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概念图已运用各科教学领域,本文据多年教学经验,以具体例子描述概念图的制作步骤以及制作过程中的注意事项,提高概念图的制作技巧。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of children solving addition and subtraction problems collaboratively in comparison with solving problems in the traditional manner of the classroom. Seventy-seven children were divided into experimental and control groups, the experimental children being assigned to groups of four with note taken of the ability and gender mix. Following a pre-test-intervention-post-test design, the experimental children worked together in their groups using problem-solving guidelines to solve a number of problems, thereafter 'teaching' their problem to a fellow pupil. Each child worked on six problems over a 3-week period, three of the problems in their groups subsequently teaching them to another, the other three problems being taught to them by another child. Over the same time period, the control group solved the same problems working individually at their desks. The pre- and post-tests were analysed for number of problems correct or 'score', problemsolving strategy and execution of procedures, with pre-test scores being subtracted from post-test scores to give measures of change. The results indicated a main effect of ability on strategy change and a two-way interaction between gender and condition. They also indicated a main effect of condition for execution of procedures. Dialogue analyses indicated that more below average children improved their strategy understanding by listening to peers. The results themselves revealed variations in the way that children of different ability levels and gender can benefit from collaborative group work and thus have some interesting implications for the organisation of collaborative groups in the classroom.  相似文献   

Addressing the need to find new ways for examining workplace cultures quickly and effectively in order to facilitate school improvement efforts, this article proposes a technique for carrying out such enquiries. By exploring the nature of school cultures and how they impact upon day-to-day encounters in classrooms, it illustrates how critical incidents can be analysed so as to help those in schools to understand themselves better in terms of those factors that shape their practice. It is argued that the proposed method has the potential to go beyond systems of external monitoring in such a way as to enable schools to develop procedures for self-review.  相似文献   

In this article, I draw on poststructuralist work on "citationality" to elucidate an urban high school's student culture and intervention efforts with regard to LGBQ issues. I contend that the language, ideas and practices of LGBQ issues and awareness among students and staff "cite" or draw on broader (and often competing) discourses of normalcy, sexuality, and/or "good teaching." I discuss how the citational process makes it difficult to bring about change, as well as the possibilities for bringing about change. The significance of this article is the way it explicates the discourses used to articulate and describe LGBQ people, issues, and intervention efforts; and how these discourses may hinder efforts to create LGBQ support and awareness in schools.  相似文献   

创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力. 21世纪,人类社会一方面尽情地享用全球经济一体化和高度信息化带来的恩惠,一方面继续更加激烈地进行着综合国力的竞争.综合国力竞争的实质是科学技术的竞争和民族素质的竞争,是民族凝聚力和民族创新能力的竞争.对此,江泽民同志指出:"面对世界科技飞速发展的挑战,我们必须把增强民族创新能力提高到关系中华民族兴亡的高度来认识."  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the majority of primary school teachers in the UK believe that the purpose of teaching art and design is to develop skills associated with creativity, communication and expression. This article is based on research into the attitudes held by primary school pupils towards making art. The reflective nature of many of the responses to the survey provides persuasive evidence of young children's capacity for absorbing relatively complex ideas, which in turn has implications for teacher expectations of pupil learning in art and design.  相似文献   

情趣课堂是一种使学生感到趣味盎然的课堂,是生动活泼、智慧流淌、充满生命活力的课堂。情趣课堂更加关注学生的情感心理。情趣课堂决不是肤浅地追求课堂表面的嘻哈热闹,而要追求深层次的“理趣”,关注代表智慧的思维水平的发展。  相似文献   

情趣课堂是一种使学生感到趣味盎然的课堂,是生动活泼、智慧流淌、充满生命活力的课堂。情趣课堂更加关注学生的情感心理。情趣课堂决不是肤浅地追求课堂表面的嘻哈热闹,而要追求深层次的"理趣",关注代表智慧的思维水平的发展。  相似文献   

中小学生法制教育是学校教育的重要内容之一。目前,我国中小学法制教育中还存在不少误区。切实转变观念,提高学校对法制教育的重视程度,是加强对中小学生进行法制教育的关键。  相似文献   

Spatial thinking is important for success in engineering. However, little is known about how students learn and apply spatial skills, particularly in kindergarten to Grade 12 engineering learning. The present study investigated the role of spatial thinking in engineering learning at a middle school summer camp. Participants were 26 students (13 female, 13 male), predominantly from underrepresented groups. We took a cognitive ethnographic approach, using observations of hands-on engineering learning activities to identify moments when spatial problems arose and how learners made sense of these problems. We describe these processes as distributed spatial sensemaking because they involved both internal (cognitive) processes and also interactions with other learners, materials, and representations. We identified 90 distributed spatial sensemaking episodes in our data set. These episodes facilitated important engineering practices such as hypothesis testing and design iteration. We also found that different activities elicited different types of distributed spatial sensemaking episodes. Our results demonstrate how spatial thinking matters in everyday engineering learning and speaks to the types of engineering learning activities that scaffold particular spatial processes and practices. Our research also shows how cognitive, situated, and distributed theories can be used in tandem to make sense of a complex phenomenon like engineering learning.  相似文献   

英语课堂教学现状为部分学生缺乏课堂安全感,教师应通过对"轻松、鼓励、尊重、自信"等方面的关注,让学生在温馨、宽容、民主、和谐的课堂氛围中更好、更专注地投入学习。  相似文献   

何可可 《天津教育》2021,(6):116-117
在小学英语教学中,教师要借助“翻转课堂”的理念,将学习活动前移,先学后教、因学而教,能凸显学生的自主潜能,培养学生的自主学习能力。教师要发挥引导作用,对学生进行针对性的指导,让“教”与“学”和谐相融。  相似文献   

胡娴 《天津教育》2021,(5):78-79
培养学生的数感,需要教师用心地教,有意识地去渗透、去引导、去带领,也需要学生在生活实际中去不断地运用、积累与提升。本文主要从结合生活,感知数感;估算教学,培养数感;计算迁移,养成数感;项目研究,纵横数感几个方面,阐述培养学生数感的教学方法,让数感为更好的学习方式服务。  相似文献   

日本中小学校职业观教育的政策动向与实施策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据生涯教育概念的出台,探讨职业教育观的定位,阐述中小学校实施职业教育的重要性和必要性,研究日本中小学校职业教育观的内容和实施策略,帮助学生从小养成良好的职业意识,形成作为未来社会一员和职业人所必要的职业素养和能力,梳理并分析了日本中小学校开展职业观教育的政策动向及实施策略,探讨学校教育与职业世界融合的可能性。  相似文献   

在小学科学教学中,分析了追问的目的,通过适当预设追问,并利用追问的多元,使追问更有效,进而提高小学科学教学效率。  相似文献   

加强中等职业学校文化建设,构建融职业性与技术性于一体的特色学校文化,对于实现中等职业教育的培养目标,培养学生的职业素养至关重要。目前,大多中职学校在文化建设方面重视不够,认识不清;投入不足,水平不高;文化建设中过分强调以学生为主体,忽视广大教职员工的作用;学校文化特色不明显,没有凸显职业性与技术性。造成这些问题的原因可以从宏观环境和中职学校自身进行分析。因此,在中职学校的文化建设中,必须充分调动上述多方因素,凸显中职学校文化的职业特色、技术特色、人文特色和时代特色。  相似文献   

研究性学习要落实到中学、小学的各学科教学中。在小学美术课“京剧脸谱的绘制与欣赏”研究性学习的实践中,要根据教材内容和学生情况提出课题,确定可操作的目标,做好课前准备工作,计划和实施研究性学习的教学过程,总结研究性学习的经验与问题。经过这五个步骤,才能顺利完成研究性学习的整个过程。  相似文献   

多年来,小学语文教科书一直因机械古板、千篇一律的内容而备受诟病,究其原因:语文课本没有跟上时代的步伐,没有真正地深入到学生的心灵深处。当前,小学语文教学改革刻不容缓,如何让儿童特点、童年味道回归到语文课堂上,进而真正走到广大儿童的心中,是我们当前小学教育必须要解决的问题,也是本文要重点论述的问题。  相似文献   

但琦 《培训与研究》2004,21(2):51-52
中数数学建模CAI课件能促进数学教育发展,增强教学效果。在CAI课件的制作和使用中应注意课件结构合理、内容科学、信息量适用度等问题。  相似文献   

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