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This article examines the current preoccupation with enhancing the employability of graduates through the adoption of generic key skills into the undergraduate curriculum. It looks at the evidence for seven assumptions commonly made by those who promote the ‘employability’ agenda, and raises questions about the security of these assumptions including the transferability of key skills to employment contexts, the cost effectiveness of developing key skills in Higher Education rather than in employment and the competitive market advantage that individual students are believed to obtain. It concludes that in the absence of major changes to the funding regime there is unlikely to be a radical change to the curriculum and that more attention should now be paid to the post‐graduation/induction period than to the pre‐graduation stages.  相似文献   

Higher education in the UK has seen a steady increase in the numbers of part‐time teachers, yet the way in which they are inducted into teaching and the utilisation of their expertise are under‐researched. This qualitative study of 33 part‐time teachers from several universities suggests that their involvement in higher education should be considered from a fresh perspective, which differs from approaches to the enhancement of university teaching that rely upon simply educating individual teachers to do better by requiring their attendance at formally provided courses and events. While these approaches have their place, modern research on professional learning is increasingly pointing to the view that professional formation is an ecological process that is insufficiently served by the formal provision of learning opportunities. The ecological perspective, which emphasises the part played by the everyday workplace in professional formation, provides a challenge to leaders and managers regarding the development and implementation of institutional policy and practice.  相似文献   

课堂教学改革与课堂教学文化建设是成人高等教育应认真研究的课题。本项课题研究选取重庆广播电视大学开放教育(专科)工商管理专业核心课程"工商企业经营管理",以重庆广播电视大学九龙坡区分校为实践基地,试图在素质教育思想指导下,构建以"开放、自主、实践、合作"为特征的课堂教学新范式,探索课堂教学文化建设的有效途径。  相似文献   

Schools are currently undergoing a process of reconstructed educational thinking and practice in Queensland. They are being challenged to review their organisational structures, the curriculum they teach and their pedagogical practices with the intention of transforming their structures, curriculum and pedagogies to ensure that all students are truly included in the school community. This paper reviews the background research that has informed the inclusion movement and the role schools play in developing inclusive education and outlines the specific initiatives that have been undertaken in Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   

根据不同的主题领域高等教育研究可被划分为:定量—结构方面,与知识、学科相关的方面,与人相关或与教学相关的方面,以及组织与行政方面等。因此,高等教育研究是涉及教育学、心理学、社会学、政治学、经济学和商学、法律和历史等的跨学科研究。与美国和中国相比,欧洲的高等教育研究较少建立在教育院系基础之上,而是依靠大学里的跨学科研究机构把提高学术质量和相关的政策与实践连接起来。近几年,公众对高等教育研究系统知识的兴趣开始增长,但是从中获利较多的却是那些评估研究、所谓的专家报告以及指标研究等非学术性的高等教育研究。总之,高等教育研究的制度基础在不同的欧洲国家呈现出前所未有的多样化。  相似文献   

实践教学是高等职业教育过程中一个非常重要的环节,它直接影响到技能型人才的培养质量.目前,高职实践教学中还存在着许多问题,针对这些问题,文中提出了相应的改进方法及措施。  相似文献   

浅谈高等职业教育的实践教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育是培养某一社会职业或技术岗位群,从事一线的高级技术或管理人才。实践教学是高等职业教育教学活动的重要组成部分,是课堂教学的延续和深化。只有强化职业技能培训,在教学过程中,充分发挥教师的主导作,注重学生的主体作用,探索新的职业教育的实践教学体系,提高实践教学的质量,才能保证培养出某一社会职业或技术岗位群,从事一线的高素质的职业技能型高级技术或管理人才。  相似文献   

高等职业教育肩负着为社会主义市场经济培养高素质技术人才的使命,其培养的学生是否掌握了应知应会的技能至关重要。学生的技能来源于实践,实践通过实习来实现,凸显出实习的重要性。本文通过对会计专业实习中存在的问题的研究,发现该专业实习中存在许多不足之处,不能达到实习之目的。提出作业模拟实习法和直观实习法,通过改进实习方法,达到提高会计专业学生的实际操作水平,提高学生市场竞争力。  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范教育的有机组成部分。基础教育的超前发展对高师教育实习提出了新的要求。为了保证实习质量,必须对传统的实习观念和模式进行改革,为实习工作的顺利开展积极创造条件。  相似文献   

The globalisation of higher education brings together learners and teachers from differing systems, creating a heterogeneous and diverse environment. Yet many higher education institutions typically rely on foreign students themselves to adapt to their new higher education environments. An investigation was undertaken as to whether traditional approaches are effective and efficient in meeting the needs of the internationally mobile student. Using data from the last ten years (1999 to 2009) from a post‐1992 University in the North West of England an analysis of over 15,000 postgraduate assessments found a significant performance difference between home country students and international mobile students. Results found that home country students perform significantly better than international students, although the latter perform better in examinations than in coursework. However, there is a substantive improvement during the dissertation stage for both groups. Possible reasons for such variations in performance are explored.  相似文献   

高职教育实践教学体系是高职人才培养高质量的主要保障,但在理论研究上还处于初级阶段,在实际操作中还有各种问题需要解决。齐齐哈尔职业学院在探索高等职业教育的道路上不断改革,始终以"按五种能力"的标准,培养应用性、职业型的创业者"的培养目标要求进行人才培养。学院以"校企合一、产学一体"的高职职业教育人才培养模式为基础,以"第三学期"的教学管理制度为支撑,以生产任务课程化、工作过程系统化的课程开发为核心,以"项目作业"教学法为推动,以ISO9000质量监控体系作为保障,形成了具有自己特色的实践教学体系。  相似文献   

针对高职学生的教育特点,立足于实践教学,以强化实践--实训教学、提高职业能力、实现培养目标为宗旨;探索实训教学模式;有针对性地阐述了强化实训教学的重要性;以求培养的学生能适应我国科技发展和社会用人的需要.  相似文献   

高技能的训练不能只强调“练“,要科学安排“学“与“练“的比例.高职实训教学遵循以学生为主体、以教师为主导的原则,注意“学“、“练“结合,正确处理理论与操作训练的关系,坚持课内实训与集中实训结合、典型任务与技术创新相结合.  相似文献   

一、当前高教理论研究应有的合理取向众所周知,一门新兴学科能否得到认可依赖于两个基本条件:一是要有自己独特的研究领域,能够解释和解决这一领域中的现实问题,为社会实践提供理论和方法指导;二是要有相对独立、完整的学科体系。就这两个条件来衡量我国发展迅速的高...  相似文献   

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