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INTRODUCTION Nowadays, as a large number of residential blocks and college campuses are being constructed nationwide in China, improvement in the quality of residential community becomes a rising issue of city policy and urban planning. Layouts of open spaces in residential areas are predicated on their ability to deliver both a mechanism to maintain the viability of citizens’ outdoor lives and a treatment to alleviate the high-density of urban constructions. What kinds of residential o…  相似文献   

This research is attempted to examine universities' academic staffs' curriculum instructional design in the teaching and learning process in applying the technology enhanced classroom (TEC) learning. The universities have embarked on a costly project to create an innovative and creative learning and teaching environment to promote and establish a state-of-the-art, smart, efficient, effective and high quality education. The teaching and learning culture of universities have great influence on determining the level of students' achievement. Seven dimensions of public universities in Malaysia were examined to determine the percentage of academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. There is a significant difference among factors concerning the academic staffs' self-efficacy in their teaching and learning processes in the classroom management. Their self-preparedness in using the provided technology is closely related to the experiences and practicality of the teaching materials. This study represents an addition to the extant literature on universities' academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. Academic staffs' self-efficacy in using TEC learning instructional design is of the utmost important to disseminate knowledge to students, which will also fully help utilize the government's effort in providing technology to the additional instructional design, so as to achieve high quality education and technological enhance education to pave the way to achieve a techno-education environment for all public universities in Malaysia. This study provides furtber groundwork to assist existing tertiary educational managers to improve smart teaching and learning environment and to retain high quality academic staffs in the day-to-day classroom curriculum.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the nature of the basic education, and points out that the scarcity, disparity and exclusiveness to a certain degree form the inner reasons of school choice in China. In review of the policy evolution of governing the school choice problems, and analyzing the policy framework of the current stage, the paper holds that expanding public expenditure is the basis of providing adequate, fair and quality compulsory education and high school education, and the role of social forces should be brought into full play so as to promote the diverse ways of delivering educational services. In reality, the significant institutional guarantee to govern the problem of school choice in China is to transform the government function and build the government more public service oriented, implement the government accountability system and build transparent public debate sphere.  相似文献   

Taking public transit facilities (PTFs) is the major transport style in Hang Kong. Human exposure to indoor air pollutants may cause adverse health effects to the passengers. Exposure assessment on air pollutants is important for the control of human diseases caused by indoor air pollution. In this paper, the indoor PM10,CO and C02 levels in various PTFs, such as public bus, subway, railway and ferry in Hong Kong, were measured. Combining with the time budget survey of Hong Kong population, the human exposures were calculated through Monte-Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The ultimate goal of health care is to maintain or improve the quality of life of people. Health is an important determinant of a person’s quality of life although it is not the only one. Other factors such as culture, religion, environment, education and finance can also affect quality of life but they are often be- yond the scope of health care. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is the main concern of health care professionals and is becoming an important health out…  相似文献   

Information and communication are important elements in the growth of societies; they determine the characteristics of the societies. Multipurpose Community Access Points as the lowest locus of the information receiving and transmitting, data storage and retrieval, and also as the locus for the basic interaction among members of the community will presume to contribute a lot to community development especially to improve the quality of life as the whole. E - Learning is a process of transfer of Information (knowledge), in the sense of science, and values (social, cultural, ethical and moral values). E-government is an application of ICT to enhance government administration. Its contents may be very complex, but it is meant to enhance public services. Due to the social and cultural implications ICT is also said as civilizing. The use of ICTs has social, economic and cultural implications to reach civil society.  相似文献   

Two Gaussian air quality dispersion models, the industrial source complex short-term model (ISCST3) with and without modification have been used to simulate the pollutant concentration distribution in urban areas based on the meteorological data and the emissions distribution of sulfur dioxide. The verified data show that the modified model is more accurate in the urban area of Shijiazhuang. Using the modified model predictions, the control strategies of sulfur dioxide in the urban area have been studied, and the result show that the second long-term (to 2010) strategy can mitigate air pollution significantly and maintain pollution levels within permissible limits.  相似文献   

A cluster analyzing algorithm based on grids is introduced in this paper,which is applied to data mining in the city emergency system. In the previous applications, data mining was based on the method of analyzing points and lines, which was not efficient enough in dealing with the geographic information in units of police areas. The proposed algorithm maps an event set stored as a point set to a grid unit set, utilizes the cluster algorithm based on grids to find out all the clusters, and shows the results in the method of visualization. The algorithm performs well when dealing with high dimensional data sets and immense data. It is suitable for the data mining based on geographic information system and is supportive to decision-makings in the city emergency system.  相似文献   

In order to improve the efficiency in management of public work projects, screening and controlling influencing factors affecting the quality of a public work project is essential. This study synthesized 9 influential categories including 91 factors related to quality management of public works in Taiwan using a sequential analysis procedure. According to the Borda-values of influencing factors obtained from a first stage questionnaire, the number of primary factors selected by the responsible entities and the design-supervisory entities were 44 and 45 respectively. A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was used to prioritize and rank these factors. The top five factors ranked by the responsible entities were (1) introduction of the earned value analysis, (2) working efficiency, (3) environmental laws and regulations, (4) price-index fluctuation, and (5) on-site safety management. The top five factors ranked by the design-supervisory entities were (1) man power, (2) laws and regulations, (3) price-index fluctuation, (4) traffic conditions, and (5) faulty design.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBased on the definition of quality in ISO-9000-1, the quality of public works is derived from the plan-ning, design, tender, and construction phases. In re-cent years, the strategies that have been implemented to enhance the quality of public works in Taiwan since 1990 are: (1) the “Regular Supervision Meeting of the Public Building Committee” founded in 1991, (2) the “Quality Management System of Public Works” policy issued for enforcement in 1993, (3) the “Public …  相似文献   

城市公园作为居民的主要活动游憩场所,对于现代社会有重要的意义.公园本身能否让游客容易快捷地进入,是除了公园面积、个数之外的重要评价指标.基于GIS以及AHP评价方法的公园可达性分析,能够合理客观的评价福州市城市公园在空间位置上的可达性以及城市居民心理上可达性,为合理的规划城市提供参考方法及理论依据.结果表明:福州市的各公园分布较为合理,大部分具有良好的可达性,但仍然存在一定区域的服务空白;相较直接划分公园的服务范围,加权泰森多边形能够更好的反映福州公园的可达性.  相似文献   

近代广州城市活动的公共场所──公园   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市的发展,公园理念的 传入以及中国其它城市的影响,近代广州公园的建设逐渐兴起。公园的出现不仅使广州市民 有了休息娱乐的场所,而且为他们进行各种社会活动提供了空间。广州市民逐步接受公园的 存在,有些市民甚至还参与了其中的建设。近代广州公园的出现对广州市民在公共场所活动 的规范的形成有重要意义。  相似文献   

城市游憩商业区是打造现代城市形象、建设宜居宜商宜游城市的重要载体,也是推进城市旅游化进程的一项重要内容.在阐述城市游憩商业区内涵与特点的基础上,以福州为例,分析了福州城市游憩商业区的发展现状与特征,特别是在游憩商业区发展要素上进行了比较研究;指出了福州城市游憩商业区发展存在的主要问题,针对性地从优化业态结构及其空间布局、增强文化体验、加强公共服务系统软硬件开发建设、完善游憩产品体系等方面提出了福州城市游憩商业区的发展策略.  相似文献   

为了更好地探讨公园绿地的游憩活动,以便为目标人群提供多样、合理的休闲体育活动,并为市级综合性公园的分区规划与建设提供有益的经验,2007年3~5月间,采取现场调查与问卷调查相结合方式,对文化公园绿地的休闲体育活动进行了调查,结果表明:①老人和儿童光临文化公园的频率比较高,几乎每天都去文化公园的老人和儿童分别为73.3%和23.3%,而年轻人光临的频率相对比较低,几乎每天去者只占了3.3%~16.7%;②各个年龄阶层的市民去文化公园的目的不同,儿童大部分去公园的目的纯粹是玩耍,年轻人则大部分是放松身心,而老人大部分是陪小孩去玩或锻炼身体;③多数市民对文化公园的游憩活动不够满意,他/她们认为公园的活动和设施不够,都希望文化公园能增加活动项目和设施,以便能达到有效地放松身心的需求;④不同年龄阶层的市民希望增加的活动类型和项目不同,60.0%~80.0%的青少年希望增开的活动是娱乐方面的,43.3%中年人希望增开的活动是休闲方面的,而63.4%的老人则希望是健身方面的.  相似文献   

小尺度空间范围的游憩地理环境与人们的日常生活息息相关。该文以中小城市免费公园游憩者空间行为为研究对象,以湖南省衡阳市雁峰公园为案例研究区域,分析了基于微观空间的中小城市免费公园游憩者的空间行为,并尝试构建游憩者分类体系。研究结果表明,游憩者在中小城市免费公园这个微观空间尺度上的游憩点、线、面上的空间行为存在较大差异。基于这种差异,可将免费公园游憩者分为不同类型,该分类体系与常见的基于游憩目的分类体系存在显著差异。该研究在理论层面上是游憩行为学与游憩地理学中游憩者分类体系的积极探索,实践层面上可为中小城市免费公园科学规划游憩空间、游憩者空间行为管理以及提高游憩者体验质量等提供参考。  相似文献   

选取190个样本园区,基于GIS平台,采用Voronoi多边形变异系数、全局Moran’s I指数和局域关联指数Getis-Ord G_i~*等方法,对唐山休闲农业园区的类型与空间分布特征进行了分析。研究发现,全市以农事体验类园区数量最多,乡村文化类和特色村镇类园区数量较少;园区总体呈集群分布模式,且中部城区聚集程度最高,滨海地区次之,北部山区最低,其中农事体验类和休闲观光类呈集群分布模式,其他呈随机型分布模式;全市园区呈显著的空间自相关性,热点区和冷点区分布有明显的差异。研究表明,唐山市休闲农业现处于聚集发展的初级阶段,仍有发展的潜力与空间。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和城市环境的不断改善,城市广场公园纷纷落成,城市居民在不断追求生活质量、幸福指数的基础上,积极参加体育健身活动和休闲活动已成为日常生活的必然.通过对许昌市有代表性的文化广场内进行健身活动的群体特点、健身内容、活动时间、健身方式、实施效果等方面进行实地考察、走访和问卷调查,对许昌市文化广场体育健身情况进行现状分析,并提出了个人的建议与发展对策.  相似文献   

游客消费行为是旅游研究的主要方面。本文以调查问卷为主要形式对乌鲁木齐市红山公园游客进行了实证研究。通过对游客旅游需求、旅游动机、出行选择、旅游消费特征及售后评价等方面的资料分析,发现公园游客主体为本市居民,其旅游需求及动机表现出鲜明的家庭型旅游者的特征;公园自然环境属性是其最具吸引力的优势;游客在园内消费呈现娱乐消费占主导地位。针对这些特征,可以采取相对应的管理措施以提高游客的入园率。  相似文献   

我国国家公园的建设起步较晚,但许多问题却已突显。首先,管理法规缺乏,自云南酝酿筹建国家公园至今已有十余年了.但我国有关国家公园的相关法规还没有出台,导致了管理无序的局面;其次,管理部门混乱,国家林业局确立了云南省是我国目前唯一的国家公园建设试点省,而国家环境保护部和国家旅游局又批准黑龙江汤旺河国家公园为我国第一个国家公园试点单位;再次,环境教育不足。旅游环境教育是国家公园设立的目的和功能之一,但目前我国的国家公园都基本忽略了这一重要环节;最后,公益性被抹杀,云南的普达措国家公园、香格里拉大峡谷国家公园门票都居高不下,这与国家公园“是人民的权益和享乐的公园”的性质相违背。针对上述情况。认为我国的国家公园建设:首先,要尽快出台《中国国家公园法》,使国家公园的发展与管理有法可依、有章可循;其次,要理清管理体制,扭转政出多门、互相扯皮的现象;再次,要把国家公园环境教育的功能充分发挥出来,让旅游者在游乐的同时潜移默化地提高环保意识、生态意识,逐步改变国民落后的旅游素质;最后,国家公园不应成为各地景区赢利的一个国字招牌,它应该是全体国民休闲游憩的胜地,是实现国民休闲权、旅游权的公益保障地。  相似文献   

通过对蚌埠市龙子湖生态公园这一项目的概念设计,对城市生态公园进行了具体的实例规划设计.主要从总体设计的定位与设计理念,总体设计原则,总体功能分区,总体景观布局,植物配置与品种选择等几个方面进行详细的阐述,特别是在景观设计原则上,提出以生态为中心、以人工为辅助、以湿地为廊道、以绿地为本底、以技术为支撑五个设计原则,并在整个规划方案设计过程中予以遵循,这些原则对其它城市生态公园的规划也是有借鉴意义的.城市生态公园的规划与建设不仅涉及到生态、文化、艺术,还涉及到社会、经济等各个方面,这需要在实践中不断的去思考与总结,如何才能使其各种功能很好的协调,共同发挥生态公园应有的作用,需要园林规划设计者的共同努力.  相似文献   

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