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Assessing the effectiveness of an assessment program is essential and can be accomplished through analysing the quality of closing the loop actions and through gathering faculty feedback. In this article we present closing the loop data from over 3 years of learning assessment reporting and from findings garnered through a faculty survey. Results indicated that moving from deciding on closing the loop actions to actually taking meaningful actions remains a challenge and that faculty members are aware of this challenge. We use these findings, along with findings and recommendations found in the existing literature, to suggest assessment program improvements and demonstrate the effectiveness of this method of meta-assessment.  相似文献   

高职学生学习产出是指学生经过学习后,其职业知识、职业技能、职业行为及职业道德等方面发生的变化。高职学生学习产出具有职业性、实践性和应用性等特点。以学习产出视角反思当前我国高职学生学习评估现状,需要树立系统化的学习评估理念;学校需要从被评者转变为评估主体和主导者;行业企业和学生需要共同参与以学习产出为核心的学习评估标准制定;学习信息的复杂性和多样性需要采用多元收集方法。  相似文献   

当今美国高等教育质量评估的焦点:学生学习成果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生学习成果已经成为当今美国高等教育质量评估的核心内容。学生学习成果评估提供了能够显示每一所院校办学成效的最为重要的证据。高等教育的学习成果按类型可划分为认知性学习成果和情感性学习成果。学生学习成果评估的一个主要环节是运用定性或定量测量等方法获取学习成果的信息和证据。全国性的标准化测试和问卷调查被更多地用于测评一所高校总体的学生学习成果水平和办学成效。当前,学生学习成果评估在实践中面临着一些问题。美国高等教育质量认证要求的变化促使美国高校前所未有地重视学生学习成果的评估和改善。美国学生学习成果评估运动对中国的高等教育评估有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Biology knowledge and understanding is important not only for the conversion of the loftiest dreams into reality for a better life of individuals but also for preparing secondary pupils for such fields as agriculture, medicine, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. But a recent study has revealed that many aspects of school science (biology included) pose problems of understanding for pupils, simply because of the teaching methods used and the lack of adequate instructional resources. Nevertheless, a program was designed to incorporate the use of computer technology innovation called the computer-mediated simulations (CMS) program to enhance pupils' learning outcomes in school biology. The study was carried out in a real biology classroom setting. It involved comparisons between the treatment and control groups. A Solomon-Three Group quasi-experimental design was employed to involve three secondary schools situated along Njoro-Mau Narok and Elburgon-Molo roads in Nakuru district that were purposively sampled on the basis of easy accessibility and the availability of IBM compatible computers. A total of 102 pupils enrolled in three intact classes were exposed to the same content on cell division for a period of 3 weeks. Three dependent measures—the Biology Achievement Test (BAT), the Biology Classroom Environment Questionnaire (BCEQ), and the Pupil Attitude Questionnaire (PAQ)—were used to assess the effectiveness of the program on the pupils' academic achievement in cell theory, their perception of the classroom environment, and attitudes towards the biology course on cell theory. The findings of the study affirmed the impact of the CMS program on the pupils' learning outcomes in that the mean gains of the participants in the treatment groups were significantly higher than that of their counterparts in the regular program. Also, the results indicated that the mean differences between the experimental group and the true control group were statistically significant in favor of the treatment group. The findings also showed no relationship between the participants' gender and their learning outcomes. The study concludes that the use of the CMS program to augment conventional biology teaching has major implications for secondary biology instruction in this area.  相似文献   

With the high prevalence of college students experiencing psychological distress, it is becoming increasingly important to provide prevention and early intervention programs in addition to traditional psychological counseling services. This study examined the effectiveness of a suicide prevention program led by peer educators/trainers on a diverse college campus. Twenty-five suicide prevention workshops were conducted with 479 attendees. Preworkshop and postworkshop assessments revealed significant improvements in participants’ knowledge of suicide and resources. Recommendations for campus-wide suicide prevention efforts using diverse peer educators that reflect the students’ demographic and cultural background, recruitment strategies, and utilization of outreach programming in suicide prevention.  相似文献   

徐静 《比较教育研究》2015,37(10):92-97
国际高等教育学习结果测评项目(AHELO)是经济合作与发展组织在高等教育领域计划进行的规模最大的一项综合性国际测评.测评不以排名为目的,拟对高校即将获得学士学位的学生的学习结果进行测评,以监测全球高等教育质量.经过五年可行性调查研究,经济合作与发展组织于2013年公布《AHELO可行性调查报告》,指出在全球范围内开展高等教育学习结果测评是科学、可行的,并计划于2016年全面启动该项测评.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - This study describes a professional development (PD) program designed to support middle school teachers in effectively integrating robotics in science...  相似文献   

简要分析建构主义教学的特征,并从建构主义教学的角度,对目前英美等国许多大学普遍采用的大学生学习评估方法以及各种方法的利弊进行阐述和比较。同时,对提高中国高校学习评估的可靠性和有效性提出建议。  相似文献   

20世纪中期以来,随着高等教育质量评估理论和实践的发展,高等教育经费的大幅增加和高校人才培养功能中心地位的回归,学习结果评价成为世界高等教育质量评估的热点之一。目前,经合组织已经建立了高等教育学习结果评价体系,在评价的理念、目的、主体、技术和工具等方面为我国高等教育质量评估提供了经验与启示。  相似文献   

美国大学生学习成果增值测评概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大学生学习成果具有多方面的涵义,从学生发展的角度,可以指掌握知识的层次,个体的心理发展等;从高等教育质量评价的角度,可以指学生在大学期间知识、能力和态度等方面所取得的成就;也可以侧重不同方向,分成其他类型。大学生在高校的增值是指大四学生比大一新生学习成果的增加值,同时要考虑入学时的成绩计算预期值,进行基准一致的纵向增值测算。学生参与理论解释了高等教育中影响学生学习结果的一些变量及其相互关系,丰富了增值评价理论的内涵。美国大学生学习成果增值测评体系健全,从顶层设计、理论研究到评价方式、实施运用,都取得了良好的实际效果,推动了美国高等教育的向前发展。  相似文献   

大学英语教学改革是当今教育界热门话题,为了迎合教育新趋势,韶关学院大学英语部采用了“新理念大学英语(全新版)网络教学系统”进行教学改革尝试,该系统下的四种角色各具特色,具有不同于传统教学的特征,有很大的优势。但同时该教学模式也存在一些需注意的问题。  相似文献   

高中生数学成绩、听课效率与"思维灵活性"关系密切,复习效率与"概括能力"关系密切,与数学成绩和学习效率相关系数最高的因素是"学习毅力".提高高中学生数学学习效能的对策有:要增强学生的责任感,激励他们奋发上进的积极性;培养学生先复习后作业、复习中对重点、难点内容多动手推导的习惯;要用"一题多解"、"一题多变"、"一题多用"等方法;应注意到频率变化曲线相似的变量的调控.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Despite the well-documented advantages of switching to instruction based on assessment of learning outcomes, many academic disciplines, including food science, are still based on the traditional mode of instruction. The problems of converting from traditional to assessment-driven instruction are numerous and change in the university setting is slow. However, certain guidelines can be followed to start the process for change and evaluate the effects on student learning. A partnership between the industry being served and academic instructors is needed to ensure that assessment-based instruction is focused on the proper principles. Methods of assessment of learning outcomes need to be carefully chosen and developed to bring industry standards and student learning together. This can be done only if both direct and indirect assessments at the program level provide faculty with means to answer their most pressing questions about what students know and are able to do as a result of Food Science education.  相似文献   

非正规学习成果认证促进学习者学习经历的资格认证体系的完善,是实现终身学习理念的有效途径,是搭建终身学习"立交桥"的重要环节,是建立学习型社会的制度保障。在终身学习背景下,建立非正规学习成果认证的制度保障,完善非正规学习成果认证的体系建设,设立非正规学习成果认证的机构试点,加大非正规学习成果认证的资金投入,加强非正规学习成果认证的团队建设等是实现非正规学习成果认证的有效策略。  相似文献   

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