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一、词汇过关1.curiosity【用法】用作名词,意为“好奇;求知欲”。常构成搭配curiosity about sth.。例如:H is curiosity m ade him succeed.他的好奇心使他成功了。I’m full of curiosity about distanlands.我对遥远的国度充满了好奇。Tom stared at m e in curiosity.汤姆好奇地盯着我。curiosity还可用作可数名词,表示“新奇的事物;古玩;珍品”。例如:She was interested in curiosities.她对珍品感兴趣。【拓展】curiosity的形容词形式是curious,常构成搭配be curious about...“对……感到好奇”及be curious to do“极想……”。…  相似文献   

杨恩莲 《高中生》2008,(12):12-13
1.curious考点点拨curious意为"好奇的",可构成短语becuri-ousabout,表示"对……好奇"。如:Don’t be toocurious aboutwhat has nothingtodowith you.不要对与你无关的事太过于好奇。考例(2006年高考辽宁卷)People have always  相似文献   

【考点扫描】谈论怎样学习和做某事。常用句型:H ow do youdo...?答语用“by doing sth.”来表示“通过……方式(方法)”或“借助某种手段”来做某事。It's adj. (for sb.) 动词不定式/get(be)excited about/practice doing sth/look up/unless/re-gard...as/laugh at/end up/m ake m istakes/try one'sbest,ect.谈论过去的事情。句型:(1)肯定句:主语 beused to 动词原形...;(2)否定句:主语 didn'tuse to...或:主语 used not to...;(3)疑问句:D id 主语 used to...?或U sed 主语 to...?be interested in/spend...in doing sth./afford tod…  相似文献   

一、考点难点精讲助动词(一)助动词be的形式和用法1助动词be有八种形式:现在式第三人称单数he,she,it现在式第二人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数you,we,they肯定式缩肯定式略否定式缩否定式略原形现在式第一人称单数I过去式第一、三人称单数I,he,she,it过去式第二人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数you,we,they现在分词过去分词beamisarewaswerebeingbeen’m’s’ream notis notare notwas notwere notnot beingnot been’m notisn’t/’s notaren’t/’re notwasn’tweren’t2助动词be的用法(1)“b e+现在分词”构成进行时态。如:You are wo…  相似文献   

I tried to run, but I couldn’t. The monster (怪物) seemed to be growing by the 1 ! And then, the most 2 thing was about to happen. I screamed and sat upright (直直地)in bed. I’d just had the most terrible 3 ever! Still out of 4 ,I called “Mum! ” My Mu  相似文献   

Applying to Be a Soldier An old man applied(申请)to be a soldier.The sergeant(中士)asked him,“How old are you?”“Sixty—two”answered theold man.The sergeant said:“You know,you’re too old to be asoldier.”Then the old man said:“Maybe,it’s a little old to be asoldier,but don’t you need a general(将军)?”  相似文献   

Home.Few words in the English language have such aspecial meaning.Home is a place where you can re—lax,kick back and just be yourself.Just about everyonehas a strong opinion of what makes a house ahome.And for most people in America,home should be,above all,comfortable(舒适的). Americans like their homes to reflect(反映)their personaltastes.Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house andmaking it more“livable.”They often try to create a cozy(舒适的)atmosphere so that when they’re at home.they’ll reallyfeel“at home.”Softs and lounge chairs(安乐椅)may be heavily  相似文献   

请看2001年高考试题中的第33题: I was really anxious about you.You___homewithout a word. A.mustn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t leave 显然,A、D两项容易排除。C项具有一定的迷惑性,只有仔细审题——“我实在为你担心,你不该一声不响地离家外出”,才能领会题中所含的“责备”、“内疚’之意.故只能选择B项。 “情态动词+have+过去分词”结构是情态动词的一个重要用法,也是高考的一个常考考点。本文就此作一简要归纳。 一、may(might)+have+过去分词 主要用于推测过去时间里可能发生的事,表示“可能已经”、“也许已经”。主要用于肯定句或否定句,一般不用于疑问句(注:might有时可用于疑问句)。其中might较may语气更弱、更委婉。如:  相似文献   

(一)重点词汇1.curious adj.①好奇心强烈的;渴望知道的;爱探究的②稀奇古怪的;不可思议的【联想速记】curiously adv.好奇地/curiosity n。好奇心;稀奇物【帮你归纳】含有curious的短语: be curious to do急想做be curious about对……感到好奇2.debate n.【C,U】正式讨论;辩论;辩论会vt.&vi.①正式讨论;辩论:to debate(upon)a questionwith sb.与某人辩论问题【同】argue,discuss,dispute②考虑;思考  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The goal of understanding the brain and making artificial minds has propelled many scientificfields greatly. In a sense it may be the final goal othe whole science. It is impossible that one unifiedtheory will be sufficient for explaining the brain’functionality because of its unimaginable complexity. Multi-discipline combinations havebrought about so many achievements towards thigoal. Taylor (1994) introduced the “relationamind” approach in …  相似文献   

四.Possibility and imPossibility 1.Talking about possibility(谈论可能性)(JBZ Unit 16) You may know. It ean be dan罗rous. 2.Talk about possibility(讨论可能)(SBIB Unit 15) It ean’t be…He might… It eould…They must… 3.possibility and impossibility(可能与  相似文献   

祈使句是各地中考命题的热点之一。为帮助同学们备战2005年中考,本文试结合近年各地中考典型试题,就其常见考点作分类小结,供同学们复习迎考时参考。一、考查祈使句的肯定式[考点小结]祈使句的肯定式有三种常见的类型:①“Do”型,即以实义动词原形开头的祈使句;②“Be”型,即以be动词原形开头的祈使句;③“Let”型,即“Let’s/Letsb.dosth.”型的祈使句。其中,第三种类型是各地中考命题的热点,同学们尤应重视。[中考题例]1.—Thereisaticketonthefloor,isityours?—Oh,yes,it’smine.—Letmeforyou.(2003湖北黄冈)A.topickupitB.topicki…  相似文献   

【考点1】A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group.(p.2)【直击中考】I study for a test____working with a group.(2005北京市海淀区) A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。介词by表示“通过……手段或方式”,后接名词或动名词。【考点2】What about listening to tapes? (p.3)  相似文献   

about可用作副词和介词,用作副词时意为“大约”。如:It’s about seven o’clock.在本句中about用作介词,意思是“关于”,通常指内容较为宽泛,文体上不那么正式。介词on也有这一用法。如:She likes reading on many different subjects.(L.2)但常常暗示内容是专门的,学术性较强,比about要为正式些。试比较:  相似文献   

研究历年高考试题,我们会发现很多热门考点,有些考点甚至考题惊人的相似。了解这些热门考点,对于同学们复习迎考很有帮助。本文将这些热门考点归类分析如下:一、对名词性从句的考查热点1.宾语从句的语序①These photographs will show you_____(’89)A.what does our village look likeB.what our village looks likeC.how does our village look likeD.how our village looks like②Can you make sure_____the gold ring?(’90)A.where Alice had putB.where has Alice putC.where Alice has putD.where had Alice put③No one can be sure_____in a million years.  相似文献   

Topic: Talking about a trip Instructional objectives: After the lesson, the students will be able to 1) say the dialogue and say the chant “I am getting ready for my trip ” correctly; 2) talk about a trip, using the framework given: Who? Where? When? Wh…  相似文献   

吃饭时,儿子老是(lǎoshì)不肯坐下。妈妈好奇(hàoqí)地问:“你今天是怎么啦,干吗(má)站着吃饭?”儿子:“今天上语文课,老师说‘坐吃山空’。所以我不敢坐着吃东西。”坐吃山空@易亮  相似文献   

连世华 《高中生》2013,(15):42-43
疑点一:如何区别when,while与as?这三个词都可以引导时间状语从句,各有侧重点。1.when的常见考点(1)表示"当……的时候",侧重于表示在某一时间点,引导时间状语从句。如:It was already 10:00p.m.when I finished thework.(2)表示"正在那时,突然",相当于and at thattime,常构成以下几个句型:be about to do sth.when  相似文献   

1.错:Which else do you like?正:What else do you like?析:else可与疑问代(副)词、不定代词连用,后置.但是英语中规定else不能用在Which后面.2.错:There’s going to have a sports meetnext week.正:There’s going to be a sports meet nextweek.析:there be(存在“有”)不能与 have(所属“有”)重复使用.  相似文献   

1991年《英语画刊》高中版第1期有一道“问题解答”解释欠妥,特提出商榷。原文如下:“I'm about—home.A.going B.to go C.how to doD.go”答案是“B”有读者问:为什么不选“A”,问题的解答如下:“be about to do sth.是一个惯用语。about  相似文献   

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