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The relationship between conceptions of teaching and approaches to teaching was explored in a study of 18 secondary school art teachers in Hong Kong. Conceptions of teaching approaches were fitted to a four‐category model. Each of the categories was distinguished by reference to six relevant dimensions. As is the case in higher education, approaches to teaching lower forms, with little pressure from external examinations or school ethos, followed logically from conceptions of teaching. There was also evidence that contextual influences, if they were sufficiently strong, could play a part in teachers’ approaches to teaching in the lower forms. For senior forms, the most marked contextual influence on approaches to teaching came from the external examination syllabus. Of the 13 teachers who taught senior form students, eight reported using approaches to teaching that were significantly different from those they used for lower forms. The remaining four used essentially the same approach for junior and senior forms because these were consistent with the orientation of examinations that measure skill and knowledge acquisition. Finally, the data suggest that both the educational background of the teachers and the banding levels (designation of the school as high or low achieving) of the schools they were teaching in were related to the combined conceptions and approaches. The influence of banding levels could be due either to teachers choosing a type of school consistent with their beliefs or the environment of the school influencing teachers’ beliefs and practices.  相似文献   

This study assessed several precursors that might be connected to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) practices enacted in classrooms, namely, science teachers' conception of traditional versus constructivist teaching and learning, their sense of efficacy, ICT efficacy, and ICT professional development. Data were gathered from 303 science teachers. According to the results, constructivist conceptions exerted moderate effects on the teachers' sense of efficacy constructs, which in turn increased their ICT efficacy. Additional results pointed to the positive mediation role of teachers' ICT professional development in linking their ICT efficacy to ICT use for constructivist activities in their science classroom.  相似文献   

在中学语文教学中,让学生掌握字、词、句,篇、章、段等有关基础知识的同时,还要针对中学生正处于世界观形成的初期阶段,加强对学生思想道德素质的培养。  相似文献   

建模思想逐渐受到教育界的重视,建模教学在高中化学教学中有独特的优势,可以培养学生的科学思维。文章分析应用建模教学的意义和建模教学在应用中存在的问题,并结合教学实践讨论具体的建模教学策略,强调结合生活、结合物质基础建模,以物质特性为基点建模,同时注意降低建模难度。  相似文献   

I present a two-year case study of one pre-service teacher (PST), Johnny, as he moved through his education-based coursework at a large, public university in the US Southeast. In his final year of college, Johnny chose to forego the remainder of student teaching and not to receive a teaching certificate. To better understand Johnny’s choice to leave teaching, as well as the tension between Johnny’s developing conceptions of care and teaching and those of his Mentor Teacher, I draw on sociocultural approaches to teacher identity development and literature on care in teaching. Findings from this study could inform the ways that school-based experiences preceding and during teacher education are structured to encourage PSTs to develop identities as caring teachers and to become members of communities of practice.  相似文献   

This study examines the routes via which transformational leadership, professional learning communities and teacher learning lead to more learner centred teaching practices. By means of structural equation modelling (path analysis with latent variables) a conceptual model was tested, using questionnaire data from 518 teachers in 95 Mozambican primary schools. The data analysis shows that the effect of transformational leadership on teaching practices is substantial but indirect, running via professional learning communities and teacher learning. All in all, the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practices is particularly strong. Its effect is both direct and indirect, running via teacher learning. The findings show the relevance of the concepts transformational leadership and professional learning communities in an African context.  相似文献   

新大纲的颁布实行和新教材的推广使用,要求新时期中学语文教学必须树立新的观念.学生文化意识的增强,有利于语文真正实现传承、发展、创新民族文化的功能,对于学生语文素质的全面提高以及学生个体全面和谐的发展有着重要的意义.新时期中学语文教学在注重培养学生语文能力的同时,应积极探求新的方法和途径,以增强学生的文化意识.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which mothers’ trust toward the classroom teacher of their child in first grade is related to observed teaching practices in Finland and Estonia. Sixty-six teachers (32 in Finland, 34 in Estonia) were observed using the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM; Stipek & Byler, 2004). Mothers in Finland (n = 266) and in Estonia (n = 348) filled in questionnaires measuring their trust in their child's first grade teacher. The connection between mothers’ education, child gender, and classroom size in relation to mothers’ trust was also investigated. The results of multilevel modeling showed that mothers in both countries trusted more in teachers who were characterized by a higher level of child-centered teaching practices than teacher-directed teaching practices. Furthermore, Estonian mothers showed greater trust in more experienced teachers. The results emphasize the importance of teaching practices in promoting mothers’ trust in their child's teacher.  相似文献   

中学物理学习中,造成学生常见思维障碍的原因有错误的思维定势、物理现象的抽象性、基本概念掌握的片面性等几方面。那么,教师事先的预见和教学过程中采取相应的措施有利于这类障碍的排除。  相似文献   

Teaching practices do not change easily. In this article, we explore this phenomenon by viewing teaching as a cultural activity in which teachers' decisions are influenced by professional obligations. We present the cases of two secondary mathematics teachers and share data regarding their expressed goals, their perceived obligations, and their instructional practice. Our findings suggest that perceived obligations hindered the teachers' efforts to change their practice. We argue that efforts to help teachers realize their goals need to acknowledge, and perhaps position as resources, the obligations that teachers perceive as inherent in their professional role.  相似文献   

创造性思维是多种思维的综合表现。创造性思维的培养 ,主要是培养学生创造性思维品质和创造性思维方法。课堂教学的民主气氛是培养创造性思维的关键 ;发散思维的培养是重中之重 ;培养直觉思维 ,孕育灵感的萌芽 ;构建知识网络 ,重视横向思维 ;理论联系实际 ,积极开展第二课堂教学  相似文献   

Bentley and Watts (1986) have recently argued that fundamental changes in science are necessary if girls’ needs and expectations in school science are to be met. They explore the implications of a radical shift, from a masculine to a feminist view of science, in terms of the context and conduct of school science, and warrant their attempt to reconstruct a feminist science largely by reference to ‘new paradigm’ research in the social sciences. By exploring the reasons underlying the adoption of ‘new paradigm’ methods in the social sciences, I argue that their explication of a feminist science lacks an important feature that would hinder its consideration as an alternative vision of scientific inquiry and as a basis for changing the content of science curriculum in schools. I further question their need to look to the social sciences as a model, when many social scientists have turned to the physical sciences for inspiration in attempting to reconstruct their own disciplines. By exploring the tenets most commonly held in present‐day science and examining the nature of scientific understanding, I argue that their view of ‘normal’ science is a highly simplified and incomplete stereotype of scientific inquiry. It is suggested that the nature of science is not the root problem, as Bentley and Watts would have us believe.  相似文献   

同义词的判定,就是通过对言辞语句的分析归纳出同义组的一个个成员;同义组是词素结构组织的一种,考察同义组要通过同义组与其它词素结构组织的关系来归纳同义词。  相似文献   

在中学阶段,语文写作教学是培养学生逻辑思维能力和创新能力等多种能力的重要环节。而在中学的语文考试中,议论文写作占有着重要的比例。但是就实际情况而言,议论文写作对学生逻辑思维能力的要求较高,成为了不少学生难以克服的写作难题。因此,议论文写作被当做是中学语文写作教学的重点内容,同时也是难点内容。所以,基于这种认识,本文对中学语文议论文写作教学问题进行了探究,从而为关注这一话题的人们提供一些参考。  相似文献   

研究中学语文教学思维的本质及规律,可以为培养学生的学习思维和学习规律奠定坚实的基础,让学生的思维品质得到更好的提升。中学语文教师在教学中发展语文教学思维时,需要有形象思维的教学理念、抽象思维的教学视野、逻辑思维的教学素养、辩证思维的教学方法。  相似文献   

检视中国香港语科教学现状,发现赞成语学习效率低下的主要原因在于教学目标不明确,教学设计不合理,范教学效率低下等。优化课程组织成为提高香港初中语教学效率的一条有效途径,其中单元教学以其独具的特点与优势列于优化课程组织的重要地位。  相似文献   

Previous research has established a close link between students'conceptions of learning, approaches to study and learning outcomes.Until recently, there have been few studies of lecturers' approaches toteaching in higher education and their relationship with conceptions ofteaching. This study aimed to characterise the alternative approaches toteaching of university lecturers, and to examine the relationshipbetween lecturers' approaches to teaching and their conceptions of goodteaching. This study adopted an open naturalistic approach. Seventeenlecturers in three departments in a university were selected forinterview based on their rank, years of teaching and industrial orprofessional experience. Lecturers were interviewed individually abouttheir conceptions of good teaching, motivational strategies andeffective teaching. The interview records were then content analysed bythe two researchers of the study. The study found that (a) it waspossible to characterise lecturers' approaches to teaching with onemotivation and five strategy dimensions; (b) the conceptions of teachingof the lecturers were best described by two main orientations oftransmissive and facilitative teaching; (c) lecturers who conceivedteaching as transmitting knowledge were more likely to usecontent-centred approaches to teaching, while those who conceivedteaching as facilitative tended to use learning-centred approaches. Thestudy concludes by suggesting that fundamental changes to the quality ofteaching and learning are unlikely to happen without changes tolecturers' conception of teaching.  相似文献   

课堂提问是中学教学的常用手段,提问的设计要遵循系统性、启发性、“量”学生之力、面向全体学生和为学生提供创造的机会五个原则,并在难点重点处、铺路搭桥处、加深难度处、新旧知识交接处提出问题。  相似文献   

语文教学要注重引导和延展学生的创造性思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强语文教学,把培养和发展学生积极的创造性思维能力有机地融入自己的语文教学实践,才能真正达到既传授知识,培养技能,又能使语文学科在学校人才培养和学生智力开发过程中充分发挥基础性的作用。  相似文献   

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