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Maria Montessori     
Hermann Röhrs 《Prospects》1994,24(1-2):169-183

陈鹤琴和蒙特梭利分别是20世纪东、西方幼儿教育理论和实践研究的集大成者,他们的教学法各有特色,对当时的教育改革带来了强大的冲击。两种教学法都主张反对传统教育,实践和实验研究是他们教学法理论的主要来源。但在理论立足点及实施方式上又有不同的特色。  相似文献   

儿童的"无理取闹"行为屡见不鲜。玛丽亚·蒙台梭利从自然发展概念出发,对儿童"无理取闹"的原因进行了科学揭示。所谓的"无理取闹",在多数情况下,是处于特定敏感期的儿童的特定需求没有得到满足而引起的一种本能反应。敏感期是儿童"无理取闹"的多发期。解决儿童"无理取闹"行为的科学方法是设计符合儿童自然发展需要的"有准备的环境"。  相似文献   

The concept of domesticity plays out in early childhood educational settings and has a long tradition. Domesticity in its pre-domestic, domestic and post-domestic phases is used here as a site for reconsidering the role of Maria Montessori. The ideas put forward here are intended as a provocation and methodologically the device of constructing an assemblage of materials from various sources is used to enable different ideas to be brought forward. New possibilities emerged through a diffractive approach to this theoretically driven work. The ambiguities Montessori embodied in her life are revisited and by looking at her focus on the materials of ‘practical life’ a way to be intra-activelyengaged with regenerative forces became possible. Repositioning Maria Montessori as ‘domestic goddess’ tangles with contemporary ideas in order to unsettle her image. This analysis draws on new feminist materialist theoryto question what being domestic/ate/d means in terms of being a woman in a femin/ised/ist educational space.  相似文献   

国际蒙台梭利协会和美国蒙台梭利协会是蒙台梭利教育界最负盛名的两大组织,两者在教育模式、教育愿景和使命、学习环境和课堂空间设计、学习主题和教学材料、教师培训和认证、组织发展和附属学校等方面既有许多相同之处也有差异。两者都严格按照蒙台梭利教育思想和原则来规范自身的教育活动,它们的组织程序在总体上是趋于一致的,其共同性远大于差异性。两者近期也在不断走向合作,共同推进蒙台梭利教育的发展。  相似文献   


There is no East here. West is meeting West. This is all West. All you saw was West. Maxine Hong Kingston, Tripmaster Monkey But why is decolonization-defined as the process of unlearning historically determined habits of privilege and privation, of ruling dependency- such a difficult intellectual matter that we cannot acknowledge our past or present location and simply get on with the business of interpreting the other as honestly and objectively as possible? Satya P. Mohanty  相似文献   

蒙氏教育中,儿童工作是一项造就人的任务,体现在成人是儿童创造性活动的产物,成人的完善与儿时所做的努力相关。与成人工作相比,儿童工作是一种具有独特创造性的探索活动,是一种不遵循效益规律的成长追求,是一种独立、自助的生理状态,是一种顺应自然天性的自我实现,是一种身心投入的情感体验。  相似文献   

蒙台梭利教育法的是与非   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙台梭利教育法是一种经过专业机构认证的,具有混龄分班、长时间活动、有准备的环境、独立学习和小组学习并存等特征的教学方法,不以是否使用蒙台梭利教具为评判标准.研究者要在理解蒙台梭利教育法实践效果的基础上,从现代教育学和心理学理论出发,对蒙台梭利教育法全面进行理论研究.在实践研究中,研究者不能随意改变蒙台梭利教育法的基本特征,也不能强求蒙台梭利教育法的"完美化",只有在深入了解蒙台梭利教育法的基础上开展蒙台梭利教育本土化研究,才有可能更好地促进儿童发展.  相似文献   

In this study, occupational life histories of Montessori teachers in Sweden have been constructed in collaboration with a group of them. Data exploration and analysis have included journals, interviews, written reflections and conversations. Of interest has been to shed light on underlying values, ways in which professional roles reflect personal values and teachers' reflections on the present and future perspectives of Montessori education. Life histories make it possible for each individual teacher to be presented in the light of his/her own personal attributes and unique qualities as well as in relation to a wider (historical, cultural) context. The overall aim has been to come to a better understanding of what it means to be a Montessori teacher, by getting a group of Montessori teachers to reflect on their lives and work. Valuable insights have been gained concerning the changing roles of teachers in contemporary educational settings.  相似文献   

蒙台梭利关于纪律教育的论述是蒙氏教育方法的重要组成部分,蒙氏学校中良好的纪律和秩序给人留下了深刻的印象。然而蒙台梭利对纪律内涵的理解和普通学校中所谓的“纪律”大相径庭,相较而言,蒙氏纪律教育对我们的启示是:创设有准备的环境、培养幼儿独立性、建立积极的纪律、在纪律教育中慎用奖励和惩罚。  相似文献   

B. Banerjee 《Resonance》2007,12(12):6-11
This is a brief biography of Maria Goeppert Mayer. We have tried to emphasise that even outstanding women like her had to suffer (and still suffer) great discrimination. In spite of the handicaps she achieved the highest scientific distinction. B Banerjee, after his retirement from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, has been teaching in the Physics Department, University of Mumbai. He is mainly interested in the application of nuclear physics to astrophysics and cosmology.  相似文献   

在中国文化背景下实践蒙特梭利教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙特梭利教育是来自西方文明的教育思想,我们在实践这种教育体系的过程中应善于与中国传统文化的精髓结合起来,注重儿童完善人格的培养,真正理解和形成尊重儿童的教育观,最终促进有中国特色幼教体系的建设。  相似文献   

玛丽亚.蒙台梭利的早期教育思想19世纪传入我国,她的儿童观、教师观及环境教育的原则对我国的学前教育产生了积极的影响。科学运用蒙台梭利早期教育法,必须正确领会蒙台梭利教育思想的精髓,科学培训蒙台梭利教师,理论与实践相结合,以实现蒙台梭利教育本土化、科学化。  相似文献   

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