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生涯适应力是一种心理资源,关系到大学生生涯成功的关键实力,也对个体创业成功有着积极作用.在分析了生涯适应力和大学生创业教育关系的基础上,提出了以生涯适应力为指导的创业教育新体系,并从创业自我效能,课程体系,实践机会和辅导机构等角度探讨了生涯适应力在大学生创业教育中的具体运用.  相似文献   

诚信自古以来就是中华民族的传统美德。当代大学生的良好的诚信意识关系到好的社会风尚的形成。从总体上看,当代大学生的诚信状况是向好的方向发展的,但在少数大学生的身上还是出现了相关的诚信缺失的现象。本文针对当代大学生诚信缺失的现象,分析了当代大学生诚信缺失的各种原因,并就加强当代大学生的诚信教育提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

多元智能理论是一种全新的关于人类智能结构的理论,它为心理素质评价提供了新的视角,对心理素质评价有很大的启示,基于多元智能理论可以设计多元化的心理素质评价体系。  相似文献   

Deaf college students' perceptions of their social-emotional adjustment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined differences between deaf and hearing students' perceptions of their social emotional adjustment as they transition to college. The 16PF-Adolescent Personality Questionnaire Life Difficulties Scale was completed by 205 deaf students and 185 hearing students. A multivariate analyses of variance and subsequent univariate tests found that deaf students rated themselves as experiencing significantly higher home life difficulties than hearing students, and deaf students rated themselves as having fewer coping difficulties than hearing students. Results also revealed a hearing status by gender interaction with deaf females rating themselves significantly higher on worry than deaf males, hearing females, and hearing males. An exploratory factor analysis of the Life Difficulties subscales yielded three factors of life difficulties for deaf college students but only two factors for hearing college students. These findings suggest that there are differences between deaf and hearing students who are transitioning to college with regards to their social-emotional adjustment.  相似文献   

Grades and college students' evaluations of their courses and teachers   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
From a review of existing research, it is concluded that college students' anticipated or actual grades in class are positively related to their evaluation of their courses and teachers. In general, the size of the association is small but not unimportant. A student's overall grade-point average appears to have little or no relationship to teacher or course evaluation, although limited evidence shows that a discrepancy between a student's grade-point average and his or her grade in a class is related to evaluations. Also, teacher- or course-induced interest in the subject is positively associated with evaluation, as are students' perceptions of the amount they have learned in a class and their performance on objective or standardized tests of achievement. Although it is thus possible that either these or other motivational and learning variables may account for the relationship between grades and evaluation, there is no evidence one way or the other that this indeed is the case. In all, currently available evidence cannot be taken as definitely establishing a bias in teacher evaluation due to the grades students receive or expect to receive in their courses, but neither is it presently possible to rule out such bias.This is the first paper of a projected series on teacher and course evaluation.  相似文献   

Second-, fourth- and sixth-year students (N = 536) in the humanities, sciences and medicine at a metropolitan university in Holland completed a questionnaire. It included standard measures of mental health variables, satisfactions, interpersonal orientations, and assessments of the learning environments. Evidence is presented about the reliability and validity of Crombag's College Adaptation Questionnaire (CAQ) to assess adjustment to student life. Internal consistency of adaptation scores was adequate and the association with social desirability responding was negligible. There were no significant differences between the sexes, major fields of study and cohorts. Strong support for convergent validity was obtained. The more adapted the students were, the less they experienced depressive moods, loneliness, and interpersonal helplessness; and the more they were satisfied with their lives in general, with their interpersonal relations in particular, and the more easily they made new contacts. For women students, the less well adapted they were, the more they reported psychosomatic stress symptoms. Adaptation was only weakly associated with social-risk-taking and very weakly, for men only, with problem drinking. Supporting discriminant validity, adaptation was in general only weakly related to the judgments of various facets of the learning environments (instructional climates) in which the students partook.With special thanks to BOVO, the Educational Research Center, University of Leyden: Quod licet BOVis, non licet Iovis.  相似文献   

高校学生主要为青年群体,正是思想道德素养形成的关键期,大学生的思想政治教育质量直接关系到学生的思想层次和道德素养的提高,对大学生世界观、人生观、价值观的形成具有重要的影响。高校的思想政治教育必须建立在正确的理论基础之上,在正确的理论指导下深入探索思想政治教育的内涵,才能从根本上提高大学生思想政治教育的质量,探索出一条符合现代高校教育发展需要的,适合大学生群体思想素质提升的思想政治教育的道路。  相似文献   

This study explores working students' college experiences using the grounded theory approach. Focus groups were conducted to allow working students to elaborate on their college experiences, clarifying issues not easily addressed through surveys. Two theoretical propositions are offered to describe how working students are constantly searching for meaningful work as well as meaning in their work. It is important for institutions to consider work as an educationally purposeful activity outside classroom and to create job opportunities that benefit students academically, socially and financially.  相似文献   

This research explored the determinants of college seniors' overall evaluations of their academic programs (i.e., their major departments). The research was conducted with a sample of 775 students at two universities. The results suggest that, in general, stimulating course work and good teaching were somewhat more important than opportunities for faculty/student interaction or perceived faculty knowledgeability. There were significant field and gender differences, however. For example, faculty availability and course stimulation were more critical among women than among men, and faculty teaching ability was particularly significant in artistic fields. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 1985.  相似文献   

Graduation patterns were examined for 905 deaf students (1990-1998) at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Students with higher reading and language skills had the best overall graduation percentage. Comparison of recipients of different degrees--bachelor of science (BS) versus fine arts (BFA); associate of applied science (AAS) versus occupational studies (AOS)--showed 92% of BS and 82% of AAS graduates reading at the 9th-grade level or above, versus 65% of BFA and 47% of AOS graduates. Interestingly, 80% of non-degree-earning students read at the 9th-12th grade levels; in absolute terms, they outnumbered graduates with similar reading skills in the AAS and BFA programs combined, and in the BS program. This indicates a need for improved counseling, placement, and retention strategies. Students performed similarly across degree categories, regardless of curriculum requirements and difficulty. Only non-degree-earning students had significantly lower grade averages.  相似文献   

当代大学生是网络场景与现实场景高度吻合的"互联网原住民"。运用认知行为理论对大学生网络素养缺失现象进行具体分析。研究发现,大学生存在社交场景"圈层化封闭"、学习场景"注意力涣散"、生活场景"法治观薄弱"等现象,法治监管与理论教育不全面、责任自觉与行为自律不到位是两方面主要原因。研究认为"认知构建-环境构建-行为构建"的演讲逻辑应当是网络素养培育和养成的核心内容与梯度范式。  相似文献   

论高职院校学生顶岗实习权益的维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实习供需失衡背景下的高职学生顶岗实习期间劳动权益被侵害问题日益严重,政府应介入教育界和企业之间承担更多的责任,建立和完善相关法律法规,政府、社会、学校、企业应分层级分部门分形式形成顶岗实习学生权益保护机制,保证高职学院顶岗实习的教学效果.  相似文献   

阐述了高校学生安全教育的必要性,提出加强高校学生安全教育的内容及其措施。通过系统、全面的安全教育,增强学生的安全意识,提高学生的安全技能,为国家输送具有安全素质的合格人才。安全教育将在学生毕业后的社会生活和工作实践中持续不断地发挥作用。  相似文献   

从总体上看,当代大学生思想道德的主流是积极、健康、向上的,他们拥护党在新时期的路线、方针、政策,政治热情高,关注改革开放,希望祖国繁荣昌盛,成才的愿望和学习的自觉性不断增强,而且涌现出许多有崇高理想和坚定信念,爱国、爱党、爱社会主义,努力学习,攀登科学高峰的先进集体和个人。  相似文献   

Although firm generalizations and conclusions cannot yet be drawn from the extant research on the effects on teacher and course ratings of the circumstances surrounding these evaluations, at least some studies have shown that college students' ratings of their teachers and courses are somewhat higher when students remain anonymous rather than identifying themselves, when the purported use of the ratings is an official or administrative one for use in salary, promotion, or tenure considerations rather than otherwise, and when the instructor is present rather than absent during the rating session. (The differences between each of these contrasted circumstances are usually rather small and do not inevitably appear across studies.) Certain variations in rating format have been found to make a difference in the ratings obtained, whereas other have not. From limited evidence, the exact timing (or occasion) of evaluation appears not to be important to ratings. Variability in sampling procedures, as it affects the composition of students available to complete rating forms, may or may not turn out to be a generally important element in ratings (as directly relevant data are collected). The analysis concludes with a discussion of (1) the presumed bias in ratings produced in certain of the rating conditions and (2) the more general issue of the comparability of ratings made in different circumstances of evaluation.  相似文献   

目前我国大学生在英语写作方面体现出的问题是:四六级考生中写作部分得分率最低、内容干涩、表达单一等。对于如何提高大学生的写作能力的研究也很多,但如何运用同义关系来提高大学生的写作能力的研究较少,本文试图探讨如何有效地利用同义关系理论来提高大学生的英语四六级自作能力。  相似文献   

当今网络流行语十分盛行。网络流行语大致可以分为三类,即网聊娱乐类、个性表达类、热门时事类。不同类型的流行语对大学生的思想意识产生了不同影响。认识这些不同影响,对于我们进行高校思政教育具有重大意义。  相似文献   

从社会心理学的角度浅谈大学生的人际交往   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何人都生活在社会群体中,必然会发生与他人交往关系。在社会心理学上,人际关系主要是指人与人间的心理关系,心理距离小相容性大,则人际关系融洽,反之,则心理上相互排斥,人际关系恶化。……  相似文献   

随着近年来我国高校的不断进行大规模扩招,大学毕业生数量猛增,其就业就业方面不复往日,形势越来越严峻,为了提高大学毕业生的就业竞争力和适应性,职业指导这门课,都搬上了各大高校的课程表,与此同时,这门课程也受到了高校领导、教师、学生及家长的高度关注和重视,效果较好、质量较高的大学生职业指导能够让学生充分的认识到自身的优点和不足,从而能够快速有效的找到一份适合自己的工作,对于促进学生的发展有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育呈现出前所未有的良好发展势头,大批高职技术应用型人才将成为社会的主要培养对象。随着高职院校学生数量的迅速扩张,对他们的素质教育.能力培养也就成为更重要妁问题。结合自己在高职院校从事政治教学工作的实践,从分析高职院校学生思想政治教育中存在的问题入手,阐述了加强高职院校学生思想政治教育工作的方法。  相似文献   

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