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D a n ie lM a rkM u mH e nryG A M ES部落新族人名单吴思雪江苏省姜堰市罗塘小学尹晗黑龙江省双鸭山市一中附属小学(电厂部)三(1)班葛方旭黑龙江省萝北县江滨农场小学五(1)班杜诗歆河南省洛阳市教育局直属第六小学三(1)班云u d c l o37部落呜——小火车开车了,快来看一看他们  相似文献   

Mr.Jones was very angry with his wife,and she was very angry with herhusband.For several days they did not speak to each other at all.One eveningMr.Jones was very tired when he came back from work,so he went to bed soonafter dinner.Of course,he did not say anything to Mrs.Jones.before he wentupstairs.Mrs.Jones washed the dinner things and then did some sewing.Whenshe went up to bed much later then her husband,she found a piece of paper on  相似文献   

They Never Stop     
Mother:Billy,Ivetoldyouagainandagainnottointerruptwhenadultsaretalking.Youshouldwaittilltheyfinish.Billy:Ihavetriedtodoasyoutoldme,Mum,buttheyjustneverstop。They Never Stop@江河  相似文献   

Children from England and the United States of America have a basic similar knowledge of plants and animals, which they observe during their everyday life. Nine children of ages 4, 6, 8, and 10 years, in each country, were asked to free-list plants and animals. Afterwards, they were interviewed individually about the plants and animals they listed to determine where they were seen. Additionally, children were asked to name animals they knew that were found in specific habitats or had specific characteristics. The results showed that children from the earliest years notice the animals in their everyday lives and 8 year olds were able to name the most animals. Plants were not named as often as animals and children in the USA found it difficult to name plants when questioned. This study shows that children are in touch with their everyday environment to varying extents, and that rich experiences can greatly contribute to their knowledge about plants and animals.  相似文献   

What Are They?     
1.Meow,meow,Icancatchamouseinthedark.2.Jiou,jiou,Icanflyupanddowninthesky.3.Oo,oo,Icancrow(鸣叫)earlyinthemorning.4.Quack,quack,Icanswimquicklyonthelake.5.Wolf,wolf,Icanlookafterthehome.6.Moo,moo,Icanplough(用犁耕地)hardonthefarm.Guess,guess,whatarethey?征答案:reKeys:1.cat(猫)2.bird(鸟)3.cock(公鸡)4.duck(鸭子)5.dog(狗)6.cow(牛)What Are They?@逍遥…  相似文献   

我喜欢蓝色,蓝的天; 我喜欢黄色,黄太阳; 我喜欢白色,白的云;  相似文献   

How Old Are They     
  相似文献   

Who Are They?     
小动物们在排队做操。大象教师要找两个小朋友,请你帮他找出来吧!A.He is the king of theforest.He wears a cap.B.He is in front of Dogand behind Panda.A is_____.B is______.上期答案:Daniel will go to the ciname.Mark will go to the post office.Mum will go shopping.Henry will go to school.Rose will go to hospital.小画家画了一幅画,但是谁也不知道他画的是什么,请按照他的要求把画涂上颜色,并回答问题。1is black.2is red.3is yellow.4is blue.5is pink.6is green.7is brownQuestions:1.What are they in thepictur…  相似文献   

学习内容分析:本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)四年级第三册第四单元的第六课。是新授课。本单元的主要内容是学习有关动物的词汇和句子。本课之前学生已经学习、掌握了一些关于动物的单词和句子。  相似文献   

学习内容分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)四年级第三册第四单元的第六课.是新授课.本单元的主要内容是学习有关动物的词汇和句子.本课之前学生已经学习、掌握了一些关于动物的单词和句子.本课重点学习一些动物的饮食习性,同时要求学生学会唱一首与本课内容有关的歌谣.  相似文献   

学习内容分析:本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)四年级第三册第四单元的第六课。是新授课。本单元的主要内容是学习有关动物的词汇和句子。本课之前学生已经学习、掌握了一些关于动物的单词和句子。本课重点学习一些动物的饮食习  相似文献   

Davewasgoodatallofhissubjectsexceptmaths.Hecouldnotunderstandwhattheteachertoldhim."Nevermind,"Davetoldhimself."I’mgoodatothersubjects.I’llcheat(作弊)inthemathsexam.ThenI’llnotbeintrouble.I’llsitnexttotheboywhowasbestatmathsandcopydownhisanswers."BruceSmithwasalwaysatthetopoftheclassinmaths,soDavesatnexttohimwhentheexamcame.DavecopiedBruce’sanswersontohisownexampapercarefully.Attheendoftheexam,theteachercollected(收集)thepapersandgraded(打分)them.Thenhesaid,"…  相似文献   

贾斯汀·汀布莱克 23岁★贾斯汀2003年大约净赚2470万美金。★他的首张个人专辑《Justified》大卖300万张。★有报道说他因为演唱了麦当劳广告主题曲《I'm Lovin' It》而获利600万美金。★这位超级车迷拥有十几辆车子,包括两辆凯迪拉克 Escalade、三辆梅塞德斯、一辆奥迪 TT、一辆价值8万美金的 Dodge Viper 以及五辆酷炫摩托车!  相似文献   

Tom:Whydodoctorsandnurseswearmasks?Peter:Sothatifsomeonemakesamistakenoonewillknowwhodidit.他们为什么戴口罩?汤姆:为什么医生和护士们都戴口罩?彼得:目的就是如果有人出了错,没有人知道是谁干的。Why Do They Wear Masks  相似文献   

过年的时候,好吃的东西可多啦!当我们发现某种食物很好吃时,我们会忍不住吃一点,再吃一点……最后全吃光了。那么, 别人就不高兴了。下面这段对话中,辛迪有点饿了,她想要吃点饼干。但是,饼干都不见了……  相似文献   

A man went out of prison after twentyyears.He decided to go back to the neighbout-hood where he had lived.When he got there hecouldn’t recognize(认出)the place.Everythinghad changed a lot.The places he used to visit  相似文献   

他们为什么而笑呢?请看图然后把正确的答案和相应的图一一连线。1.Monkey wins the game.2.Giraffe gets many birthdaygifts.3.Baby Squirrel helpsmother wash the dishes.4.Today is Pig’s birthday.5.Bear is dreaming of eatinghoney.6.Giraffe’s mother buys ared bag  相似文献   

小朋友能用英语说出多少个职业名称的单词?现请辨认下列人物特征,并说一说他们各自的职业身份。OK?  相似文献   

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