle in an MPG-CAS talk aimed at setting up a "Max Planck Institute" beyond territories of Germany, which is now known as the CAS- MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB).  相似文献   

BCAS:As Vice-President of MPG you got involved in the establishment of the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB) very early and have witnessed its growth from a small seed of an idea to a thriving centre for science excellence.As we know,PICB,a "joint venture" of the MPG and CAS,is administered via some procedures and mechanisms typical for an institute of the Max Planck Society.How would you describe or evaluate the implications of setting up and running an MPG-style institute in the Chinese context?  相似文献   

Evolving from decades of international negotiations, "cap and trade" has been regarded as the best ever means to offset excessive greenhouse gases emitted by human societies. Nevertheless, this mechanism faces some difficulties in implementation and has so far failed to inspire a well-agreed international system of responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. It is even challenged by some scientists for its flawed presumption.  相似文献   

The interview with Abio 1 and his supervisor Prof. ZHANG Lixin took place on a chilly December day towards the end of 2012, after a heavy snow had blanketed Beijing city. In Prof. Zhang’s cozy office at the Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS), Abio welcomed the reporter with a firm handshake and a sunny smile. Three months after arriving in Beijing, this tall, outgoing and hard-working Nigerian has well adapted himself to the work and life here.  相似文献   

BCAS: You are an outstanding and influenial climate scienist in Thailand. What is the main concern for climate change in your country at present? Dr. Snidvongs: Generally speaking, our concern is in three aspects. One is agriculture. The change in world climate and rain patterns may affect the production of crops in Thailand including rice, cassava and fruit trees.  相似文献   

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