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"拆词"是一种重要的修辞手段,其所指的"词"应该是一个广义的概念,是"词和短语"的合称;拆词产生的客观基础主要是语言文字基础,主观基础跟人们的心理基础有关;拆词可从语义和形式两方面作分类;其主要修辞功能有:突出特征,加强语义;强化感情,色彩鲜明;生动活泼,幽默风趣;协调音节,整齐和谐。  相似文献   

颜色词在汉语中是一类丰富多彩且自身具有多种语义特征的词群,它的语义特征主要体现在多义性、修辞性和文化性上,并且这三种语义特征关系相辅相成、密不可分。颜色词多义性的产生是由于其修辞性和文化性共同作用的结果,而多义性又为丰富修辞性和文化性奠定了基础。运用语义特征理论来分析汉语颜色词可以进一步理解颜色词的丰富多样性和它在日常生活中的功能作用。  相似文献   

在考察"没A没B"结构语义特征的基础上探讨了"没A没B"结构的语用修辞价值。"没A没B"结构所表达的具体语义内涵随着它相配合的A、B两词的不同而呈现出不同的语义特征。在语用修辞价值上,"没A没B"结构具有概括性、开放性和能产性等特点,具有比喻、夸张义,带有说话人或褒或贬的感情倾向。  相似文献   

беседа,разговор和диалог处于同一语义场,常被视为一组同义词。然而,以И.Б.Левонтина的思想为指导,借助俄语国家语料库(Национальныйкорпусрусскогоязыка)的主语料库(Основнойкорпус)进行抽样分析发现,这组词虽然都可译为"交谈、谈话、对话",但其语义各有侧重,有些用法和结构更是为某一词所独有,不可以被其他两词替换。基于此,有必要从语义、表现形式和修辞色彩等角度探讨这组近义词的不同之处,分别对其进行辨析和阐释。  相似文献   

近些年来,"X门"大量涌现在新闻报导,特别是新闻标题中."门"族词的内部构成又可细分为核心构成、后置附加语、前置修饰语等三个层次;其适用范围进一步扩大,意义由专指各种"丑闻"扩大到"风波"、"事故"等;其动词搭配日趋丰富,其中双关修辞大量应用."门"族词在新闻标题中大量出现的原因主要有语内因素和语外因素.  相似文献   

对"紫"参构词的语义内涵演变、特征以及"紫"系列词在发展过程中"紫"表色义的隐现情况进行举例分析,并从修辞的角度探讨其语义的修辞化生成途径,可让人从微观层次更清晰全面地认识"紫"的认知和运用机制。  相似文献   

"词化"这一术语集动态演变过程与静态演化结果于一身.借用词化理论和语义成分分析法,本文着重讨论了荚汉"哭"类动词的语义成分及词化偏好.研究有以下三点发现:一是英汉"哭"类动词享有共同的语义成分组合模式,即"核心意义+方式+原因+口型+持续时间",但内部语义容量及词语感情色彩有差异;二是英汉"哭"类动词词化偏好不同;三是词化过程伴随着语义成分的增加,消减、合并及词性的转移.  相似文献   

悖谬性结构词语,其语义认知基础是词的"不可能特征",具有合语法而悖于认知原型的语义结构特点.悖谬性结构的词语能表达诸如荒谬、奇异等多种社会认知意义,是一种具有创造性和实用性的词语组合方式.  相似文献   

山西二人台唱白对词汇修辞进行了三方面的积极运用:从词语的来源或结构上看,主要是利用了方言词、熟语等词汇成分;从词语的意义上看,主要是利用了词语的同义、反义和多义关系;从词形方面看,主要利用了拆词、倒词等变化手段。  相似文献   

移就与偏正式暗喻的语法结构都为偏正式短语。移就的基本构式为:移词+的+本体;偏正式暗喻的基本构式为:本体+的+喻体。二者的区别特征主要体现在"移词"和偏正式暗喻"本体"上,二者的句法功能均是充当定语。区别特征包括词性、语义指向、与中心语的搭配关系、语法关系等。兼类词的产生使得二者更加难以区分。移就与偏正式暗喻的修辞特征主要表现在以下几方面:特定的修辞效果、特定的结构格式、特定的心理形成机制、适应主旨情景。  相似文献   

基于形式语言的Word操作题自动阅卷方案及其实现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在实践的基础上,提出了一个新的Word操作题自动阅卷方案;给出了方案中Word操作题的存储结构;分析了阅卷方案的主要算法;介绍了实现自动阅卷的VBA技术,给出了一些关键代码。  相似文献   

近年来关于汉语焦点标记词的研究成果和存在的问题主要有两个方面:一、关于能够表现焦点的词和词类的名称问题,目前,虽然有一些成果,但还没有统一的、能够普遍认可的名称;二、能够表现焦点的词和词类,目前研究领域所涉及的词和词类比较多,但是研究还不够深入。  相似文献   

移就的构成涉及移词(A)、受移词修饰的词(B)及与B词相关的词(C)三个词语。在话语中,不按常规语序组合A、B、C三词,而是通过移动C的语序位置造成A与B的超常组合,则形成了移就。在移就的构成中,C词是核心词,它与A、B两词的相关性是移就形成的语义基础。  相似文献   


Despite the apparent advantages of incorporating logographic symbols in procedures intended to teach children with severe learning difficulties to recognise words, such procedures have never proved successful. Their failure has been attributed to a blocking effect that is induced by the additional cues. The blocking effect account predicts that any method that involves introducing additional stimulus cues will be inefficient for teaching word recognition, compared with a word alone method. A new technique was devised in an attempt to surmount this problem. The basis of the technique draws on a range of research areas. Children who had no reading skills and had previously failed to gain any sight vocabulary were taught to recognise 12 words. An experiment compared a word alone method with two variants of the new technique. Both versions were more successful than the word alone method at teaching the children to recognise the words. The findings refute the view that any procedure that incorporates additional cues will necessarily be ineffective. For students who have hitherto made no progress at all in learning to recognise words, the new technique offers an effective instructional procedure.  相似文献   

翻译中的失误往往是由于词义的选择错误所致.在英译汉时,词义的准确选择很大程度上依赖于它所处的语境.语境使词义的褒贬含义和词的搭配关系在具体的上下文中更加明确,从而为译者确定词义提供了依据.因此说离开语境,翻译将无从谈起.  相似文献   

The interaction of visual exploration and auditory processing is central to early cognitive development, supporting object discrimination, categorization, and word learning. Research has shown visual–auditory interactions to be complex, created from multiple processes and changing over multiple timescales. To better understand these interactions, we generalize a formal neural process model of early word learning to two studies examining how words impact 9- to 22-month-olds' attention to novelty. These simulations clarify the origin and nature of previously demonstrated effects of labels on visual exploration and the basis of mutual exclusivity effects in word learning. We use our findings to discuss key questions for this special section: what makes a good theory and how should formal theories interface with empirical paradigms and findings?  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a research project on the impact of word processing on faculty writing behaviour. A case study methodology was used to conduct the research. Data from 120 faculty members (N = 150) were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Final results indicate that faculty are increasingly adopting word processing for writing (69%) and are changing their writing behaviour in this process: they do more revisions, write most of their works online, use computer‐mediated communication to support their writing and use spelling checkers on a regular basis. The major Expected Benefit identified by respondents is the ease of text revision: this feature is the primary cause for the adoption of word processing among faculty. The major Expected Disadvantages are the amount of learning required at the time, both initially and on an on‐going basis, that is consumed. Unexpected Outcomes of word processing were also identified, such as more concern with page layout, reusing previously written text, and excessive writing. The existence of “personal side effects”, linked to the use of computers for word processing, calls for a flexible approach to the introduction of this technology. In particular, those who have not yet adopted the technology may be more likely to experience negative side effects. Therefore, the study concludes, rather than a bandwagon gathering momentum, a better analogy might be that of a train easing into the station, decreasing its speed to maximize comfort for the passengers.  相似文献   

名词修饰语的功能是对名词所指事物进行次范畴化,即从不同的角度对名词所指事物进行更细致的划分。过去分词做前置修饰语的次范畴化功能的认知特点是以稳定、持久属性为参照的,而做后置修饰语则是对某个特别语境下中心词暂时性的次范畴化。  相似文献   

本文有感于汉语词汇学、传统训诂学和中国古典解释学研究的深层需要,尝试着提出了“词义的召唤性与训诂的创造性”的理论范畴。上篇论述词义的召唤性及其形成的根据与功能,下篇探讨训诂的创造性及其形成的根据与效应。从而强调:词义的召唤性,是词义的基本特性之一,它体现了人与词义、人与世界的关系;训诂的创造性,是训诂的基本特性之一,它反映了人与文化典籍、人与解释活动的关系。而词义的召唤性,又是训诂创造性的形成根据;训诂的创造性,又是词义召唤性的语用效应。二者互动共变。  相似文献   

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