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In two experiments, experimental rats were trained to have strong aversions to one of 10 novel-flavored solutions through contingent lithium injections; control rats were injected with lithium in the absence of prior consumption. Each animal was then tested with each of the 10 solutions, and the preferences of the experimental rats and the control rats were compared. A generalization gradient of the aversion to each conditioned aversive flavor was obtained for each test flavor.  相似文献   

The effect of an auditory cue presented during extinction on spontaneous recovery of a conditioned taste aversion was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the presence of the cue during extinction did not influence saccharin consumption during that phase, and that an aversion to saccharin in the absence of the cue was stronger at 18 days than at 1 day after extinction, representing spontaneous recovery rather than a renewal effect. Experiment 2 showed that a cue presented during extinction and testing reduced spontaneous recovery. Experiment 3 replicated that effect and showed that it depended on the cue’s correlation with extinction and not on an unconditioned effect; cues that had been presented during or prior to conditioning did not reduce spontaneous recovery when presented during testing. The cue’s potential to reduce spontaneous recovery through conditioned inhibition or configural cue learning is discussed, as is the possibility that the cue retrieves a saccharin extinction memory in a manner consistent with Bouton’s (1993) account of spontaneous recovery.  相似文献   

Nonreinforced exposure to a cue tends to attenuate subsequent conditioning with that cue—an effect referred to as latent inhibition (LI). In the two experiments reported here, we examined LI effects in the context of conditioned taste aversion by examining both the amount of consumption and the microstructure of the consummatory behavior (in terms of the mean size of lick clusters). The latter measure can be taken to reflect affective responses to, or the palatability of, the solution being consumed. In both experiments, exposure to a to-be-conditioned flavor prior to pairing the flavor with nausea produced by lithium chloride attenuated both the reduction in consumption and the reduction in lick cluster sizes typically produced by taste aversion learning. In addition, we observed a tendency (especially in the lick cluster measure) for nonreinforced exposure to reduce neophobic responses to the test flavors. Taken together, these results reinforce the suggestion from previous experiments using taste reactivity methods that LI attenuates the effects of taste aversion on both consumption and cue palatability. The present results also support the suggestion that the failure in previous studies to see concurrent LI effects on consumption and palatability was due to a context specificity produced by the oral taste infusion methods required for taste reactivity analyses. Finally, the fact that the pattern of extinction of conditioned changes in consumption and in lick cluster sizes was not affected by preexposure to the cue flavors suggests that LI influenced the quantity but not the quality of conditioned taste aversion.  相似文献   

There appear to be unconditioned affective reactions to the four basic tastes: liking for sweet and salt and disliking for sour and bitter. We attempted to modify these reactions by pairing the tastes with calories and with sweeter tastes. Differing sucrose concentrations were ineffective in reversing the preference for salt over citric acid or for saccharin over quinine. We could, however, reverse the preference for salt over citric acid, producing an actual preference for sour over salt, by using sucrose and saccharin as the reinforcers. The initial reactions to tastes could also be modified by reducing the initial difference in affect produced by the tastes through mixing both tastes with sucrose.  相似文献   

In these experiments, we investigated the nature of potentiation in the conditioned flavor preference paradigm. Almond and banana extracts, which have strong odor components, were combined with salt and saccharin (liked tastes; Experiment 1) or quinine and citric acid (disliked tastes; Experiment 2) in a flavor preference procedure that mixed these solutions with a caloric reinforcer (polycose). The results showed that liked tastes potentiated preference conditioning to extracts (Experiment 1), whereas extracts potentiated preference conditioning to disliked tastes (Experiment 2). In both experiments, the presumably less liked stimulus (i.e., the extract in Experiment 1 and the disliked taste in Experiment 2) was the potentiated cue.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that discrete cues presented during extinction of a conditioned response (extinction cues) subsequently reduce spontaneous recovery and the renewal effect. In order to assess whether an extinction cue’s effect is due to conditioned inhibition, the effect of pairing an extinction cue with food on the cue’s capacity to modulate spontaneous recovery was investigated in an appetitive conditioning experiment with rats. Conditioned inhibitors paired with the unconditioned stimulus lose their potential to inhibit responding. The food-paired extinction cue did not lose its potential to reduce spontaneous recovery. In fact, it reduced spontaneous recovery more than did an extinction cue that was not paired with food. The results indicate that extinction cues attenuate postextinction recovery of conditioned responding through a mechanism other than conditioned inhibition. The cue’s action appears to be similar to that of serial negative occasion setters. Theories of spontaneous recovery and the relationship of extinction cues to other modulatory stimuli are discussed.  相似文献   

Resistance to extinction of discriminated barpress avoidance in rats was assessed through the use of three procedures, each of which served to break the response-reinforcement contingency, classical extinction (CE), operant extinction (OE), and a variable-ratio shock schedule (VR). Greatest resistance to extinction was found for the VR group, followed by OE and then by CE Ss. thus supporting a discriminative rather than a motivational analysis. Reacquisition rates following extinction suggested evidence of “learned helplessness” in some Ss exposed to noncontingent CS-US presentations.  相似文献   

Rats trained in one context to use stimuli arising from food deprivation as discriminative signals for shock were tested in other contexts to assess the basis of conditioned responding (i.e., freezing or behavioral immobility). In Experiment 1, discriminative control by 24-h food-deprivation cues failed to promote transfer responding in a test context that had no association with shock. This indicated that food deprivation cues had little direct excitatory power. However, transfer of behavioral control by 24-h food-deprivation cues was obtained in a context paired with shock only when the rats were 19 h water deprived. This finding agrees with the idea that food-deprivation cues become conditioned modulators of the capacity of external stimuli to activate their association with an unconditioned stimulus. In Experiment 2, rats trained to use 24-h food-deprivation cues as signals for shock exhibited significantly greater transfer performance when the transfer context had undergone partial extinction relative to when the transfer context had undergone only simple excitatory training. This finding with deprivation cues and transfer contexts (1) paralleled earlier results obtained with discrete (auditory and visual) conditioned modulators and transfer targets, and (2) posed difficulties for associative summation and generalization interpretations of transfer performance.  相似文献   

Sixteen rats were maintained out of doors in cages with natural light, temperature, and social stimulation for 3 months. Subsequently, by pairing the taste of sucrose with IP injections of LiCl, the rats were conditioned to avoid sucrose. Each of four groups of rats received the CS-US pairing at a different time of day. Times of conditioning were 6 a.m., 12 a.m., 6 p.m. and 12 p.m. EST. A two-bottle preference test between 4% sucrose solution and tap water was initiated 24-h after conditioning. Daily measurements of preference were continued for 16 consecutive days. Results indicated that, although all groups initially exhibited equivalent sucrose aversions, the groups conditioned at 12 a.m. and 6 p.m. extinguished within 12 days while the 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. groups continued to manifest profound aversions for sucrose throughout the 16 test days.  相似文献   

Extinction of rats’ conditioned defensive freezing responses in a context associated with two bouts of massed shock (3 sec) separated by a long unreinforced interbout interval was slower than that in a context associated with distributed shock (60 sec). Resistance to extinction following two bouts of massed shock depended on the rats’ remaining undisturbed in the conditioning context during the long unreinforced interbout interval. Slow extinction of freezing was attributed to either the summation of temporal conditioning at the early and late session times or the formation of an association between the early and late bouts of shock. Importantly, the effects of the two bouts of massed shock could not be explained by what is known about the reinforcing effectiveness of massed shock.  相似文献   

Sucrose aversions were induced by lithium chloride toxicosis in 9-week-old male and female mice of the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J strains. Under conditions of ad-lib access to fluids which required a long interval between the sucrose and toxicosis, the conditioned aversions were relatively weak when compared with the sucrose consumption of saline-injected controls. The aversions extinguished rapidly within all groups. Contrary to earlier reports in rats, no sexual dimorphism in extinction rate was observed in this paradigm. When a fluid-deprivation schedule was implemented in the conditioning procedure to shorten the interval between taste experience and toxicosis, strong aversions were noted; yet relatively fast extinction under ad-lib conditions occurred in all groups except male DBA/2J mice. No sexual dimorphism was observed in mice of the C57BL/6J genotype, even when two pairings between sucrose and toxicosis were administered.  相似文献   

Separate groups of water-deprived rats had four trials with 15-min access to 0.0073 M saccharin, 0.3 M alanine, 0.3 M glucose, 0.1 M maltose, 0.3 M fructose, 0.06 M sucrose, or 0.03 M Polycose. Trials 1–3 were followed by injections of either 0.15 M LiCl (1.33 ml/100 g b.w., i.p.) or saline; Trial 4 (Test) was CS only. Extinction included either 48-h access to water alone or to the appropriate CS, both followed by a 24-h, two-bottle choice of CS and water. This 3-day cycle was repeated five to six times. All rats acquired comparable conditioned taste aversions (CTAs), but extinction rates varied with the test and the taste CS. No CTA extinguished during the two-bottle choices following 2 water days. During one-bottle CS exposure, all CTAs extinguished, but the aversion continued longer in the probe two-bottle tests. Intake of glucose moieties recovered rapidly, often in two cycles; the other CSs took four to six cycles. Thus, CTA extinction varies with the nature of the taste CS.  相似文献   

On each day of training in Experiment 1, hungry rats were given one flavored saccharin solution followed by a differently flavored saccharin solution. The rats drank more of the first flavor during training, but preferred the second flavor in a subsequent choice test. In Experiment 2, the two flavored saccharin solutions were provided on alternate days, with one flavor being preceded by nothing and the other flavor by plain saccharin. The rats drank more of the flavor preceded by nothing during training, but preferred the other flavor in a subsequent choice test. These results suggest that a state of nonnutritive satiation can reinforce a flavor preference.  相似文献   

Conditioned suppression in rats is often unaffected when the context (or set of background stimuli) is changed following conditioning. This suggests that responding to the conditioned stimulus (CS) can be relatively insensitive to the context in which the CS is presented. In two experiments, we examined whether sensitivity to contextual stimuli is affected by preexposure to the CS. In Experiment 1, when the CS was novel at the outset of conditioning, conditioned suppression was not affected when the context was changed following conditioning. However, when the CS had been preexposed, responding was weaker when extinction occurred outside of the conditioning context. In Experiment 2, responding was again sensitive to the test context, regardless of whether preexposure occurred in the conditioning context or in an alternate context. These results suggest that the extent to which responding is sensitive to context can depend on the conditioning history of the CS.  相似文献   

In two experiments, resistance to satiation was compared with resistance to extinction. In Experiment 1, rats given initial trials in a straight-alley runway while satiated failed to show increased resistance to satiation in a later test phase. This negative finding contrasts with the increased resistance to extinction usually found following initial nonrewarded trials in a straight alley. In Experiment 2, rats were extinguished or were run while satiated following deprived acquisition, and then were either shifted to the other condition or maintained under the same condition. A greater response decrement was produced by extinction than by satiation, both when current performance was examined and when the persistent effect of satiation or extinction on later performance was examined. These results show that there are important dissimilarities in the effects of satiation and extinction, dissimilarities that suggest that extinction is more nonrewarding or aversive than satiation. It seems likely that extinction involves processes (such as frustration, arousal of aversive motivation, and conditioned inhibition) not involved in satiation, which account for the greater response decrement in extinction as compared with satiation.  相似文献   

一种基于加权的新型模糊偏好关系及其解析表达式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对Nakamura和Yuan所定义的模糊偏好关系的对比研究,给出了一种新的加权模糊偏好关系及其解析表达式.  相似文献   

通过对Nakamura和Yuan所定义的模糊偏好关系的对比研究,给出了一种新的加权模糊偏好关系及其解析表达式.  相似文献   

The present experiments explored the relation between a mode of behavior produced by unpredicted presentations of an unconditioned stimulus (US) and subsequent interference with responding to a conditioned stimulus (CS) (the context-blocking effect). The US was food, the CS was a moving ball bearing, and the subjects were rats. The typical response to a moving bearing that predicts food is predatory interaction, and the behaviors that developed under unpredicted US presentations involved focused search and waiting oriented to the food tray. Experiment 1 manipulated the number of unpredicted food presentations and showed that the reduction in subsequent bearing contacts was more clearly related to the occurrence of initial food-tray behavior than to the number of prior food presentations. Experiments 2 and 3 manipulated the conditioning of food-tray behavior while holding constant the number of prior food presentations, and again showed a strong inverse relationship between initial food-tray behavior and ball-bearing contact. The latter experiments also indicated that the locus of interference with bearing-directed behavior was neither primarily central (associative or attentional) nor peripheral (motor interference), but resulted from the incompatibility of two modes of food-getting behavior, a more general predatory search mode versus a mode of focal search and waiting. A behavior-system account of these results does not preclude an associative basis for context-blocking effects, but it argues that such effects may occur at several levels and must function within appetitive structures underlying the animal’s food-getting behavior.  相似文献   

熊正良在这部长篇新作中,钟情于微叙事,精心于意象营造,追求个性化,着眼偶然性,操练心灵化程度很高的语言,都表现了一个成熟作家的新的努力.但是,值得我们特别重视的,是作家能够运用时代的前沿知识和观念,审视消费社会被遮蔽的现实,并在表现上达到一种难得的深度.  相似文献   

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