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本文探讨了新形势下构建助学贷款诚信保障体系所应坚持的指导思想和原则等问题.认为中国特色社会主义理论体系是我国助学贷款制度及诚信保障体系建设的根本指导思想,是助学贷款保持政策公益性和中国特色的理论依据;以人为本是我国助学贷款诚信保障体系建设的价值取向;维护公平是我国助学贷款诚信保障体系建设的基本原则;和谐共赢是我国助学贷款诚信保障体系建设的范式和目标要求.  相似文献   

本文对世界各地助学贷款的不同目标作了简要的回顾和评论 ,着重论述了两种不同目标取向的助学贷款之间的差异 :第一类助学贷款追求经济目标 ,如贷款的设立是为了促进高等教育的成本补偿 ,为紧张的大学财政获取额外财源 ;第二类助学贷款追求社会目标 ,如设立贷款的目的是为了增进高等教育入学机会均等 ,帮助更多贫困家庭的学生上大学。以经济目标为导向的助学贷款一般不含政府补贴 ,以社会目标为导向的助学贷款可能享受政府的补贴 ,但需要对贷款对象进行认真仔细的确认。文章最后指出 ,助学贷款的设计和评价必须考虑到贷款政策的目标。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是践行教育公平理念的重要政策之一。国家助学贷款所涉及的利益主体被归纳为银行、贷款学生和第三方中介,以博弈论为工具分析三方主体的决策取向,解释了目前的助学贷款政策施行乏力的现象。银行的经济人属性是其缺乏放贷动力的主要原因;信用制度体系的不完善和不合理的还款制度是学生高违约率的主要原因;而风险补偿金机制的引入使得贷款风险向政府和高校转移是第三方中介不积极支持助学贷款政策的主要原因。  相似文献   

为解决贫困家庭于女顺利接受高等教育的公平要求 ,我国从 1 999年开始推出了真正意义上的国家助学贷款计划。但是该计划却在 2 0 0 3年遇到了前所未有的挫折 ,各大助学贷款的经办银行由于居高不下的违约比率而于 2 0 0 3年 9月几乎终止了相关高校国家助学贷款的发放 ,从而在国家助学贷款领域出现了经典意义上的“市场失灵”现象。究其根源 ,是由于我国助学贷款的制度设计与其目标和属性之间存在着根本性的冲突。本文认为 ,要真正解决国家助学贷款的两难困境 ,必须使助学贷款的制度设计与其公平目标和特定属性之间保持一致 ,其中最为重要的是引入政府或准政府的担保机制 ,化解助学贷款的善意拖欠风险 ;修改贷款发放主体的市场准入规则 ,适度引入竞争因素 ;引入保证担保方式 ,强化借贷者的还贷责任、推动个人信用体系的建立和完善等。  相似文献   

近三十年来,学术界对自学考试社会助学的定义、属性与特点;发展历程与形式;意义与作用;现状及存在的问题;教学与德育;普通高校在自学考试社会助学中的作用及如何搞好自学考试社会助学等方面进行了研究.这些研究取得了较大成绩,但也存在着明显的问题.我们应特别加强对自学考试社会助学的价值取向、本质属性、教学、德育及如何在实践中搞好自学考试社会助学等方面的研究.  相似文献   

"强基计划"价值取向是振兴基础学科,发挥基础教育的引领导向作用,这在理念和目标上与通识教育高度一致.因此,在"强基计划"视域中,高校要结合"全人"培养理念,在目标取向、教学体系上对现行通识教育进行再思考;追溯课程体系设置"初心",从源头上审视和转变通识教育理念;重点围绕解决课程体系随意性、教学模式单一化问题,探索教育改革的路径,以变革性的"强基计划"推动通识教育的创新.  相似文献   

本文以<普及科学--美国2061计划>和我国的<2049行动计划>为范本,从科学教育目标的定位、科学教育目标的价值取向以及科学教育目标的实施途径三个维度,对中美科学教育的目标进行了考察和比较,以期抛砖引玉,为我国科学教育的健康发展,提供一种可资借鉴的思路.  相似文献   

“以生为本”,应成为教师追求的目标.教学中,基于生本理念,以学定教,以导助学,实现从关注“教”到关注“学”的教学价值取向的转变.以《荷花》一课的教学为例,课前,把握学情,明晰教学重难点;课中,创设情境,品读语句,引导学生读中想象、读中体悟,在欣赏美丽荷花的同时,自然地学习言语表达,积累精彩句段.  相似文献   

从准公共产品视角看我国助学贷款的市场失灵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决贫困家庭于女顺利接受高等教育的公平要求,我国从1999年开始推出了真正意义上的国家助学贷款计划。但是该计划却在2003年遇到了前所未有的挫折,各大助学贷款的经办银行由于居高不下的违约比率而于2003年9月几乎终止了相关高校国家助学贷款的发放,从而在国家助学贷款领域出现了经典意义上的“市场失灵”现象。究其根源,是由于我国助学贷款的制度设计与其目标和属性之间存在着根本性的冲突。本认为,要真正解决国家助学贷款的两难困境,必须使助学贷款的制度设计与其公平目标和特定属性之间保持一致,其中最为重要的是引入政府或准政府的担保机制,化解助学贷款的善意拖欠风险;修改贷款发放主体的市场准入规则,适度引入竞争因素;引入保证担保方式,强化借贷的还贷责任、推动个人信用体系的建立和完善等。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款政策所面临的现实困境,与金融深化进程中国有商业银行的政策偏好密切相关。国有商业银行在金融深化进程中存在金融支持与市场化两种取向,由于受到双重目标的约束,国有商业银行在谋求两者之间的平衡时,偏重于金融支持政策的运用,风险约束下的市场化取向只是处于渐进增强的过程。为此,以风险分担的形式来降低国有商业银行风险、并试图解决“惜贷”问题的政策进路缺乏实效,有必要通过制度创新来推动国家助学贷款的发展。  相似文献   

The Rising Star Scholarship program of the Dallas County (Texas) Community College District (DCCCD), is a unique approach to financial aid. The program is the brainchild of R. L. Thornton, III, the DCCCD Foundation Board Chairman. He wanted every high school graduate in Dallas County to have the opportunity to attend college regardless of financial circumstances. He took his cause to the business community of Dallas County with the goal of establishing a scholarship program that would be available to students with the academic ability to achieve in college, but without the financial means. In three years the Rising Star Fund has reached over 33% of its goal of $30,000,000, which is needed to ensure its availability to high school graduates into perpetuity. Contributors run the gamut from individuals giving less than $100 to Foundations giving $1,000,000. In between are a variety of other amounts from foundations, businesses, and individuals. In addition to a diverse funding source, another unique aspect of the Rising Star Program is its availability to those who do not meet financial need levels of federal grants.  相似文献   

资助包计划的核心理念是通过规范合理的配置,使学生获得与其困难程度相称的经济资助。中国高校资助包计划是国际经验与中国国情相结合的产物。2007年以后,面对资助项目和经费的快速增长,我国高校引入国外资助包计划,并对其进行了本土化改造,使其具有“分级资助”、“贫困生优先”、“助人与育人相结合”、“专款专用”等本土特色。从实践结果看,资助包计划促进了高校学生资助工作的公平与效率,今后应加大资助包计划的实施面;另一方面,可改进贫困生认定方法,细化学生分级,健全收入和财产申报制度,以提高其实施成效。  相似文献   

美国联邦政府大学生经济资助十分复杂,这不仅仅体现在它的项目构成上,其资助技术也是如此。本文主要是对美国联邦政府大学生经济资助技术——参与各方的责任、FAFSA的内容、EFC的计算和整个经济资助的基本程序进行详细介绍,以期对亟待完善的我国助学贷款体制有所启示。  相似文献   

国家助学金政策实施以来,由于对家庭经济困难学生认定及分级资助标准受主观因素影响,国家助学金政策与高校优秀学生奖学金、勤工助学工作存在着重合等问题。本文在调查基础上提出对国家助学金政策进行融合性重构,即"凭贷建库、以奖代补、学费代偿、特困专助、勤工专补、无偿限额"等设想,以期国家助学金政策更加完善。  相似文献   

Federal benefit programs, including federal student aid, are designed to aid targeted populations. Behavioral responses to these programs may alter the incidence of their benefits, a possibility that receives less attention in the literature compared to tax incidence. I demonstrate the importance of benefit incidence analysis by showing that the intended cost reductions of tax-based federal student aid are substantially offset by institutional price increases for a sample of 4-year colleges and universities. Contrary to the goal of policymakers, I find that tax-based aid crowds out institutional aid roughly dollar-for-dollar. Unfortunately, it is not clear how institutions utilize these captured resources, so that the ultimate incidence of the programs is uncertain.  相似文献   

This study examined certain effects of seven student pre‐enrollment characteristics and three student‐institutional characteristics on retention status. Path analysis of these longitudinal data was unable to compare favorably with other studies using similar determinants. Certain practical implications of the study also are presented, emphasizing the burden of evidence that suggests that entering student characteristics cannot be used alone to explain the retention decision, that retention programs should be strategically rather than generically focused, and that program holding power may be related to student career consciousness and goal specificity.  相似文献   

Observation as a tool for evaluation of implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A video-based program on lesson analysis for pre-service mathematics teachers was implemented for two consecutive years as part of a teacher education program at the University of Lazio, Italy. Two questions were addressed: What can preservice teachers learn from the analysis of videotaped lessons? How can preservice teachers’ analysis ability, and its improvement, be measured? Two groups of preservice teachers (approximately 140 in total) participated in the program. A three-step lesson analysis framework was applied to three lesson videos: (1) goal(s) and parts of the lesson; (2) student learning; and, (3) teaching alternatives. Preservice teachers’ ability to analyze lessons was measured through an open-ended pre- and post-assessment. In the assessment, preservice teachers were asked to mark and comment on events (in a lesson not included in the program) that they found interesting for: teachers’ actions/decisions; students’ behavior/learning; and, mathematical content. A coding system was developed based on five criteria: elaboration, mathematics content, student learning, critical approach, and alternative strategies. In both studies, the ability to analyze instruction improved significantly on all five criteria. These data suggest promising directions for the development of both an instrument to measure lesson analysis abilities and a model for teacher learning.  相似文献   

本科毕业论文是学生在大学四年学习的成果,毕业论文的质量也是衡量教学水平的重要依据。本文通过调查近三年北京语言大学英语专业本科生毕业论文选题与完成情况,了解学生对各学科领域研究的兴趣、选题的范围以及论文完成的质量,将毕业论文成绩与英语专业四八级考试成绩做相关分析,从一个侧面考察英语专业教学已经取得的成绩以及存在的问题。建议英语专业教学中应开设各专业领域的研究方法课,加强学术论文写作的训练。  相似文献   

Most research on student price response was conducted on students who entered college before the Pell Grant program was implemented in fall 1973. This study uses the High School and Beyond Sophomore cohort, the High School Class of 1982, to analyze the effects of the amount of tuition charged and aid offered on student enrollment decisions. The findings include (1) all forms of financial aid—grants, work, and loans—were effective in promoting enrollment; (2) one hundred dollars of aid (any type) had a stronger influence on enrollment than a one-hundred-dollar reduction in tuition; (3) low-income students were more responsive to increases in grant aid than to increases in loans or work study; and (4) high-income students were not responsive to changes in aid amounts.  相似文献   

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