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同样的原料,同样的锅灶,不同的厨师会做出完全不同的饭食,同理:同样的教材内容、同样的教学设计,同样的学生,但不同的教师会上出完全不同风格的课堂来。除去其它因素,其实就是教师在教学中对待课堂生成的处理方法不一样。  相似文献   

依据佛教戒律,寺院常住斛斗的重要用途之一是供应僧人的日常饭食,但大量敦煌寺院常住斛斗入破历却没有记载这方面的支出,表明敦煌寺院并不供应僧人的日常饭食。僧人只有在参加法事活动、为寺院提供劳动力、从事寺院事务与部分节日时才能得到寺院供应的饭食,一些僧人则通过挪用、占有与借贷等方式侵蚀寺院常住斛斗。敦煌文献的资料说明僧人的实际生活与戒律的规定有很大的差距。  相似文献   

高中《语文》第三册《冯谖客孟尝君》一课中,注释有几处欠妥,现指出来。一、左右以君贱之,食以草具。‘草具’,课本注释为‘粗劣的饭食’,对此,同学们颇有疑问,‘草具’的意思怎么会跟‘饭食’联系在一起? 实际上,‘草具’的愿意应是‘粗劣饭食的草编食具’,这里是以这种食具借指它里面的食物,运用的是借代的修辞手法。(可参阅《古文观止》该篇注解)。  相似文献   

食盐与人体健康白鸽食盐是日常生活中重要的调味品,酸、甜、苦、辣、咸五味,咸味是最基本的,饭食、汤、莱中少了它,就会淡而无味。在饭食、汤、菜中加入适量食盐,固然能使菜肴芳香可口,增进食欲,但更重要的是,人体要维持正常的生理机能,不能没有食盐。人的血液中...  相似文献   

《西门豹治邺》中“为具牛酒饭食,行十余日”句《古文选讲》译为:“给(她)准备好酒肉饭食,住十几天。”《中国古代文学作品选》译为:“为她准备好牛肉酒饭……。”这样一来,便产生一个明显的矛盾。上文说,被选中的“新娘”,要“斋戒”,既然“吃素”,为什么还给她准备牛肉大荤呢?很明显,这是曲解原文。  相似文献   

<正>1942年,19岁的美军士兵罗兰·肯·塔沃里于菲律宾战场,在与日军的一场遭遇战中不幸被俘,关押在沈阳盟军战俘营,战俘编号为858。战俘们虽然每天要做15个小时的苦役,但饭食的质量却很差,分量也难以保证。每次到了饭点,两个战俘用木桶把饭食从厨房领回到营房,然后再分发给每一个人。饥寒交迫的战俘们,都希望自己多分  相似文献   

我小时候是在农村长大的。记得那里的人们总有一种大方慷慨的气量。村里左邻右舍经常相互赠送饭食、衣物,东西虽小:却总透着一份大气。  相似文献   

我作为家庭主妇,每天都要操持一家人的吃喝,不停地变化一日三餐的花样,尤其是进入春天,想尽招数做出既清淡又营养的饭食,好给家人增添多方面的营养。  相似文献   

有些同学在辨别单复句时,常把一些结构复杂的单句当成复句。有以下几种类型。一、把有主谓短语作句子成分的单句当成复句。例1:①这类地主富人家看也不看的饭食,②母亲  相似文献   

母亲一辈子没有享过福。父亲是老大,兄弟姐妹多,母亲嫁过来后,伺候公婆,安排一大家子饭食、穿着,还要下地干活,累得骨瘦如柴。等到为这一大家子什么都忙好了,母亲也老了。  相似文献   

我们生活的土地上,因为地域特征、气候环境、风俗习惯各不相同,导致各地区的饮食文化,用餐礼仪各不相同。而这些不同的饮食差异正体现了各个不同民族,不同地区千差万别的文化差异。本篇从食材,餐桌礼仪等方面来探讨中餐,日餐,法餐等的差异,从而帮助我们更好地理解中外文化差异,促进跨文化交际。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess Greek primary (1st to 6th grade) school children’s dietary habits and the factors influencing them. Our results show that children know the value of different foods. The socio-economic status of father has no effect on the attitude of children towards choosing their diet, however, mothers’ educational status appears to have an effect on their children’s behaviour. Place of residence (urban or semi-rural areas) and gender does not influence their knowledge about different diets. It was, finally, shown that as children grow older they tend to eat less healthy foods.  相似文献   

Chinese traditional fermented foods have a very long history dating back thousands of years and have become an indispensable part of Chinese dietary culture. A plethora of research has been conducted to unravel the composition and dynamics of microbial consortia associated with Chinese traditional fermented foods using culturedependent as well as culture-independent methods, like different high-throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques. These HTS techniques enable us to understand the relationship between a food product and its microbes to a greater extent than ever before. Considering the importance of Chinese traditional fermented products, the objective of this paper is to review the diversity and dynamics of microbiota in Chinese traditional fermented foods revealed by HTS approaches.  相似文献   

为了解保健食品现状,以国家食品药品监督管理局网站数据库为数据源,查询了自从1996年实施保健食品审批管理制度以来所有获批的保健食品数据,对国家已批准的保健食品的年度审批数量、保健功能分布和地区分布等情况进行系统分析.结果显示,截至2011年批准的国食健字G20110384号为止,共批准了10751个国产保健食品,各年度批准的保健食品以实施起始年1996年为最少,2004年最多;已获批保健功能主要为增强免疫力、缓解体力疲劳、补充维生素和辅助降血脂;获批地区分布以北京市、广东省为最多,地区分布存在较大差异.分析表明获批保健食品数量较多,但整体重复、科技含量不高,产品功能有局限性.  相似文献   

Two species of kangaroo rat (Dipodomys), varying in their degree of dietary specialization, were compared in a series of food aversion learning experiments to test the hypothesis that rapid aversion learning is an adaptation of relatively generalist feeders. The more generalist species indeed learned better or more rapidly in certain experiments, but species differences were at least partly a function of the specific test foods. Interpretation of results is complicated by differences between the two species in their initial reactions to particular foods, in the relative efficacy of different foods in supporting learned aversions, and perhaps even in their physiological responses to illness-inducing and control procedures.  相似文献   

The present experiment was undertaken to examine directly the diet sampling behavior of wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) faced with a choice among familiar and unfamiliar foods. First-generation, laboratory-reared wild Norway rats ate from four food cups. Three of the food cups were in unfamiliar locations and contained unfamiliar foods. The remaining food cup was in a familiar location and contained a familiar food. Subjects in a control group were offered the familiar food in all four locations. We found (1) that subjects in experimental and control conditions took equal amounts of time to first visit food cups in unfamiliar locations, (2) that subjects in the experimental condition (those with access to unfamiliar foods) ate at unfamiliar locations at a slower rate than did subjects in the control condition (those with access only to familiar food), (3) that subjects in the experimental condition were no more likely than subjects in the control condition to eat at one unfamiliar location at a time, and (4) that following a bout of eating at an unfamiliar food cup, subjects in the experimental condition waited no longer than subjects in the control condition before eating from a different unfamiliar food cup. We interpreted these data as indicating that although wild Norway rats are hesitant to eat unfamiliar foods, once they begin to eat such foods, they do not sample among them so as to facilitate identification of any toxin present.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Dairy Foods Curriculum Packet and inservice training were provided to South Dakota high school agricultural education instructors. Instructors rated barriers to implementation of teaching dairy foods as "small to medium barriers." After curriculum distribution and inservice training, more than half of instructors indicated an increase in class time spent on dairy foods instruction. More than half of instructors taught a greater variety of dairy foods topics after receiving the curriculum. More than 1/3 of instructors who increased dairy foods instruction attributed 75% or more of their increase to the packet and inservice. High school dairy foods education can be enhanced by providing curriculum and training to instructors. Dairy foods education is necessary to ensure high school graduates are educated about dairy products and exposed to potential dairy science careers.  相似文献   

过量饮酒可引起肝脏和心血管疾病,并导致一系列社会问题,研究醒酒保肝制剂具有很重要的意义。植物性食品中的茶、大豆和玉米与动物性食品牡蛎、马氏珠母贝等具有醒酒功能,并对其醒酒机理进行了概述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨系统聚类分析方法在食物营养学价值评价中的意义。方法:选取北方常见的20种食物,根据其8种主要营养素含量进行分层聚类分析。结果:依据欧氏距离平方和的大小确定食物间的相似性,通过分析距离测度值的变化将20种食物大体分为4类。结论:聚类分析可用来综合评价食物营养学特征,并将其合理归类。  相似文献   

在微生物作用下分解有机物生成新物质这一过程称为发酵。日本食品科学教科书将生成对人有益物质的情况称为发酵。反之,便是腐败。发酵食品时常用到麦芽、麴、酵母菌等促进发酵的物质。然而,即便不添加这些物质在天然作用下也会发生腐败、发酵。如何辨别发酵食品与腐败物质是一种文化,对于不同文化的民族而言发酵和腐败的范畴是各异的。  相似文献   

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