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This project grew out of concerns expressed by several novice teachers about their lack of preparation to deal with common problems in the classroom. Several trends were evident with the teachers involved in this study. They all came to recognize the importance of effective, organized instruction during the term of the study, along with the importance of effective classroom management and discipline skills. This included an emphasis on planning, preparation, and adequate knowledge of subject matter. They all felt that they were well prepared by their college classes in their primary content area, but less prepared in supporting areas of science. It is hoped that this information will be used to further refine teacher education programs at the university level.  相似文献   

校长课程领导:角色、困境与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国基础教育课程改革实行国家、地方和学校三级课程、三级管理,让学校自主开发一部分课程。校长是校务的最高领导人,学校层课程改革进行得如何与校长密切相关。为此,教育行政部门应多为校长领导课程创造条件,校长要善于“顺势、造势、导势”,要发挥每位教师参与课程改革的积极性、主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

科学课程理想与理想科学课程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理想是课程的有机构成,科学课程理想是人类在认识和理解科学的内在规定性的基础上,对科学在培养人和发展人类社会方面的价值和功能的期望。通过寻找科学内在的规定性、科学活动的过程特征和青少年身心发展特别是心理发展顺序,可以把科学“转换”或改造成理想科学课程。  相似文献   

Mike Pinter  Linda Jones 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):982-996

We describe a successful collaboration between mathematics and psychological science faculty members to create a learning community for our students that linked sections of introductory mathematical reasoning and psychological science courses. The students in our learning community were in their second or third semester. The learning community is designed so that, throughout the semester, students regularly move across the border between the two linked disciplines by completing common assignments, including a group project. We modified our existing course topics and frameworks to be intentional about building connections between the courses.  相似文献   

This article is inessence a condensed extract from the comprehensive report Computers in the Mathematics Curriculum (1992) recently published by the Mathematical Association and produced by a subcommittee of the Teaching Committee. The subcommittee was chaired by the author and the report was drafted and edited by WJA Mann. The 188-page report is available at £9.95 from the Mathematical Association. 259 London Road, Leicester LE2 3BE, UK.  相似文献   

非统计专业统计学课程建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就非统计专业统计学课程的教学大纲、教学内容、教材建设和实习和实训、充分利用现代教学手段,培养统计素质等方面。探讨建设统计学课程的措施。  相似文献   

国外科学史融入科学课程的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学史融入科学课程已成为欧美等发达国家科学教育改革的大趋势,国外学者对此进行了大量研究.本文回顾了科学史融入科学课程的历史,对科学史融入科学课程的教育价值和教学策略作了综述.  相似文献   

职业体验课程是一种链接生活的课程形态,旨在引导儿童从科学世界走向生活世界。职业体验课程实施过程中,强调学生依靠真实或仿真工作情境体验职业以获取职业知识和技能,确立职业发展方向,实现科学世界与生活世界的对接。这种体验式学习活动课程,不仅促进学生全面发展,更对学校教育发展具有重要价值意蕴。基于职业体验课程的实施要求,提出了建构教学团队发展模式、创建职业体验课程基地、丰富职业体验课程资源、建构职业体验活动样态四个实施策略。  相似文献   

The quest for effective ways to promote the classroom achievement of struggling learners in general, and struggling readers in particular, is a long-standing one. We described a research project carried out in 1 school serving students of diverse linguistic, cultural, and economic backgrounds-a population often the least well served by the educational system. Data collection throughout a year-long university-elementary school collaboration included teacher interviews, as well as field notes taken during classroom observations and during the discussions and teaching demonstrations occurring in weekly course meetings. We described factors leading to successful teaching and learning at this school: teachers committed to improving their instructional practices, the selection of challenging and interesting curriculum topics, the use of whole texts and implementation of meaningful and engaging literacy practices, the use of alternative assessment measures, and a prevailing rhetoric that all children can succeed. Teachers hold great expectations for their students.  相似文献   

Exploratory date analysis provides powerful numerical and graphical tools with which to summarise and interpret data. In this article the authors describe their work with students who were given the opportunity to engage in the solution of a real problem in the physics laboratory which requried statistical techniques.  相似文献   

国际理科课程改革实践中涉及了一些新问题,如理科课程的地位、性质、管理、目标、内容及其组织等。文章从理科课程论的高度理科课程改革进行较为系统的阐述,以期为我国的理科教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports on the Telecommunications in Primary Science (TIPS) project. A central aim of the TIPS project was to explore the feasibility of tackling problems associated with some primary teachers' lack of confidence and competence in the physical sciences through a computer network linking together a small number of schools and a university. In the course of the project, teachers became convinced of the potential of using the Internet in the classroom and also valued the electronic delivery of pedagogical guidance.  相似文献   

“人文主义”与“科学”是人类文化的“孪生兄弟”,它们都是人类解读世界缺一不可的话语。科学与形而上学有着不解之缘,而形而上学意味着人的生存境界的不断提升,使科学在本质上具有人文的特征。人文主义必须借助于科学理性的伟大力量,科学的长足的进步离不开人文主义营造的思想解放氛围。后现代主义也提倡人文与科学的平等话语权,希望实现人文与科学的融合。因此,学校课程应该弘扬强调训练人的理智的“自由艺术教育”。  相似文献   

本文从科学哲学、科学知识社会学以及实在论的建构主义等的研究出发,阐述了科学知识是由社会建构的;并通过对科学课程形成的主体分析论述了科学课程也是由社会建构的,并指出了树立科学课程的社会建构观所具有的教育意义.  相似文献   

新课程立足于九年义务教育的基础,尊重学生个性发展的需要,以全面提高学生的科学素养为宗旨,使教育质量观发生了改变。在此情况下诞生的新教材有新的内容与新的结构。在教学中,应该更新教育观念,着重培养学生的实验能力、思维能力、理解能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

This article introduces and explains the new requirements of the data handling section of the Mathematics National Curriculum in England. The author’s full address is: Mr Richard Browne, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 83 Piccadilly, London W1J 8QA (England).  相似文献   

开展课程实施监测是深化义务教育课程改革的必然要求,其中尤以针对具有基础性、实践性和综合性特征的科学类课程实施状况进行监测最具现实意义.本研究以省(市、自治区)课程实施方案和大规模学生课程表调查为基础,采用课程评价的“差距模式”对我国义务教育阶段科学类课程实施状况进行分析,结果发现其中存在如下问题:第一,在整体上,中小学科学类课程设置脱节情况比较突出;第二,存在第一层差距,即极少数地方课程实施方案不符合国家课程设置方案规定;第三,存在第二层的“开齐”差距,即部分班级存在未开设或者更改科学课程名称的情况;第四,存在第二层的“上足”差距,即小学科学课程“缺课时”情况明显,初中物理和化学课程“超课时”情况突出;第五,不同区域学校在“上足”差距上存在明显差异.为解决上述问题,需要聚焦科学素养一体化设计科学类课程;进一步明确地方创造性课程实施空间,建设专业化的科学类课程管理队伍;开展聚焦于科学类课程实施的专题培训,引导学校规范创新实施科学类课程;引导学校及其教师树立科学课程育人的理念;为欠发达地区提供更多科学课程资源支持和教师专业发展机会.  相似文献   

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