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教育是心灵的事业,教师应当是一个幸福的职业。但审视现实,教师的职业压力日益增大,教师的职业倦怠也在悄然地蔓延,幸福似乎正在远离教师的职业生活。教育幸福是教师职业的幸福不同于其他职业幸福的特殊性。教师的积极心理品质影响教师的教书育人效果、教师自身的身心健康以及教师的专业发展,教师的积极心理品质是教师职业幸福感的基石。培养和发展教师的积极心理品质,是有效缓解教师职业压力,减少教师身心健康问题,提升教师职业幸福感的重要途径。  相似文献   

旨在探讨中小学教师职业压力、社会支持和心理健康间的关系,为促进中小学教师心理健康提供心理学依据.采用教师职业压力问卷、社会支持问卷和症状自评量表对625名中小学教师进行调查.结果表明:中小学教师的职业压力主要来自于工作负荷、职业期望和考试压力,在心理健康水平方面,高职业压力的教师要显著低于低职业压力的教师,高社会支持的...  相似文献   

教师已成为高校不可或缺的生力军,而青年教师师德方面存在的问题不容忽视。高校青年教师师德问题的影响因素可由内因而至外因划分为四个维度——心理健康、职业认知、评价机制、外部环境,可从"良好的心理健康、正确的职业认知、科学的评价机制、积极的外部环境"四个方面加强青年教师师德建设。  相似文献   

中等职业学校由于缺乏相对数量的专任心理教育教师,导致心理教育教师团队建设发展相对滞后,进而影响学校心理健康教育工作的开展以及学生心理的健康发展。通过分析中职学校心理健康教育教师团队建设的困境,同时在明确困境的基础上分析中职学校心理健康教育教师团队建设过程中的可利用因素,倡导中职学校建立以“专职心理教师主导,学科教师心理渗透辅助,班主任组织协调”为整体框架的心理健康教育教师团队,同时尝试提出相应的反思与评估机制,促进中等职业学校教师团队优化发展。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to explore the mental health and subjective well-being of staff working with adolescents with severe and profound multiple learning difficulties. The participants were 19 teachers and 25 teaching assistants working in an inner London, local authority, specialist day provision. A demographic questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, the Positive Affect Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale were used as data collection tools. The inferential statistical tools used were t-tests and correlational analyses. The study brought to light a high number of borderline and abnormal anxiety scores among all staff. The study also found a significant difference in the resilience scores of teachers and teaching assistants, with teaching assistants scoring higher on the resilience scale. The results, alongside findings from previous research, call for better mental health support for teachers and staff working in the field of special educational needs and disabilities. The study highlights the emotional toll on educators, and the need for mitigation strategies that promote good mental health outcomes for both teachers and students.  相似文献   

本研究运用SCL-90临床症状自评量表调查了福建省11所特殊教育学校中从事培智教育方向的111名教师的心理健康状况,结果表明当前培智教育教师的心理健康状况良好,很多心理健康的因子分数都明显低于全国常模。不过,培智教育女教师的心理健康状况比培智教育男教师差;高学历的培智教育教师的心理健康问题比较突出;教龄在5年内和16~20年间的教师心理健康较为不理想,呈现两头重中间轻的现象。文章针对福建省培智学校教师心理健康状况进行分析,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过对重庆市重庆电子工程职业学院和重庆航天职业技术学院两所高职学校358名教师进行职业倦怠及心理健康等相关问题的调查研究,得到如下结论:1.职业院校教师职业倦怠在整体上不严重.2.在总体职业倦怠上不存在性别差异,但在情绪耗竭维度上女教师显著高于男教师.在年龄段、婚姻状况、学历等变量上,教师职业倦怠存在显著差异.3.在心理症状阳性比例排在前三位的分别为精神病性、恐怖、敌对.4.职业倦怠、应对方式与心理健康各维度都存在显著相关.5.通过多元回归分析,发现教师职业倦怠、消极应对、婚姻等六个变量能联合预测心理健康的46.8%的变异量.最后,还提出了预防和缓解教师职业倦怠的对策.  相似文献   

高校教师的心理健康、应对方式及其关系研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对广东省24所高校5603位教师的问卷调查,考察当前高校教师的心理健康、应对方式及其关系。结果发现:(1)高校教师自评健康状况总体上良好,不同性别、教龄、职称和学历教师的自评结果有一定差异;(2)高校教师采用解决问题、求助等成熟型的应对方式相对较多,但不同性别、教龄、职称和学历教师所采用的应对方式差异显著;(3)应对方式对教师的自评健康有良好的预测作用,解决问题、求助等应对方式有助于高校教师良好心理状况的发展,而自责、退避、幻想等应对方式则会阻碍教师心理健康的发展。  相似文献   

为了了解大学生对于心理健康教育课程的课程目标、课程内容、授课形式的认识,以及他们对授课教师能力与素质的要求,促进高校心理健康教育课程的科学化建设,采用分层随机取样的方法对367名大学一年级至四年级学生进行了调查。分析结果表明:提高大学生心理健康意识是高校心理健康教育的关键;心理健康教育需要面向全体学生,不同年级的大学生对心理健康教育有不同的需求;体验活动和案例教学是大学生最喜欢的授课形式;大学生认为,丰富的心理咨询经验是心理健康教育教师最需要具备的能力与素养。  相似文献   

教师心理健康与教学效能感,与教育教学质量的关系密切。根据楚雄城区七所中小学教师心理健康状况调查的结果,对其状况与教学效能感的相互关系进行客观分析,在管理、评价制度、校园文化、教师自我调节、专题活动组织等方面提出改进建议,以达到改善心理健康状况与教师效能感之间相互协调的目的。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to explore the occupational commitment and quitting intention of practicing and pre-service teachers. We used a cross-sectional survey design to examine the impact of teachers’ self-efficacy, job stress, and contextual factors on occupational commitment and quitting intention of 434 practicing teachers and 379 pre-service teachers. Results revealed that similar factors—self-efficacy, job stress, and teaching context—influence the occupational commitment and quitting intention of practicing and pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers displayed higher levels of commitment and less overall stress than practicing teachers. We conclude the article with implications for theory and practice, and suggest avenues to extend this line of career stage research.  相似文献   

This article presents an examination of occupational well‐being among teachers in Finland who are over 45‐years of age (n = 1012). Occupational well‐being was described by affective (job anxiety and depression, burnout), behavioral (job competence and aspiration) and health (psychosomatic Symptoms and work ability) components. The structure of well‐being turned out to be two‐dimensional, consisting of affect‐health and behavior dimensions. The level of well‐being among aging teachers was quite high, although 36% of the teachers had Problems of well‐being related to both ajfect‐health and behavior. However, according to the work ability index, only 4% of the 45‐49‐year‐old and 12% of the 55‐59‐year‐old teachers were classified as having poor work ability. Of the demographic variables examined (sex, age, subject and teaching level) the most Variation in occupational well‐being was produced by subject and teaching level. The level of well‐being was lowest among vocational subject teachers in vocational schools and highest among Special dass teachers in comprehensive schools. Attention should thus be directed to the work Situation of vocational teachers, in particular.  相似文献   


Given the abundance of literature describing the strong relationship between inquiry-based teaching and student achievement, more should be known about the factors impacting science teachers’ classroom inquiry implementation. This study utilises the theory of planned behaviour to propose and validate a causal model of inquiry-based teaching through analysing data relating to high-performing countries retrieved from the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study assessments. Data analysis was completed through structural equation modelling using a polychoric correlation matrix for data input and diagonally weighted least squares estimation. Adequate fit of the full model to the empirical data was realised. The model demonstrates that the extent the teachers participated in academic collaborations was positively related to their occupational satisfaction, confidence in teaching inquiry, and classroom inquiry practices. Furthermore, the teachers’ confidence with implementing inquiry was positively related to their classroom inquiry implementation and occupational satisfaction. However, perceived student-generated constraints demonstrated a negative relationship with the teachers’ confidence with implementing inquiry and occupational satisfaction. Implications from this study include supporting teachers through promoting collaborative opportunities that facilitate inquiry-based practices and occupational satisfaction.  相似文献   

选取2000-2011年使用SCL-90量表调查普通中学教师的76个研究,采用元分析方法对报告的数据进行处理和分析,以全面考察21世纪前12年我国普通中学教师心理健康的整体状况及其发展变化与亚群差异.结果发现,普通中学教师心理健康水平极其显著地低于金华等的全国常模,躯体化、焦虑、恐怖得分非常显著地高于唐秋萍等的合并常模;后6年,人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖得分显著上升;女教师焦虑与恐怖非常显著地高于男教师;除人际敏感与偏执外,兼任班主任的教师各因子分均显著高于非班主任.可见,普通中学教师心理健康状况较差,须特别关注女教师与班主任教师的心理健康;金华等1986年的常模与21世纪的教师已不具有可比性.  相似文献   

研究目的:考察新课程背景下河北省沧州市中小学教师职业压力的状况,从而为教师心理健康教育和教师管理提供心理学依据。研究方法:采用朱从书等人编制的《中小学教师职业压力问卷》以整群随机取样方式选取沧州市市区和东光县、盐山县公立学校的913名初中和小学教师进行测试,采用SPSS 15.0 for Windows统计软件对数据进行处理与分析。结果:当前沧州市中小学教师的职业压力属中等水平;职业压力的总体状况及其各个维度在性别、教龄、学校层次、学校类型、任教学科、是否班主任等不同方面存在着不同的差异。  相似文献   

In New Zealand there is an increasing trend for people with prior occupational experiences to enter secondary teaching. At a time when the media is continually questioning the status and capability of the teaching profession, we explore what or who motivates people to change their occupational paths and enter the teaching profession. Our sample of 68 newly qualified change‐of‐career teachers reported multiple factors related to their decision to pursue teaching. The matrix of reasons involved a range of “push and pull” factors related to previous work and family experiences, values and task expectancies. Three cluster groups of teachers – “Looks Good”, “Time is Right” and “Teaching is Me” – were developed to illustrate the relative influence of different combinations of reasons. We looked at how these teachers' motivations and prior experiences impacted on early and long‐term career expectations and intentions.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that teachers have a higher risk of developing mental health problems when compared with other professions. That claim, however, is more often stated as a fact than as the outcome of empirical research. Against that background, we (1) critically review the existing empirical studies on teachers' mental health and (2) use the Belgian Health Interview Survey (n = 7381) to compare teachers with 31 other occupations on five mental health indicators: psychological impairment, somatization, depressive, anxiety, and sleeping disorder. The idea that teachers have worse mental health than other professionals is less conclusive than often assumed.  相似文献   

目的:了解安徽农村特岗教师心理健康状况。方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对261名农村特岗教师进行问卷调查,所得数据用SPSS18.0进行分析处理。结果:(1)农村特岗教师SCL-90总分高于全国青年常模;(2)不同性别的特岗教师心理健康状况存在差异,其中男性在敌对因子上的得分显著高于女性;(3)不同学历的特岗教师心理健康状况存在差异,其中本科学历教师在敌对因子上的得分显著高于专科学历教师;(4)不同学科的特岗教师心理健康状况不存在显著性差异;(5)特岗教师的心理健康状况在是否独生子女上存在差异,其中独生子女的教师在强迫症状、恐怖、偏执和精神病性因子以及心理健康总分上均显著高于非独生子女的教师;结论:农村特岗教师心理健康水平偏低。  相似文献   

This study examines motivational factors of teachers who have achieved a national standard of professionalization. Data were collected from National Board certified teachers in the United States (N = 453) using a two-part, web-based survey. Exploratory factor analysis found five motivators: improved teaching, financial gain, collaborative opportunities, self and external validation. Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) highlighted differences in the financial gain and external validation motivations, depending on the teacher’s age at the time of certification. The results of this study reveal multiple motivators for teacher professionalization, with teachers of different ages motivated by diverse incentives.  相似文献   

Using a self‐report questionnaire, a picture of the sources of stress and job satisfaction amongst a sample of 267 teachers, drawn from primary schools in the North and Eastern regions of England, is established. Teachers scored the frequency and intensity of 18 items on a stress scale. A principal components analysis was carried out and three factors were identified: professional concerns, pupil behaviour and attitude and professional tasks. The strongest correlations were found between professional concerns and occupational stress. Biographical factors were examined and significant differences were found between men and women, and teachers of different ages and length of teaching experience. Men reported more stress than women on professional tasks and pupil behaviour and attitude. Women scored higher than men on professional concerns. Just over one‐third of teachers were satisfied with their job. When specific facets of job satisfaction were examined, teachers were most satisfied with their professional performance and least satisfied with teaching resources. Stress and job satisfaction were found to be negatively correlated. High reports of occupational stress were related to low levels of job satisfaction. Attention is drawn to the likely significance of including a frequency as well as intensity measure when considering the experience of stress and to the complex nature of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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