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从美国的经验看,进行学习标准与课程、评价工具的一致性分析颇为重要。本文介绍了进行一致性分析的主要方法,以及在进行横向和纵向一致性分析时需要慎重考虑的关键问题。为落实《指南》,结合我国国情,在进行基于《指南》的一致性分析时,应从横向和纵向两个角度进行考察;通过一致性分析,使各地已有的儿童发展目标文件与《指南》协调一致;考察《指南》与各地的课程、评价工具之间的一致性问题;考察《指南》与小学学习标准之间的一致性问题。在考察内容一致性的基础上,应分析不同文件在教育指导思想上的一致性问题,辨证看待一致性分析在《指南》落实中的作用。  相似文献   

<正>所谓一致性(alignment)是指学习标准的内容与用来考查儿童学业成就的评价内容之间的匹配程度。韦伯提出,一致性即对儿童的期望和评价内容之间的匹配程度以及两者在多大程度上相互配合以引导儿童去达成我们的期望(Webb,1997)。一致性分析可以从横向和纵向两个方面展开,横向的一致性是指一个年龄段之内的标准、课程、评价三者之间的一致性程度。纵向的一致性是指不同年龄段之间的标准、课程、评价之间的一  相似文献   

刘健 《早期教育》2020,(2):47-50
园本课程的开发与构建,是有效落实《纲要》《指南》理念及要求,提升幼儿园保教质量,促进幼儿身心健康发展的有力保障。我园秉持着科学的儿童观、教育观及课程观,结合《纲要》《指南》的教育理念和园所育人目标,因园制宜地提出了“葵花课程”。我园的“葵花课程”从编制课程目标体系、架构课程内容、提炼课程实施操作模式以及有效选择评价工具等四个方面,帮助幼儿在主动学习的过程中获得和谐、富有个性的发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了美国发展适宜性教育与早期学习标准的发展历程以及两者之间的冲突与融合.结合我国学前教育的文化背景与发展特点,笔者对即将颁布的<3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南>的实施提出了三方面建议:谨防标准导向下的课程变成为标准而标准的训练;标准的落实需要质量监管与评价机制作保障;标准实施的关键在于有效的教师专业准备.  相似文献   

2012年,我国颁布《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)。如何在实践中践行《指南》精神,促进幼儿全面、和谐发展也就成为了幼儿园、幼儿教师十分关注的问题。其实在本世纪初,美国就兴起了"早期学习标准化"运动。《早期学习标准和教师专业发展》一书就是在"早期学习标准化"运动兴起的背景下产生的,它深入地探讨了学习标准如何恰当地与课程和儿童评价相整合。书中的很多  相似文献   

为了解《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的落实现状,本研究选取上海市SJ区部分幼儿教师作为调查对象,采用问卷法对贯彻《指南》过程中出现的相关问题和需求得到的帮助等进行调查,通过对调查结果的分析,提出在贯彻《指南》过程中市级相关部门应按需培训,专业引领与监管评价同步推进;区级相关部门需把专题研究与培训相结合,加强业务指导,提高保教质量;幼儿园自身也应以落实《指南》为契机,注重教师的专业素养和教育实践能力的提升,推进幼儿园科学发展.  相似文献   

正2012年10月,教育部颁布了《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》),随后各地掀起了学习《指南》热潮。笔者拟选取四个教师在开展的体育活动中存在的典型问题案例,并以此为载体,用《指南》的精神来审视,旨在让教师能在实践层面更好地把握与落实《指南》的基本精神。问题一:将体育活动视为技能训练活动。  相似文献   

我国已初步建立了现代职业教育体系,但目前还未以宏观的标准和制度引领人才培养的规范化,课程与教学等具体领域的标准指导还停留在推荐执行层次。《示范核心课程指南》是日本高等职业教育办学的指导标准及纲领性文件,对日本职业教育体系建设发挥了重要的作用。通过对《示范核心课程指南》的解析,发现其特征主要体现在:育人目标基于能力本位与分级进阶、课程理念坚持本土特色与国际接轨并进、课程设计实现纵向贯通与横向融通、课程实施依托PDCA循环质量保障体系。结合《示范核心课程指南》的经验,未来我国专本衔接课程应建立一体化的课程标准体系,服务学生生涯发展“立交桥”;遵循技能型人才成长规律,实现课程内容紧密有序衔接;聚焦技能型人才培养实效,完善课程实施与质量保障机制。  相似文献   

研究性学习的教学尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从教育部发布《普通高中研究性学习实施指南(试行)》以来,高等师范院校和各地的中学纷纷按教育部文件的精神,进行研究性学习的各种教学改革和实践。《历史教学问题》和《历史教学》等重点期刊,也纷纷发表文章,研究和讨论研究性学习问题。《历史教学问题》2004年第1期发表了茅佳清的《师生互动教学促进学生研究性学习》;第2期发表了蔡鉴民的《关于研究性学习几个理论问题的探讨》。2005年第6期发表了陈艳的《讲求实效地开展研究性学习》。2006年第2期发表了郝宏佳的《研究性学习与高校<世界近代史>教学的改革》。这些文章分别从师生关系、…  相似文献   

本强调学好先行课程是学习《计算方法》的基础,并从方法、误差两方面纵向阐述了本课程的自学思路,又对课程各部门内容横向分析了它们之间的联系,最后简述了计算工具的使用。  相似文献   

The goal of the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk (CRESPAR) Early Learning program is to ensure that young children reach the 1st grade with the necessary skills and competencies to be effective learners. This goal has been accomplished by 2 integrated areas of research. One area of research focuses on the development of effective practices that promote the development of language and literacy skills in young children. A 2nd area of research examines the systemic issues regarding school policies and teachers' beliefs and expectations that affect classroom practices. Over the past 5 years, the CRESPAR Early Learning Program has been conducting research in these areas, which has added to our understanding of how children learn and what teachers think that they can learn.  相似文献   

早期学习标准是指导幼儿教育及其课程建设的基本依据.当前我国幼儿教育领域存在各种课程,但普遍存在课程内容深浅不一,缺乏内在连贯性、科学性和系统性等问题.美国早期学习标准从形式和内容来看都较为完善,对世界其他国家早期学习标准的制定和实施都有着重要影响,因此有必要对其进行深入细致的分析和研究.运用内容分析法,可知美国早期学习标准内容注重幼儿全面发展,兼顾广度和深度,重视对幼儿终身学习富有意义的内容;呈现出一定程度的倾向性,语言和读写领域非常受重视,创造性艺术领域被相对忽视;各领域关注本学科基本知识、基本技能和基本态度的培养.我国在制定和运用早期学习标准时要注意内容的全面性、衔接性及其价值等问题.一方面,内容不能过于宽泛,否则会使幼儿的学习内容超载,增加幼儿的学习负担;另一方面,范围也不能过窄,否则会使幼儿不能获得全面、充分的发展.最有价值的学习内容应是对幼儿发展具有重要意义,能为他们的终身学习奠定基础的内容,并应使幼儿学习内容与高一年级学习内容既彼此独立又相互联系.  相似文献   

早期学习标准化运动述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍和分析了近年来出现的早期学习标准化运动的背景、早期学习标准所强调的早期学习内容以及相关争论,讨论了它可能产生的影响和我们从中可获得的启示.  相似文献   

Early Career Teacher Professional Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Becoming a teacher requires not only the development of a professional identity but the construction of professional knowledge and practice through continued professional learning. This study tracked a sample group of 16 early career teachers through their first year of teaching. The participants were encouraged to write about their experiences in journals and undertake an interview in an attempt to provide an understanding of the central tasks of learning to teach required by early career teachers during their induction into teaching together with the factors which support or hinder their professional learning. This paper makes use of a continuum developed by Feiman‐Nemser which identifies Central Tasks in Learning to Teach (CTLT) as a Framework for analysis of participant data. Conclusions indicate developing a professional identity and enacting a beginning repertoire to be the most challenging aspects of professional learning for these teachers. Learning support in the traditional form of formal induction programs and mentoring were recognized as useful; however, collaborative, informal, unplanned learning from colleagues and former peers was also reported as a most significant and valuable source of support. Conversely, participants felt additional responsibilities, difficult classes and unrealistic teaching expectations together with lack of status and professional feedback hindered their professional learning.  相似文献   

科学制定和有效实施早期学习标准已成为新时期世界各国幼儿教育发展的一大趋势。美国德克萨斯州早期学习标准作为这一领域中"细致、具体、全面"的典范,在基本理念、体系结构与内容选择等方面具有一定的代表性,形成了一些鲜明的特点,对我国早期学习标准的制定与推广具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

Object Properties and Knowledge in Early Lexical Learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ease with which young children learn object nouns suggests that they possess strategies to identify properties critical to lexical category membership. In previous work, young children used a same-shape criterion to extend new count nouns. The present research tested the generality of this shape bias. 2- and 3-year-olds were asked either to extend a novel count noun to new instances, or to choose unnamed objects to go together. The objects varied in shape, size, and texture. For half of the subjects, the objects had eyes--a property strongly associated with certain material kinds. If young children know this association, they should attend to texture as well as shape in classifying objects with eyes. With named objects only, both 2- and 3-year-old children classified eyeless objects by shape and objects with eyes by both shape and texture. The results suggest that very young children possess considerable knowledge about conditional relations between kinds of perceptual properties. Knowledge of such conditional relations may aid children in forming new categories and thus in discovering new word meanings.  相似文献   

The trend in mathematics achievement from preschool to kindergarten is studied with a longitudinal growth item response theory model. The three measurement occasions included the spring of preschool and the spring and fall of kindergarten. The growth trend was nonlinear, with a steep drop between spring of preschool and fall of kindergarten. The modeling results provide validation for the argument that a classroom assessment in mathematics can be used to assess developmental skill levels that are consistent with a theory of early mathematics acquisition. The statistical model employed enables an effective illustration of overall gains and individual variability. Implications of the summer loss are discussed as well as model limitations.  相似文献   

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