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This ethnographic study identifies and explains instructional strategies that result in different kinds of classroom discussions. These discussions are described as active, silent, and controlled. Three dimensions are used to explain strategies teachers use in leading and organizing classroom discourse: the discussion's structural sequence, the content of teachers' questions, and the use of informal language. The success of certain instructional strategies in leading to active discussions is interpreted in terms of differences between the features of classroom conversations and everyday conversations. Contrary to the assumption that students learn and accept organizations of school discussions, it is suggested that high school students may express resistance to such organizations in various ways such as silence or reluctant participation.  相似文献   

In the article three parts of classroom conversation are studied with respect to the linguistic interference between teacher and pupils. Special attention is given to the reference of words and symbols of teacher and pupils. Some conclusions are:
  • - In classroom conversation we may consider the references of speech act as one of the basic features of learning.
  • - For succesful transfer of references between teacher and pupil, it is necessary that they are handling the same referential frameworks. Those frameworks are very fundamental in every day speech (‘form’ and ‘color’).
  • - Differences in references between teacher and pupils may lead to blockages in the learning. Sometimes they result in learning that is an imitation of teacher behaviour.
  • - To avoid these unwanted effects of learning, the teacher has to ensure that learning takes place within the everyday language of the pupils. So he will have to stimulate the pupils to explicate by themselves what they perceive and what they think.
  •   相似文献   

    根据现代教育理念把信息技术引入作文教学课堂,利用其声色俱全、图文并茂等优势,增强作文的开放教学氛围,激发学生表达欲望,增强学生习作信心,提高学生习作能力,从而收到事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

    1933年初,华北的政治经济中心北平和天津处于日本关东军的包围之下,因此促使华北停战,保全平津成为国民政府的当务之急。为此,国民政府采取非常规的做法,不以其外交部与日本外务省直接交涉解决华北问题,而是设立行政院驻北平政务整理委员会,专事对日交涉。这主要与国民政府希望以地方当局的名义,将两国间复杂的政治外交问题转化为单纯的军事问题的策略有关。  相似文献   

    网络环境下学习模式探讨——课堂教学的补充与拓展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    课堂教学是向学生传授知识理论体系、实践经验,实现师生交往中情感与人格真实互动的主渠道,且以教师为主导使教学目标具有可控性,有利于教学任务的完成。然而课堂教学过于注重共性而使因材施教不能落到实处。网络的自主性、交互性、开放性、资源共享性等特点恰恰可以弥补课堂教学的不足,课外网络学习和课堂教学应当是有益的共存与互补关系。本文主要探讨如何利用网络环境开展与课堂教学紧密结合的课外学习。  相似文献   

    注意力是一个人获取外部信息所必须具有的能力。学生注意力涉及授课的成败。为了让学生注意力集中在学习上 ,我在教学实践中就这方面做了些探索。一、变换方法 ,让学生上课后迅速集中注意力。打铃后一两分钟 ,总会有些学生嬉闹着走进教室。耍兴未尽 ,坐下后还要侧身转首 ,交头接耳 ,然后才慢慢翻书、提笔。不只耽搁自己的时间 ,也影响其他同学的注意力。为了上课后让学生迅速集中注意力 ,我或者让科代表安排某个善讲幽默故事的同学 ,利用讲课前三分钟给大家讲个幽默故事 ;或者让各小组的同学轮流在黑板上默写课文里的诗句 ,其他同学对照检查…  相似文献   

    素质教育进课堂的终极目标是“回归主体,发展主体”,其目的在于改变教师“一言堂”状况,还学生以主体地位。“回归主体,发展主体”的教学策略重在潜能开发、主体体验、能力培养。  相似文献   

    大学体育课堂教学的拓展、延伸、补充、完善,是整个大学体育教育链条上的一个不容忽视的重要环节,也是提高大学生身体素质和心理承受能力最直接、最有效的体育教育载体.随着大学体育课程改革的不断深化,大学体育课堂教学模式也在不断创新和发展,不再局限于体育基本技术技能的学习,而是从项目、目标、空间、时间、方法、资源等方面"拓展延伸",形成了有利于培养学生创新精神、实践能力和社会适应能力等全面提高的教学模式.  相似文献   

    实施素质教育的关键是深化课堂教学改革,构建素质教育的课堂教学模式。要全面优化课堂教学过程,体现素质教育课堂教学模式特点,必须做好以下工作。 (一 )教师要正确认识传统教学与现代教学的本质区别。要从教学目标、教学目的、教学手段、教学特点、教学方法等方面把握现代教育的特点,这是深化课堂教学改革,构建素质教育课堂教学模式的必要前提。 (二 )要鼓励教师积极探索,大胆实践,逐步摸索素质教育的课堂教学模式。第三次全国教育工作会议指出实施素质教育要以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点。我们在构建素质教育的课堂教学模…  相似文献   

    Over $18 billion is spent annually on professional development for in-service teachers. This study examined the focus, duration, and impact of professional development activities in which elementary (students ages 5–11) and middle school (students ages 11–14) teachers participated. Ninety-eight teacher-participants completed an online survey about their professional development experiences. In the analysis of literacy survey items and mathematics survey items, there were similarities in focus areas that received greater participation and areas that received less. There were also noticeable differences in frequency of participation in literacy and mathematics professional development. Comparisons between literacy and mathematics professional development indicated that more teachers reported participating in literacy experiences. This included workshops as well as ongoing support through planning meetings and mentorship. Overall, the consensus from teachers was that professional development was effective and has a beneficial impact on their classroom. Researchers share implications for the design and research of future professional development programs.  相似文献   

    Recent and rapid changes have occurred in the structure of agriculture in the Czech Republic. These have been accompanied by innovation in the provision of information and advice to farmers and also in the role of the Agricultural Universities (especially in Departments of Education) and in the teaching of Agriculture in vocational secondary schools. The information resource for agriculture has been developed by encouraging sources and centres from which information and advice can be obtained by farmers, rather than by the introduction of a formalised national Extension Service. Hence, the emerging system is based on farmers constructing their own information systems as responses to what they perceive to be their needs and what they find most useful. Research was conducted during 1998 – 2000 to establish farmer priorities for information, and the relative uses made of 20 possible sources, by small-scale and large-scale private farmers, by company farms and the new cooperatives. Evidence was also obtained about some recent and current changes in needs and sources. Transfer of information between farms was shown to be very important. An assessment was also made of the levels of farmer optimism about the future of their farms. The small-scale farmers were the most numerous (39,6 %) optimistic respondents. Suggestions are made for the development of curricula for teaching Extension in the Czech Republic and also, significantly, the essential data that have been collected to establish a baseline for future analyses to monitor changes which are on-going in the information systems.  相似文献   

    Summary As is often the case for the counsellor, initial referrals when explored further lead to other issues. In this paper, a methodology was presented for dealing with scapegoating problems and a negative classroom atmosphere. The methodology involved the use of structured questions designed to help children: explore problem areas, express feelings, understand conflicts and activate the motivation to change and act positively. The sequencing of the format is important in that it allows for movement and transformation of thoughts and feelings. In addition, particular attention was paid to entry and exit stages and to shifts from self to other, facts to problems and problems to solutions. The model is easily understood by teachers and after a few modelling sessins by the counsellor most are able to use it on their own with minimal supervision.University of British ColumbiaThis article will also be published in Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, a journal of APGA.  相似文献   

    本文结合自己的教学实践,探讨了如何在教学中架起信息技术与生活互通的桥梁的途径和方法。  相似文献   

    This paper offers an account of the historic and ongoing international interchange between Britain and Japan in the field of progressive education. Concentrating on the last half-century, it takes two reference points from Roy Lowe’s writings in 1977 and 2006. Eveline Lowe Primary was a newly built model progressive school when documented by him in a seminal work on school architecture, later becoming a key point of interest for Japanese educationists. The British educational policy context against which this exchange of ideas and practices occurred was later documented by Lowe in a major book. Contemporaneous debates and events within Japanese society and government meanwhile provided the impetus for networks of research and transmission of progressive practices. The most recent turn in the narrative presented here demonstrates Japanese support for independent progressive practice continuing in the UK. Responding to an extensive historical research literature on transnational migration of educational ideals and practices this paper constitutes a micro-study that draws on personal memory, oral testimony, records of classroom observation on site and by means of video-conferencing, in addition to more formal documentation of conference proceedings and policy-making.  相似文献   

    This article reports on an ethnographic study of a fourth-grade bilingual classroom. The focus of the article is on the culture that is created in this classroom and how children are socialized to it. Three themes are explored: socialization around being engaged learners, socialization to participate in a community of learners, and socialization to be second-language learners. I argue that the culture of the classroom for students who typically do poorly in school and who have negative experiences in school, such as the poor, urban Latino students in this study, must be one that has different roles, values, beliefs, and expectations than what exists in the cultures outside the classroom. In this way, the children experience school in positive ways which can lead to school success.  相似文献   

    解题教学是教师引导学生进行信息处理的过程,信息处理的目的是帮助学生寻找解题突破口,得出正确答案。以下是笔者尝试的几种处理策略。  相似文献   

    This paper sets up an imaginary dialogue between an intrepid critical theorist and several interrogators. The dialogical form allows the author to explore the idea that all of society is a vat school, and that adult educators have a crucial intellectual role to play in the great debates of our age.  相似文献   

    This is the third of three studies using complementary designs to investigate the effects of teacher attire on student perceptions of instructors and instruction in contemporary college classrooms. In line with Studies One and Two, modest effects of attire on perceptions of extroversion and competence were found; however, previous conclusions that instructor attire has little meaningful, predictable effect on ratings of attributes related to either approachability or credibility were reinforced. Student judgements of such attributes were influenced far more by teacher use of immediacy behaviors than by attire. In particular, positive effects resulting from teachers’ choice of formal professional attire were not supported.

    This is the final study in a three‐part series designed to investigate the implications of instructor attire in the contemporary college classroom. Interest in this topic was sparked by collegial conversations regarding advice for new teaching assistants: What can they do to enhance credibility, approachability, and teacher evaluations? Does what they wear make a difference?  相似文献   

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