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本研究通过对甘肃省甘南地区459名藏族青少年民族认同的研究发现:甘南地区藏族青少年的民族认同包括对主流文化的认同、积极的民族认同和消极的民族认同三个因素,其民族认同在5点计分中处于比较认同和非常认同程度,有着较好的民族认同。影响甘南地区藏族青少年民族认同的因素主要有:年级、教学模式、汉语学习水平和对藏汉文化差异的主观判断。  相似文献   

民族认同与国家认同是民族地区青少年需要面对的双重认同问题,树立正确的民族认同观与国家认同观直接关系到民族文化的传播和国家的稳定。在对新疆南疆地区2116名青少年进行比较研究后发现:南疆地区维吾尔族青少年的国家认同较民族认同相比表现得更为积极,与汉族青少年相比,他们的国家认同较低而民族认同较高 国家认同的形成会提升维吾尔族青少年的民族认同 来自县镇和城市的青少年群体在国家认同和民族认同上都较高,而农村的相对较低 父母亲的文化程度越高,子女的国家认同与民族认同就越高。  相似文献   

中华文化是中华民族共同的精神之源,承载着多元一体中华民族最核心的价值理念与最深层次的价值体系。青少年价值观的引导和培育,必须建立在对中华文化认同的基础之上,中华文化的价值体系最终必须体现在青少年的价值体系中。中华文化认同的实质指向为中华民族精神的认同,而当代青少年中华文化认同的精神实质则是在爱国主义精神的引领下,将"创造、奋斗、团结、梦想"的伟大民族精神内化于心,外践于行。青少年中华文化认同建构的逻辑基础首先是对中华文化的认知,其次是对中华文化内在理念与价值体系的肯定,是青少年中华文化认同的深层次要求。青少年中华文化认同建构的实然路径既包括主体自觉的教育强化,又包括社会生活实践中对中华文化认同的自我建构,两者相辅相成、和谐统一,共同促进青少年中华文化认同中知、情、意、行的统一,最终实现青少年对中华文化认同的自我意义建构。  相似文献   

通过对8所乡村学校的实地调研,呈现城镇化进程中乡村教师的社会认同困境,主要表现在群体内的自我认同偏低,群体间的他者认同遭受挑战.此外,乡村教师的社会认同受性别、教龄、职称等因素的影响.乡村教师社会认同困境的成因主要有:价值观的迷惘、文化信仰的迷失、发展空间的局限.为了促进乡村教师社会认同的发展,有必要采取干预策略,为此需要改善乡村环境,重视乡村学校的建设;关注乡村教师的多元需求,调动乡村教师的工作积极性;发挥文化引领的作用,提高乡村教师的归属感.  相似文献   

研究采用民族认同问卷和生活满意度量表,对分层随机整群抽取的广西罗城仫佬族自治县罗城高中和罗城初中的980名仫佬地区青少年进行调查。研究发现,仫佬族地区青少年的中华民族认同显著高于本民族认同;本民族认同、中华民族认同和生活满意度均存在显著性别差异;本民族认同和中华民族认同存在显著的年龄差异;本民族认同和中华民族认同均与生活满意度呈显著的正相关;中华民族认同能够显著地正向预测生活满意度。  相似文献   

少数民族大学生在民族认同与国家认同方面存在某种程度上的模糊,加强两个认同教育具有必要性与现实意义.马克思主义民族理论是培育两个认同意识的理论基础,深入理解中华民族的发展历史具有鉴往知今、资政育人的现实作用.加快民族地区经济社会发展可以为构建两个认同打下坚实的物质基础.高等学校思想政治教育要诉诸于少数民族大学生的实际利益.  相似文献   

民族是人类的一种群体分类。民族认同心理是社会成员对自己民族归属的自觉认知。它包括民族认知、民族心态、民族意识以及民族信仰,民族认同心理因其具有的强大聚合力仍是一种人们普遍重视的"政治资源",作用和意义非常重大。然而,民族认同心理也是一柄双刃剑,进步的力量利用它,可以促进民族地区繁荣、维护社会稳定、促进国家发展;反动势力利用它则可以制造分裂、破坏团结、危及民族地区的稳定和国家安全。  相似文献   

跨境民族青少年国家认同关涉国家意识形态安全、社会和谐稳定、民族团结进步,历来受到高度重视.近年来,跨境民族青少年国家认同度得到提高、中华民族共同体意识得以增强,但面临着边境地区"相对封闭性"与"全方位开放"的复杂性,跨境民族"情感亲近"与学校教育"隐性排斥",学校国家认同教育偏差与民族文化传承不足,特殊的家庭问题与家庭教育缺位冲击或弱化国家认同等困境.为此,应加大社会支持,保障跨境民族青少年权利;坚持学校主导,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,促进民族认同与国家认同和谐共生;注重家庭培育,营造稳定良好的家庭教育环境,形成多维联动、协调有序的强大合力来增强国认同.  相似文献   

乡村教师是发展更加公平更有质量乡村教育的重要支撑,其身份认同对优化乡村教师队伍建设、实现乡村教育现代化具有重要影响。对122名乡村教师调查,发现民族地区乡村教师逐渐成为半城半乡的“第三者”,文化知识“传播者”身份被削弱,变成乡村学生的“监护人”,存在所属身份责任逐渐泛化、与相近职业发展存在较大差距、多重身份之间产生矛盾冲突等困境。基于此,提出民族地区乡村教师身份认同的优化策略:首先,明确乡村教师责任范畴,落实相关政策,健全职前培养体系,为乡村教师身份认同提供有力保障;其次,正确认识民族习俗,减少学校额外职能,完善乡村学校管理,优化身份认同的协同场域;最后,重点培育教育情怀和动机,加强对优秀民族文化的认同,增强其自主学习能力,从内部形塑乡村教师身份认同。  相似文献   

崔淼 《教育教学论坛》2012,(14):144-145
本研究采用问卷法,以宁夏回族自治区77名回族初、高中学生为调查对象,考察了回族青少年的少数民族认同、中华民族认同两个层面,认知、情感、评价及行为等四个维度。结果表明:(1)回族青少年民族认同维度中,认知维度存在年龄和性别的交互作用,高中男性比初中女性有更高的认知分数;民族认同的情感维度存在年龄的显著性差异,高中生比初中生的分数高;(2)回族青少年中华民族认同维度中,男性情感和评价维度分数显著高于女性。研究结果为回族青少年民族认同、中华民族认同提供一定的理论和实证基础。  相似文献   

中国农村社会已进入转型加速期,农民的生产方式、生活方式、交往方式、交往范围、社会心理等都发生了较大的变化,农村邻里在生产生活互助、人的社会化、社会控制、情感交流等方面应有的社会功能也随之呈现出弱化趋势。在社会主义新农村建设过程中,需要通过改善邻里关系,健全社会化服务体系,对邻里社会功能进行重建和强化。  相似文献   

The project forms part of a larger doctoral study which examines children's perceptions of national identity and its construction and importance in the world of the child in Wales. The research took place in a primary school class in the South Wales valleys, in a class of 27 children aged 7–8 years. Following an introductory activity, children drew a picture of a ‘Welsh person’. They were then interviewed with their artwork about their ideas of national identity in Wales. The initial findings revealed that the young children in this study, contrary to cognitive development theory (Piaget, J., and A.M. Weil. 1951. The development in children of the idea of the homeland and relations to other countries. International Social Science Journal 3: 561–578; Aboud, F., and M. Amato. 2001. Developmental and socialization influences on intergroup bias. In Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Intergroup processes, ed. R. Brown and A. Gaertner, 65–85. Oxford: Blackwell), had a complex and well-developed view of their own national identity. The children were able to consider in some depth, what characterises their concept of the national identity. Children categorised themselves using a range of parameters such as place of birth, parental nationality and current and previous residences. These findings contribute to previous studies in the Welsh context, which have been conducted with older children. The largest self-categorisation group was Welsh but a further interesting factor was that there were more children who categorised themselves as English rather than British.  相似文献   

从西南联大看一流大学的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一流大学才能培养一流人才,西南联大堪称我国教育史上的一流大学,“内树学术自由之规模,外来民主堡垒之称号”为世界所瞩目。她对一流大学的建设,其经验仍值得借鉴。  相似文献   

农村社会保障的国家责任   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在社会转型时期,由于我们的社会还没有充分发育,市场存在着失败.因此,农村社会保障只有由国家和政府来承担主体责任,成为农村社保资金的主要提供者、农村社保政策法规的制定者和执法环境的维护者,才能最低限度地满足广大农村居民对社会保障的制度需求.  相似文献   

目前,我国已进入城市化加速阶段,经济发达地区和经济欠发达地区,都出现了大量人口向城市涌入的现象,这一进程尤其使城市民族成份日益俱全,少数民族人口急剧增加,城市化进程中面临许多新情况新问题。本文就有关问题的近期主要研究成果,做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

中人是清代土地交易的重要参与人之一,是契约订立过程中除当事人双方之外的第三方参与者。大屯契约4人以上作为中人的情况比较普遍,主要有族长、亲族、妇女、立契者本人等。中人构成方式和立契者、参与者之间存在一定的关联。中人对晚清以来安顺屯堡民间社会秩序的维护起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

Through ethnographic fieldwork conducted at a Beijing public school, this study aims to investigate how rural migrant children in China negotiate and construct their identity vis-à-vis the school’s local children. Building on social identity theory, this study reveals that rural migrant children develop a strong non-local group identity as a response to the Hukou-based social policy and the occupation-based social hierarchies in contemporary China. Such an identity helps migrant children combat a sense of inferiority that is reinforced by their daily interactions with the socially and economically more advantaged urban peers. However, this group-based identity forestalls intergroup contact and prevents the migrant children from successfully integrating into Chinese urban society.  相似文献   

The national curriculum reformers, regarded as members of the social elites and intellectuals, projected their vision of identity onto the curriculum which they constructed and influenced the next generation’s national consciousness. In the tangled relationship between politics and education, the selection of the reformers in a sense dictates the direction of the new curriculum. This article interviewed 18 reformers, members of the latest citizenship curriculum of 2010, to investigate their individual views on identities and the monolithically-promoted Chinese configuration in the old curriculum. Although the new citizenship curriculum, renamed Curriculum Guidelines for Civics and Society, puts nothing in writing in favour of either a Chinese or Taiwanese national identity, according to the discovery in this research, the Curriculum Committee implicitly embedded a transformed inclusive and hyphenated Taiwanese national identity in the new curriculum in the hope of accentuating Taiwan’s exclusive sovereignty. The inner thinking of the reformers is uncovered to reveal their reasoning that a broadly constructed national identity can concurrently accommodate diverse personal identities and suits the society better than the previously prescribed Chinese identity. This article also records the evolution of the curriculum from the previous China-centred narratives to Taiwan-centred narratives, something that happened in line with the changes in Taiwanese society.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,我国经济发展实现了质的飞跃,社会环境也有很大改变,在欠发达地区建立农村社会保障制度的经济、政治、社会条件初步形成。未来20年是我们必须紧紧抓住的重要战略机遇期,欠发达地区建立农村社会保障制度恰逢其时。  相似文献   


The Scottish curriculum operates through broad guidelines that allow a good deal of freedom to shape the curriculum. This article reports the findings of an investigation into the attitudes towards, and knowledge of Scottish history of 16‐year‐old pupils in Scottish schools. The pupils’ responses to questions about aspects of Scotland's past revealed a very large degree of ignorance about important people, events, circumstances and dates as well as a number of misconceptions about major historical aspects. The content of the school history curriculum has an important part to play in the development of a sense of national identity. The findings are discussed at a time when there is a resurgent sense of national identity, with the people in Scotland recently voting in a referendum for the setting up of a Scottish parliament. The minimal place history occupies in the curriculum may partly explain the lack of pupils’ knowledge. There is a lack of detailed evidence on this issue, both within Scotland and from other nations. A major debate about what matters in Scotland's past is needed, for Scotland has avoided establishing a prescribed history curriculum: a well‐informed teaching profession has to make critical decisions about what to include.  相似文献   

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