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美国生涯教育对我国职业教育有诸多启示,一是要树立以生涯发展和规划为核心的教育观念,二是在我国职业教育中要建立紧密联系的生涯教育系统,三是要加强生涯教育师资队伍的培训,四是要注重实现职业教育的终身化发展。  相似文献   

Conclusions This country has the proven products, methods, and committed community resources to meet most of our career development program improvement and expansion needs. But career educators must be vigorous in keeping abreast of current resources and approaches. They also need to evaluate materials for effectiveness before committing time and money to their use. Career educators need to continue to spawn local innovation and creativity. Where outside resources are more practical or desirable, career educators should look to the ERIC Clearinghouse to identify new resources, and they should contact their state department of education career guidance and career education coordinators. These are often the best resources for identifying effective career development materials for use in your state.Mr. Harry N. Drier is the Associate Director, Special Programs Division, The National Center for Research in Vocational Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

2010 年,美国全国生涯与技术教育组织与21 世纪技能合作组织的战略性合作全面展开,将生涯与技术教育理念提升到一个新的高度.新理念将生涯与技术教育与21 世纪技能相结合并渗透进整个教育系统,让所有学生在掌握21世纪技能的基础上为升学和就业作双重准备.新理念表现出前瞻性与战略性相结合、系统性与整合性相结合、全面性与核心性相结合以及全纳性与个性化相结合的特点,其实施的可行性主要体现为理论基础符合国际职业教育发展趋势,并在实践上拥有强大的基层支持和范例证明.  相似文献   

One of the groups of professional workers in the International Council of Religious Education is known as the Professors Advisory Section. Most of the members of this Section are also members of the Religious Education Association. At their annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio, held February 11–13, five of these members presented papers on one aspect or another of the contributions of psychology to religious education. They were of such significance that we are happy to publish them here in symposium form.

The Editor>  相似文献   

生涯辅导行业协会主要指为了促进个体的生涯发展提供各类服务而自愿组织起来的各类组织或专业团体。本文研究了以美国辅导协会及其分支协会为主的生涯辅导行业协会的基本情况、运作特点和协会在促进生涯辅导行业发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

职业教育是美国教育系统的重要组成部分,是推动美国经济发展的坚实力量。为全方位升级生涯与技术教育系统并提升其质量,在经济因素、教育因素、社会因素、政治因素等综合影响下,美国于2018年7月颁布《加强21世纪生涯与技术教育法案》,主要以特殊人群、面向就业、绩效问责、简政放权等内容为运行框架展开了美国生涯与技术教育腾飞的宏伟蓝图。新法案呈现出以实现所有学生的成功为根本、以就业为导向加强与企业合作、以科学的治理模式激发生涯与技术教育发展活力、以法律"组合拳"推动生涯与技术教育发展的内生取向。  相似文献   

文章在调查分析高职会计专业学生职业生涯规划现状的基础上,提出就业服务指导工作的重心应提升至职业生涯规划指导上;从事会计专业学生职业生涯规划的指导教师应当取得会计证和职业咨询师"双证"资格;职业生涯规划教育和指导应当贯穿于会计教育整个过程。  相似文献   

有效的职业规划是学校与教师共同负责的结果。而基于教师职业生涯发展阶段的职业规划更具有针对性。职业探索期教师发展的重点在于一入职就成为职业发展的自觉主体,顺利实现职业角色的转换;职业成长期教师发展的重点在于不断生成教育实践智慧,快速成长;职业高原期教师发展的重点在于寻找发展的突破口;职业超越期教师职业发展的重点在于自主创新,实现新的飞跃。  相似文献   

职业生涯教育不同于职业生涯规划教育,但决不排斥并且积极地容纳职业生涯规划教育。基于模块化课程建设的职业生涯教育,将职业生涯规划教育作为一个必修模块,由专业教师任教。职业生涯教育是一个完善的教育体系,它包括职业生涯规划教育、个性化的职业生涯辅导、旨在提高学生职业能力的模块化课程建设。因此,要在"生物学基础观"的指引下,在课程模块的工作过程导向的教学中,夯实"宽基础",注重为学生长期的具有可变性的职业生涯服务。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是人生和事业成功的导航仪,对大学生的成长与发展有着重要的意义和指导作用。目前许多高校已经开设了职业生涯规划课程,但也存在着许多问题。高校应该从树立职业生涯规划理念,构建全程化、系统化的职业生涯规划教育体系,建设专业化、高素质的职业生涯规划教师队伍,建立健全大学生职业生涯规划课程体系,开展职业训练等几个方面来不断完善我国大学生职业生涯规划教育。  相似文献   

职业生涯教育对职业院校学生的职业发展具有重要意义.目前职业生涯教育已经从政府主导转向学校重视、社会关注.针对职业院校职业生涯教师专业水平不高、教育内容与形式不能满足学生个性化需求的现状,职业院校可以采取构建阶梯型职业生涯教师队伍、系统设置职业生涯教育内容、创新职业生涯教育形式等措施,引导学生立足现实科学规划自己的职业生涯.  相似文献   

本文通过对美国《2006年卡尔·珀金斯生涯和技术教育改进法》、白宫于2004年发布的《新一轮美国创新》和布什总统在2006年2月签署的《美国竞争力计划》等美国政府文献的分析,阐述了当前美国职业技术教育的关注热点.尤为明显的变化是:2006年的《生涯和技术教育法》就是用"生涯和技术教育"取代"职业和技术教育",从而将原先局限于学校教育阶段的职业和技术教育延伸到毕业的工作阶段,以及尤其通过设立"帐户"的方式扩大对在职工人培训的投入.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划教育要密切联系行业企业职业岗位需要,根据职业岗位需要针对性地锻炼学生的职业素质,设计职业发展道路,实现学校职业规划与企业职业管理的直接对接,才能真正提高职业生涯规划实效。  相似文献   

Career education is given increasing importance by the growing employment problems of higher education graduates. Below we give a summary of a statement concerning this problem in US four‐year colleges and universities prepared by the Committee on Career Education of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The statement was presented during the AASCU Annual Conference held in New Orleans from 10 to 13 November 1976.  相似文献   

Career education is given increasing importance by the growing employment problems of higher education graduates. Below we give a summary of a statement concerning this problem in US four‐year colleges and universities prepared by the Committee on Career Education of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The statement was presented during the AASCU Annual Conference held in New Orleans from 10 to 13 November 1976.  相似文献   

This article provides a strong rationale for renewal programs in career guidance and counseling. The rationale is based on the expressed needs of counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors, and the needs of clients, as well as on major position papers of APGA, ACES, and NVGA. The APGA Counselor Renewal and Development Professional Preparation and Standards Committee has clearly stated that counselor renewal is a professional imperative for those who seek to remain effective helpers. The ACES position paper, “Counselor Preparation for Career Development/Career Education”, also clearly points out the need for renewal in career guidance and counseling. In addition to the rationale, the article describes several career-counseling-oriented renewal programs that are currently available for counselors and counselor educators and supervisors who would like to upgrade their skills in this area.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划对一个人的事业发展有着积极的作用,生涯规划对女性尤为重要。女性生涯发展包括家庭主妇、传统女性、职业妇女、双轨生涯、间断生涯、不稳定生涯、多轨生涯7种模式,可分为传统型、转变型、创新型3种型态。影响女性生涯发展的因素较多,可概括为:家庭经济情况、双亲教育程度与职业、社会流动与择偶、婚姻状况等。  相似文献   

职业学校开展职业生涯设计教育应根据职业学校及职校生的实际,以职业生涯定向辅导、自我职业潜能分析能力培养、职业生涯设计意识与能力培养、职业生涯设计过程辅导以及与职业生涯设计向现实转化相关的核心素质的培养等为主要内容.  相似文献   

高职院校学生的职业生涯规划教育要立足“能力”本位,紧密结合“以就业为导向”的办学方针,紧抓职业能力培养目标,在职业岗位认知能力、职业环境适应能力、职业发展能力三方面,发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

Summary This overview of the impact of cultural and social influences on career guidance has highlighted both commonalities and uniquenesses evident from contemporary reports on guidance practices around the world. Emphasis was placed on the critical importance of the socialization process on career development with a discussion of familial, social class, and sex-role stereotyping influences in many countries of the world. Recognition was also given to the impact of political ideologies on programs of career guidance, to the school as a reflection of dominant societal values, and to social change as a catalyst for career guidance programs.Prepared for the International Consultation Career Guidance in Higher Education 14–17 December 1981, Robinson College, Cambridge, U.K. Consultation sponsored by International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling in association with International Association of Universities.She has served as a member of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) International Relations Committee since 1976 and as chair of this committee from 1 July 1980 through 30 June 1982.  相似文献   

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