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We investigate how students connect explanations and arguments from evidence about plant growth and metabolism—two key practices described by the Next Generation Science Standards. This study reports analyses of interviews with 22 middle and high school students postinstruction, focusing on how their sense-making strategies led them to interpret—or misinterpret—scientific explanations and arguments from evidence. The principles of conservation of matter and energy can provide a framework for making sense of phenomena, but our results show that some students reasoned about plant growth as an action enabled by water, air, sunlight, and soil rather than a process of matter and energy transformation. These students reinterpreted the hypotheses and results of standard investigations of plant growth, such as van Helmont''s experiment, to match their own understanding of how plants grow. Only the more advanced students consistently interpreted mass changes in plants or soil as evidence of movement of matter. We also observed that a higher degree of scaffolding during some of the interview questions allowed mid-level students to improve their responses. We describe our progress and challenges developing teaching materials with scaffolding to improve students’ understanding of plant growth and metabolism.  相似文献   

文章探讨Newton插值多项式在某些多项式除法求余式和一类特殊行列式的计算等方面的应用.  相似文献   

This project directly involved students in two different models of instructional development. The first model was a Student Consultant program in which faculty selected from a menu of instructional services carried out by students. Typical services included attending class as impartial observers, soliciting feedback from other students on their learning experiences, videotaping class sessions, and evaluating course Web sites. The second model of instructional development was a program of student‐assisted teaching seminars for college faculty. Student Associates helped serve as panelists and facilitators. Assessments of attitudes toward teaching indicated that faculty members viewed both professors and students as collaborators in the classroom as a result of the seminar series.  相似文献   

"应试教育"是教育在社会各种利益和力量的作用下扭曲、异化的实践。"素质教育"理念从教育公平的角度出发关注每一位学生素质的发展,而在我国的现实条件下,教育考试是维系教育公平的底线。"片面追求升学率"会导致教育异化为应试教育,但升学率依然应该是衡量学校教育教学水平的一个重要标准而不是唯一标准。不能把"升学率"推向"素质教育"的对立面,甚至不应该将"应试教育"与"素质教育"对立起来。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between teacher specialization and the reading achievement of fourth-grade students in Sweden. The empirical base is data from PIRLS 2011. The main method of analysis is a two-level regression. Results revealed a positive relationship between reading achievement and teacher education relevant for subject and grade level while there was no relationship between reading achievement and teaching experience. The relation between reading achievement and teacher specialization remained significant when the influence of parents’ educational levels and students’ early reading abilities were controlled for. A tendency of compensatory effects could be observed, with teacher specialization having a stronger effect in low-performing classrooms. The findings support the conclusion that relevant teacher education is of importance for teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

反思性教学作为一种蓬勃兴起的教育理论,同时也是一种促进教师职业专业化发展的有效途径,在信息时代网络环境下呈现出一系列新的表征。本文简要介绍了反思性教学的源起和内涵,着重探讨了网络环境下反思性教学的特点以及应用方法,旨在提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Even though several studies have reported positive attitudinal outcomes from context-based chemistry programs, methodological obstacles have prevented researchers from comparing satisfactorily the chemistry-learning outcomes between students who experience a context-based program with those who experience a content-driven program. In this narrative inquiry we are able to address the question: how do the recalled experiences of a student and her teacher in context-based and concept-based chemistry programs compare? From the student’s unique perspective of experiencing both programs with the same teacher, we have constructed our collective account around four themes; namely, the extent to which the student makes connections between chemistry concepts and real-world contexts, developing research independence through engaging in extended experimental investigations related to contexts, learning chemistry concepts through contexts, and conceptual sequencing in a context-based program. The student reported real-world connections between chemistry concepts and contexts, found her engagement in the context-driven tasks interesting and productive, and identified connected sequences of concepts across the contexts studied. Despite difficulties for teachers who are required to shift pedagogies, the student’s lived experiences and outcomes from a context-based program provide some encouragement in working through these issues.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of the relationship between students' critical thinking abilities and their study strategies. The 54 students involved in the investigation were first year engineering students at a university in New South Wales who had completed their Higher School Certificate in 1991. Their critical thinking abilities were assessed with the Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X and information about their study strategies was obtained from their responses to the General Study Processes Survey, a 21 item Likert scale questionnaire which is a component of Biggs' Study Processes Questionnaire. The survey of study processes provided information about students' study strategies on three dimensions: surface study strategy, deep study strategy and achieving study strategy. The achieving dimension was the only study strategy which correlated significantly with scores on the test of critical thinking. There was a negative correlation between this dimension and critical thinking ability. The implications of the results of this study for promoting the development of critical thinking abilities are discussed.  相似文献   

师生关系异化与回归浅析--教师身份在知识转型下的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵云红 《教育科学》2003,19(1):56-58
师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在,这种关系的价值远远超越知识的价值。而现代教育中实然的师生关系多局限于科学知识的传递,出现了种种异化现象,其症结主要在于科学知识型状态下的科学霸权。人类知识第三次转型为教师身份的螺旋式回归提供契机,师生关系将是教师与学生在这关系中寻找自己存在和人类存在的真义所在。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - The purposes of this study were to identify middle school student representations of phase change, explore how they interpret textbook representations, and compare...  相似文献   

关联论为话语标记语的存在提供了认知心理依据.话语标记语是说话者明示自己意图的一种语言机制.根据关联理论,话语标记语所连接的是话语和语境或者语境假设之间的关系,在话语交际中起着语言标记作用.从使用话语标记语的目的、认知语境的建构过程和语言表达方式三方面来阐释话语标记语能制约和引导听话者对认知语境的选择,帮助听话者找到话语与认知之间的关联,从而使听话者以较少的心力投入获得较大的认知效果.  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - There is increasing recognition of the multimodal representational nature of science discovery practices and the roles of multiple and...  相似文献   

浅议在新课程改革背景下建立和谐的师生关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师和学生是教学过程中非常重要的两个因素,构建和谐的师生关系不仅是时代发展的必然要求,也是新课程改革能否顺利进行的有力保障。因此,在新课程改革背景下,建立和谐的师生关系是十分必要和可行的。  相似文献   

新时期技工学校师生关系的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时期技工学校师生关系有新的特征,主要表现是“两个降低、一个靠近”,即学生对教师的依赖感降低,教师对学生的喜欢度降低,师生关系向师徒关系靠近。  相似文献   

课堂教学文化作为一种组织文化,其意蕴是师生通过创造性的课堂教学活动,在双方的实践交往互动中共同习得、累计或创造的理念体系及行为方式的总和。课堂教学文化的价值在于实现个体状态的转变,推动课堂教学改革路径转向及课堂教学方式的变革。基于组织文化基本假设,通过理论探讨与实证分析,课堂教学文化的外在表征为:课堂创新性、主体能动性、教学开放性、内部规范性。  相似文献   

This study investigates a range of positions that learners take on the relationship between science and religion and the potential for these positions to explain student approaches when learning about evolution. A phenomenographic study based on interviews with nine students studying in Christian high schools in Thailand led to the identification of five distinct positions on the relationship between science and religion. Each position was associated with a characteristic pattern of learning about evolution that could be explained as an attempt by the students to align their particular learning approach with their position. Three of the positions have the potential to support scientifically valid understandings of evolution while avoiding emotional conflict. We suggest that knowledge of the range of positions and associated learning approaches can help educators to focus on the form and timing of support of benefit to those holding different viewpoints.  相似文献   

Research has shown that many educators do not understand the terminology or displays used in test score reports and that measurement error is a particularly challenging concept. We investigated graphical and verbal methods of representing measurement error associated with individual student scores. We created four alternative score reports, each constituting an experimental condition, and randomly assigned them to research participants. We then compared comprehension and preferences across the four conditions. In our main study, we collected data from 148 teachers. For comparison, we studied 98 introductory psychology students. Although we did not detect statistically significant differences across conditions, we found that participants who reported greater comfort with statistics tended to have higher comprehension scores and tended to prefer more informative displays that included variable-width confidence bands for scores. Our data also yielded a wealth of information regarding existing misconceptions about measurement error and about score-reporting conventions.  相似文献   

高职院校学分制条件下学籍管理工作的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学分制是一种教学管理制度,实行学分制后要有完善的学籍管理制度与之匹配,研究和探索高职院校学分制学籍管理的关键要素,有利于完善学籍管理。  相似文献   

本文推理,总结出了有限非空论域上特殊的二元关系与近似算子特征的联系,以便利用近似算子来讨论与二元关系相关的问题。  相似文献   

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