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(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项。A:Rose,are you free this afternoon?B:1A:I would like to do something to relaxmyself.Do you want to have a rest?B:2A:I am thinking about that.Do you want to play golf?B:No.I donBt like spor  相似文献   

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? A. 同步阅读 Passage 1 Tom is a student. He studies in No. 2 Middle School. He is a good student at school. He is a good son at home. On weekdays, he gets up at six o>clock in the morning. He washes his face and hands. After that, he does some reading. He reads Chinese or English for about ten minutes. At the same time, his mother cooks breakfast for him. At half past six, he has his breakfast. He usually has two eggs, some milk and some noodles for …  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话,其中有一个多余选项。A:D o you have a sister?B:Y es,I do.A:1B:She is m y aunts daughter.A:W hats her nam e?B:H er nam e is H u D an.A:2B:She is only five.A:3B:N o,she isn t.A:W hat does your sisters face look like?B:She has a round face.A:4B:Itis shortand black.A:5B:H er favorite sportis jum ping.A:W hat else does she like?B:She likes singing,too.B.阅读理解(1)M y M otherM y m others nam e is G uan X iuyan.She is a worker.O n wee…  相似文献   

Perhaps the most famous theory, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell.He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed.  相似文献   

(A) Hello, everyone! My name is Li Qingfei. I'm a Chinese girl. My English name is Betty. I'm twelve. I'm in Class Two, Grade One of No. 5 Middle School.  相似文献   

Athens will welcome the 2004 Olympic Games with open arms. Not only will the Games be returning to their birthplace,but theyWll also be entering a new period of Olympic history. The International Olympic Committee (IOC)has been looking at ways to make the…  相似文献   

王钊 《高中生之友》2011,(21):38-39
Passage 1 Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things.A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms. Certain microorganisms(微生物) cause most types of food poisoning.Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,  相似文献   

看完电视节目之后,观众可以马上反馈信息。这种双向的电视交流已不再是梦想。C om m unication by television hasbeen one-w ay since its beginning.H owev-er, the television watcher will soon beable to talk back. Two-way television isnow a possibility,m aking electronic com -m unication a goal for the future. Becauseof com puters and cable television, theaudience w ill soon be m ore than w atchers.They w ill be able to do m ore than choose their program s. They w ill alsobe able to give feedback on th…  相似文献   

Passage A When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are. People who are near,sighted(近视的) can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become near,sighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly. People who are far,sighted(远视的) face just the opposite problem. They can see things…  相似文献   

你知道什么叫“温室效应”吗?它对地球又有什么样的影响呢?A greenhouse is a building m ade of glass which is used for keepingoolplants warm when the outside tem perature is low.In a sim ilar w ay thereare several gases in the atm osphere w hich trap the heat produced by thesun and preventit from escaping.These gases are known as“greenhousegases”,and the way in w hich they trap heat in the atm osphere is called“the greenhouse effect”.This is notsim ple air pollution.M ost ofthe m aingreenhouse …  相似文献   

Everyw here,water use is increasing.H um ans already use fifty-fourpercent ofall the fresh w ater in rivers,lakes and underground.There aresom e estim ates thatthis rate will reach seventy percentby 2025.The U nited N ations is organizing aseries of activ…  相似文献   

为了使人们更多地了解地震的危害性,美国政府正在花费大量的资金致力于寻找两个问题的答案。这两个问题是什么呢?他们具体的做法又是什么呢?The U.S.governm ent has recentlyhelped people learn m ore about the dan-gers of earthquakes by publishing a m ap.This m ap shows the chances of an earth-quake in each part of the country.The ar-eas of the m ap w here earthquakes are m ost likely to break out are calledearthquake“belt”.The governm ent is spending a great deal of m oney anis working hard to help dis…  相似文献   

剑桥——闻名世界的大学城。W hen we say that C am bridge is a uni-versity town we do not m ean that it is a townw ith a university in it.A university town isone w here there is no clear separation be-tw een the university buildings and the rest ofthe city.The university is notjust one partofthe town;itis allover the town.The heart of Cam bridge has its shops,restaurants,m arket places and so on,but m ost of it is university,col-leges,libraries,clubs and other places for university staff and st…  相似文献   

Good Environment Helps British Doctors and Patients he medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery from illness.As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to b…  相似文献   

Edith得了严重的心脏病,然而是什么使她战胜了疾病,青春永驻的呢?My aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇)of50,working as a secretary,when doctors discovered what was thought to be a very serious heartillness.Aunt Edith doesnt accept defeateasily.She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart doctor,Dr.Michael De Bakey,of Houston,Texas.He had saved the life ofsom eone with thesam e illness.The article said Dr.De Bakeys fees were very high;A…  相似文献   

红十字会是一个国际性的志愿救援团体。你知道是谁最先想到成立这样一个组织的吗?美国红十字会的情况又是怎样的呢?The Red Cross is an international organi-zation which cares for people who are in need of help.A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood,a woman in Mexico who was injured inan earthquake,and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by theRed Cross.The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the world Red Cross originations are times called the Red Cr…  相似文献   

AToday,schoolgirls are already one of the m ain forces in beautycontests.B ut even though their charm is part of C hina s im age,theirpursuit(追求)ofbeauty has changed over the years.1993:Beijing Y outh D aily has a cover story on“Peking U niversitygirls…  相似文献   

A G erm an taxi-driver, Franz B ussm an, recently found his brotherwho w as thoughtto have been killed tw enty years before.W hile on a walking tour w ith his wife,he stopped to talk to a workm an. A fter theyhad gone on, M rs B ussm an said that thew ork…  相似文献   

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