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Universal access to primary schools is a key millennium development goal, still proving difficult to deliver in low-income countries. Schools designed for the poorest remain inadequate for the numbers enrolled, and for the basic needs and functions of today’s classrooms. The key issue is overcrowding; classrooms designed for forty regularly accommodate more than sixty due to the use of outdated international classroom design standards. These schools also have poor access to infrastructure; electricity, drinking water, sanitation, and ICT/library spaces. This paper highlights these issues and suggests strategies for improved school design through the evaluation the EdQual research project school case studies, the author was involved with, and also recent international examples It is argued that schools designed considering these issues, can become ‘hubs’ for development; providing local assets that can be shared by their communities.  相似文献   

Productive labour in schools: An international evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

For over a decade, inclusive discourse comprises the development of a school for all, both in primary and in secondary education. Facing long-standing barriers for effective comprehensive education, secondary schools show specific interests, strengths and needs in a school-wide movement towards inclusion. Reviewing literature of recent research in inclusion in secondary schools (2000–2012), current interests represent inclusive culture, policy and practices, although the balance between each of these dimensions is unequal. A large number of studies report on attitudes towards inclusion, followed by inclusive practice. A lower number of studies deal with policy issues. Staff attitudes towards inclusion, access to the general curriculum, peer support, self-determination strategies and collaborative practices in specific subject areas were identified as major topics of investigation. Considerable attention has also been paid to peer attitudes, self-advocacy and student grouping. While the adolescent perspective is emphasised, little room is left for parental involvement. Also, the central role of administrators and professional development of staff has been underexposed in current research on secondary inclusion.  相似文献   

In this article I examine the ways in which teachers organize their workplace behaviors as they respond to computers in their schools. Particular attention is given to the strategies that develop among teachers enabling them to address their own occupational concerns and organizational expectations simultaneously. Data were collected through extensive observation and formal interviewing in nine elementary schools. Computers had been in each of the schools for at least five years at the time of the study. Findings reveal that teachers shape the meaning of computer technology in their schools through styles of computing including avoidance, integration, and technical specialization. This influence has critical implications for the ongoing process of computer implementation in elementary schools.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 86th meeting of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1991. The author gratefully acknowledges the comments and suggestions of Maurice Garnier, Randy Hodson, Cynthia Negrey, Brian Powell, Suzanne Staggenborg, and the editor and anonymous reviewers of ETR&D.  相似文献   

This review synthesizes literature on computing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Shulman introduced PCK in the 1980s to describe the amalgam of knowledge teachers draw upon in their work and use of the construct is increasing in the computing education community. From a systematic search of the literature, I identified 19 articles drawn from 9 countries for review and summarize how computing PCK is conceptualized and investigated in the data set. Five conceptualizations of computing PCK were present: (a) two models of computing PCK components, (b) one model of PCK development and (c) two models focused on the metaphoric and problem-solving nature of computing. The most common research lines addressed were the nature and development of individual PCK. Mostly qualitative methods created by authors were employed. A focus on discipline-specific approaches for future computing PCK research is recommended.  相似文献   

Exemplary Teacher Induction: An international review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Whereas present theories of transformative learning tend to focus on the rational and reflective actor, in this article it is suggested that spontaneous action may play a decisive role in transformative learning too. In the spontaneity of action, novelty finds its way into life, gains momentum, is respected by others and reflected by the actor. Such transformation processes are investigated both with the means of theoretical reflection and of empirical inquiry. Based on nine narrative interviews typical phases of transformative learning processes are identified. Owing to the comparative nature of the study, it was also possible to develop an age‐related typology that overlaps certain phases of the transformation process. These empirical findings constitute the background against which the nexus of spontaneous action and transformative learning is reflected theoretically. Theories drawn upon include John Dewey's Pragmatism and George Herbert Mead's Social Pragmatism. Both scholars provide rich theoretical concepts for reflecting on the nature of that what so often eludes from the control of both educators and learners: the spontaneity of the beginning.  相似文献   

High rates of absenteeism are often an early warning sign for negative long-term outcomes. Typical high school attendance policies, especially those that are punitive in nature, can make attendance problems worse. Fortunately, evidence suggests that even small improvements in student attendance can lead to meaningful outcomes. To support this recovery, high schools must have access to the most effective and efficient attendance interventions. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current empirical research related to improving attendance in high schools. Results indicate that the 3 most common elements of high school attendance interventions with desired outcomes were skills training, family support, and incentive-based strategies. We discuss implications for future research and suggest that developing a continuum of research-supported practices within a multi-tiered system of support framework may be an effective way for schools to proactively and efficiently improve student attendance at the high school level.  相似文献   

In the current higher education context, offering online programmes is seen as an effective means to recruit more international students. However, supporting online international students studying at a distance is not a simple task for both universities and tutors. The problem mainly stems from a lack of theoretical understanding of online international students and their learning experiences. The present article, therefore, aims to address the gap, by systematically, yet critically reviewing relevant academic narratives about online international students. Our review reveals four types of narratives presented in the literature, describing online international students in particular ways: unspecified others with a rapid increase in their numbers, specific others with deficits, specific others as pedagogical resources and active participants in international learning communities. We discuss the merits and the drawbacks of each type of narratives for online educators seeking pedagogical suggestions about supporting online international students.  相似文献   

Ireland was one of the 38 countries/education systems that participated in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) in 2009. This is the first international comparative study in this area in which Ireland has participated since 1971. The study measured the civic knowledge of 14-year-olds and their attitudes towards, and beliefs about, various civic and citizenship issues. The current paper focuses on indicators of students' and (to a lesser extent) parents' participation in school life. Although active participation in school is emphasised in, for example, the Education Act of 1998, little empirical work in Ireland has defined or examined actual levels of participation in post-primary schools, or students' views of their opportunities to participate, and ICCS provides information on these issues in an international comparative context. Findings indicate that despite a relatively strong civic knowledge base among students in Ireland, levels of participation compare less favourably with other countries. Results are discussed in the wider context of the Irish education system.  相似文献   

Learning at the workplace is an important development in teacher education in secondary education. In this study we look at the school‐linked models for teacher education that exist in England, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. The characteristics of these models and their possible consequences for the quality of teachers are investigated. We observed among others a substantial variation between countries on matters of integration between the institution and the school, the emphasis on academic or practical training, embedding of teacher education and duration of teacher education.

La formation en alternance constitue un point culminant au sein des Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons voulu examiner quelques modèles de formation dans un certain nombre de pays de l'Union Européenne, en l'occurrence, la France, l'Allemagne, le Royaume‐Uni, les Pays‐Bas et la Suède. Ce travail porte sur les caractéristiques de ces modèles et leur impact sur la qualification professionnelle des Maîtres. Force est de constater des différences substantielles entre ces pays en ce qui concerne le degré d'intégration entre les Instituts et les établissements scolaires, l'articulation pratique‐théorie, la validation de la formation, la titularisation et, enfin, la durée de la formation.

En la formación (universitaria) de los profesores se ve un desarrollo importante: el aprendizaje por el futuro profesor (participando) en el centro escolar. En el cuadro de esta investigación examinamos algunos modelos para la participación de los centros de formación de los profesores en los institutos escolares, en los países Francia, Alemania, el Reino Unido, Holanda y Suecia. Se han analizado las características de estos modelos y sus posibles consecuencias para la calidad profesional de los profesores. Comprobamos e.o. que existen diferencias destacantes entre los países mencionados en cuanto al grado de integración entre los centros de formación de profesores y los institutos escolares, el enfásis en la formación práctica o contrariamente en la formación teórica de los futuros profesores, los métodos de examinación y la validación y la duración de la formación del profesor.

Lernen am Arbeitsplatz ist eine bedeutsame Entwicklung in der Lehrerausbildung. In dieser Untersuchung betrachten wir Modelle für das berufliche Lernen in der Schule in Frankreich, Deutschland, Großbrittannien, den Niederlanden und Schweden. Untersucht wurden die Merkmale dieser Modelle und die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Qualität von Lehrern. Wir stellen unter anderem wesentliche Differenzen zwischen den Nationen fest im Grad der Integration zwischen Ausbildungsinstitution und Schule, in der Gewichtung der akademischen gegenüber der praktischen Ausbildung, in den Prüfungsmethoden und in der Dauer der Lehrerausbildung.  相似文献   

This paper examines middle leadership of the heads of English, maths and science departments in four international secondary schools in Malaysia. It focuses on their roles, responsibilities, role relationships, instructional engagement and leadership involvement within the theoretical framework of instructional, distributed and teacher leadership. The study is a qualitative multi-method case study, involving observation, documentary analysis, and semi-structured interviews with 12 heads of department, 36 teachers, and four principals. With respect to the middle leaders’ roles and responsibilities, the findings illustrate cross-school and in-school differential developments, with contextual factors contributing to uneasy role relationships. The results also show that, while broad-based leadership opportunities are limited for the middle leaders and teachers, the most powerful and common feature of all these international schools is the centrality of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

For the ‘global middle classes’, cultural reproduction increasingly involves the international school as they promise considerable distinction [Bourdieu, P. 1984. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press] granting University passage past Anglo gate-keepers. This paper draws on research providing a multiphase exploration of the character of senior leadership in IB international schools. Participants emerged as white ‘English’ and Christian. However, data collected show that these leaders do not operationalise (organisational) international values; instead, they draw upon their own societal values in leadership. Yet, their stories and outlooks of global-mindedness sit uncritically, framed in ‘Inner Circle English’ [Kachru, B. 1985. “Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language in the Outer Circle.” In English in the World: Teaching and Learning the Language and Literatures, edited by R. Quirk and H. G. Widdowson, 11–34. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press] advantage. Participants lean on a power-narrative of middle-class ‘Englishness’. As powerful policy-makers, this orientation defines the international school’s mission and vision. It appeals to the surge of international education, particularly in the global South, where international schools can be seen as incubators of ‘English’ epistemic advantage. It is unlikely that the consolidation of the ‘Brand of Britain’ will affect this demographic and their choices to ‘go UK’. The affordance of diminishing EU participation in the UK higher education system may work in favour of globalising middle classes and elites. Conversely, it is unlikely that lower income EU or UK domestic HE participation is likely to profit from this move.  相似文献   

为厘清国际近十年(2010-2019年) K-12领域机器人教育研究的最新进展,本研究采用系统性文献综述法,选取Web of Science、ScienceDirect、ERIC、Wiley数据库的19篇高质量实证研究论文进行统计分析,发现目前机器人教育主要面对小学生开展小样本、短周期的研究,研究多采用实验与准实验设计,结合问卷调查、测试、访谈、观察等多种方法从多角度分析数据,基于此得出以下结论:STEM领域是国际机器人教育实证研究的热门主题,英语、地理、阅读等非STEM领域逐渐受到重视;机器人在促进学生学业课程表现、提高元认知和人际交往能力方面具有积极促进作用,而在改善STEM态度、培养STEM动机与兴趣方面仍需进一步研究证实;机器人教育研究的复杂性、新兴技术的接受度和易用性以及机器人课程与师资培训等是现存的问题。最后,探讨了研究对机器人教学实践和科学研究带来的启示,以期促进我国机器人教育的发展。  相似文献   

Civic service through schools: an international perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Civic service, which refers to activities that seek to improve the local, national or international community either through community service or service learning, is widespread in secondary schools around the world. Despite this pervasive presence, there are few studies that approach the subject from a cross‐comparison perspective. This article addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive review of the international literature on civic service in terms of history, theory, research and practice. In terms of history and theory, the article brings together the work of several key proponents of civic service who, despite working in different countries and continents, placed civic service high in their educational agenda. In terms of research, it presents the most up‐to‐date research on the potential benefits and pitfalls of civic service. In terms of practice, it lists various limitations related to its implementation and presents possibilities for overcoming these. This section stresses the importance of establishing a respectful and honest relationship with intended beneficiaries to avoid fostering unhealthy social patterns, a key problem of many civic service programs. The article ends with areas for future research.  相似文献   

Schools are expected to hold an increasingly central role in co-ordinating support for children with mental health needs. However, the role that schools hold in supporting pupils with selective mutism (SM) is complex. Through a Critical Interpretive Synthesis (CIS), this review explores the multidimensional role which educational settings hold in supporting children with SM. Key databases were searched (PsycInfo, British Education Index, Education Resources Information Center, British Library EThOS and Google Scholar) and a conceptual map, informed by experienced practitioners, guided additional purposive searching with a focus on conceptual saturation. A total of twenty-four papers were identified following a further process of appraisal. Reciprocal Translational Analysis (RTA) found that schools hold a tripartite role in supporting children with SM: this incorporated developing a shared understanding of the disorder, engaging in effective (and often multi-professional) planning, and offering direct support through adapting provision and facilitating individual intervention. Through realising this role, schools and educational settings might transform the support currently available for children and young people with SM. Implications for practice, policy and future research also emerged. This included a clear need for enhanced teacher understanding of SM, arguably at the level of initial teacher training (ITT).  相似文献   

Teruo Sato 《Prospects》1979,9(2):216-222
Japan is in a unique position regarding the question of education for international understanding: it participated actively in the Second World War, which is lost through the tragic events of which we are all aware. This dual heritage, from the war and then the post-war period, is clear in the two following articles which describe from very different viewpoints the role of eduction for international understanding in the national context. Reading them, in either order, should in our point of view not so much open a debate (who is against peace?) as on the contrary, stimulate thought on future action. The first article describes the evolution and current status of education for international understanding within the official school system. The second, theoretical, puts forth the point of view of those who work within the peace movement in Japan and who feel something more and different is needed from the formal school system. Such contrast, even tension, between two attitudes equally but differently aiming towards the same goal, is an excellent illustration of the fact that even though education for international understanding and peace, through its efforts, its successer or its inadequacies, is more than ever a question of foremost importance, it is one that no educational system can pretend to have definitively settled.  相似文献   

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