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Evidential cognitive maps (ECMs) are uncertain graph structure for describing causal reasoning through the cognitive maps (CMs) and Dempster–Shafer (D-S) theory, and utilize the basic probability assignments (BPAs) and intervals to denote connections among concepts and the state of concepts, respectively. ECMs have been proved effective and convenient in modeling those systems with both subjective and objective uncertainty. However, ECMs may get unreasonable results in system modeling when facing the problem of combining knowledge. To overcome the drawbacks of ECMs, we present extended evidential cognitive maps (EECMs) based on evidential reasoning (ER) theory, distance measure and convex optimization for the development of ECMs. In contrast with ECMs, in the EECMs, the default connections are redefined, a scheme of combining knowledge is established through the ER theory, and a convex-optimization-based approach is proposed for determining the weights of different EECMs. Both theoretical analysis and numerical examples indicate that EECMs not only develop ECMs, but also can overcome the limitations suffered by ECMs and other high-order cognitive maps including fuzzy grey cognitive maps (FGCMs), interval-valued fuzzy cognitive maps (IVFCMs) and intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive maps (IFCMs).  相似文献   

One major approach for information finding in the WWW is to navigate through some Web directories and browse them until the goal pages were found. However, such directories are generally constructed manually and may have disadvantages of narrow coverage and inconsistency. Besides, most of existing directories provide only monolingual hierarchies that organized Web pages in terms that a user may not be familiar with. In this work, we will propose an approach that could automatically arrange multilingual Web pages into a multilingual Web directory to break the language barriers in Web navigation. In this approach, a self-organizing map is constructed to train each set of monolingual Web pages and obtain two feature maps, which reveal the relationships among Web pages and thematic keywords, respectively, for such language. We then apply a hierarchy generation process on these maps to obtain the monolingual hierarchy for these Web pages. A hierarchy alignment method is then applied on these monolingual hierarchies to discover the associations between nodes in different hierarchies. Finally, a multilingual Web directory is constructed according to such associations. We applied the proposed approach on a set of Web pages and obtained interesting result that demonstrates the feasibility of our method in multilingual Web navigation.  相似文献   

美国《化学文摘》主题索引使用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国《化学文摘》是查阅化学化工及相关领域最常用的检索工具。本文结合工作实践,对美国《化学文摘》主题索引中“普通主题索引”和“化学物质索引”的检索方法与技巧进行了专门探讨。  相似文献   

它主要是为方便处理招生数据而设计的,采用VB语言和SOL数据库进行开发各项功能,主要包括:用命令实现数据库文件的导入和导出、信息的查询和统计及统计结果的打印,通知书、信封的格式调整和连续打印、数据库的备份和还原、后台的管理等,它能使招生工作者很方便的进行招生工作,极大的提高了效率。  相似文献   

国立科研机构的战略地图与其绩效评估体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张大群  杨国梁  李晓轩 《科学学研究》2011,29(12):1835-1844
 在探讨科研活动一般规律的基础上,提出关于国立科研机构的战略地图,使科研管理者可以更为清晰、准确和逻辑严密地描述组织自身的发展战略。在此基础上,文章以某国立研究所为例,分析提出此研究所的战略地图,并根据其战略地图系统地产生其绩效评估指标体系,使科研管理中可以将战略转化为具体的行动举措,为国立科研机构绩效评估提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

抽水马桶发明、推广、普及应用至今已有一百多年的历史,无论从外观、使用方法、结构到性能等各方面都不断改进,其中水箱配件的改进更为明显。就质量而言,目前卫生洁具瓷质已基本上满足家用的要求,但用户安装后,频频暴露出问题,最突出的是坐便器、蹲便器的高、低水箱的漏水问题。为此,早在1986年,著名机械专家沈鸿先生就提出要尽快解决便器水箱漏水问题。便器水箱存在三大难题有待解决:一是漏水问题;二是排污力不足问题;三是耗水量大问题。但归根结底,主要是便器水箱配件的设计问题。当然,马桶设计的配合也是非常重要的。水…  相似文献   

Bibliometric maps of field of science   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The present paper is devoted to two directions in algorithmic classificatory procedures: the journal co-citation analysis as an example of citation networks and lexical analysis of keywords in the titles and texts. What is common to those approaches is the general idea of normalization of deviations of the observed data from the mathematical expectation. The application of the same formula leads to discovery of statistically significant links between objects (journals in one case, keywords — in the other). The results of the journal co-citation analysis are reflected in tables and map for field “Women’s Studies” and for field “Information Science and Library Science”. An experimental attempt at establishing textual links between words was carried out on two samples from SSCI Data base: (1) EDUCATION and (2) ETHICS. The EDUCATION file included 2180 documents (of which 751 had abstracts); the ETHICS file included 807 documents (289 abstracts). Some examples of the results of this pilot study are given in tabular form . The binary links between words discovered in this way may form triplets or other groups with more than two member words.  相似文献   

通过对我国4种主要护刊,近4年发表的7个主要栏目一次性文献3850篇,进行了来源文献的现状分析。揭示了来源文献的地域、医院、文献内容等分布结果。同时对5989条引文进行了引文语种、类型、护刊间互引及自引和文献半衰期等统计分析,提出了增设护刊、协调信息源和端正文献利用心态等意见。  相似文献   

目前,环境建设如火如荼,如何提高居住区环境质量,是大家十分关注的问题。通过调研分析了哈尔滨市环境设计现状,居住区存在的一些共性问题,并提出了几点未来发展的设想。  相似文献   

代培刚  关健玲  张阳 《科技风》2011,(11):169-170
随着建筑行业不断的发展,建筑内部装修防火材料也迅速发展。许多新的防火材料不断出现出。本文主要阐述了防火材料的分类、燃烧性能分级和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文通过对邓小平的社会主义初级阶段理论与毛泽东的新民主主义理论进行比较,说明社会主义初级阶段论是对新民主主义论的继承与发展,是科学的理论。  相似文献   

袁婷 《中国科技信息》2009,(15):295-295,297
文章针对理工科院校文科生的特点,分析了物理实验的重要性以及存在的相关问题,并提出了相应建议.  相似文献   

从资源数字化中心、技术研究中心、数字资源服务中心、网上知识产权研究保护中心、数字图书馆研究发展中心等方面,探讨了数字图书馆的建设,其目的是提高建设数字图书馆的效能  相似文献   

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