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Conclusion Since studies on physiology have been extremely important in the field of reading, the potential importance of similar studies in instructional television cannot be overlooked. Overcrowded schools, the teacher shortage, and the rising cost of education make it imperative that schools consider every new device available to give children a better education. However, these devices must not be accepted at face value with no consideration of their possible improvement or potential. Educators must begin striving for improvement of these devices. A good beginning would be in the area of the physiology of television viewing. Note: ThisAVCR supplement also includes papers by Abraham S. Luchins, Howard H. Kendler, Robert Glaser, Frederick J. McDonald, and James Deese, who wrote the summary and called the issue “a mine of possible applications” for audiovisual specialists. Since its publication, the demand for additional copies has been brisk. A limited supply is still available at $1.50 per single copy from the Publications Sales Division, National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The discount for more than ten copies is 20 percent; for two to ten copies, the discount is 10 percent.  相似文献   

Conclusion We have presented some of the general principles of acquisition, transfer and retention which are supported by experimental research on human learning. As we suggested in the introduction to this paper, it is a reasonable working assumption that these principles apply to audiovisual instruction just as they do to the controlled procedures of the laboratory. On this assumption, the analysis of the process of audiovisual education does not call for the formulation of special principles; it calls for the application and elaboration of the general laws of human learning  相似文献   

Conclusions The data show that instruction through sound linked to images by association only is followed by a significant increase in factual learning over the next most effective method, sound alone. The results suggest further that the projection of abstract forms on the screen distracts attention more than it improves concentration, and that the distraction is worsened by the increased detail, or the incongruity, of an irrelevant picture. These facts indicate promising possibilities for increased use of audiovisual aids in fields where they have been little tried because the subject-matter was not suitable for concrete visualization. Any topic which can be linked associatively with a person, object, or scene would seem to lend itself to presentation by this method. However, more tests appear to be called for to determine whether or not the gain reported in this study can be maintained with difficult material, and at a level which would justify the expense of producing films or photographs. It would be interesting to know, also, how many statements can be attached to a single image or related images before the teaching effect of the image wears out. Finally, further investigation might shed light on the nature of the learning described here, of which it was the purpose of this study to assess only the final result. Does the visual image, as May and Lumsdaine suggest (2), reinforce the sound or mediate the response when recalled? Does it provide a sense of actuality which serves as a stimulus; or does it imply a question which the sound-track answers? Experiments along these lines might furnish evidence which can contribute to more extensive theory of learning from films and similar aids.  相似文献   

The purpose of teachers, teaching, and the curriculum in schools is to promote learning. Attempts to clarify teacher effectiveness in relation to pupil learning where they exist in past literature have been notably ambiguous. Rather global measures by headteachers, college tutors and inspectors have been used instead, or dimensions have been extracted from detailed observations of classroom interaction. Reasons for recent concern with evaluation of the applicability of the teacher's training, method or lesson content to his task are advanced, and it is argued that once the dimensions of children's learning that are to be the specific responsibility of the school are defined, criteria for successful learning could be evolved by teachers along each dimension. Assessment and interpretations would, however, need to involve wide considerations of the concepts of learning, behaviour, interest, motivation etc., and this, although an enormous task, must be done.  相似文献   

理查德·罗蒂受意识形态支配的狂热行为是危险的,它会使我们变得盲目,看不清实际情形及别人的真正需求。罗蒂如此坚信西方的文化及其民主设施的优越性,以至于他无法看到其他可选择的政治体制的价值,以及他们如何能在与他所处的不同文化背景中成功运作。罗蒂放弃了经典的西方人性理论,那么他不可避免地被引导到非理性的爱国主义立场,因为最终除了教条和盲目信仰之外,他没有任何东西来支持他的对西方文化优越性的信仰。  相似文献   

There are a number of EU documents on the term and way of implementation of lifelong learning. However, the characteristics of learning from adult education perspectives are not sufficiently emphasized and are undertheorized in them. Numerous new, theoretical works have been published on adult learning in the related adult education literature since the millennium, which have not yet been integrated into the lifelong learning policy. This article analyses the documents of the European Union on lifelong learning from the aspect of how compatible they are with the most recent adult learning theories assisting the deeper understanding of the characteristics of adult learning. According to the recommendation of the author, the present transformation of Europe experiencing recession should be thought of as a learning process, of which the newest, innovation-oriented adult learning theories say a lot. These are, for example, the process-, biography- and change-oriented theories which contain the elements of transformative learning theory as well, and are also compatible with action-learning theories focusing on solving the tasks and problems of the workplace through learning. Further relevant theories can be the theories of innovation management and the flow theory. It would be worth integrating the relevant elements of these theories into a new, innovation-centred concept which would include the innovation indicators of adult learning/adult education.  相似文献   

Fauquet, M. “Pour une formation des enseignants à et par l'audiovisuel,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 7‐23.

Teacher education geared to modern times has to deal with a new and double demand. The development of audiovisual educational technologies demands from an institution that it “educates” a teacher capable of incorporating these innovations into his practice. A training for the educational use of audio visuals presupposes an initiation into the production of audiovisual aids. It implies even more the study of semiology as well as that of psychological and sociological factors in the learning processes and communication aimed at the achievement of educational goals. This training has to be embedded in an education through the considered use of audiovisual aids. In a world where conditioning forces are ever increasing in strength it is essential that the teacher “educates himself” in such a way that he ensures his autonomy and favours that of his pupils. The strategy defined here makes possible a formative evaluation of the teacher training process. It takes as a starting point the awareness brought about by a supervised autoscopy and by discontinued teacher‐training‐periods inspires by micro‐teaching techniques which are themselves improved by sequential training techniques.  相似文献   

Threshold concepts are a widely used idea, particularly in curriculum design and evaluation of student learning. However they can be criticised as being hard to identify, vague and teacher imposed. Using the cognitive theory of Bernard Lonergan we argue that his epistemology enables us to reframe threshold concepts by adding a learner focussed understanding. We extend this to include considerations of liminality and ‘stuckness’, as well as the multiple paths to the threshold learners may take. Adding an understanding of cognitive process to the idea of threshold concepts also enables us to understand how they can be identified in disparate subjects.  相似文献   

网络情境下职业培训课程开发的理论基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络技术给教育工作带来了新的生机和活力,如何运用网络技术进行职业培训课程开发.是职教改革的热点问题。利用理论指导网络课程开发,有利于我们制作出体现职业教育特点的网络课程。指导网络课程开发的理论主要有格式塔理论、建构主义学习理论和能力本位课程观。格式塔理论主要用于屏幕设计.建构主义学习理论主要用于学习活动的设计,而能力本位课程观则主要指导课程内容的开发。  相似文献   

西方两大派别学习理论发展过程的系统分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
西方学习理论可以分为学习的联结主义理论与学习的认知主义理论。学习的联结派认为,学习实质上是通过建立简单的联系而获得经验的过程,从桑代克的试误说起,到华生的经典性条件反射说,斯金纳的操作性条件反射说,再到班杜拉的观察学习说,联结派在本规范内经历了不断完善的过程。学习的认知派则认为,学习是经过复杂的加工活动建立认知结构而获得经验的过程,学习认知派理论从格式塔完形说、托尔曼的认知地图说开始,经历了从认知主义到建构主义的发展过程。由于两大派学习理论都无法解释学习的全野,因此也出现了企图融合两大派理论的折中主义学习理论。  相似文献   

格式塔心理学又称完形心理学,它的基本观点是坚决反对元素分析,大力强调整体组织,认为部分相加不等于整体,反对对任何心理现象进行元素的分析,主张艺术家要创造"有意味的形式"。格式塔心理学创建了一种独具特色的学习理论,主要包括:整体性、直觉性、异质同构、完形压强等。格式塔理论对学习、记忆、思维等独到的研究和见解,给予语文教学许多有益的启示和重要的指导意义,为开展语文教学提供了一个崭新的理论视角。  相似文献   

以知觉完整性为基本观点的格式塔心理学学习原理,强调学习过程中的顿悟和创造性思维。将这一学习原理运用于中学物理实验教学,能有效的提高学生的科学素养和创新能力。  相似文献   

This study addresses study abroad and second language acquisition. The number of U.S. students studying abroad is increasing. However, students’ cultural and linguistic immersion experiences abroad can be disconcerting, challenging their sociocultural identities, values, learning objectives, and expectations. This study employed critical race theory to explore how a Black male student’s race, ethnicity, and class affected his interactions with locals and his language and culture learning, and how his experiences had strong repercussions on his identity negotiation process. The results of this study had strong implications for this student’s full immersion and academic learning. This article concludes with considerations for study abroad programs and how they should address discrimination, racial microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue.  相似文献   

Associations have been found between reading ability around the age of seven to eight years and communicative competence, indicating a stage corresponding to the Piagetian concrete operations stage. It was not known, however, whether children who lagged at that stage in learning to read and in acquiring communicative competence would eventually‘catch up’with their peers in both these areas. This paper reports an exploratory study of this issue with adults who had not learnt to read as children although they were of average intelligence, and had no obvious physical defect. The objectives were: (a) to investigate whether these adults would perform on the same level as normal reading peers on language tasks requiring communicative and analytic competence; (b) to investigate whether performance on these tasks would be related to level of vocabulary comprehension and intelligence. No significant differences were found between the groups in their performance on the tasks involving communicative competence. However, normal readers scored significantly higher in tasks requiring analytic competence or the ability to retrieve and transform verbal material. In addition, the pattern of correlations was different for the two groups, suggesting that they had undergone different courses of cognitive development. The results cannot tell us whether the ability to read, or lack of it, influenced the development of these functions or vice versa. It seems from this investigation, however, that not all functions of oral language develop to the same extent in readers and in non-readers, and that this is not related solely to IQ.  相似文献   

康有为在广泛吸收西学、佛学等儒学以外的思想资源,对公羊三世说进行了丰富和改造,形成康有为新的公羊三世的理论,创出"三世三重"之说。康有为认为无论是自然界还是人类社会均是处于不断的变化之中。据乱、升平、太平三世的演进是人类社会变迁的自然进程,他认为社会的变迁,只能是"进化有渐"式的循序渐进。他还对未来理想社会———大同太平世进行了描绘和设计。  相似文献   

教学行为关系到学生的学习效果,学生的学习行为一旦形成科学的模式,就能独立自主地开展思维活动和学习活动。寻找科学的教学模式,需要经过艰苦的教学实践过程,其中,既要注重事实的获得,又要崇尚价值观。我们需要的教学模式,应该是实践上被证实、理论上站得住、合乎时代精神的模式。  相似文献   


This paper will outline the Gestalt cycle, (Perls, 1947) used as the basis for modelling the process of Gestalt therapy and counselling. Then we will go on to describe how it (Gestalt) can be used as a way of understanding organizational processes and culture. For staff developers to be effective in influencing the organizations in which they work they have to be able to make appropriate interventions. The necessary skills and attributes required of a staff developer operating in a Gestalt role will be discussed. Gestalt offers one model that can help the staff developer decide what interventions are appropriate when and why.

The paper will then move on to look at what happens if an organization gets stuck at any point in the Gestalt cycle and what this will feel like for employees and students. We will then offer intervention strategies for moving the organization on round the cycle.

Finally we will draw some general conclusions about how staff developers have a key role in helping universities cope, manage and adapt in these times of rapid change in Higher Education.  相似文献   

The author attempts to distinguish those unique educational characteristics of television which separate it from other media and which have implications for teaching and learning: distributional and social characteristics, control characteristics, and symbolic (audiovisual) characteristics. The discussion is based on published surveys and on research carried out by the author and his colleagues at the Open University. Ten key issues are identified which relate to the question of how people learn from television, as distinct from other media.  相似文献   

发达国家终身教育发展的特征及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发达国家终身教育的发展已历三十余年,积累了丰富的实践经验,形成了较为成熟的终身教育理论体系。比较研究发达国家终身教育发展的特征,借鉴发达国家成熟的终身教育理论和丰富的终身教育实践经验,可为在此领域处于起步阶段的我国开展终身教育,构建终身教育体系、学习化社会提供重要启示。  相似文献   

The East Asian learner paradox refers to the apparent contradiction between the teacher-dominated learning environment in East Asia, which is generally perceived to be non-conducive to learning, and the outstanding performance of East Asian students in comparative studies. This study attempts to explain this phenomenon based on the perspectives of a Chinese teacher from Shanghai, his group of students, and the author's own observations as a researcher. The analysis was based on the theory of variation and it showed how the teacher handled the relationship between the procedural and conceptual aspects of the mathematics. This analysis also shows that the teacher in this study had a strong pedagogical belief and highly valued his students' thinking and participation. At the same time, his students also expressed a consistent concern for learning the mathematical content. Therefore, this author argues that what seems to be a teacher-dominated lesson may actually be interpreted as an alternative form of student-centredness, which is accepted in the teacher's culture.  相似文献   

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