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目前,在实验方案的设计以及实验成果的表述中普遍存在着内容粗糙、不规范的毛病。主要表现在:(1)课题表述不规范;(2)实验假说不确切;(3)实验目标不明确;(4)实验变量不清楚;(5)变量控制不严格;(6)测试方法不科学。其中最大的问题当属实验假说不确切和实验变量不明确两个问题。具体表现在:一是实验假说和实验变量抽象、不具体。二是实验假说和实验变量模糊不清。三是实验假说和实验变量虚而不实。推敲其产生的原因主要有三点:第一,实验设计者对一些基本概念的内涵不清楚,设计要求不明确。第二,实验设计者对该实验所要…  相似文献   

论福多的思维语言假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思维语言假说(LOTH)是关于思维(thinking)和思想(thought)本质的一个经验主义的论题。根据LOTH,思维是在心理语言中进行的,即在相应有机体的头脑内物理地实现的符号系统中进行的。本文从思维语言的界定、思维语言的主要特征等角度分析了福多的思维语言假说,在此基础上,评述了当代主要的心灵哲学家对福多的思维语言假说的观点。  相似文献   

原花青素联用胡椒碱减轻抑郁样行为的机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨原花青素(proanthocyanidin,OPC)不同剂量联用胡椒碱(piperine,PIP)的抗抑郁样行为及其机制.方法:采用慢性不可预知性温和应激模型,连续造模联合给药21d后,d 22测定小鼠悬尾、强迫游泳不动时间;用高效液相电化学法测定小鼠海马和前额叶皮层中单胺递质及其代谢产物的含量,荧光分光光度法检测全脑单胺氧化酶活性.结果:与正常组相比,模型组小鼠悬尾和强迫游泳测试中的不动时间显著增加;同时其海马、前额叶皮层中5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine,NE)含量显著下降,但5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid,5-HIAA)与5-HT比值(5-HIAA/5-HT)显著上升.OPC (50、25、12.5 mg·kg-1)剂量组联用PIP(5 mg·kg-1)能够逆转这种现象.此外,OPC (50、25、12.5 mg·kg-1)剂量组联用胡椒碱(5 mg·kg-1)组还能降低由于应激引起的单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase,MAO)A型活性升高,但不影响单胺氧化酶B型活性.结论:原花青素联用胡椒碱可以改善由于慢性应激对小鼠造成的抑郁样行为,其机制可能与降低单胺氧化酶活性,增加单胺递质含量有关.  相似文献   

本文从第一语言(L1)学习和第二语言(L2)学习的角度,通过对"关键期假说"发展动态的综述,证实了"关键期假说"对第一语言(L1)学习的决定性影响;并分析了第二语言习得(SLA)领域对"关键期假说"支持派与反对派的观点,最后得出L2学习不存在"关键期"只存在"敏感期"或"最佳期"的结论。  相似文献   

本文从第一语言(L1)学习和第二语言(L2)学习的角度,通过对"关键期假说"发展动态的综述,证实了"关键期假说"对第一语言(L1)学习的决定性影响;并分析了第二语言习得(SLA)领域对"关键期假说"支持派与反对派的观点,最后得出L2学习不存在"关键期"只存在"敏感期"或"最佳期"的结论。  相似文献   

在科学课中,观察实验的目的就是为了寻找证据,通过证据证实或证伪学生用来回答科学问题的假说(解释),从而最终形成科学概念。在观察实验的过程中,收集到的信息量是很大的,作为科学教师如何引导学生在这众多的信息中剔除对假说没有任何证明作用的信息,逐步提炼出能够证明(证实或证伪)假说的证据呢?  相似文献   

引言:人为什么会衰老?自古以来有许多假说和设想。大脑控制中心学说认为下丘脑和垂体起着衰老中心作用。改变机体中神经递质的平衡,可以阻止或逆转动物的衰老过程。1972年美国Robinson发现人脑MAO(单胺氧化酶)活性随年龄增高。40—45岁后其活性急剧上升,去甲肾上腺素含量则下降。1979—1980年Shen用试验证实了MAO是导致衰老的祸根,并寻找其抑制剂。自从1950年以来罗马尼亚科学家Aslan用Procain—Hcl以及GH_3(含2%Procain—Hcl及微量苯甲酸、偏硫酸氢钾及磷酸钠,是一种弱的,可逆的和有竞争性的MAO抑制剂)治疗老年人神经系统出现的病症如抑郁症,  相似文献   

一、引言 二十世纪七十年代末、八十年代初,美国著名语言学家克拉申(Krashen)提出的“监控理论”是第二语言习得研究中“最全面,最可接受的一种理论”。克拉申“监控理论”的核心是五项基本假说:语言习得与学习假说、监控假说、自然顺序假说、语言输入假说和情感过滤假说。  相似文献   

海马区神经元的数量或许可以解释抑郁症的发作和痊愈直到现在我们也不清楚抑郁症发生的确切机制.但是几个世纪以来人们就一直没有停止过对抑郁症的研究,其间出现过无数种假说和推测.  相似文献   

据统计,全球有超过1.21亿的人口患有不同程度的抑郁症,但相关领域的专家和学者至今说不清抑郁症的病因和发病机制,比较常见的公认假说包括:遗传因素、生化因素、心理因素、社会因素。但在过去的十多年里,"抑郁症是一种疾病"这一概念已经被普遍接受,而作为一种疾病,上述关于病因的假说实在是太大而全了—等于什么都没说。与一般的悲伤反应不同,抑郁比悲伤,也比痛苦、羞愧、自责等任何一种单一的负性情绪更为强烈和持久,给人带来的影响更深重。处于抑郁状态的人,如果能进行调节,积极面对所遭遇的现实和处  相似文献   

尽管锂制剂在临床上使用了几十年,但其确切机制并不清楚。人们通过研究认识到锂可能是通过抑制糖原合成酶激酶3(glycogen synthase kinase 3,GSK3)而发挥抗抑郁作用的。锂可以调控GSK3下游的许多分子,许多抗抑郁类药物可以调控GSK3的信号。使用药理方法或基因沉默方法抑制GSK3均具有稳定情绪、抵抗抑郁的作用,这些研究表明GSK3可能是抗抑郁的潜在靶点。近些年来对GSK3在神经生物学中的作用机制的研究进一步证实了锂可能是通过作用于GSK3来达到治疗目的的。如GSK3可以调节生物体应激反应、炎症反应、神经发生、5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamin,5-HT)传递过程,并参与生物周期节律的调控。因此,特异的GSK3抑制剂能否在临床上发挥抗抑郁作用有待进一步研究。该文对GSK3在应激反应、炎症反应、神经发生、5-HT传递过程以及生物周期节律这五个方面对抑郁发病机制的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

自杀意念者何以抑郁——沉浸性反应类型的中介效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:基于概念分析和已有研究,本研究提出理论假设,即沉浸性的反应类型是解释自杀意念与抑郁关系之间的认知中介因素。方法:使用自杀意念量表(SSI)、流调中心用抑郁量表(cES—D)、简版沉浸量表(BRRS)、分心量表(Ds)和问题解决量表(PSS)在645名大学生中施测,运用中介效应的验证理论假设。结果:中介检验的各路径系数显著,沉浸变量在自杀意念与抑郁的关系中具有完全中介作用。两个与沉浸性质相反的变量:问题解决和分心在自杀意念与抑郁的关系中分别具有完全中介或者部分中介作用。结论:结果验证了研究假设,即自杀意念影响抑郁的发生和维持,是由于沉浸这种反应类型作用的结果。  相似文献   

国内外抑郁影响因素的研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着社会的进步、物质文明的发展,大学生抑郁问题也越来越多地受到人们的重视,如何正确认识引起抑郁的原因,以及具体的影响机制,国内外许多学者对此进行了大量的研究,积累了丰富的研究成果,对帮助大学生从容应对抑郁,进行深入研究具有十分重要的意义,基于此,对大学生抑郁研究现状作一综述,以期对此有一个较全面的了解。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with a latent variable modeling approach to discrete time survival analysis that includes both time-invariant and time-varying covariates. The approach is illustrated with data from the Health and Retirement Study, which are utilized to study further the relationship of depression to stroke in middle and late life. Employing lag-1 depression scores as time-varying covariates, in addition to a set of relevant medical and demographic variables as time-invariant covariates collected at baseline, the article addresses a particular aspect of the prominent vascular depression hypothesis representing an important area in aging research, gerontology, geriatrics, and medicine. The results indicate considerable links of immediately prior depression levels to subsequent occurrences of stroke in middle-aged and older adults. The findings complement those reported by Raykov, Gorelick, Zajacova, and Marcoulides (2017), and are consistent with that hypothesis implying depression as a potential warning sign of an impending stroke.  相似文献   

Analysis and modeling of time to event data have been traditionally associated with nonparametric, semiparametric, or parametric statistical frameworks. Recent advances in latent variable modeling have additionally provided unique analytic opportunities to methodologists and substantive researchers interested in survival time modeling. As a consequence, discrete time survival analyses can now be readily carried out using latent variable modeling, an approach that offers substantively important extensions to conventional survival models. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, the discussed approach is applied to the study of the increasingly prominent vascular depression hypothesis in gerontology, geriatrics, and aging research, allowing examination of the unique predictive power of depression with respect to time to stroke in middle-aged and older adults.  相似文献   

Aphrodisiacs are required to improve male sexual function under stressful conditions. Due to the effects of oxidative stress and dopamine on male sexual function, we hypothesized that Moringa oleifera leaves might improve male sexual dysfunction induced by stress. Therefore, the effects on various factors playing important roles in male sexual behavior, such as antioxidant effects, the suppression of monoamine and phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) activities, serum testosterone and corticosterone levels, and histomorphological changes in the testes, of a hydroethanolic extract of M. oleifera leaves were investigated. Various doses of extract including 10, 50, and 250 mg/kg body weight (BW) were given orally to male Wistar rats before exposure to 12 h-immobilization stress for 7 d. The results demonstrated that the extract showed both antioxidant and monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) suppression activities. At 7 d of treatment, the low dose of extract improved sexual performance in stress-exposed rats by decreasing intromission latency and increasing intromission frequency. It also suppressed PDE-5 activity, decreased serum corticosterone level, but increased serum testosterone, numbers of interstitial cells of Leydig and spermatozoa. The increased numbers of interstitial cells of Leydig and spermatozoa might have been due to the antioxidant effect of the extract. The increased sexual performance during the intromission phase might have been due to the suppression of MAO-B and PDE-5 activities and increased testosterone. Therefore, M. oleifera is a potential aphrodisiac, but further research concerning the precise underlying mechanisms is still needed.  相似文献   

In this study of parental stress and adolescent adjustment, experiences of negative life events during the recent past were used to generate a measure of acute stress. In addition, multiple indicators based on reports from various informants were used to estimate latent constructs for parental depression, discipline practices, and adolescent adjustment. Employing 2 independent samples of families from 2 different regions of the country (rural Iowa and a medium-sized city in Oregon), structural equation models were used to test the hypothesis that in intact families acute stress experienced by parents is linked to boys' adjustment (average age equaled 11.8 years in the Oregon sample, 12.7 years in the Iowa sample) through 2 different causal mechanisms. The findings showed that parental stress was related to adjustment through stress-related parental depression that is, in turn, correlated with disrupted discipline practices. Poor discipline appears to provide the direct link with developmental outcomes. The structural equation model (SEM) used to test the proposed mediational process was consistent with the data for mothers and boys from both the Oregon and the Iowa samples. The similarity in results was less clear for fathers and boys. Implications of these results for future replication studies are discussed.  相似文献   

语言天赋说认为儿童所接受的语言输入过于贫乏,其语言能力无法全部凭借语言学习机制获得。然而语料库语言学的研究却表明儿童所接受的语言数据并非天赋论者所认为的那样贫乏;联结主义框架下的学习模拟和研究也表明人类的学习能力比天赋论者所认为的更具潜能。这些研究说明语言天赋假说总的说来是对语言输入丰富性和语言学习机制复杂性认识不足的产物。  相似文献   

BackgroundBullying victimization among school-aged children is an important public health issue that may affect their well-being and mental health. However, few studies have been conducted on left-behind children in rural China, who are defined as the children who stay in rural areas for more than six months and have one or both parents migrating to urban areas for work. The mechanisms through which bullying victimization will influence depression have disproportionally adopted a psychopathological perspective, and the protective factors are understudied.ObjectiveThis study aims at investigating the factors that might contribute to breaking up the vicious circle between bullying victimization and developmental problems, focusing on the protective role of self-compassion and hope in the association between bullying victimization and depression.MethodsUsing questionnaires, data were collected from a sample of 1091 school-aged left-behind children from west and central China.ResultsCompared with rural children living with their parents, left-behind children reported a higher level of bullying victimization. Bullying victimization was positively associated with depression through decreased self-compassion and hope, and self- compassion played a more crucial role than hope in the linkage between bullying victimization and depression.ConclusionsOur study's findings suggest that it is necessary to incorporate self-compassion and hope in mental health prevention and intervention programs targeting left-behind children with bullying victimization experiences.  相似文献   

This paper reflects the author’s journey into an area of psychology which is not dominant in Educational Psychology discourse, namely psychodynamic psychology. Two psychodynamic mechanisms, namely splitting and projection are explained, and then the author describes and critiques how these mechanisms have proved useful in his practice. Two case studies are presented to illustrate how a reflective stance guided by psychodynamic concepts was fruitful in analysing and, sometimes, removing emotional obstacles in the author’s practice. Finally a hypothesis is formulated to explain the apparent lack of educational psychologists’ interest in psychodynamic psychology.  相似文献   

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