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格洛里亚正在与小王谈论他的教练。Gloria:Do you like your coach?格洛里亚:你喜欢你们的教练吗?XiaoWang:Of course,he has a good sense of humor.小王:当然了,他很有幽默感。Gloria:Is he very tall?格洛里亚:他很高吗?  相似文献   

格洛里亚打电话给小李,与他约定周末一起去首都体育馆看一场中国和韩国的友谊篮球比赛。 Xiao Li:Hello. 小李:喂? Gloria:Hello,May I speak to Xiao Li? 格洛里亚:喂?是我请小李讲话。 Xiao Li:Yes,this is Xiao Li speaking. 小李:我就是小李。 Gloria:This is Gloria,Xiao Li.How have you been lately? 格洛里亚::小李,我是格洛里亚。你最近好吗?  相似文献   

Xiao Li wants to learn more about tennisfrom Gloria.小李想从格洛里亚处多了解一些有关网球的知识。Gloria:Have you watched the tennisgame before?格洛里亚:你以前看过网球比赛吗?  相似文献   

Xiao Li is a table tennis fan,he is talking with Gloriaabout table tennis。小李是一个乒乓球迷,他正在和格洛里亚谈论乒乓球。Gloria:Hi,Xiao Li What kind of game do you play? 格洛里亚:嗨,小李你打什么球啊? Xiao Li:I play table tennis,it is a game that usuallyplayed indoor on a table. 小李:我玩乒乓球,它通常是在室内桌子上进行的一项运动。Gloria:On a table!How funny?How many players arethere in a match? 格洛里亚:在桌子上进行?真有意思,一场比赛中有多少运动员? Xiao Li:It can be played by single players or doubleteams,so there are two or four players in each match. 小李:它可以单打也可以双打。因此,每场比赛有两个人或四个人。Gloria:Then by which do you play it? 格洛里亚:你用什么打球呢? Xiao Li:Of course by bat.Look,that is the table,Letme show you how to play! 小李:当然用球拍了。看,那有乒乓球桌子,我教你玩吧! Gloria:That’S interesting.What does table tennis requires? 格洛里亚真有意思,打乒乓球有哪些方面的要求?  相似文献   

课堂上,李老师正向格洛里亚提问关于观看体育比赛和参与体育活动的问题。 Xiao Li: Gloria,Would you please answer the question“Why people like to watch games?”李老师:格洛里亚,请你回答“为什么人们喜欢看比赛?”这个问题。  相似文献   

Xiao Li and Gloria are watching the Basketball game.小李和格洛里亚正在看篮球比赛Gloria: Do you think the Lakers can win today?格洛里亚:你认为湖人队今天能打赢吗?Xiao Li: I don't know. The Rockets have been shooting really well lately.小李:我不知道,最近火箭队打得不错。Gloria: Oh, the game has started. Why isn't Thomas playing today?格洛里亚:哦,比赛已经开始了。托玛斯今天怎么没上?Xiao Li: He got injured in the last game. He'll be out for the rest of the season.小李:上场比赛他受伤了。…  相似文献   

Gloria:Did you hear the evening sports news last night? 格洛里亚:你听昨天晚上的体育新闻了吗? Xiao Li:Yes,I did.There was a piece of good news aboutMr.Fan zhiyi. 小李:听了,有条关于范志毅的好消息。 Gloria:Mr.Fan Zhiyi was named as the AFC(Asian Foot-ball Confederation) Player of the Year 2001, Do you mentionthis?  相似文献   

Gloria :Yao Ming is going to be the best Asian Players in NBA 格洛里亚:姚明就要成为在NBA打球的亚洲最好的球员。 XiaoWang:Who is Yao Ming? 小王:谁是姚明? Gloria:He is a former Chinese basketball center playerwho has spent many years on the Chinese national team. 格洛里亚:他是原来在中国国家篮球队多年的中锋队员。 XiaoWang:Does he play basketball now? 小王:现在他还打球吗? Gloria:Yes, of course.He is on the basketball team of  相似文献   

GloriaandXiaoLilovesports.Now,itisSaturdaynightandtheyhavejustfinishedamatchofsinglesBadminton.Theyarehappilytalkingaboutthematch.格洛里亚和小李都爱运动。周六晚上,她们刚打完一场羽毛球比赛,正在愉快地谈论着比赛。Gloria:Thisisanexcitinggame,isn'tit?格洛里亚:这是一场很有趣的比赛,是吧?XiaoLi:Yes,Ithinkso.You'reanexcellentopponent.Thewayyoukeptreturningthebirdie,andkepttherallygoing,reallyimpressedme.小李:是的,我也这么想。你是一位很棒的对手,你出色的反击技术真的给我留下了深刻的印象。Glor…  相似文献   

小李和Gloria正在谈论世界杯足球赛。★Gloria: Those'98 World Cup games were pretty exciting!格洛里亚:1998年的世界杯相当精彩!★Xia Li:I didn't catch any of the games, but I kept up with themin the sports pages.小李:我没看任何一场比赛,但我一直留意体育版报道。★Gloria:There were eighty-thousand people at the final game, andan estimated one point seven million people around the world watched itlive.格洛里亚:最后一场比赛有8万名观众,而据估计全球有17亿人在看实况转播。★Xia Li:There was one French p…  相似文献   

Gloria wants to buy some shoes,so she goes to the de-partment store. 格洛里亚要买一双运动鞋,她就去了商场。  相似文献   

Introduction 引见 Gloria(Miss Shen) is introduced toMiss.Jones from the American womenbasketball team by her coach,Mr.Li. 格洛里亚(沈小姐)被她的教练李先生介绍给美国女子篮球队的琼斯小姐。  相似文献   

Xiao Wang needs to find a public telephone,so he asks police—man。小王要找公用电话,他便去询问警察。 Xiao Wang:Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get thehearest public telephone?小王:打扰一下,您能告诉我去最近的公用电话怎么走吗?Poiceman: All right.There'e one over on the comer,by the stadi-um  相似文献   

林仁布  马凯旋 《乒乓世界》2004,(11):011-i011
Q:What is your favorite film and who is yourfavorite film star?A:Action films,no particular film star,it justdepends on the film.Q:What book do you like to read?A:Sports magazines and novels.  相似文献   

<正>最佳投稿日期:第7期:2016年5月7日5月22日第8期:2016年6月7日5月22日第8期:2016年6月7日6月22日第7期常见的体育教研形式撰稿提纲:1.您都参加过哪些教研活动?您都有哪些收获?2.在您参加过的教研活动中,常见的体育教研的形式有哪些?3.您所参加的教研活动的形式的特点是什么?它具有哪些优点?具有哪些缺点?4.哪一种教研形式对您的成长启发作用比较  相似文献   

Vivian:Who is the English Premier League do you like towatch best? (英超里你最喜欢哪个球员?)Jame:I like David Beckham,Rio Ferdinand ,Michael Owenand so on.(我喜欢贝克汉姆、费迪南德、欧文等等。)Vivian:Frankly speaking,I don't agree with you.I think KevinCampbell is best. (说实话,对他们我倒是不以为然。我喜欢坎贝尔。)  相似文献   

Are you free this evening?你今晚有空吗?What time is convenient?什么时候方便?What time would suit you?你什么时候方便?Any time.什么时候都可以。How about going to see a film?去看电影怎么样?Where shall we meet?Let's meet outside the main gate at seven.让我们7点钟在大门外面会面。That's settled.就这么定了。Don't leave without me.不见不散。Could we postpone our meeting to sometime early next week?能不能把我们的会见挪到下星期头几天?I hope I haven't inconvenienced you.给你添麻烦了。(1) Wang makes…  相似文献   

林仁布  马凯旋 《乒乓世界》2004,(10):i017-i017
Q:Which player do you most admire?A:l'v always admired the Chinese playerQiao Hong.Q:What are your ambitions in table tennis?A:To do as well as possible and win inter-national competitions.问:你最佩服的运动员是谁?答:我一直最佩服乔红。问:你在乒乓球领域里的志向是什么?答:尽我所能和赢得国际比赛的胜利。  相似文献   

<正>一、热点专题讨论第5期:(最佳投稿时间:2012年3月16日~3月27日)关注体育教师服装费的问题(政策管理栏目)讨论提纲:1.体育教师服装费补助的依据是什么?有什么相关的政策法规依据?2.根据当地的情况和消费水平提出您认为合理的服装补助标准。3.您认为服装补助费发放可以采用哪些方式?怎样发放更合理?4.从一线教师的角度出发,您对服装费的补助问题有什么心里话要说?  相似文献   

XiaoLi is making an appointment with coach Ma. 小李正在与马教练预约。 XiaoLi Hi,coach Ma,could you explain your last point alittle further? I' m a bit confused. 小李:嗨,马教练,你能再解释一下你所说的最后一点吗?我有点糊涂。  相似文献   

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