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Librarians provide instruction to medical students as part of a core course in the medical school curriculum. Instruction was provided, in part, through didactic sessions covering professional-level medical information resources, PubMed search skills, psychosocial information, and evidence-based medicine. Librarians redesigned instructional sessions with the goals of increasing student engagement and minimizing the lecture format, maximizing the number of students receiving feedback on their search and evaluation skills, and permitting students to see a variety of possible responses as well as engage in peer- and self-evaluation. Librarians integrated the use of a blog and an audience response system (ARS) into the instruction to help accomplish these goals.  相似文献   

NHS knowledge and library staff are a highly specialist workforce delivering an economic benefit of £77 million per annum to the health service in England. To achieve their full potential and meet the changing needs of the NHS, it is vital that the workforce remains up to date through the continuing development of their skills, knowledge, and behaviours. This article outlines the work of Health Education England to gain Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP—The Library and Information Association) quality accreditation for the short course offers delivered through the NHS Knowledge for Healthcare Learning Academy. It summarises the benefits of this accreditation for Health Education England, for employers, and for knowledge and library staff participating in the short courses. Learning points from the experience of the accreditation process are described and shared.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to validate an assessment instrument for MEDLINE search strategies at an academic medical center.


Two approaches were used to investigate if the search assessment tool could capture performance differences in search strategy construction. First, data from an evaluation of MEDLINE searches from a pediatric resident''s longitudinal assessment were investigated. Second, a cross-section of search strategies from residents in one incoming class was compared with strategies of residents graduating a year later. MEDLINE search strategies formulated by faculty who had been identified as having search expertise were used as a gold standard comparison. Participants were presented with a clinical scenario and asked to identify the search question and conduct a MEDLINE search. Two librarians rated the blinded search strategies.


Search strategy scores were significantly higher for residents who received training than the comparison group with no training. There was no significant difference in search strategy scores between senior residents who received training and faculty experts.


The results provide evidence for the validity of the instrument to evaluate MEDLINE search strategies. This assessment tool can measure improvements in information-seeking skills and provide data to fulfill Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education competencies.


  • The University of Michigan MEDLINE Search Assessment tool can be used to assess search skills in residency education.
  • Five elements were identified as critical elements in the development of an effective MEDLINE search strategy: inclusion of all search concepts, appropriate use of Medical Subject Headings, appropriate use of search limits, successful combination of all concepts, and search efficiency.


  • This validated assessment tool can serve as an effective means to measure improvements in residents'' information-seeking skills and provide data to fulfill Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education competencies.

This review summarizes the literature of a subset of the published research and commentary on peer review – the ethics of peer review. It attempts to track the various ethical issues that arise among the key participants in peer‐review systems: authors, editors, referees, and readers. These issues include: bias, courtesy, conflict of interest, redundant publication, honesty, transparency, and training. It concludes that debates over such issues as open vs. blind reviews continue unresolved but that new technologies offer some prospects for resolving old issues while they also may create new challenges.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general overview of the way local governments use Twitter as a communication tool to engage with their citizens. More concretely, it tries to identify factors associated with both the channel activity and citizen engagement, to understand the relationship between media type and citizen engagement and to analyse whether different content generated different levels of engagement. A sample of the 29 most populated Andalusian local governments is examined. The results show that the majority of Andalusian local governments have an official corporate Twitter account with certain level of activity. There is no, however, a significant relationship between the population of a municipality and its citizen's engagement, and there is a significant negative relationship between audience and engagement and between activity and engagement. The findings of the study also show the particular media and content types generate higher engagement than others. This paper contributes to the literature on social media and has practical implications for local governments.  相似文献   

Assessment is often treated as an unwelcome and time-consuming university or departmental requirement. This project proposes that assessment is actually an opportunity that communication faculty should embrace. Beginning with the end in mind, this study used stated course learning outcomes to construct a pre-/posttest instrument, administering those assessments in order to find out whether students were really learning what they were supposed to be learning. This article explains how the assessment instruments were constructed and administered, demonstrates clear and significant learning gains across three semesters, and identifies learning outcomes in need of instructional improvement. It also finds that by separating assessment from grading, pretests can identify concepts that need not be retaught, and posttests can reveal that an instructor’s perception of a successful instructional day does not necessarily match the reality of student learning for that day.  相似文献   

The Australian community radio sector has played an important role in the social movement of media democratization, both locally and more broadly, however, little attention has been paid to this sector as a social movement. This research maps the organizational history of Brisbane community radio station, 4ZZZ, to examine the impacts of institutionalism on the station, viewed as a social movement organization (SMO). It argues that while SMOs typically move from an oppositional position of protest to one that is increasingly institutional, this does not necessarily dilute the effectiveness of SMOs over time.  相似文献   

The search for effective methods of predicting book and journal use has been a central concern of acquisitions librarians. This paper suggests the application of citation analysis to the college textbook as a means of evaluating, analyzing, and developing book collections in small and medium sized academic libraries. Arguments for the relevance of textbook citations are presented, and a study of the references found in 25 texts in five separate disciplines indicates that the titles cited go far beyond basic checklists in number and depth and that many of these titles will not be included in smaller academic library collections developed according to traditional methods.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To meet the information needs of isolated primary care providers and their patients in the US Navy, a digital health sciences library, the Virtual Naval Hospital, was created through a unique partnership between academia and government. METHODS: The creation of the digital library was heavily influenced by the principles of user-centered design and made allowances for the nomadic nature of the digital library's patrons and the heterogeneous access they have to Internet bandwidth. RESULTS: The result is a digital library that has been in operation since 1997, continues to expand in size, is heavily used, and is highly regarded by its patrons. CONCLUSIONS: The digital library is dedicated to delivering the right information at the right time to the right person so the right decision can be made, and therefore the Virtual Naval Hospital functions as a knowledge-management system for the US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.  相似文献   

The relatively new topic of Next Generation Networks (NGN) is one which is ascending rapidly communications policy agendas in Europe and beyond. How these networks might be created and, beyond that, how they might function in a sustained and broadly useful manner, and the implications of this, are issues which crystallise a raft of often complex policy concerns that have emerged, for at least a decade, in historically distant though increasingly connected quarters of electronic network communications. This article breaks new ground in the analysis of the emerging role of the EU by exploring EU NGN policy from a convergence infrastructural and content perspective. Whilst at this stage, despite new ‘policy packaging’, the EU's NGN policy activity is resonant of past telecommunications and audiovisual policies, the article contends that there are key areas where the EU can exercise considerable policy leverage through utilising a combination of formal legal and soft governance capacities. This has a greater chance of materialising how the more transnational NGN networks and services become.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1990s, new types of learning spaces at academic libraries have emerged mainly in North America. They are called “information commons” or “learning commons.” They provide various kinds of services, facilities, and materials in one location to support students’ learning. The idea of learning commons has been introduced to colleges and universities in Japan as well. The purpose of this study is to examine the present condition of learning spaces in university libraries in Japan. A questionnaire was sent to 755 main or central libraries at colleges and universities. The response rate was 69.4%. The results of the survey are as follows: (a) simple collaborative learning spaces with desk/desks and chairs have become modestly widespread, while advanced spaces with equipment for information and communication technology, such as computers or projectors, are not common; (b) many libraries provide computer clusters; and (c) cafés and/or beverage vending machines in libraries are still few in number. The survey also reveals that learning commons in Japan are in the early stage of development. Various types of learning spaces are recognized as learning commons. They range from a group learning room with Wi-Fi access to an entire learning commons, where several kinds of facilities, services, and information resources to support students’ learning in one location are provided. This diversification may be based on the confusion caused by the rapid introduction of learning commons in Japan. Many learning spaces may rebuild their own services in the near future because of their students’ needs.  相似文献   

E-Government literature has discussed how the adoption of the Government as a Platform (GaaP) can help public administration to produce more efficient public services. However, since little attention has been given to the impact of GaaP on public value creation more research is needed to analyse whether the GaaP is effective to help the government to deliver public services that fulfil social expectations and, hence, public value. Indeed, efficiency does not guarantee public value. Besides efficiency, public value incorporates citizens' variegated expectations and needs that change over time and that are sometimes rival. For these reasons, the delivery of public value is often challenging for public agencies. The aim of this paper is to explain how the GaaP configuration can help public administration to deliver public value better. The paper finds that the modularity of the platform configuration and different ecosystems that support public agencies need to be orchestrated to support the effective creation of public value. The authors analyse the case of the Italian GaaP initiative to discuss the importance of the orchestration of the GaaP characteristics to improve the coordination among public agencies and enable the co-production of services with external actors, in order to deliver public value better. The findings show that the orchestration of the GaaP configuration characteristics can enable Italian public administration to deliver public value, but also that, if the GaaP is not properly orchestrated, it can constrain the creation of public value.  相似文献   

Progress in controlling quantum systems is the major pre-requisite for the realization of quantum computing, yet the results of quantum computing research can also be useful in solving quantum control problems that are not related to computational problems. We arguethat quantum computing provides clear concepts and simple models for discussing quantum theoretical problems. In this article we describe examples from completely different fields where models of quantum computing and quantum communication shed light on quantum theory. First we address quantum limits of classical low power computation and argue that the terms of quantum information theory allows us to discuss device-independent bounds. We argue that a classical bit behaves to some extent like a quantum bit in the time period where it switches its logical value. This implies that a readout during the switching process generates entropy. A related problem is the distribution of timing information like clock signals in low power devices. For low signal energy, the situation is close to phase-covariant cloning problems in quantum information theory. Second we rephrase a classical statistical method to draw causal conclusions from data of a clinical drug-testing experiment. Since this method, as it is described in the literature, relies on a hidden-variable model of patient’s behaviour it leads to misconclusions if quantum theory infact does play a role in the human mind. The toy model we use to illustrate this is formally a quantum communication protocol in the presence of entanglement. We argue that quantum information theory could put classical statistical reasoning on a safer basis because it does not need hidden-variable models of nature.  相似文献   

Progress in controlling quantum systems is the major pre-requisite for the realization of quantum computing, yet the results of quantum computing research can also be useful in solving quantum control problems that are not related to computational problems. We arguethat quantum computing provides clear concepts and simple models for discussing quantum theoretical problems. In this article we describe examples from completely different fields where models of quantum computing and quantum communication shed light on quantum theory. First we address quantum limits of classical low power computation and argue that the terms of quantum information theory allows us to discuss device-independent bounds. We argue that a classical bit behaves to some extent like a quantum bit in the time period where it switches its logical value. This implies that a readout during the switching process generates entropy. A related problem is the distribution of timing information like clock signals in low power devices. For low signal energy, the situation is close to phase-covariant cloning problems in quantum information theory.  相似文献   

This study investigated an on-line cancer support community emphasizing communication concerns important to the community administrators. The researcher conducted an on-line survey of participants (N v = v 103) focused on their on-line communication activities and social support. The results indicate a modest negative correlation between emotional support received on-line and perceived stress, differences in emotional support scores based on perceptions of disadvantages of on-line support groups, and different motives for using the community between people with cancer and family members. The study also describes suggestions based on the results that were made to community administrators and which could be used by other on-line support communities.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine the extent to which Croatian university teachers use online databases as a research support tool, and what role librarians have in their promotion. Although the results show that within Croatian higher education online databases are widely acknowledged as important, they are used less frequently than in many other countries, especially more developed ones. The differences in online database perception between certain user groups were also tested. The study has revealed the problems in database usage and indicated the ways in which librarians can respond to users' needs more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

Starting with two computer terminals in 1972, the Health Sciences Learning Resources Center of the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library expanded its instructional facilities to ten terminals and thirty-five microcomputers by 1985. Computer use accounted for 28% of total center circulation. The impact of these resources on health sciences curricula is described and issues related to use, support, and planning are raised and discussed. Judged by their acceptance and educational value, computers are successful health sciences learning resources at the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   


Changes and innovations in higher education learning and teaching acted as a catalyst for rethinking the way in which service was delivered to library clients at Australian Catholic University. The Single Service Point was piloted at one campus library in 2014 to develop a best practice approach to service delivery. The merging of cultures within the library environment was achieved through committed leadership, with staff agreeing on shared values and goals and applying the university mission. All staff were responsible for seeking solutions to challenges and becoming autonomous in their professional development and training. Overall, in a Single Service Point model, service efficiency, excellence, and quality increased through staff teamwork, contribution, and collaboration.  相似文献   

This study investigates the framing effects of gay-themed entertainment media in China. Specifically, the study explores the mechanisms underlying attribution framing and value framing, through two separate experiments. The results of the first experiment indicate that exposure to attribution frames had considerable influence on the participants' perceptions of the controllability of homosexuality and their emotional responses. In addition, fictional entertainment media's framing of the origin of homosexuality indirectly influenced the participants' opinion through anger. Those participants exposed to a program homosexuality as a type of ‘controllable’ sexuality were likely to express anger and thus were not likely to support gay rights. The results of the second experiment indicate that the core values reflected in a gay-themed program affected the participants' opinions by changing their perception of the importance of value-related beliefs. Those participants exposed to a frame reflecting family values were likely to consider beliefs about family values to be important, which facilitated their support for gay people's personal dignity and equal rights to jobs, housing, and freedom of expression, among others.  相似文献   

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