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国家天文台经国家有关部门批准于 2 0 0 1年 4月 2 5日宣布成立。是由中国科学院天文学科五台三站一中心撤并整合而成。原北京天文台融入国家天文台。其下属单位为中国科学院国家天文台云南天文台、中国科学院国家天文台乌鲁木齐天文站、中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站。原南京天文仪器研制中心改制为科技型企业 ,其中进入知识创新工程的天文光学实验室 ,改建为中国科学院国家天文台南京天文光学技术研究所。各下属单位作为事业单位在属地注册法人资格。紫金山天文台、上海天文台因历史悠久 ,又承担着国家重大科研项目和课题 ,并在…  相似文献   

正On November 22,2016,at the witness of Chinese President XI Jinping and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet,a Memorandum of Understanding was inked by YAN Jun,director general of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC)and Jorge Tabiloálvarez,President of the Catholic University of the North(UCN),to jointly establish an astronomical observation base in Chile.  相似文献   

<正>阿克苏水平衡试验站位于新疆阿克苏,地理坐标:东经80°45′,北纬40°37′,海拔1 030 m。站区多年平均气温11.2 ℃,降水45.7 mm,无霜期207天。阿克苏站建于1982年,2002年成为新疆五大灌溉试验站和中科院特殊环境与灾害网络研究站,2005年进入农田生态系统国家野外研究站网络,2008年进入中科院生态系统研究网络,2011年进入农业部耕地保育研究网络。阿克苏站位于我国最大内陆河-塔里木河的平原荒漠-绿洲区内,所在区域是塔里木盆地极端干旱背景条件下分布  相似文献   

1958年的中国科学院是在曲折中前进的。先是继续了前一年的“整风反右”运动,“整风反右”运动还未结束,就又卷入了“大跃进”运动。但是在这样一种动荡的政治环境下,科研工作在大的干扰中并没有停滞不前,机构建设有较大进展,尽管从质量角度还不尽人意。另外,“大跃进”中所提出的“破除迷信,解放思想”的口号,也为人们开辟新的研究领域、攀登科学高峰凭添勇气和力量,提出了一些重大科研项目。  相似文献   

The year 2002 saw the suc-cessful convocation of the16th National Congress ofthe Communist Party of China, atwhich the important thought ofThree Represents was made thelong-term guiding concept for ourParty in the future. The congresscalled for building a well-off societyin an all-round way and for acceler-ating the countrys socialist modern-ization drive. Moreover, a new ses-sion of the Partys leadership wassatisfactorily elected at the congress.The same year saw the ChineseAcademy of Sc…  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),China’s top science think tank,plans to put itself in the vanguard of the reform of scientifi c research,said BAI Chunli,CAS president on August 21,2014.The CAS rolled out a complete restructuring program for more than 100 subordinate institutes just two days before that,sorting them into four functional categories–applied technology for industry;academic research;engineering;and basic research that requires long-term investment.The changes are not simply a reshuffling of institutes,but an attempt to manage each differently.Different functions require different setups,rules,assessment standards and fundraising,BAI said in an interview with Xinhua.  相似文献   

欣逢我国、我院即将迎来建国、建院60周年之际,为了纪念我国杰出领导人陈毅同志(1901--1972)在兼管我院时所做的重要贡献,本文着重介绍了他在正确贯彻党中央对科学家的政策、“理论联系实际”的方针以及加强科学院党的组织建设和学术领导等方面的重要指示和功绩。  相似文献   

In May 2011, Prof. LI Jiayang with the CAS Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology was elected as a Foreign Associate to the National Academy of Sciences of the United States as an honor in recognition of his distinguished research accomplishments on decoding rice architecture and improving grain quality. LI obtained his  相似文献   

Prof. LI Aizhen from the CAS Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT) was elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in the United States on 1 May.  相似文献   

中国科学院国家科学图书馆的学科化服务实践与思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从中国科学院国家科学图书馆开展的学科化服务具体实践经验方面,总结了学科化创新服务工作开展的内容和策略,探讨了可持续发展的国内学科化服务道路应关注的问题。  相似文献   

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was founded on 1 November, 1949, one month after the establishment of New China. Over the past six decades, CAS has established itself as China's top academic institution in natural science, the country's most comprehensive R&D center in natural science and high-technology, and the nation's highest advisory body in science and technology. The following is a review of CAS development over the past 60 years in various aspects ranging from research into basic sciences, the environment and natural resources, life sciences and high-technology, to talent training, activities of Academic Divisions and international cooperation.  相似文献   

<正>The year 2010 has been designated the International Year of Biodiversity by United Nations. The theme for this initiative is "Biodiversity is life and biodiversity is our life." A one-day  相似文献   

China is facing a variety of serious ecological problems such as land desertification, soil erosion, low forest coverage and quality, grassland degradation, lake eutrophication, wetland shrinkage, biodiversity depletion,and exotic species invasion. Although the Chinese government has adopted a number of measures to protect and restore ecosystems in this country,difficulties are met in implementing them, especially many significant scientific and technological problems remain unsolved. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has been building scientific infrastructure to encourage and support ecologists to conduct researches to meet national demands in this regard. Under the Umbrella Program of Integrated Ecosystem Studies, CAS is supporting six ecological research projects, and has achieved a number of primary research results.  相似文献   

白春礼 《中国科学院院刊》2019,34(10):1089-1095
<正>70年前,党中央作出成立中国科学院的重大决策,开启了新中国科技事业的光辉历程,承载起几代中国人科技兴国、强国的期待。这70年,我国科技事业发生了沧海桑田的历史性变化,取得了举世瞩目的历史性成就。中国科学院也从最初的17个研究机构发展到今天的100多个研究机构,从千余人科研人员发展到今天近7万人的创新队伍。中国科学院的70年,是共和国从站起来、富起来到强起来的一个重要见证,是我国科技事业自力更生、奋发图强发展历程的真实写照。本  相似文献   

Article I. Membership Section 1. The membership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the highest academic title and an honor of lifelong tenure conferred by the State in science and technology circles.  相似文献   

中国科学院神农架生物多样性定位研究站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正中国科学院神农架生物多样性定位研究站(以下简称"神农架站")于1994年建站,隶属于中国科学院植物研究所,现为中国科学院生态系统研究网络(CERN)和国家野外科学观测研究网络(CNERN)成员,长江三峡工程生态与环境监测网络的重点站。神农架站区位于鄂西神农架地区(东经110°03′—110°34′,北纬31°19′—31°36′,海拔420—3105m),属秦巴山地常绿—落叶阔叶林生态区,以北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主,代表了秦巴山地地带性森林生态系统类型。神农架地区植被垂直带谱完整,不仅是全球14个  相似文献   

简要介绍了中国科学院概况,包括院史、办刊方针、机构设置、科研领域、知识创新工程的目标和进展、国际合作、文献信息和科技出版体系,并扼要重点介绍了中国科学院科技期刊在国内的地位和影响、管理体制和运行模式、队伍建设、编辑出版现代化进展、国际交流合作、发展规划和发展前景等。文章强调了中国科学院之所以历来十分重视科技期刊工作,是基于对科技发展规律和知识经济时代要求的充分认识,并以科技发展历史为例,对科技发展与科技期刊的伴星作用作了充分的论述。  相似文献   

中国科学院是我国科技扶贫的先行者和践行者。根据国务院扶贫办的统一部署,中国科学院承担了4个国家级贫困县的定点扶贫任务,包括内蒙古库伦旗、广西环江县以及贵州水城县和六枝特区。近年来,中国科学院发挥科技综合优势,根据贫困地区地域特点,通过部署科技扶贫项目支撑帮扶地区产业发展和脱贫增收,构建服务贫困地区发展的科技扶贫网络,培育贫困地区可持续发展的“造血功能”,取得了显著的帮扶成效。在国务院扶贫办组织的2018年度脱贫攻坚成效考核中,中国科学院定点扶贫工作考核等次为第一等次“好”。  相似文献   

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