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The study aims to gain a better understanding of the national large-scale curriculum process in terms of the used implementation strategies, the function of the reform, and the curriculum coherence perceived by the stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland. A large body of school reform literature has shown that a central determinant for the effectiveness of curriculum reform is the way in which the reform is implemented. Accordingly, implementing curriculum reform always entails translation of the new ideas into new educational practices, which involves complex sense-making processes from those involved. Altogether, 117 stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland completed a survey. The results showed that the effect of the implementation strategy for the perceived curriculum coherence was mediated by the perceived educational impact of the reform both for the school and society. The mediated interrelation between the top-down–bottom-up implementation strategy in the curriculum process, and the estimated coherence in the written core curriculum implies that the objects of the activities, namely elaborating and focusing on the educational impact of the decisions, is a crucial determinant for achieving curriculum coherence, and further, facilitating sustainable school development at the local level.  相似文献   

刘淼 《教育技术导刊》2009,8(8):200-203
教育技术学本科阶段的课程设置一直是被业界关注的问题。运用教育信息处理中的IRS分析法知识开发出一个小型的IRS分析器,聚焦教育技术专业的必修课程的设置,利用此分析器对教育技术专业本科必修课课程设置进行分析,并从结果的分析中得出与教育技术专业本科必修课程设置有关的一些想法。旨在推进教育技术学专业有效合理地发展。  相似文献   

在教育国际化和信息化的背景下,韩国在2009年对其国家课程进行了修订。这次修订渗透了全球化思想,体现以学生为本,关注校本课程。本文在梳理韩国小学、初中和高中的课程设置的内容和特点后,指出其存在的问题,并提出了对中国课程改革的几点启示。  相似文献   

校本课程是以学校为基地而开发的课程,校本课程的意义在于可以克服国家课程的弊端,促进教育思想和课程理念的变革,满足学校,师生发展的实际需要。因此,校本课程在国家基础教育课程体系中占有得要的地位。  相似文献   

This article examines the differences between the formally stated aims of education and the implementation of the school curriculum in order to show the divergence between what is initiated and what emerges as school practice. This implementation problem is examined from the policy-makers' and teachers' perspectives, with specific reference to physical education as a school subject in Hong Kong. First, it examines the existence and intention of educational policy towards curriculum as established by policy-makers. Second, the implementation process is evaluated from the teachers' perspective by employing a framework adopted by Cuban (1998) that utilized effectiveness, popularity, fidelity, adaptability and longevity. The data are derived from a case-study of a physical education programme that included document analysis, and interviews with teachers, parents and students. The case-study provided a subjective perspective of teachers and their work, while the framework assisted in demonstrating the absence of cohesion between the various government agencies. The resulting fragmentation of ideas leading to confusion and frustration for teachers also indicates that longevity and adaptability are likely to be the most constructive criteria for the assessment of curriculum change.  相似文献   

汪秀红 《中学教育》2010,(11):16-21
国家课程的校本化实施,不仅适合我国新课程改革的特点与需要,也符合学校作为一种学习型组织和教师作为一名专业工作者的基本教育假定。国家课程的校本化实施,一方面是由课程实施本身的二元特征所决定的;另一方面,也是由我国新课程改革本身的性质与特点决定的。国家课程的校本化实施,还有助于解决新课程改革"实验—推广"这一基本模式自身所存在的种种问题与弊端。本文将研究视角聚焦于国家课程的校本化实施问题,试图通过对样本学校个性化实施国家课程的基本思路与做法的详细描述,阐明国家课程校本化实施的基本思路、途径和所应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

高等院校和普通高中的不断扩大招生,使中职院校面临着越来越大的竞争压力和困难。面对着职业教育发展的要求,课程改革成为了中职教育的当务之急。课程设置是课程改革的重要环节。通过分析中国中等职业教育现状的基础上,结合教育教学改革的目标和素质教育的基本要求,以学生就业为导向,对中职教育中的课程设置从观念和方法上进行研讨,为中职教学给予参考意见。  相似文献   

学校课程品质是特定学校的课程在动态发展过程中体现出的整体品质属性。学校课程品质建设通过学校课程的适应性、教师的专业素养提升、学校课程结构的优化等作用于义务教育教学质量的提升。义务教育学校课程品质建设主要体现在反映时代要求的办学理念、关注学生个体差异的学校培养目标、规范有序的学校课程开发机制、多元主体参与的学校课程决策过程、体现智慧的学校课程实施的路径和方式、动态发展的学校课程评价方式等方面。  相似文献   

This article contributes to a reconceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge through exploring what is entailed in teachers' understanding of content within the framework of the institutional curriculum, with a central concern for the development of human powers (capacities or abilities, ways of thinking, understanding worlds). The contribution is made by way of a curriculum making framework and through examining the capabilities approach and Bildung-centered Didaktik. The central thesis is that a teacher necessarily interprets the content contained in the institutional curriculum, identifying its elementary elements and ascertaining its educational potential. The interpretation calls for curriculum thinking informed by a theory of content.  相似文献   

教育国际化是教育发展的必然趋势,而课程国际化是教育国际化的重要内容.从我国高校现有的课程设置来看,国际化程度还比较低,这与教育发展趋势很不相符.而影响课程国际化的因素是多方面的,所以,我国高校课程国际化既是紧迫的又是长期的.  相似文献   

工作过程导向的办公室管理课程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
办公室管理是文秘专业一门重要的专业技能课程。要把这门课程教好,首先必须对课程进行设计,结合高职高专文秘专业特点,联系教学实际,从办公室管理课程设计的理念与思路、课程目标、课程内容与组织安排、课程教学方法、课程考核等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

作业是教育观的体现和浓缩,是课堂教学的延伸。伴随着新课程的改革,传统的地理作业已经不再适应新课程的要求,作业转变迫在眉睫。为了与新课程理念相呼应,提出了地理作业转变的方向,从而使得地理作业符合学生的需要,促进学生的发展。  相似文献   

An overview of contemporary curriculum discourse shows a worrying drift to the technical; in current curriculum debates, technique is winning out over substance, procedures over principles. This article shows how this theoretical vacuum is ascribed by many in the field to the dominance of the Tyler rationale in curriculum planning. However, the symptoms of means-end rationality are not confined to curriculum - they are found across the breadth of educational studies and have reached epidemic proportions, suggests the article, in the discourse of educational reform. A number of serious implications for the lack of analysis of curriculum policy are identified and particular reference is made to the Republic of Ireland where, it is suggested, the size of the education system should facilitate greater debate. Instead, the discussions focus on the management rather than the meaning of change. In searching for sources for new curriculum theory,the author suggests that the field of policy studies offers considerable potential, in particular the work of Stephen Ball on mapping the policy cycle. The possibilities for a theory of curriculum as policies are explored. A model of a curriculum policy cycle is proposed and subjected to some analysis.  相似文献   

随着新课改的全面推进,一些中小学教师却陷入了困境:行政推动,仓促应战;观点云集,无所适从;评价制约,无可奈何;教育科研,力不从心。厘清并反思这些问题,有助于我们更加深刻地理解新课改,更加切合实际地推进新课改,从而走出具有我国特色的课改之路。  相似文献   

美国整合性STEM教育框架基于STEM理念,阐明对整合性STEM的共识性理解,首次提供了涵盖K-12阶段的整合性STEM课程资源,绘制了STEM课程路线图,提供在课堂层次实施STEM的课程路线,为整合STEM方法的系统转型提供支持,以数据驱动STEM教学与评价,制定有效的STEM课程项目和STEM教师专业发展框架,推动整合性STEM课程实施与教学方法改革,培养学生运用STEM知识去解决真实问题,提高创新、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,培养21世纪技能。美国整合性STEM教育框架的课程理念、课程路径与课程支持系统,对我国在基础教育阶段推进STEM教育改革,开发全学段的STEM教育整体框架和课程路线图可以提供有益借鉴,包括基于标准的整合性STEM课程框架,赋能STEM教师的整合性教学实践和推动整合性STEM教育的系统性转变。  相似文献   

基于课程论观点的远程教育课程界定及其特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据远程教育的特点和远程教育课程的现实情况,从课程论的角度全面认识远程教育课程是一项基础工作。远程教育课程与传统教育课程相比有其独特之处。从课程论的视角来看,远程教育课程在课程要素或属性层面上应以经验为主导,在课程功能或作用层面上应以活动和进程为特点,在课程层次或结构层面上应是一种运作的课程和经验的课程的结合。远程教育课程不应过分强调课程的学术性和知识的体系结构,不应由教育行政部门统一组织课程标准和纲要,而应由远程教育机构按照实际需求来合理设置,应强调学生经验的获取,重视课程的动态性和过程性。这些特征突出地体现在远程教育课程的价值取向、课程目标、课程内容和课程实施等方面。  相似文献   

基于新课改,从教育技术、信息技术与课程整合教革的实际出发,通过对概念的分析,从哲学角度论述了教育技术、信息技术与课程整合之间的辩证关系。进一步明确了教育技术在信息技术与课程整合以及新课改中的重要地位。  相似文献   

该文阐述了《实用电声技术》课程改革的思想理念,并介绍了该课程在教学内容与方法、实验内容与模式上的改革与探索,从而丰富和发展教育技术学专业,培养适应数字化社会的复合型人才。  相似文献   

新课程改革对教师的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前正在进行的基础教育课程改革对教师提出了三个挑战。一是教育观念的转变,要求教师树立新的课程现、学生观、教学观、评价观;二是教学行为的改变,要求教师学会理解,学会宽容,注重帮助和引导,学会反思,学会合作;三是角色的转换,要求教师成为学生学习的促进,成为研究和课程的建设、开发。  相似文献   

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